Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 64: First Fight (party 6)

Of course the match couldn't begin like that. Participants had to remove their shoes and any other articles of clothing that would get in the way. Honestly speaking, It was just an excuse for the guys to show off their muscles as shoes were really the only dangerous thing they had on them thanks to security.

Once the tall idiot had removed his shoes and his shirt, he started flexing to the crowd to show off. This was especially invigorating as everyone was currently indulging themselves in various forms of pleasurable substances. As such, the roaring got louder and louder. The tall idiot continued to show off as music began to play in an effort to really work people up. In this way, it would cause more people to want to bet which would then raise the stakes. For many, high stakes gambling is the ultimate high.

Of course, while this one man show was going on, Laz just calmly sat down and removed his shoes, setting them down next to Kennedy. He then undid his jacket in a unhurried fashion and neatly folded it before beginning to unbutton his shirt. For the few people who were looking on, mostly the guards of the other youths, Laz seemed completely unfazed but the much taller and rowdier man on the stage in front of him. Those watching couldn't help but nod in approval at this young man's calm demeanor. As they knew well, in a fight, a battle or a war, the most important thing was to remain calm.

The real shock came to most people when he finally took his shirt off. Laz, by nature, wasn't a very vain guy. He never had much money, ever, so he just always wore what he had laying around and did enough to make himself not look like a hobo. Admittedly, with the clothes on that were a bit too baggy, Laz looked like he was wearing borrowed clothes. As such, it made him seem a bit poor in this rich environment. Once people had that impression, they would then look for every other fault a person possessed and act like it made them into less of a human. But once the shirt came off, people shut up.

Laz had experienced much since he started to change a few weeks ago. Be it the initial body burning he went through in his apartment, the constant beat down he got as a result of Bill, or the time he decided to taste the likely poisonous nectar and drink the highly suspicious glowing water, his bdoy was in a constant state of refinement. Even top athletes train for around 12 hours a day, several days a week. But Laz was basically undergoing body training every moment of every day, 24/7. As such, the initial muscle he had gain on the account of his first change had become a rock solid build now. If the tall idiot could be compared to a body builder, than Laz would be a chiseled statue of a god. Even Kennedy couldn't help but flush red as she looked at his finely sculpted abs, the explosive arms and his rock solid pelvic muscles that were visible above the waist of his pants. She almost found it hard to breathe.

But the thing that really stuck out to her was the tattoo on his chest. The blood red moon behind the blackened skeleton of a tree stood out prominently against Laz's somewhat white, unblemished skin. This point was made more glaring by the fact that his skin was pretty flawless as though though he had never experience the world. In fact, unknown to even Laz, the constant body training along with the energy circulation did a lot to help erase whatever scars he used to have.

For the ones watching him, it seems impossible for him to look that clean, even if he wasn't a merc.

The sight of this obviously young and powerful young man standing there in only pants and a skull mask was enough to make the few ladies at the party want to own this rare creature. The poor pets they had been playing with seemed rather dull by comparison.

Annie was no exception. As she sat off to the side with a leash in her hand while resting on the back of her own personal bull, she couldn't help but openly gawk at the exotic display before her. Alex was actually standing off to one side while sipping a drink and watching the match beginnings as well. Strangely, he had no such pet with him. As the situation stood, Annie wouldn't let him have one.

"This is the druggie bitch Tommy found right? Where did she get this hot piece of street meat to fight for her?"

Although one might think she was talking to her boyfriend, that would be incorrect as Jesse sat off on a couch to the side. Like Alex, he didn't have a pet with him. Instead, as he was leaning his head back, soft and supple fingers were massaging his temples in slow circles as he had his eyes closed. Without bothering to open them, he simply responded back,

"The girl is a bit obsessed with money. If you offer her a good price, she might let you go home with him."

"Hmm... not a bad idea," was Annie's only response. It was almost as though she didn't have a boyfriend right next to her. Most days, Jesse would show a bit of respect towards Alex since he kind of felt bad for the guy. But that only extended to a certain point. His days have not be good lately and therefore, he didn't give a damn about Alex.

"I hope he doesn't get hurt. Otherwise, that would ruin the fun later," Annie added on with a strange glint in her eye.

Jesse didn't say anything but just grunted a bit as the finely dressed woman behind him continued to rub his head as though trying to relax him. He was very much enjoying this moment of relaxation.

Alex didn't say or do anything, he just stood there and watched while occasionally drinking. All in all, it was a strange scene to observe.

"Is Tommy ok? I can't believe his arm healed in only a few days?" Annie asked while looking over at Jesse. Even if her parents were richer than his, he showed signs of being very successful in business at a very young age show his parents gave him quite a bit of responsibility for someone so young. Recently, he had been going over the material about the strange mutations going on in people so that he might offer a few suggestions at the next board meeting. Unique resources were always in high demand.

"He's fine. Better than fine actually," was Jesse's only response.

"He's not one of them, is he?"

"Strangely no." For the first time, Jesse sat up and looked at Annie. Jesse's interest had always laid in a much higher place than high school or whatever trouble his friends would get up to. He was the type who wanted to be older now so that he could start doing amazing things and as such, he took an interest in the strange happenings as of late.

"My company has been doing research on the medical end after obtaining a few samples of these... things. Although there is no difference in the actual DNA structure of the creatures, there is a change in their inner bodily organs. It's like, over night, a new organ just grew right in the center of these people. We are doing lots of testing on this new organ, but we've yet to come up with what it is or what it does. It's amazing. But Jesse doesn't have that, at least not as far as we can tell. Of course, we can't just cut him open and take a look either, which is a pity.".

Jesse relaxed back down once again while settling in for his massage to start.

"Anyway, since he didn't have it, his parents and my parents just agreed that I would observe him along with a bit of a research team. He might be something completely different from those monsters and this might be the first finding of it. If I wasn't being worked to death, I would be fucking thrilled."

Annie didn't say anything else but just turned back to the stage. Her thoughts were running wild at this point.

Laz didn't say anything as he climbed onto the stage. He just gave one last look to Kennedy and a small nod before he turned around to face his opponent. The tall idiot had stopped showing off for the crowd and was just looking at Laz like a small creature to be devoured. He didn't think much of this small man who had a good build. No matter how strong he was, he could only be so powerful with a body that short.

As the judge took a step back, he waved both men into the center of the ring before indicating that they should shake hands. Laz and tall man both stuck out there hands to shake and began to grip each others hands tightly. As was custom, this was the first display of strength.

Although the tall man kept increasing his strength, Laz just responded in kind and didn't try to take the initiative. Instead, he was matching this muscle head's strength, bit by bit.

As they broke away to take their stances, the tall man finally got serious and settled into a half crouch while raising both his hands. After the hand shake, he knew that he had sorely misjudged his opponent.

Laz didn't take any stances but just stood there with his hands behind his back, as though he was watching a show. He had never really fought with an actual fighter before so even though he looked calm, he was actually boiling and excited on the inside as he started speeding up his energy cycle and spreading out his sense. He wanted to make sure he didn't miss a single movement of his opponent.

The judge then waved his palm down between the two men to start the match and retreated back to get out of the way. The tall man didn't directly charge Laz as many had thought he would but just started taking small sliding steps to circle Laz. He wanted to feel him out before he went on the offensive.

Laz didn't react in the slightest and just let the man do what he wanted. He was content to respond instead of act. The only thing he did do was to keep his eyes on the man so that it seemed like he was paying attention.

The crowd, riled up before the match, was anything but quiet while they yelled out various chants to encourage the fighting to begin. When that didn't work, they started cursing the two fighters.

"Come on, kick his skinny little ass."

"What happened to all that show before? Don't tell us your just a one minute man."

"Fuck him up already. Damn, I could have done it myself by now."

The tall man, fired up by the crowd, finally made a move with a straight punch towards the side of Laz's head. In response, Laz just slightly leaned to the left to avoid it before stepping to the right to avoid the follow up to his chest. The tall man, stunned at Laz's movements but reassured by the fact that he didn't fight back, started to let loose with more punches and an occasional kick.

As the screams got louder, more and more people were excited by the fact that no matter how he attacked, Laz couldn't be touched. If anything, it looked more like the two were dancing with the tall guy leading and Laz responding.

After a few minutes those, Laz couldn't help but frown. Although this guy was strong and had good judgement, he obviously never studied martial arts before and therefore wasn't able to teach Laz anything.

With a sigh and a barely whispered "worthless," Laz finally reacted.

The tall man had brought his leg around for a roundhouse kick which Laz easily ducked. The then stepped forward and reaching back a slight bit, punched forward straight into the mans stomach. After having failed the kick, his tense body had loosened up at almost the exact moment Laz made a move and as such, was unprepared to defend. Laz's punch landed right in the middle of the man's stomach, catching him off guard. Laz put a bit of energy behind it while bracing his body. The tall man ended up flying backwards as though launched from a cannon and without a single bit of resistance, was launched right off the stage while the heavy hit caused him to start vomiting while still in the air.

As he hit the ground and passed out, he still twitched a few more times before finally falling unconscious. At this moment, the entire room was quiet enough to hear a pin drop.

Of course that only lasted a moment before an explosive cheer rang out everywhere.

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