Becoming the Luna

Chapter 345

Dale pushes himself off the wall that he had been leaning on when he sees Kieran coming, his dark green eyes lighting up.

Kieran wastes no time, already knowing what the Alpha wanted.

"Yes." Is all he says and the play of emotions on Dale's face almost makes him rat out to Dale about the fact that he would get to see Dream in just a couple days.

Dale rests against the wall again like his knees were too weak to support his weight, his head hanging forward.

"I need to see him." Dale says suddenly with a fiery intensity that matches the sunshine in his eyes.

Kieran pushes a hand through his hair, reflexively taking out a stick of cigarette that he had kept hidden from Dream.

Dale could tell that was a clear sign that the Head Beta was stressed and he couldn't blame him, Dale could definitely relate.

"My hands are tied but I can say you will, soon enough, just keep your fingers crossed." 

The almost inaudible sound of pain that leaves Dale makes him shove his unlit cigarette back in his pocket, nothing like romantic tragedy to ruin a smoking mood.

He offers a hand to Dale for a hug, expecting the Alpha to brush his gesture away, hell! He wanted to slap himself on the upside of his head for it but Dale fakes the comfort offered.

Giving Kieran a grateful glance which he tries to avert his face to avoid - he just didn't like them being miserable around him, that was why he chose to help.

"Thanks man." Dale nods to him, turning around to walk into the forest.

Kieran just watches him go quietly, making no comment although that route would take him directly right past the cottage.

Who said Cupid couldn't be a washed out, middle age man with an addiction to nicotine?


"Darian and DD have been so busy, none of you remembers to come visit your sweet mother anymore." Dia complains dramatically as she piles more food on Dream's plate.

Dream blinks at this, he hadn't expected that but it would also explain why his older brother wasn't breathing down his neck at the moment.

"Well, I'm pretty sure they won't miss out on lunch." Dream reassures her.

Dia tries her hands on a flower patterned hand towel. "They better not or I'm driving down to the Pack House to drag them over here by their ears." She says with immense seriousness.

"You're going to move into the Pack House now won't you?" Dia asks hopefully… if Dream should pick a mate, she would like it if it was from their Pack because the Werewolves there were all beautiful people.

Dream considers this, it was actually a very high possibility, he couldn't imagine living in Dale's Pack after all that happened but maybe he would get to keep Hayden company that would make his condition seem less horrifying.

"Most likely, mom."

The doorbell rings and Dream hops to his feet. "I'll get it!" He offers, quick to desert the food because he has already eaten so much and lunch was just a little over an hour or two away where his mom would pile up more food for him.

He falters when he gets to the door because he had been expecting his siblings but now that he's at the door he's starting to think that maybe it could be Heather.

He swings open the door anyway because there's no backing out now only to look up into the grinning faces of his two older siblings.

"Dream!" DD is the first to exclaim, pulling her younger brother into a hug and messing up his hair.

"I'm surprised you two came so early, too lazy to cook breakfast on a weekend?" He taunts them, Deidre pinching him slightly which makes him yelp.

"Don't pick on your younger brother." Dia comes out to say, a happy but stern Express on her face as she welcomed the rest of her kids happily.

"Darian, don't look so grumpy, aren't you happy to see me." Dia manhandles him into a hug, practically pushing them into the kitchen.

"Just like I said with Dream, you're all not eating well anymore, that's it we're making Saturday lunches a tradition!" Dia announces, guiding them all to sit while she makes to serve them food.

"Mom…" Deidre starts to complain about the size of food she was getting, Dream snickering evilly at her.

"But what if we have dates?" Darian grouches.

The entire table freezes up at this, everyone giving Darian a pointed look.

"I'm serious." He mutters, taking a bite out of his food.

"Then you bring them here." Dia beams, leaning over to kiss Darian's cheek.

Darian burns up at this which makes his younger siblings snicker, earning death glares from him.

No one mentions their father and that was fine with them, there was no need to ruin a perfectly fine meal.

Heather makes her appearance just after noon, dressed in Sunny yellow dungarees which made her already bright presence even more so.

The children all noticed the change in their mom as soon as the other lady showed up, she was constantly fussing with her hair and patting down her dress although she had an apron over it.

They make no comment about it, prefering to observe so they didn't scare their mom out of a fulfilling relationship.

They moved to the living room for a while and Dia brought out some board games that they could play, she always played with them but their father couldn't be bothered to, he was barely around for that anyway.

But with Heather it's different and she's soon facing off against Darian and Dream in cards while DD and their mom cheer from the sidelines, their happy laughter resounding in the bright house.

Dia leans back a little to watch the happiness being shared easily, it was hard to get Darian to talk to anyone outside of the family and a select few but here he was arguing intensely about the validity of a card that Heather had played to give her an advantage.

It made her wonder, that happiness was so easy, just within her grasp but she chose to be the adult, well she was done being that, as soon as her so called husband came back, she was filing for a divorce.

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