Becoming the Luna

Chapter 346

"Baby?" Virgil watches with apprehension as Hayden tucks in the third bowl. "You're going to get sick if you eat too much." He says hesitantly, unsure of how Hayden would take it.

"Hmm?" Hayden hums with his cheeks bulging out, glancing up at Virgil like he forgot his mate was even in the room,

"There's no more strawberries." He says plainly, voice stern.

Hayden looks scandalized like he hadn't just finished a garden full amount of the fruit. "T-there's no more?" He blinks, freezing up in his motion of licking the strawberry juice and chocolate stained fingers.

Virgil grits his teeth, unable to lie to Hayden. "Well, not exactly but they will if you keep eating them this way."

"Okay." Hayden agrees, getting up with the tray to go keep it in the kitchen sink, Virgil watching quietly in shock.

He had expected a bit of a tantrum so he's still surprised even when Hayden comes back with his hands washed, his stomach a little rounded from the amount of strawberries he had put away but the sight of it is enough to upturn Virgil's world.

He weaves slightly on his feet going pale as he watches Hayden waddle over to the bed, raising his shirt to pat his bare stomach.

"Aren't you coming to nap?" Hayden asks him curiously, he was sitting on his knees, his legs tucked under him and this makes his tummy literally pop.

How did it get so hot all of a sudden?

Virgil wipes at his brows, reminding himself that this was literally what would be happening in a couple months but he can't help his reaction to it, it makes it feel so real.

"I need to shower first." He finally gets out, heading to the bathroom.

Then after that, cuddle his mate to sleep, then go on a run - maybe expending energy in the quiet serenity of the woods would help him come to terms with… everything.

It doesn't take long for Hayden to fall asleep, the overfed Omega already dozing before Virgil is done with cleaning up.

All Virgil has to do is get on the bed and Hayden falls fast asleep, not rousing even when Virgil dislodges both of his hands from the Alpha's neck, tucking a pillow in between Hayden's arms for him to hold onto.

He tucks Hayden in, knowing that he would definitely be fast asleep for a good long while…


Dream is careful to keep tabs on his scent, making sure to spray more of his scent suppressants every two hours, they usually could easily last the whole day but he's pregnant now, he's not taking any chances.

It was getting late now and Deidre was napping on a couch while his mom and Heather were quietly discussing on another, Darian sat beside him engrossed in his phone while Dream watched the tv.

The sun was still far from setting though so they were still laid back, just enjoying the peaceful air that surrounded the house, the weak sunlight filtering in.

This peaceful scene is shattered when there's a knock on the door, everyone but DD who is fast asleep perking up at this.

"Expecting anyone?" Darian asks his mom because technically she's the only one still living there.

Dia frowns, getting up to go check who it is. "No idea, no one ever comes to see me at home but you four."

Darian makes a face like this, already by his mom's side in a split second. "Sit mom." He tells her gently with firm hands on her shoulders, dark blue eyes darkening protectively as the knock comes through again. "I'll check."

Everyone watches expectantly as Darian checks who it is, a dark cloud hovering over him when he reluctantly opens the door. "Darian, son." Mr. Micall beams at his son, suitcase piled on the stairs.

Darian easily sidesteps his hug, his face utterly blank, doing well to hide his disgust as he retraces his steps to go crowd the wall, looking imposing although his father is easily taller than him.

Dia and Dream visibly freezes up at his presence, Heather instantly noticing their discomfort.

"Aren't you going to even welcome me." He steps in, taking off his leather jacket and tossing it on the arm of the couch Deidre was sleeping on, he sneers at her. "Always sleeping." he mutters under his breath.

He had a long standing argument with Dia over Deidre, saying she was too fat and it made Dia livid, her brows slanting when she heard his comment.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Dia asks coldly, making him startle.

His wife was always scrambling to make him comfortable but that wasn't happening at the moment and that made him puff out his chest aggressively.

"I wanted it to be a surprise, darling but you don't even look pleased to see me, none of you do." He notes, looking around Dia to stare at Dream who had easily kept his distance from his father.

He couldn't trust himself to not gag and throw up if he got too close to the asshole. 

Dia keeps quiet at his accusation, willing herself to keep quiet instead of scrambling to appeal to his ego like she would have done usually, everyone else uninterested in conversing with him.

So he rounds on the person most vulnerable to him, blatantly ignoring Heather's presence.

Dream flinches, his scent spiking a little, he knows what his dad is going to go for… good thing he already left the house.

"Still growing your hair out like a sissy huh?" He mutters in disapproval. "It's your mom that keeps allowing all…"

Dream gets up halfway through his complaint, either their father was dense or he especially seemed to enjoy it when they were all uncomfortable.

Being the judgemental asshole he was to them while he literally reeked of human perfume and had hickies on his neck.

"It's getting late mom, I should be going if I want to make it home in time." Dream cuts him off, going to his mom who pulls him into a warm hug, kissing his wavy locks lovingly.

"Of course, remember, same time next week?" She beams at him, tuning out her husband - well, soon to be ex.

"Of course." Dream agrees. "I wouldn't miss it for the world, bye Heather." He goes over to hug her as well, her soft smile lighting up the room as easily as his father had darkened it.

He says goodbye to his siblings as well, Darian already going to pick up his sleeping sister, nodding goodbye to Heather and letting his mom ruffle his hair.

Dia watches her children go out, her shoulders squaring in determination, it was time to end this.

She notices the stunned look on her husband's face, he had never dared to hit her at least not after Darian grew up, scared of what his son would do so instead he settled for manipulation and emotional blackmail.

"Heather dear, would you like to stay or…?" She leaves the offer open, noting the worry on the older woman's face.

"She'll do none of the sort, Diamond, you trying to throw me out of my own house?"

"It's for the Pack, darling." She waves him away. "Plus there are lots of spare rooms, you didn't possibly think that I'd share a room with you, really?" She faces him off, placing a hand on her ample hips. "There's food in the kitchen, I need to say goodbye to Heather." She says to him in the most words she had ever used unless they were arguing.

"Oh and hey, yes…." She turns around when she gets to the door with Heather, her husband moving out of the way in surprise. "First thing on Monday we're going to the Pack House and yeah, I'm divorcing you as well so if you could just clear your apparently busy schedule that would be nice too."

"You could come sleep over at my place." Heather says into Dia's hair when they were outside on the lawn, in front of Heather's car.

The sun was setting behind them, Heather's lighter shade of hair tangling with Dia's black hair, she knew how much it took out of Dia to stand up to her asshole of a husband.

"No, I need to do this, for me." Dia smiles up to her, placing a hand on her face, her presence gave Dia stability something she had always craved.

"Call me when you get home." Dia chirps to her, hurrying up the stairs after stealing a kiss from Heather, uncaring if her husband was watching - she was now a free woman.

Heather watches her go, a bright smile on her face to rival the sunset and she places her hand on her cheek where Dia's soft lips had been.

Dia's husband had looked like a proper asshole who would give the sweet woman trouble, maybe it was time for Heather to get her tire wrench out...

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