Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 63: Contest Start (party 5)

Laz didn't know that Tommy was out to kill him. Would he be worried if he knew? Probably. But would it change anything? Probably not. Laz had a different way of looking at things ever since the incident with Joey. He wasn't going to be afraid. Still, now that Tommy had walked away, he knew he needed to talk to Kennedy.

Of course, the real question would be how to start that conversation.

"Before you say anything, hear me out." Instead of Laz having to say anything, Kennedy started talking. It occurred to Laz that they would just have conversations mind to mind, but that it would look funny if it seemed like they were talking without saying anything. It was good to hide secrets but awkward when observed in real life.

"Ok, so the only way to get into the party was with a 'pet,' as they like to call them. Obviously I tried to decline, but these rich assholes have their own way of doing things. And to be honest, I didn't want to be walking around and have to see a guy's member swinging back and forth so don't be giving me that judgemental look either. Anyway, she's got it a bit good seeing as how we are not going to be doing anything to her so don't feel bad. And no touching either as you're suppose to be my help and able to control yourself ok?"

Laz didn't know how to respond. Did she think he'd never seen a naked woman before? Isn't that why they invented the internet? Actually, she was half right, there really was only that one girl at Joey's place, but he would keep that secret with him to the grave. Or until he got lucky, whichever came first.

Either way, Laz just nodded and didn't say anything else. He kept playing his part as the silent body guard without the slightest slip up.

"Ok, now tell me what seems weird to you?" Kennedy asked while looking at Laz.

If she had been able to see his face at this moment, she would have been somewhat amused by the blank look he was wearing.

'We are in the middle of a teenage sex slave party and oh look, there are waiters with silver trays, passing out X and LSD. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY BE WEIRD ABOUT THIS?' Laz joked to himself silently. Still though, in an effort to earn his keep and prove himself, Laz looked around for a bit before turning back to Kennedy. Now Laz wasn't stupid and knew that the answer was probably way more straightforward than he first thought. So he stopped for a second and thought about everything he had seen so far as opposed to looking for something new.

The answer hit him almost immediately.

He just looked Kennedy straight in the mask and touched his arm. Kennedy's eyes brightened at this moment as she thought that he was finally starting to pay attention more.

'That's right. How the hell is Tommy not wearing a brace or a caste. He shouldn't be able to move that arm much less drag a girl around with it and yet that is exactly what he is doing." Kennedy agreed with Laz's gesture as she spoke her mind.

Laz didn't say anything but just thought silently. He then got Kennedy's attention and with two fingers, indicated lines down the front of his face.

"You think so to huh? But he isn't wearing something like a bracelet from what I can see." Kennedy thought back to his sleeves coming up a bit as he was dragging his pets around and didn't remember seeing anything that looked like what Laz had given her.

Laz once again kept quiet and just pointed at himself and Kennedy and shook his head. Kennedy tilted her head to the side as though she didn't understand and in response, Laz just said into her head,

"He's not like us. He is something else." Of course, even Laz wasn't sure what he meant, he just felt like Tommy was different from them and Marlene. But if you were to ask him how, he wouldn't be able to explain.

The topic of their conversation was off in the security room, talking to the old dangerous man.

"What the hell did he do?" Tommy fumed. To be insulted like he was at his own party was driving him mad. Even though he respected the old man who had protected his family ever since before he was born, Tommy still viewed him as nothing more than hired help and therefore wasn't going to be civil now that he was pissed off.

The old man didn't respond right away and instead, was looking at a camera where Laz and Kennedy were currently speaking.

"I'm not sure. No matter how I look at it, the only thing I can think is that he is a trained martial artist as well as the fact that he struck before they were ready. But based on only these two factors, there is no way he will win in a one versus one battle with guys who are better trained and much bigger. His kind of fighting could be called a street brawl level at best. So we will have no trouble eliminating him in an accidental way. Still, It would be best if young master were to test him out a bit first. Even if your fighter is a former MMA punk, one can never be too careful," the old man thoughtfully responded back.

"You've always been too damn careful old man. If I start to make this thing look fixed, all I'm going to do is piss off the other guests. And that's not something we can afford to do. Make sure he is ready. I pay you all more than enough to at least do these little jobs right." Tommy didn't say anymore as he stormed away, leaving the old man to bitterly shake his head and mumble to himself,.

"It's your parents who pay me you little shit. Bah, I'm getting too old for this."

The old man just smiled slightly and continued to do his job and observe. He didn't really think it would be any trouble for their former MMA fighter to kill a little boy so he didn't bother to take precautions.

As Tommy arrived back into the main room, he stood up on a raised stage that just to happened too be sitting in the middle of the room.

"Alright Ladies and Gentlemen. Hopefully everyone is having a good time? Remember you each have a room assigned if you need to sleep here for the night so feel free to get fucked up. Now it's time for the main excitement of the night. The betting table is over there where those several ladies will be more than happy to fulfill your gambling needs. The house has enough money to cover bets up to one million. Sorry it couldn't be more but my parents were being cheap this week," Tommy said with a grin which earned him some laughter from the crowd.

"Now then, I hope everyone enjoys the special high quality snacks provided to us by this very special lady," Tommy then gestured towards Kennedy before continuing.

"She will be available to anyone who needs something in the future so feel free to snag a business card before you leave tonight. Also, she has agreed for her guard to be one of the first ones to come up for the starting spar.Let's give her champion, Blood Skull, a round of applause. Tommy then started clapping a bit too enthusiastically which was followed by everyone else.

Luckily the noise was a bit loud as people were getting messed up in more ways than one so no one heard Kennedy say,

"Fuck, he's set us up."

Laz just smiled and didn't say anything but he began to walk forward towards the stage. As he passed by Kennedy thought, he stopped and leaning in, whispered in her ear while handing her his money.

"Bet it all on me and we will be rich."

"You sure about this? This will be a lot of money to lose."

"Yeah, but I won't lose," Laz said with a grin. And with that, he made his way up on stage while Kennedy hurried over to the better table where there were already lines forming.

The stage was propped up so that the guests could see better while a large projection screen was lowed, allowing for a more top down look.

As Laz walked up the steps, he was able to hear some people clapping for him still while others have already stopped. Obviously he wasn't the one slated to win this opening match so although some people had already bet on him while going for a long shot, most had bet on his opponent.

Of course he only now saw his opponent for the first time while getting onto the stage. He was a tall guy, over six feet and covered in muscle. He didn't look too bright but then again, when the objective is just to hit things as hard as you can, you don't need a lot of smarts.

Kennedy had also made her way over to the betting table and found out that Laz was running 10:1 odds. Which meant that any bet on him would get ten times the payout. She now understood why some people would take those chances even if it seemed like he no chance to win.

As he went to the center of the stage to face off against the big muscle head, a ring announcer took over for Tommy. Lifting his voice to make sure it carried all the way through the room, he bellowed loudly:

"Let the first match of the Sex, Drugs and Violence party, begin!"

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