Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 60: Arrival (party 2)

The old style stone mansion sat back from the road, as though wanting to hide its dirty secrets. All old homes had dirty secrets. The real question was how dirty the secrets and how interested were the home owners in keeping them. Laz liked old homes as they always had exciting stories to tell. "The Shack" was like that.

As Laz pulled into the drive and arrived at the gate, Kennedy pulled off her helmet and held up a medallion. After a moment of nothing, the gate started to open and Kennedy put her helmet back on. Laz drove up the drive while sending out his sense perception.

'Let's see, metal detectors and armed guards. Is the a party or are we meeting the president? Whoa, are those guard dogs?' Laz was kinda surprised by the security here. Of course, he wasn't really a person who attended a lot of social events in his day. Well, that's not entirely true. He did attend events that had this kind of security, but it wasn't a party. Laz briefly thought of his parents before bringing his attention back to the present.

He parked the bike in a spot off to the side and got off before helping Kennedy off the bike. He looked at the mansion before sighing a bit and turning to Kennedy.

"Take out the gun and any other weapons you might have."

"Metal detectors?"

"You don't seem surprised?"

"No. This is standard fare for this sort of thing. Laz, what we are walking into isn't a party, It's a battlefield. These people can't even be considered animals. Animals don't mock their prey when they attack, they just go in for the kill and be done with it. But these people will take any weakness you have, exploit it and then ultimately destroy you and everyone around you. Rich kids are bored people, so they have a lot of time on their hands. Just keep as quiet as possible and let me do all the talking."

Laz thought about the young girls words for a bit. She didn't like these people in the slightest and he could tell. At the same time, she was still playing a game by their rules and he just didn't know why.

As Laz thought about what it could be, he realized more and more that he really knew nothing about this girl. Sure, they had their moments of fun so to speak and he felt like they were getting along nicely enough.

How long had they known each other anyway? Did she only trust him to the extent of what their business together involved? The more he thought about it, the more that seemed to be the case.

Did he like her? Sure, he couldn't deny that.

Was he in love with her? Of course not. He couldn't even tell you what love really was.

Did she like him? Maybe? He didn't really know, but he liked the think so. He wouldn't even consider if love was a possibility. After all, you hear them in the school hallways and all over the place. High school couples telling one another that they love each other.

'Big load of crap,' was Laz's normal thought when he heard this happen. He knew he loved his parents and he thought they loved him as well. Yet he had still been abandoned without knowing why. So when it came to things like love, even at his young age, he knew that he didn't understand it and he felt like it would be hard for others his age to understand it either.

She probably never meant to set off this train wreck of thought in Laz's head, but he had just come off a half hour bike ride of being hugged tightly and having two large and squishy things sliding up and down his back. His mind was not where it should be no matter how hard he tried to concentrate.

'Haaaa, bikes are the best.'

"Alright bodyguard, time to earn your keep again. Put this on." Kennedy handed Laz a mask that was somewhat different from the slip over and warm skull mask he had before. This one was clearly designed for inside wear and featured a solid, metallic face plate with leather straps. Laz couldn't help but wonder if it was some sort of goalie mask... or a bdsm one. But he didn't ask.

Laz turned the mask over to notice it was once again a skull with a reddish, jewel like coating covering the eye sockets. This time, he looked up at Kennedy with a questioning look on his face.

"Hehe, don't ask. You can get almost anything online you know. And besides, your eyes are somewhat easy to recognize. This way, they will be tinted red and impossible to tell the color of. Besides, I'm not sure you noticed, but the red matches the color of my bracelet. Although that was pure coincidence," Kennedy answered with a smile.

Laz just laughed a little and put the mask on. He couldn't help but picture himself in his head. He figured he probably looked like a skeleton playboy. Kennedy then took out a painted, ceramic mask that she put on as well. It looked absolutely fairy like with her flowing and lush, dirty blonde hair..

"Ready?" The mask was only a half-face mask that allowed her mouth to be freely seen. Her dark red lips added a seductive air to the entire look. Laz then realized that he hadn't even seen her dress yet.

As they headed for the front door, Laz noticed that everyone getting out of limo's or sports cars also had masks on. Everyone was also coming in groups of two. Usually, there was one younger one and one older one. It was a somewhat strange situation.

As they got in line, Laz once again spread out his sense to take a better look at the individuals who were also coming to this party. Although he was a freak due to his changes, he got a sense of danger from more than one person in line and it was always the older one.

It looked like he wasn't the only bodyguard coming today which of course led him to want to ask why, but he held back. He could possibly talk mind to mind with Kennedy, but since he didn't know what was going on, he didn't want to distract her. Instead, he took to looking around and trying to be imposing.

He didn't know how well he was doing in that aspect until Kennedy elbowed him to get his attention. Looking at her, she pointed to her head a few times as though trying to convey something. Luckily, Laz wasn't a complete idiot and surrounding her with his sense, sent her a mental message.


*Would you stop?*

*Stop what?*

*The waves coming off you feel as though I'm standing next to some sort of evil demon. I'm not sure how your doing it, but can't you tell that all of the pros are staring at you like you are threatening them?*

Laz took a moment to look back down the line and realized that all of the older ones were looking strait at him. Even if he couldn't see their faces and in some cases, their eyes, he could tell just by how stiff their bodies were that she wasn't exaggerating. He then thought about his aura and calmed his somewhat excited blood.

In just a moment, everyone relaxed a bit as though the pressure had been removed.

*What was that?* She asked.

*I don't know, I was just trying to be imposing.* Laz went to scratch his head in embarrassment when he remembered he had a mask on and stopped.

Laughing a little bit, Kennedy didn't say anything else.

Their turn came shortly and as both Laz and Kennedy walked up, they were asked if they had anything. Kennedy walked to the guard and leaned in, whispering something. The guard nodded his head and she set the briefcase down before spreading out her arms.

Laz followed her example since the only thing on him were his keys which he set down on the table next to her purse. Another guard looked through it briefly before sliding them back while yet another guard ran the wand around their bodies. It only stopped once on Laz's belt before the guards looked at each other briefly.

They might have looked like guards, but they were in fact mercs. The problem with Laz's belt was that in their line of work, belts were considered a weapon and weren't normally allowed. But this wasn't a war zone and wasn't considered a high risk event so they didn't know how much should or shouldn't be allowed, weapon-wise.

Laz wasn't about to say anything and Kennedy took the initiative to look over at the guards and say,

"Look at the belt buckle, obviously if he wanted to cause problems, he wouldn't need a belt to do so."

The guards, now curious, took a look to see it was an engraved buckle the read USMC. Laz had just grabbed it since he needed something to keep the slightly larger size pants up and didn't think about what it was.

The guards, both a bit shocked, just looked at each other and nodded before one of them asked for a name report.

"Kennedy and bodyguard, Blood Skull," Kennedy replied without a second thought.

Had Laz been drinking something, which wouldn't have been doable in the mask, he would have spit it out at that moment.

*Blood Skull? Really? That's what I get?*

*I know, it sounds imposing right? Just be quiet and keep it in mind,* Kennedy thought back without even looking at him. Had he seen her face, he probably would have figured out she was laughing.

As they passed the check point, two young men came forward along with two nicely dressed girls who seemed to be acting as hostesses. Their shapely black dresses revealed a lot of curve but not a lot of skin and they both wore plain, white masks.

The two young men, who were obviously party goers, pulled Kennedy aside for a moment and talked to her before handing her a card and a card scanner. After looking at it and scanning the card, Kennedy nodded her head and gave them the briefcase before stashing the card away into her purse. She then walked back over to Laz before the two hostesses walked up.

"Mam, would you follow me please to pick out your party favor. Sir, you may follow her to be shown the surveillance room with the others before the party begins."

Kennedy thank them before turning a knowing eye to Laz. Laz just nodded and followed his assigned hostess down the hallway towards what he assumed was the surveillance room.

After walking inside, he quickly found himself at the entrance to a somewhat large, circular room that had many monitors and several guards watching them while an older man stood behind where the guards were sitting. Taking a quick peak at him, Laz could tell this old man was dangerous and had killed before, many times.

Although a bit surprised, he simply went to stand with the rest of the dangerous feeling individuals who had started talking together on one side of the room.

He focused his vision on the individual cameras to see what was happening and what he saw gave him almost endless shock.

In the main party room, there were already several guests walking around, chatting with each other or just sitting down. The thing that Laz was completely floored by was that each one of them, either male or female, was holding onto a leash.

And on the end of each leash were practically naked males and females.

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