Chasing Tides

Chapter 67

Sui Yang didn’t show up deliberately for the past few days. Wang Xu helped him apply for a vacation. The company barely granted it for one month, and the work he had already received must be completed on time.

Sui Yun agreed. He also has a local advertisement, an interview, and the last two episodes of a reality show. So in the past few days, he went out early and returned late, and starred in the moon. He went back and forth between the city and Quanxi every day. squeeze.

Assistant Mi Jie watched him chatter day by day, and couldn’t bear to say, “Or … I’ll help you send flowers? Maybe I can help you say a few words.”

Sui Yan shook his head with a frown.

How can you fake someone else in pursuit of such a thing?

That night, when he returned to Quanxi, he saw the flowers and recording pens on the windowsill in the morning, but the lights in the room were dark. He stood in the corner for a while, and soon saw Ning Lan walking with the man back. The two were very close together, and the man said very ambiguous to Ning Lan before entering the door.

Fortunately, the man went out with his younger brother not long after he entered, or Sui Yun himself could not guarantee that he would do something impulsive.

Seeing that he was too tired to talk, Mi Jie planned to leave him in the dressing room and told him, “If you need any help, you must tell me.”

Sui Su called her: “Do you still have the Buddhist scripture you read last time? Send me a copy.”

“The Buddhist scriptures?” Mi Jie was puzzled. “Do you mean that” Mo Angry “?”


Mi Jie gave him a thick book in his bag: “This is the original.”

Turning on the first page, the first sentence of the preamble is: A person who can only get angry is a fool.

He closed his eyes, exhaled his breath, and barely began to recite the Scriptures as a “smart person” in order to calm his mind.

Today we are recording an interview program. This kind of program talks about the artistic life is false. Within 20 minutes of the opening, the hostess shifted the topic from acting to classical music. When the time came, she asked without a trace: “Who was influenced by you from the elementary school piano?”

Sui Yan: “I want to learn by myself.”

“I heard that your teacher is not only a famous violinist, but also your father …”

The host was procrastinating and procrastinating. Sui Yue saw it without breaking it, and answered directly: “Legal spouse.”

“That’s it.” The host looked suddenly stunned and immediately smiled. “Last time someone photographed you buying flowers and sending them back on Father’s Day. There are students like you who are as good and filial as your own son, teacher. It must be comforting. “

Sui Yun knew what the host was thinking, saying, “Respecting the teacher is a traditional virtue.”

Without digging out information about the family, the host was disappointed and flexibly switched the topic: “Speaking of the concert that just ended, the invited piano accompaniment was the famous female performer Yang Ke. Ms. Yang never easily accepted this. Invitation, the audience was very curious how you invited her? “

“I promised to accompany her concert at the end of the year, and she just happened to be on schedule.”

“I heard that Ms. Yang’s son, Mr. Yingdi Ji, has a close relationship with you …”

“Where did you hear from?” Sui asked the host, “Mr. Ji and I are ordinary friends who have cooperated several times.”

The host noticed his dissatisfaction, and he was not willing to stop: “This way … The song” Love Praise “that you and Teacher Ji cooperated with is still talked about, so seriously, I heard it for the first time At the time, I thought you two were at least close friends and more tacit than those bound couples. “

Sui Yan said: “Because the melody is beautiful and relatively simple, a little running-in can give a good effect.”

The host turned over the book and pretended to pretend: “I have also done some homework for the music blind. It is said that” Admiration of Love “was made by British composer Edward Elgar for his beloved fiancee, so I will be curious for everyone What were you thinking about when you pulled this piece? “

Sui Su smiled: “Everyone knows that Teacher Ji and his spouse have a deep affection. You are digging a pit here and jumping for me, aren’t you being kind?”

Although I’m not good at facing this kind of scene, how can I say that I’ve been in the circle for more than five years, and Sui Yan can cope with this small situation.

This was his first official interview on the show since his debut. The host didn’t expect that he was so foolish at a young age, and suddenly appeared embarrassed. He almost forgot what to ask next.

Sui Yue was not completely unreasonable, and the words turned sharply: “However, I can answer this question.” He paused, his eyes soft, “I was thinking of someone when I pulled that piece.”

At the end of the festival, Wang Xu nearly softened his knees in the background and said, “My young master, are you trying to scare me to be the master of my own? My knives are in my hands and I will wait for you to say, I immediately threatened the producer with a clip around the producer’s neck. “

Sui Yan took the coffee from Mi Jie, but smiled.

If it were not for Ning Lan’s current state, he really had the urge to speak out just now.

He wished that the whole world knew that Ning Lan belonged to him, and no one should think about Ning Lan’s idea.

Sui Yang expelled Wang Xu and Mi Jie and went down to the underground parking lot. He just stepped out of the elevator and met Fang Yu, who was recording the show next door, and Zhang Fan and An Lin who came with him.

Zhang Fan is good at bringing singers, Fang Yu took over after her debut as a solo singer, and An Lin has been following him since she was solo.

When Fang Yu saw Sui Yang, she was so embarrassed that she took off her sunglasses and said, “Yo, isn’t this our captain who is humming? It turns out that big stars will come to this kind of small studio to record programs?”

Sui Yan said “um”, “It’s a coincidence.”

Every provocation was exposed by him so lightly, punched on the cotton, Fang Yu hummed over him, and strode forward.

Zhang Fan and An Lin stopped to talk to Sui Yang.

“I heard that Ning Lan was found? An Lin and I were planning to find some time to see him.” Zhang Fandao.

Sui Yun nodded: “But he is not in good shape and doesn’t want to be disturbed, you …”

Fang Yu, who had already reached the elevator, turned back and sneered, “Don’t make alarmists here, he just doesn’t want to be disturbed by you.”

On the way back to Quanxi, Sui Yun thought a lot and had to admit that Fang Yu was telling the truth.

The recording pen on the windowsill on my birthday was left intact the next day. He didn’t know if Ning Lan listened. If he did, why did he still see such an unavoidable response in the next few days? The response was not shyness, but naked rejection.

Sui Yang, like every hairy boy who showed his heart to his sweetheart, was eager to get a response. He was afraid that his offensive would be too disgusting, and that he would not be taken away by the enemy.

His Ning Lan is so good. He knows better than anyone that his eyes are attracted to him, and his joy and anger are both affected by him.

Just thinking so, he was anxious, wanted to see Ning Lan, wanted to hug him, wanted to kiss him, and wanted him to never leave his sight.

Sui Yan’s hand holding the steering wheel gradually tightened.

But he couldn’t. At least not now.

At the same time, at a hospital in the capital, Ning Lan was restless on a bench outside the psychological consultation room.

Lu Hao entered for less than five minutes. When he came out, his expression was natural. He made an appointment with the psychologist at the door for the next meal, and took Ning Lan out.

On the way back, Ning Lan kept talking and stopped talking about the topic several times. After a while, she pulled out her hand and looked out the window.

“A nail on the seat?”

“Ah?” Ning Lan turned his head, “No.”

Lu Hao laughed: “Ask what you want to ask, don’t let yourself be ruined.”

For a moment, Ning Lan finally resolved to ask, “Is my illness worse?”

“The doctor told you?”

“No, I … guess.”

“Don’t guess, you’re fine. The doctor said you’re more cheerful than when you came last time.”

Ning Lan couldn’t help but raise his voice: “Really?” He was a little skeptical after he said it, and lowered his shoulders, “But …”

Lu Hao looked at him sideways: “But what?”

Ning Lan shook her head and pursed her lips without saying a word.

Lu Hao can guess that it has something to do with those who have come to see him in Quanxi recently, especially the youngest man who is the tallest and most frequent.

In fact, he hid many things and didn’t tell Ning Lan, for example, he already knew who the young man was and what Ning Lan originally did. When he searched for Ning Lan’s name, piles of negative news appeared on the screen, which is enough to prove how Ning Lan’s psychological obstacles came from.

However, it was almost.

The psychiatrist told him that Ning Lan was hiding something he didn’t want to say, no matter if he hit directly from the front or knocked from the side, he couldn’t tell him anything.

Human beings’ instincts for profit and avoiding harm determine the more they are afraid of, the more they are unwilling to face, but if they do not face it, they can only live in that nightmare and consume themselves day by day.

Thinking of this, Lu Hao became a bit heavy. Somehow, he always felt that it had something to do with that young man. When he first met, Ning Lan’s evasive eyes and trembling body showed that the man’s status in Ning Lan’s mind was not ordinary.

Maybe he is the one who can untie Ning Lan’s heart.

Seeing Lu Hao frowning, Ning Lan thought he was unhappy, and guiltyly asked him what he wanted to eat at night.

When Lu Hao turned to face him, he smiled again: “Can’t you first see what netizens want to see you do?”

Under Lu Hao’s surveillance, Ning Lan picked up his mobile phone and rummaged through his comments on Weibo. He just went to the supermarket and got out of the car to buy some fresh ingredients.

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