Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 62: The First Conflict (party 4)

Laz was surprised for many different reasons. After all, he thought that with his understanding of Kennedy as a person, this wasn't the type of thing she would do. But the real surprise was that she had decided to go with a female pet. Even if Laz was more mature, he would still question if Kennedy possibly preferred girls to guys. It's not like it is unheard of and was actually pretty normal.

The question was more about her thoughts on having a pet that was here to only perform favors for the guests.

Of course Laz didn't have an answer and it looked like the group meeting had come to a close.

"Alright everyone, go on ahead and meet with your young masters and enjoy the party. We will be having a sign up for the contest later. Everyone is welcome to join and of course there will be a betting table set up. Feel free to bet on whoever you want to win."

With that, the old man dismissed everyone and they all started to file towards the exit. Joining in the middle of the line, Laz just stayed silent and looked forward while some of the bodyguards continued to interact with one another. Although he wasn't in a hurry to meet with Kennedy, he also didn't want to stay around these people who practically smelled of blood and death.

It didn't take long for him to exit into the grand room so he began to walk over to where He last saw Kennedy. The only change was that now she wasn't alone either.

There was a tall and well dressed man standing next to her while engaging her in conversation. Another group of young men were also gathered around while seeming like they were waiting for the two to finish their conversation. Everyone of the young men also had their pets close at hand as they talked a bit between themselves while also having brief moments of 'playing' with their pets. If this was any other place and time, Laz was sure that each one of them would be arrested for sexuaŀ harassment.

Walking up slowly, Laz didn't make a sound but just ended up coming behind Kennedy and standing there while observing the situation. He took a moment to admire her low cut and somewhat tight dress that he failed to notice before. It was a blue color that seemed to pair perfectly with the shirt he was wearing but seemed newer. The dress tightly hugged Kennedy's rather generous proportions, allowing the deep ravine of her chest to showcase her assets nicely while also showing a wonderful arch that allowed one to make out the measurements of her perky butt. Considering how tight it was, Laz couldn't help but wonder if she was wearing anything underneath as it seemed like he could perfectly make out her curves without having anything else sticking out.

Standing there silently, he was able to overhear the conversation easily. He could tell from the voice that the fine dressed man that seemed to have two pets was actually Tommy. He seemed to be flirting with Kennedy a bit and even seemed rather interested in the fact that she had chosen a female pet as well, although what his actual thoughts were, only he would know.

"You delivered nicely on everything promised. I'm sure everyone here is going to have a great time now," he said as though he was rather proud of himself.

"It was what I promised. You pay, I deliver. That's what it means to do business," Kennedy replied, rather shortly.

"Can't you be a bit warmer to me? After all, were did have those few wild days at the beginning. Besides, I see we have a similar interest in playthings. I wouldn't even mind just watching what you do to that poor little fox," Tommy said with a rather evil glint in his eye.

"We just made it look legit for the sake of argument, hence why you never got to lay a hand on me. Honestly, I'm not sure you could afford to do so," Kennedy said back with a certain chill in her voice.

"HA HA HA. What is there that I can't afford him? Thanks to my parents, I have all the money in the world to do whatever I want. Even people can be turned into toys with the right amount," Tommy spouted back before reaching down and forcefully squeezing the breasts of his two pets. They both let out a muffle groan and shivered, but barely moved a muscle. Laz could only imagine what kind of torture they had gone through before being able to not react badly to that.

"Some things can't be bought, even with all the money in the world," Kennedy replied. It was at this moment that she noticed Laz was standing behind her and she couldn't help but smile. Although she didn't like to admit it, he was like a wall that gave her confidence. She never would have come to this party if she were going to be by herself. There would be way to many unknown events that could pop up, especially when considering the crazy bastard in front of her that she had to make out with for several days so that people would believe they were together.

"Oh? And who is this short bastard eh? Doesn't seem like much protection to me." Tommy had just noticed Laz as well. He could tell based on his appearance that he was obviously Kennedy's protection for this event. Tommy knew a bit about Kennedy's lifestyle and knew that she didn't have money, just connections. As such, he didn't think she would bring a body guard along with her just like all of his other friends and peers. As such, his first thought about seeing him was that he thought it was just some street thug she hired to keep up appearances.

"You would be surprised what he can do. I would not bring him just for his looks after all," Kennedy stated as she pointed at the mask.

Laz just didn't say anything. he knew that the worst thing he could do at the moment would be to speak to Tommy. Although he wasn't sure Tommy was smart enough to know who he was just based on his voice, he also didn't want to take that chance.

Tommy just kind of glared at Laz but didn't say anything. After a moment, he just looked over at Kennedy again with a strange glint in his eye and said,

"So if he is actually able to fight, are you going to enter him into the contest later? First prize is ten grand, not including the bets you make, "Tommy asked in a somewhat snarky tone. He couldn't explain it, but he did not like this red eyed, skull masked figure standing in front of him.

"I didn't bring him here to play around. He's here for me and me alone, not to be some sort of entertainment," was Kennedy's only reply..

"HA, I figured as much. Nothing but a useless show. Not that I would expect anything more from you. You should have just listened to me and become mine. I wouldn't have taken you for long, but at least you would have gotten paid better than anything you're working for right now. Besides, I have have a few friends who would also pay top dollar for that ass. After all, you are worth far more than these pieces of garbage who can be bought for only a few hundred a head," Tommy shot off before spanking the two pets at his feet.

Kennedy was rather pissed at this point. If she didn't need the customer base and Tommy was the first easy way in she found, she never would have had anything to do with him. But since she still wasn't set with connections, she had no choice but to endured this asshole and his comments. Tommy was never one to treat anyone else with any sort of respect unless they were on the same level or higher than him. Otherwise, everything else was simply garbage to him.

Of course, Kennedy wasn't the only one pissed. Laz did not care that he got the brush off. He didn't mind being called names either. And although he wasn't sure what he felt about Kennedy or even how much he understood her, he felt strongly that she was his friend. And as a kid who didn't really have many friends in the first place, he couldn't help but let his anger get the better of him.

Before Kennedy could utter back a response that was probably going to be the wrong thing to say, Laz stepped up right in front of Tommy before the other had a chance to react. The interesting part was that Tommy had been shadowed by two bodyguards this whole time and when Laz stepped forward in what could be a threatening way, they both stepped up to stop him. All in all, it looked like it was going to be a one on two fight.

This seemed to be a rather normal affair for the evening as these young rich kids would never fight their own battles. They would instead have their bodyguards fight over any disagreement they had and keep it at that. They all knew how important it was that they have nothing to do with physical violence against each other and instead preferred to have Pokémon type battles. Laz had previously been told all this by Kennedy before they arrived.

It was a rather interesting and yet 'safe' way for this silver spoon kids to show off. A general never fights his own battles after all. He has foot soldiers for that. And these kids were being raised to be the top generals in their parents corporate armies.

The result of Laz stepping forward to fight with Tommy's hired help was something that no one expected. Laz had just taken a single step towards the two meat sacks when, without any warning, both of Tommy's guards ended up flying backwards at breakneck speeds as though they had hit a giant airbag at full speed. Laz had of course just used the move he had been practicing, but no one else would know that. Tommy just stood there in shock, not knowing what had happened. In fact, since Tommy was the main host of the whole party, people had been paying attention to him the whole time and therefore, the entire event was witnessed by a lot of different people. Both guests and several guards had no idea what Laz did to make the two grown men go flying, but they started talking like they knew anyway.

Discussions immediately began as guests asked their guards to explain and the guards just spouted off whatever came to mind. The most common idea was that neither guard expected that the much smaller man would attack so quickly and therefore they were both caught off guard. It wasn't uncommon for a trained merc to be sent flying as that was usually the result of the merc using his own movement to off shoot the force used against him. In a way, it just showed how unprepared they were for the attack.

Laz didn't make any other moves towards Tommy and just turned around, walking back to Kennedy while giving her a look. With a thought, she understood what he wanted.

"Actually, since you asked nicely and my man here is feeling a bit bored, we will be more than happy to join in." Kennedy had a smile on her face as she looked at the fuming young man who seemed to be shaking as though trying to contain himself.

"Fine. That's the way it should be. But be warned, accidents do happen." Tommy didn't say anything else but turned around and made his way to the security room. He wanted to speak to the old man about what kinds of trash he had protecting him and also say a few additional words to his own fighter.

This party held extra meaning as it was Tommy's first peer party. he had been to other's parties, but it was important that he could show his guests a wonderful and exciting time as well. This allowed for closer connections and also meant that people would pay more attention to him. It was like a social debut for the young elites. And now, he had been made a bit of a fool of by some low class girl who he couldn't even bang.

Instead of getting mad at her which would show he had no restraint and embarrass himself in front of his peers even more, he was going to make sure that Kennedy's skull masked protector met with a quick but bloody end up on stage. He was going to show everyone that he couldn't be messed with.

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