Chasing Tides

Chapter 66

Sui Yan’s eyes were stagnation, and there was a little hidden emotion in it.

Qian was the topic he and Ning Lan mentioned most frequently in those two years.

They have not talked about the past and the future, nor have they talked about hobbies and minefields. In this malformed relationship, one gradually moved his heart, because of the unbearable impression left in his heart and the arrogance of a few smiles, unwilling to acknowledge ; Another fell in love long ago, because the inferiority and self-esteem of the deep bone marrow, dare not speak out.

Like countless people wearing city masks in the world, they give money and laugh. The relationship between the two began with money, and when the bank card was returned, it was caught off guard and cut off without warning.

Now I want to tie the broken rope back. I can’t stick the word “money” anyway.

“That dress was supposed to be thrown, you throw it away.” Sui Yang is not good at lying, but fortunately, his innate tone is gentle, and it is difficult to hear intentional traces.

Although the two faced each other, they were separated by a distance of one meter. Ning Lan silently rejected his proposal, took a pile of money out of his pocket, and said, “Give you a thousand first, I will go to the store to ask the price, and refund more and less.”

“No,” Sui Yan said in a hurry. “It was from the fans, not from the store.”

Ning Lan remembered that there was no trademark on the neckline and cuffs of that dress, so he believed for seven or eight minutes, and frowned slightly, and began to make trouble.

“I’ll ask her where to buy it next time you meet, and then you will pay me back.” Sui Su lied and panicked, and then asked tentatively, “You see … OK?”

Ning Lan could not think of other better ways, but nodded in agreement.

The broken hair in his forehead blocked his beautiful eyes. Sui Yang tried to help him away, and when he raised his hand, he suddenly remembered the resistance reaction of Ning Lan in the intimate move in the morning, shook his fist, and dispelled the thought.

“It’s late, go in and sleep.” Sui Yan said.

Waited for more than three years, there is no need to rush at this moment.

The canteen was closed after two days.

The gears of time continue to move forward, everything is as usual, pay careful attention and slightly different.

For example, there is some leftover material for repairing the eaves of the bathhouse next door. By the way, I also helped the store to get an awning. For example, the iron door was in disrepair for a long time. Slippery, just like the new one; another example is buying a bitter gourd owner to take a handful of leek, buy half a pound of meat and stuff a pound of spare ribs …

The neighbourhoods on Quanxi Street are harmonious and often help each other. Such a blessing has not been there before, but it hasn’t been so frequent these days. It was almost just a little trouble and nothing was done before it was solved.

This afternoon, Ning Lan took the bike to the supermarket chain five kilometers away to buy the ingredients needed for making octopus balls, a bottle of Japanese teriyaki sauce, a bottle of salad dressing, and a wooden fish while the delivery man in the wholesale market had not yet arrived. Flowers and seaweed are in sacks. These are ingredients that are not available nearby.

At the checkout, the mysterious goddess of fortune came again-the supermarket was engaged in activities, participated in the lottery with a small shopping ticket, and Ning Lan reached into his hand and grabbed one to start a look: an electric car.

Switching to an electric car for less than sixty yuan, people can wake up laughing in the dream, but Ning Lan linked this to a series of unbelievable things before, and got a big alarm bell in his heart. Conclusion.

He didn’t want the electric car, and when he rushed home on a bicycle, the delivery car was already parked at the door. The delivery guy is still the brother who often cooperates. Usually he hurries the goods at the door every time he comes. This time, I don’t know where to come. He is moving the goods one box at a time to the store. He has already moved in. The goods are neatly sized next to the wall, which does not hinder walking or affect aesthetics.

Ning Lan chased out immediately, walked around the canteen, and blocked Sui Yue who had strayed into the dead lane.

Sui Yan seems to have just finished working hard, sweating heavily, and his hair is spreading a few strands on his forehead, while his sleeves are pulled to his shoulders, exposing the entire strong arm, and his chest is violently undulating with breathing. Even when tired, I never took off the mask on my face.

Tired of practicing dances in the past, he would also pull short sleeves to his shoulders to dissipate heat like this. At that time, Ning Lan liked the way he sweated so much that he might as well wear a vest. Before he answered, he shook his head and said no, he couldn’t let others see it.

Ning Lan looked away and asked, “What are you doing?”

Sui Yan: “Running, passing.”

“By the way, help the delivery brother?”


Ning Lan was about to be laughed at, but grinned but couldn’t bend the smile, and asked coldly, “What on earth do you want?”

There was no one else in the alley. Sui Yan pulled the mask to her chin, revealing a handsome face that had hardly changed for more than three years, thin lips opened slightly, and said, “I miss you well.”

This answer made Ning Lan pause for a while, but it took a moment to clear her eyes again.

“I’m fine now,” Ning Lan said. “Trouble you to put away the boring sympathy, I don’t need any help.”

Especially from you.

Sui Yan soon received a refund of the money.

Jiang Gang said: “Ning Ning had to give it to me. You must know how much he is. I have said that I can’t have so much. He just ran to my table and couldn’t catch up …”

Ning Lan’s “worry”, no one knows more deeply than Sui Yang.

In the evening, Sui Yue called the teacher.

The teacher pretended to be dissatisfied and said, “Can’t find anyone to complain, just think of me?”

Sui Yan lay on a small bed in the room rented by Jiang Yan’s house, and crunched with a slight movement.

Distressed in his heart, he had no time to take care of the rough conditions, and used this “consultation phone” as a life-saving straw: “He refused to accept me and refused to accept my kindness. I … what should I do?”

The teacher snorted: “You made the wrong call. You have to ask your dad.”

Sui Yan was not teased this time, looking at the mottled ceiling, his eyes spreading anxiety.

He had made a lot of plans in the three years when Ning Lan was away, how to treat him well, how to hold him in his palm and love. However, these assumptions are based on the premise that Ning Lan still cares about him. Now Ning Lan does not have him in his eyes, not only ignores all his compensations, but also tries his best to clarify the relationship with him, which far exceeds his expectations .

He felt for the first time that the power of life and death was in the hands of others, and that he could only sit still and wait. God knows how much he wants to tie Ning Lan back in the dark these days, so that he can stay with him all day, nowhere.

He was so scared that Ning Lan would disappear again and that he would become a complete lunatic.

“Are you still listening?” The teacher called him over the phone.

Sui Yue dragged herself out of the bottomless vortex, exhaled heavily, and said, “Yes.”

“I think this is an opportunity,” said the teacher. “You might as well change your identity and pursue him as a suitor.”

In the early morning of the next day, Ning Lan rubbed her eyes and got up from the bed, and saw a bright rose dripping on the windowsill.

He is not a girl and has no special feeling for flowers. Holding it and walking to the trash can, I couldn’t bear it anymore, I just threw it on the side of the stove.

That night, a sharp-eyed netizen found a rose in the octopus ball production video made by the food blogger “Can’t Fried Chicken Wings”, and went to the comments to ask whether it was a male ticket. Lamented that Xiaohui, the little brother who could cook, was chased away by the wild man, and the single dog could only burn the water in the bowl and swallow it with tears.

The next day, Lu Binghua, who was eating octopus balls, came and saw the two flowers that were inserted into the bottle by his mother-in-law. The first reaction was to think that someone was chasing him, holding his leg and crying, begging Be your big sister.

Ning Lan was indifferent and was sore with the eardrums that she smashed a pill and turned back into his mouth.

Lu Binghua drummed his cheeks and looked at the door and asked, “Well, why did the human figure stand at your door a few days ago?”

“Move away.” Ning Lan said.

“Ah … it’s boring.” Lu Binghua swallowed the last bite of food in his mouth and pouted, “Brother, don’t you really plan to go home?”

Ning Lan froze, lowered his plate, and said, “This is my home.”

Lu Binghua narrowed his eyes and said joyously, “Can tomorrow, my brother and I come to your house to have dinner?”

The next day Ning Lan got up and flipped through the calendar before he reacted slowly. Today is his birthday.

In the morning, the mother-in-law made a bowl of longevity noodles. After eating it, Lu Binghua shook his head and appeared. He let him look at the sky for a while, and then let him look at the back.

In the end, Ning Lan couldn’t stand it. Standing up and saying it was not important, Lu Binghua took out a set of dishes behind his back, put it on the counter and showed it to Ning Lan. This set of tableware is also a food blogger for 200,000 fans. The CEO of Quanxi Street ’s largest canteen must have a row of noodles! “

Before lunch, Ning Lan received a bunch of flowers from Fang Yu, and the card arrived at the same time: [Give me myself, happy birthday my little Lan Lan]

Fang Yu has been in touch with him recently, saying that he has been busy with his new album for a while and will come to see him again after he is busy. Ning Lan was in a very good mood. He took the roses out of the bottle, inserted the fresh flowers, and returned to Fang Yu.

In the evening, Lu Hao came with a cake. Ning Lan and her mother-in-law ate a table together, and the four of them ate up. Lu Binghua also remembered the cake and had to cut a piece for everyone.

After Ning Lan ate after eating, he almost vomited. He stood up and ran around in the yard. Lu Hao followed and reminded him to slow down and be careful of the recurrence of the old illness. Food in the small yard.

As soon as they made a lap, the two nearly stepped on each other’s feet. Lu Hao laughed, “Let’s go out for a walk, we can’t turn here.”

The summer breeze blowing onward brought some coolness of the night, blowing people’s pores to relax, very pleasant. Ning Lan walked forward while kicking the stones, passed the bridge named after Quanxi, and kicked the stones into the river.

Lu Hao applauded and shouted “Good ball”, Ning Lan smiled, and Moonlight painted his soft face with a light edge, making his clear eyes bright as stars.

Ning Lan didn’t feel Lu Hao’s throbbing and temptation. On the way back, the two hands accidentally touched each other, he quickly avoided, and secretly regretted coming out with Lu Hao, for fear of what he said If you can’t respond.

Lu Hao also felt Ning Lan’s vigilance and approached the canteen department before he said, “Are you free next week?”

“Ah? Yes … yes.”

“Take half a day to go to the hospital with me.”

Hearing this, Ning Lan’s tense nerves relaxed instantly, and then another face of bitterness and resentment: “Really going?”

“Really.” Lu Hao said, “obedient children have sugar.”

Ning Lan skimmed his lips: “I think you are more suitable as a pediatrician.”

Lu Hao made no comment.

At the door, Ning Lan had just inserted the key into the keyhole and heard the people behind him say, “You are always in my eyes a child who needs protection.”

Late at night, Ning Lan tossed and turned to sleep.

Lu Hao’s statement made him even more frightened than confession. He knew he couldn’t respond to the relationship, but he was extremely eager to be loved and protected.

For example, he knows that he has nothing to do with Mother-in-law, but still deliberately ingests motherly love from her.

For example, he knew that a proud man like Sui Yang was treated with such cold eyes, and he would certainly not be able to turn around and leave, but still wanted to open the window to see if he sent flowers today.

The mother-in-law Zhang was already asleep, and Ning Lan got out of bed barefoot, walked to the window, and gently opened the window.

At the tip of the moon, in addition to a rose whose petals have begun to curl on the window sill, there is a small cuboid-shaped object that reflects the delicate light in the moonlight.

It’s a recording pen. I’ve seen this before in interviews with other members of the group.

Ning Lan hesitated for a while, picked up the two things, sat back to the bed, laid down the flowers, and held the recording pen to look carefully.

He didn’t turn on the light, and he didn’t know which button was recording and which was playing.

Murphy’s Law always takes effect at critical moments. The more you dare not touch it, the more you accidentally tick the thumb of your left hand. When you press a key, a sound of electric current flows from the outside mouth into your ear. It turned off, and before the keys were touched, a melody slowly flowed out of the small recording pen.

The violin sound.

Ning Lan considers himself a down-to-earth mortal, and can barely discern the sounds of different instruments. He seems to have heard this song, but it seems he hasn’t.

But he could hear the graceful melody of the melody, like the ripples of stones falling into the water, light and quiet.

After listening to the whole unknowingly, Ning Lan was a little annoyed that he had no intention of listening.

At this time, a click sound came from the recording pen, and it automatically jumped to the next part. Ning Lan, who was in the blind light of black light, failed to touch the pause button again, but turned up the volume a lot.

He heard the man who played the violin just said, “Lan Lan, happy birthday.”

The heartbeat and the stiff sentences are stopped at the same time, and the recording pen records the breathing of the person clearly.

The violinist may be afraid that he is unwilling to listen to it, and in a gentle tone, he is a little eager.

After sending in a phrase “Happy Birthday” that everyone can say to him, the lyre man was selfish, his lips were close to the radio mouth, and he used a more mellow and pleasant voice than the melody, and said gently, “I love you. “



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