Chasing Tides

Chapter 65

People with a little common sense know that coffee cannot be drunk on an empty stomach.

Sui Yang not only drank on an empty stomach, but even drank three glasses, to say a few words to Ning Lan.

Unfortunately, Ning Lan did not respond under any circumstances except he would come out and pick up a pen and draw a bar on the card when he asked for coffee.

“did you have breakfast?”

“I bought mango. Would you like to eat it?”

“Are your feet OK?”

“Offended yesterday, is your mother-in-law still angry?”

“Are you … mad at me?”

It is the first time that Sui Yang has grown so big and chased a person so embarrassedly as to speak, but the other side did not care about him at all, as if treating him as a ray of colorless and tasteless air.

When he thought that Ning Lan might be like this to every customer, he came to buy a popsicle kid, bought one and ate one, and stood at the door to eat, and then asked again. When the child asked for the third one, Ning Lan persuaded the freezer with both hands and persuaded, “Children can’t eat so many popsicles at a time, it will hurt the stomach.”

Sui Yan, who drank three cups of coffee on an empty stomach and had a real stomachache, bit his back molars on the side, anxiously waiting for the identity of the child.

Ning Lan turned and entered the room again, leaving him with only a cold back. He couldn’t help it at last, and rushed out the “sorry” sentence that had been lingering for a long time.

Seeing Ning Lan’s physical appearance seemed to be moving, Sui Yue immediately felt that he was too reckless, lest Ning Lan felt that he was not sincere.

Sui Yan was a person who was not easily exposed in the eyes of others. The teacher said that he had been scrutinized from an early age. His words were round and round as if the announcer was reading a lecture. The arc of the smile seemed to be practiced in front of a mirror with a ruler. You can see the ups and downs of emotion when playing the piano.

Thinking of this, Sui Yan chased after him: “I’ll play the violin for you.” After saying that, I realized that the words were a bit sloppy and high, and corrected, “Do you want to … listen to me?”

The answer to him was still the silent back of Ning Lan. He lifted his feet, lifted the curtain, and went back to the back room.

It was polite and rational to tell Sui Yang that he could not enter other people’s home without the consent of the host. He hesitated for a moment and then returned to the counter to stay.

When Sui Yue asked for the last cup of coffee, there was something wrong with the coffee machine. After receiving half of it, the water did not come out. Ning Lan removed the top cover and made a tumble. When the cover was back, he raised his hand and patted it. The coffee at the water outlet suddenly sprayed. It splashed out and drenched Sui Yan who was standing by to help.

Sui Yang wore a light-colored T-shirt today, and a dark coffee-colored liquid sprayed a mottled on his chest. Ning Lan scrambled to wipe the paper with him. The cotton cloth absorbs water very quickly, which can be wiped off with tissue paper.

Sui Yan was anxious to see him, and just wanted to say, “I’ll be fine if I go back and change one.” Ning Lan dropped the paper towel, ran out of his leg and ran into the back room. He quickly took out a white T and handed it to Sui Yan: I did n’t wear it. I changed my clothes and washed them. “

Sui Sui did not expect to catch a chance by accident. She felt a joy in her heart. Before she undressed, she suddenly remembered that it was in the canteen. She turned her head to look at the sun outside when the sky was empty.

Ning Lan saw his concerns, hesitated for a moment, and said, “Come with me.”

Sui Yan followed Ning Lan into the courtyard and kitchen. The first room on the left was Ning Lan’s room.

There was a bed and a wardrobe in a room of more than ten square meters. The wardrobe was wide open, and a lot of clothes were still on the bed. Obviously, it was too late to clean up when I searched.

Ning Lan gave the clothes to Sui Yang, and she bent down on the side of the bed and folded his clothes toward him.

From Sui Yan’s point of view, I could just see the thin waist of Ning Lan’s thin shirt and a white neck, and the fleshy earlobe appeared and disappeared with his movements.

Sui Yang used to like kissing his ears and neck most. These two areas are his sensitive areas. When he touched them, it turned pink and was obviously ashamed. Ning Lan had to say itchy, laughing and making noise in his arms. The ground does not let touch, the body’s well-behaved and Ao Jiao Tian Yi seamlessly blend, his head to toe is his favorite look.

As soon as Ning Lan folded her clothes and stood up, she was embraced by the people behind her.

Feeling the heartbeat coming through the chest, and the hot breath that came very close, Ning Lan’s back was stiff and her lips moved a few times without making a sound.

“Sorry,” Sui Yan said in his ear, “I know, I know … I’m sorry.”

Ning Lan’s head was empty for a few seconds.

What do you know

Do you know

So why did you come to me?

Ning Lan didn’t speak and refused. Sui Yan tightened his arms and took the person into his arms. He put his head on his shoulder, his lips touching his cool earlobe, for fear that his tone was not gentle enough, deliberately Lowering his voice, “Go back with me, okay?”

Where to go?

Ning Lan shrank and shook his head subconsciously.

No, don’t go back.

I don’t want to see them, I don’t want to be abandoned again.

Sui Sui came up again with his temper, and patiently said, “Fans miss you all, remember” Cover Jiangshan “? Now it’s on TV again, they all praise you for acting well, if you still want to act If you are tired, let ’s travel abroad. Would n’t you like to learn to ski? Let ’s go to country R. I will teach you to skate. ”

The second half of Ning Lan did not listen at all. He thought of the earthquake, the Black Sea of ​​10,000 people, and the endless scolding on the Internet.

After hiding here for so long, he was finally found.

What’s next? Shouldn’t he be dragged into the street to show the crowd?

Let his mouth be full of lies, deceive and deceive himself, make him covet, warm and delusional …

Suddenly Ning Lan began to struggle. Sui Yue managed to circle people in his arms. He refused to let go of life and death. Ning Lan could not beat him. He lifted his foot and stepped on him regardless of the situation. Sui Su ate pain and suddenly became unstable. Hugged people and fell to bed.

He responded very quickly, a turn over and pressed Ning Lan underneath, pressing his two wrists together with his hands over his head, as he used to play.

After doing this, I just leaned over to kiss Ning Lan, and I saw that his face was pale, his lips were shaking so much, and his throat was humming with some broken gasps. He wasn’t laughing, he couldn’t hear the three until he got close. Word-let go of me.

Sui Yun didn’t expect him to react like this, looking at his dark eyes with no focus, and forgot about the action for a while.

Then, Grandma Zhang, who was heard coming by, was hurried out with a broom.

At noon, the sun was in full bloom. When receiving the call, Sui Yan was standing in a daze department and dazed.

“Did you go to a place called Quanxi on the outskirts of Beijing?” Broker Wang Xu opened the door and asked.


“A passerby took your picture and posted it on Weibo. Fortunately, I found it in time and dealt with it, otherwise you will wait to be picked out and watch.”

After listening to Sui Yan, there was no turbulence in his face, and he turned to face the street, and said “um” gently.

He usually didn’t talk much, but he didn’t get enough to jump out word by word. Brother Wang immediately wondered: “What are you doing there?”

“Find someone.”

“Still that person?”


“did you find it?”

“found it.”

“Really? Thank God.” Wang Xu patted his thigh. “Can you work well now?”

Sui Yan licked her dry lips and said, “He refuses to come back with me.”

The phone was silent for a few seconds and said, “Just find it, sooner or later …”

Having said that, Sui Yun interrupted lightly: “Wang, I want to ask for two months’ leave first.”

Wang Xu was overwhelmed by the breaking up of the artist’s work there. On the other side of Starlight Entertainment, Fang Yu came out of the shed after learning that Sui Yang was in Quanxi. He drove all the way west, two hours later Slammed the brakes on Quanxi Street, nearly hitting a Maybach parked in front.

Get out of the car and hurriedly walked towards the store, and saw Sui Yan who was standing silly at the door and greeted the door without knocking.

At first nobody opened the door, Fang Yu shouted into the crack of the door, “Lan Lan, it’s me, I’m Fang Yu, don’t you even want to see me?”

After a while, the door opened, and Sui Yan watched Fang Yu enter.

About half an hour later, a royal blue sports car drove from a distance accompanied by the roar of the engine. After playing a drift in front of it, it stopped behind Fang Yu’s car.

Lu Xiaochuan got down from the driver’s seat, looked around with a scratch of his mind, saw Sui Yang immediately took off his sunglasses, and ran over as he saw his relatives: “Captain, have you seen Fang Yu?”

Sui Yan glanced at the closed shop door: “Inside.”

Lu Xiaochuan jumped up from his height and looked in. He didn’t see anything. Before he knocked on the door, he realized what was wrong and asked Sui Yang suspiciously, “Why don’t you go in, Captain?”

Sui Yan’s thin lips were soft and she didn’t answer.

Lu Xiaochuan finally figured out something, temporarily dispelled the idea of ​​going in, and walked to the side of the wall next to Sui Yan, and brewed for a while, and said, “Xiao Yu didn’t know it just a while ago, he didn’t tell me, it’s also today He was called by someone in the company and he said he was already on the road. “

Sui Yan said “um”.

According to Fang Yu’s time to start liking the video, which is only two or three months later, he didn’t tell anyone. He heard that Sui Yang came and only appeared. He should not want to disturb Ning Lan’s life.

In the current state of Ning Lan, it is really not suitable to go back again, maybe staying here may be the best choice.

“He … I said Ning Lan, still angry?” Lu Xiaochuan asked carefully.

Sui Yan shook his head.

“Then why don’t you go in?”

Sui Yan glanced at the closed door again: “I’m afraid he’s angry.”

Lu Xiaochuan scratched his head and didn’t understand what the two of them were doing. Seeing Sui Yang’s disappointment, it was inevitable that he would have a sympathy for him and propped him up on his shoulder: “Since he can play with Xiaoyu, his character It should be almost the same. Captain, you just care about three hundred and seventy-one, and try to get together with him, give him what you want, and hit his face to fan him. “

Seeing Sui Yan not talking, Lu Xiaochuan thought he was used to it, and couldn’t pull his face down. Then he shouted: “At this time, the skin and self-esteem are nothing compared with the daughter-in-law, that’s nothing, believe me, but where he is I like you a little, and it works. “

Hearing the last sentence, Sui Yan gave a quick response and said, “Well, thank you.”

Fang Yu stayed there until mid-afternoon. When she came out, her eyes were red and red, as if she had just cried, and she felt bad for Lu Xiaochuan. She was “beloved” and “heart-hearted” and coaxed. The degree of exaggeration was like intention Sui Yan gave a demonstration.

Sui Yan’s attention was elsewhere, and Fang Yu wiped away her tears, and Sui Yue stepped forward and asked him, “How is Ning Lan?”

Fang Yumei stared, and said fiercely, “Who are you? Why should I tell you?”

Sui pursed her lips, leaned over to knock on the door, and Fang Yu overtook to stop him: “He doesn’t want to see you, don’t bother him.”

“Did he say that?” Sui Yang asked hesitantly. “He said he didn’t want to see me?”

Fang Yu snorted coldly: “Otherwise?”

Sui Min raised her hand to hang stiffly in the air, and then slowly put it down.

He returned silently to his place and continued to station.

In the evening, when I received Lu Xiaochuan’s question about camping equipment such as tents and sleeping bags, Sui’s cell phone battery had bottomed out. As soon as I pressed the word “don’t use” to prepare for sending, it suddenly vibrated and shut down.

He carried the phone back into his pocket, folded his arms with both hands, and looked up at the clouds that were moving in the blue night.

He didn’t eat all day and drank only a few cups of coffee.

Ning Lan was found by him from the vast sea of ​​people, and now just separated from him by a wall, this recognition made him feel solid, as if people traveling in the desert saw the water source, rekindling the hope of survival.

Without water, you can survive for a few days and find water to get a new life.

Ning Lan is his water.

He should have known.

There is no night life in Quanxi Street. Every family closes the door and turns off the lights very early. Sui Yue sees that the lights are still on in the canteen and has been guarding before dare to leave.

The door opened with a squeak, Sui Yang stood upright, watching Ning Lan come out of it, and then stepped over to himself.

He held up his hand: “Is this what you left in the shop? Sorry to find out just now.”

Sui Yue observed Ning Lan’s face by the light of the road. Visual inspection was much better than that in the morning, and her cheeks were also flushed, so she felt relieved. Then he looked down and saw the bag on his hand, his eyes suddenly sinking.

When Ning Lan didn’t pick him up, he put things directly on the ground and calmly said, “The coffee stains on the clothes haven’t been washed off. How much is it, I’ll pay you.”

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