Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 59: Meet Up (party 1)

Laz felt his mind become stronger. Sometimes, the only way to grow is to experience pain or loss. Sometimes, all a man needs to relieve his worries is a good cry. Have you ever heard the saying is it better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all? Well, it is better to have loved and lost since it leads to personal growth. Also, since you didn't die, you still have a chance. Of course, it never feels that way at the time. Also, never tell a guy who is hurting that there are other fish in the sea, you are likely to be hit.

Laz's body had experience several growths since the day he felt his power awaken, back on that bathroom floor. But his mind was still that of a teenager. No matter how strong he got, that wouldn't change how he was mentally. Although he had a lot of feelings about his parents leaving him, he had never really felt suffering. Many kids didn't. Not real suffering anyway. This was the first time he actually confronted the reality of what his parents leaving him meant. He knew nothing, not even if they were coming back. Listening to that song made him unable to hide from that thought he had buried.

Although it wasn't real pain, it really did hurt. Some could argue that we only really grow thought these sorts of pain. They wouldn't be far off.

Standing up, Laz turned off the stereo and rolled it back into the closet. He took note that there were several other albums. Even if he was more into modern music, he suddenly found himself wondering what kinds of things his dad had. It was obvious that he had collected vinyl as opposed to things like cds and cassettes. That alone set him apart.

Having decided on the outfit and not getting a text back from Kennedy, Laz finally crawled into bed. It was going to be a long day.

For a Friday, the day flew by in a flash. Although Laz saw Malene a few times, when he did, she just ignored him. This suited him perfectly fine though as he thought that she finally got the hint. Had he been paying more attention though, he might have noticed her looking at him every now and then. The look in her eye was weird and hard to describe. She looked mad but also curious. Only she knew what was on her mind during the day.

As school ended, Laz got a text from Kennedy telling him to be back at 7pm to pick her up. Although Laz wanted to act like a gentleman and pick her up from her place, no matter how many times he asked, he was told no. He finally gave it up. He got home from school and had a few hours to kill. Since his grandpa wasn't home and he had nothing else to do, he went to the abandoned playground for a bit and just sat at the stone bench. He felt comfortable here, surrounded by the quiet bit of nature and the weird plant. If he was going to call it anyhting, he would call it peaceful for him.

His energy circulated while he just sat there with his eyes close, quietly being watched from a place a bit behind him. The small eyes stared at him carefully as though they had a question to ask. But in the end, the question was never asked. just an hour before the party, Laz went home and got himself ready.

He made sure to pack "Last Rites" as well, but he put that in a saddle bag on the bike. He didn't think they would allow guns at the party since there was no telling how crazy things could get.

After making sure that everything was in place, Laz got his leather jacket on and made sure to grab his mask as well.

The roar of the bike was a sweet greeting to his ears as he revved the engine and took off.

It didn't take long before he pulled up to the somewhat empty school where the sight that greeted him was jaw dropping.

Kennedy was waiting out front on the side walk in a trench coat and heels. The sunglasses added even more of an air of mystery about her and the briefcase didn't help the image at all. Laz couldn't help but wonder if someone hadn't tried to pick her up or called the police to report a suspicious person. Either one would have made sense.

Laz pulled up the bike right in front of her but didn't take his helmet off. Masking his voice, he said in his manliest tone,

"Hey baby, how about putting something big and powerful between your legs?"

Kennedy, not knowing it was him at first, shot back,

"I would love something big and powerful between my legs baby, but somehow I'm thinking your a bit lacking down there. Why don't you piss off and find me a real man, hmm?"

Laz couldn't help but laugh while at the same time letting his voice sound normal.

"Hey, I'm a grower, not a shower alright?"

Kennedy burst out laughing after figuring out it was Laz.

"Oh thank god it's you. If I had to fend off one more horny middle aged dad, I was going to scream.".

"Well, your the one who looks like she's up to something with how you are dressed."

"It would have been worse without the trench coat. Thank god you are by yourself."


"I was worried you would have gotten like your dad to drive us or something."

Although Laz didn't take offense to it, he somewhat stiffened up at the mention of his dad. Although Kennedy couldn't see his face, she could see the change in his posture and felt like she might have said something wrong. A bit embarrassed, she immediately tried to apologize.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.."

"No, it's alright. We've never talked about our family so I don't blame you for anything. It's not even a problem. Family has just been on my mind recently."

"Oh... ok than."

Laz got off the bike and reaching into one of the saddle bags, pulled out a helmet. He was about to hand it to her when he thought of something else really quick and turned around before she could take it.

"What's up..?" She asked with a bit of a questioning stare.

Laz turned around again after pulling a blue case out from his pocket and handing it to her.

"What's this?"

"Just something. Part of the reason you didn't know it was me actually."

Kennedy carefully looked at the box before opening it. Inside lay the red jade butterfly bracelet. Kennedy was obviously surprised as a shocked expression covered her face. The gently lifted the bracelet up and looked at it closely.

"They are so beautiful."

"Do you like it?"

"Yes... but... I can't take it."

Kennedy looked visibly sad as she reluctantly put the bracelet back in the case and tried to hand it back to Laz.

Laz sighed, but didn't reach out to take the offered box.

"Who am I to you?" Laz asked with a surprisingly calm look on his face as his blue eyes stared right into Kennedy's.

"I.. uh.. you're my friend?" Kennedy said with a bit of question in her voice. It seemed like she didn't know what he wanted to hear.

"That's right. Your friend and your partner in this crazy shit. Also, I'm your protection, right?"

"Yes?" Kennedy said, still a bit unsure.

"Then this is me, keeping you safe." With that, he walked towards her out stretched hand and grabbed the box before opening it.

As Kennedy was a bit shocked still, she didn't move despite his actions. She could only helplessly look on at the devilishly handsome young man who seemed to be a few years older now than when she first met him. He seemed far more confident now as he unclasped the bracelet and wrapped it around her wrist. It was like he knew she wouldn't resist him so he was going to be bold.

Of course, the next two minutes of watching him struggle to try to get the tiny clasp to attach hurt this manly image of his, but only a little bit. If anything, he was far more cute this way.

As far as Laz's thoughts, they could be summed up with three simple letters, W T F.

'How is this damn little thing so hard to get together. And why are my hands shaking?'

When Laz finally felt it fall into place, he left out a sigh of relief before looking at Kennedy and seeing her trying her hardest to stifle the laugh that she was holding in.

Laz couldn't help but grin and rub his forehead a bit to hide his embarrassment, which made Kennedy silently laugh even harder.

Laz, looking to change the subject, pointed to the briefcase and and asked what it was.

"This is the package and the ticket into the party. Without it, we wouldn't even be able to reach past the front gate," Kennedy said as she handed it over to Laz.

Without saying a word, Laz took it and locked it into to storage under the seat. He then handed Kennedy the helmet and got on while motioning for her to join him. She slide on the helmet over her hair gently so as to not ruin it, but then hesitated when it came to sitting down.

"What wrong?" Laz asked.

"Well, I've never been on a motorcycle before and I am wearing a dress. For some reason, when you said to dress warm, I thought you meant a convertible."

"Ah" Laz said as he understood. He leaned the bike over and put down the kickstand before letting it rest.

Pointing to behind him, he said, "Sit with both your legs on one side instead of straddling it. Also, you will have to hold on to me tight."

Kennedy turned around and sat down before reaching her arms around Laz's waist and grabbing on tight.

"Actually, it's probably better this way," Laz said with a smile.

"Oh? Why is that?" Kennedy asked, releasing her grip a little.

"You're about to experience the worlds most powerful vibrator. It's probably a good thing you have your legs closed."

"Why you little ass," Kennedy yelled as she squeezed him extra tight as though wanting to pop him.

Without calming down his laughter at all, Laz kicked back up the kick stand and roared away from the sidewalk while Kennedy started whispering directions into his ear. They both seemed to feel a lot better knowing that they had each other to rely on tonight.

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