Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 61: Party Favors (party 3)

It looked like each guest had their own pet, be it male or female. Male guests generally had female pets and female guests had male pets... of course there were a couple that had female pets as well. The interesting part, assuming the whole thing wasn't interesting, was that they all had leather hoods, ears on the hoods, gloves and tails. Of course, as Laz looked closer, he noticed the tails weren't tied on but seem to be attached to something that was interested.

The curious thing about the hoods was that they were actually painted up like animal faces. Laz noticed that most males had a theme of dogs or wolves while the females ranged from foxes, bunnies, cats, and what looked like a few sheep and cows...

'Now why would they include cows?' Laz thought as he looked closer.

'I mean, I can see why for the rest of them. Soft and small animals are like every guys dream, so why would they.. OMFG!!' Laz finally figured it out when the camera angle finally caught the answer. That 'cow' had humongous tits.

'You know, that actually makes sense,' Laz couldn't help but think to himself. In the next moment though he had another thought. 'What?... why does any of this actually make sense?' Laz had to ask himself.

As he looked on, he noticed that the guests were just walking around and talking and on occasion, would inspect each other's pets. Between the talking and laughing, the guests would sometimes rub their pet and at other times might hit it if it wasn't following closely enough or following the guests commands.

Another point that Laz noticed was that the masks the pets wore were really tight around the mouth and didn't have any openings. The only way the person in the mask could breathe would be through their nose. In fact, the mask looked so tight, that it was probably impossible for the pet to actually speak. At most, they could probably let out some sort of a grunt. The mask also seemed to cover the eyes which would have made it impossible to see although they did seem to have some holes for the ears. It seems the guests would be able to tell the pet what they wanted them to do.

The last thing Laz noticed was that the pets had paws or hoofs covering their hands and that their calves were tied to their thighs and fitted with a boot of sorts that prevented them from doing anything more than walking on their knees. Although there was additional padding for the knee, there was no way for them to stand up.

As Laz pondered it, he realized that there was no way that these animals could walk, run or even hurt their masters in anyway. They had their mobility crippled, couldn't speak and even had a collar around their necks which would choke them if they resisted. Doing so would also be a really stupid thing seeing as they couldn't take deep breaths with their mouths and could only breath through their noses.

No matter how Laz looked at it, they were basically animals that looked like humans and not the other way around.

As Laz waited for the rest of the body guards to get into the room, he continued looking at the cameras but faced forward as though not looking at anything in particular. One of the benefits of wearing a mask was that it could hid what you were looking at.

The thing to note was that he wasn't really turned on by what he was watching. Despite being a hot blooded youth, at most he could say he was curious. Both the guests and the pets were still in fact humans after all. So why did it seem like the guests were the only humans in the room?

As he watched on, he noticed several somewhat disgusting things.

One of the cameras pointed towards some couches were there were several male guests sitting down and chatting with each other. At the same time, they had their pets on their ŀaps. Sometimes the pet would just be laying there, curled up, as they were being petted. Other times, the pet would be on its back while the guest was touching it all over, rubbing breasts or sticking their fingers into whatever open spots they wanted. If the girl reacted defensively, the guest would usually spank it several times and yell at it.

One of the cats even tried to use it's paws to block her ass when it's master decided to try sticking more than one finger in. This resulted in the master getting mad and violently slapping the cat in her face. She fell off her masters ŀap at this point which just made him more angry. He then dragged her back on to his ŀap and sat on her hands while he spanked her several more times before he settled down. Although Laz couldn't hear anything, he saw the young man say something which made the others laugh.

From another camera, Laz observed three females standing around chatting while holding their pets by their sides in a sitting position. One of the girls said something to the others and then made her pet get on all fours as she walked behind him. She then used her foot to rub the pet's testicŀes while the other women looked on interested. The pet, dressed like a dog, started to shake a little but the woman just kept going. Eventually, the pet couldn't help but get aroused by the constant provocation and got hard. The result of doing so was that the woman ended up using her shoe and forcefully kicking it into the center of the 'dog's' butt. Doing so ended up jamming the plug end of the tail further in. The dog ended up shooting forward in obvious pain but couldn't go far since the woman, expecting the reaction, yanked back hard on the leash which pulled the collar tight. The dog, being choked, had no choice but to fall back while the woman kicked him a few more times before she and the other women broke down in laughter.

If the man was free, there was no way the woman could have pulled him backwards. Due to the angle and the fact that he couldn't stand or use his hands on the collar, he could do nothing but what she wanted him to do. Laz could only think that at least the pet was lucky that the woman didn't kick him in the balls.

Other camera's showed somewhat similar scenes of sexuaŀ and physical abuse. There were even a few times Laz saw guests actually having sex with their pets in out of the way areas. The guests, guys to be specific, would then wipe themselves off and continue to walk around like nothing happened. A few times, the guys didn't even bother to clean up their pets who were then forced to crawl around with bits of juice leaking out of them.

Laz didn't know what to feel about this anymore, but he knew that basically every person at this party was some of the worst trash of society. The worst part was that all of these guests were probably under the age of 18 and they would probably only get worse as they grew up. It made him sick, in many different ways.

It was about now that Laz noticed the last body guard had entered the room and the door shut.

The old man who stood at the front expressionlessly finally made a sound like clearing his throat to get everyone's attention..

"Everyone. We thank you for the pŀeasure of your company tonight, even though we are sure none of you actually want to be here. It's not easy ensuring these young masters stay protected despite their apparent need to do dangerous and detestable things. But this is what we are paid for after all. It's also better than risking your life for breadcrumbs in a battlefield somewhere due to some politicians having a cock fight."

This statement drew more than one chuckle from the assembled men. Laz could tell that quite a few of these guys had been in that type of situation before. He couldn't help but feel that for these hardened men, this type of job was pretty easy, if not dull.

"Fear not though brothers. We will have a bit of a special event that all of you can participate in later if you would like and earn some extra cash along with satisfying everyone's love of a good gamble. I'm sure all of you can guess what I'm getting at. There is no worse sin than when a man forged in blood loses his edge. Just keep in mind that although we won't hold death against anyone, it might bring some trouble to your young masters so stop before landing a killing blow alright?" The old man asked with a knowing glint in his eye. He seemed to be able to tell that although these men who had similar lives mostly got along, they also held a lot of pride. Being beaten wasn't just humiliating, it could also impact their jobs and therefore, some men wouldn't be able to admit defeat.

Some were also older than others or trained in things like weapons that couldn't be used. As such, they would feel it unfair to lose and would fight that much harder because of it.

"To help with this, we will keep it to a three knockdown victory condition, alright?" All the men seemed to nod and expressed their agreement. Laz just shook his head as well to go along with the crowd. He didn't think he would be participating and he didn't think Kennedy would want him to either. He was basically half, if not a quarter the age of everyone else here.

The man then spoke about the course of events for the night including various exits, medical areas and other information they would want to know to protect their charge. Laz listen on as well and memorized everything he was told while comparing it to the information he had gained by sensing around earlier. He was able to determine that there were no lies in the old man's words.

Watching all these grizzled veterans, Laz couldn't help but wonder what their personal thoughts were about what the guests were up to. Even if these men were cold-blooded killers, watching these kids engage in this type of behavior had to garner some sort of a reaction from them. And if not them, what would the parents think about their kids coming to a sex and drugs party right after they got out of high school for the day.

'The guards are employed by the parents so they had to report the behavior, don't they?'

As Laz wasn't rich, he probably didn't understand how this kind of thing worked. Would the guards report what the kids did all night? Yes, but they would obviously leave out a few key parts. The problem the body guards faced was that if they told everything that happened, the kids were more than able to get the guard fired. On a similar note, the parents also knew this problem existed. If they wanted a real report, the only way they could get that would be to never mention it to their child and therefore, not punish them for it.

This was the only way to know what the kids were actually doing.

As Laz was listening to the dangerous old man and thinking about what kind of fucked up parents would let their kids do these kinds of things, he noticed that Kennedy had appeared on the party floor.

As she walked past the monitored area, Laz was surprised to see her holding a leash. It seemed she also had a pet and from the looks of it, it was a female fox.

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