Becoming the Luna

Chapter 344

Virgil chooses to bid his time by changing the sheets while Renee went down the stairs to prepare Hayden's order, she hadn't seemed the slightest bit surprised when he asked for strawberries and chocolate.

He was worried about leaving Hayden alone for too long and had offered to shower with him but Hayden had said no to that.

That was fine with Virgil, he's just starting to think that maybe the shower had been running for too long.

His heart picks up the pace and he abandons the sheet corner he had been ever so carefully folding, sweeping into the bathroom to check on his mate.

The shower door is closed and fogged up so Virgil can barely see what's going on inside of it and that's enough to Spike his worry.

Slowly he opens the sliding glass door, steam pouring out in a rush as he sees Hayden sitting under the hot droplets of water, curled up into himself, his face hidden in his knees.

Virgil thinks he blacks out for a split second before grabbing a large fluffy towel and putting off the showerhead, he wraps up Hayden in it and easily picks him up in his arms.

"Baby, are you okay?" He asks only after they're already on the way to the bed.

Hayden blinks, like he hadn't still come to terms with the change of scene, his eyes were a little swollen and pink.

Virgil flinches back in horror at this, reaching out to tenderly cup Hayden's face. "Sweetheart, were you crying?"

Hayden tucks himself deeper into the towel wrapped around him, his face still wet, water dripping from his wet hair down his face.

"I don't like to be a bother to you." Hayden sniffs - pregnancy brain - wiping the water off his face. "I've had you and Mom worrying all morning and you can even leave for a couple minutes before I start throwing up…" he trails off into another sob and Virgil is stunned.

How the fuck is he supposed to deal with this? He looks around, oops! It's just him…

He pulls Hayden into his arms, making his mate sit on him, uncaring of how wet the other was.

"Don't be silly Hay, you're not a bother and I'm proud you need me so much." Virgil says in a soft voice, touching his nose to Hayden's which makes him giggle wetly and scrunch up his nose.

Virgil sighs in relief at the change of mood, worrying how long it would last… maybe he shouldn't have thought about that because Hayden's bottom lip is wobbling again, tears gathering in his big amber eyes.

He's hard pressed to figure out what could possibly be wrong again when Hayden's stomach rumbles making Virgil perk up.

"Hungry, baby?" He asks, breathing easier at Hayden's aggressive nods - this was basically the first day, maybe he should take a vacation because his mate was going to need all the attention he could get and who was Virgil to not give it to him.

"Well, Renee is coming back with what you asked for, okay so why don't you get dressed before she comes back?"

"I'll do it!" Hayden is already hopping off the bed, towel still wrapped around his drying body as he flings open the wardrobes and goes for Virgil's side of it.

He searches through purposefully and Virgil gets up to tuck in the last edges of the freshly changed sheets only to look up and find his mate curled on the ground again.

Panic is his first emotion as he hurries over only to find Hayden pouting and near tears.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He decides to ask directly.

"I-I can't find the s-shirt I'm looking f-fo...for!" He places both hands on his face at this. "Oh my God, why am I crying?'

Virgil hides a small smile, good thing Hayden had been the one campaigning for babies so he wouldn't be the one to blame for all this.

"It's fine, you're okay." Virgil consoles him, helping him sit up. "It's fine to cry too, just tell me what you want and I'll get it, how's that?" He tugs Hayden up to his feet so that his shorter mate could hug him while he waddled over to the wardrobe to find the particular item of clothing that Hayden wanted.

"I-I wan… that pretty blue one… that I got for you…" Hayden starts to explain, his face hidden in Virgil's bare chest, his Alpha's scent doing a lot to calm him down.

He holds on tightly to the edges of the towel still wrapped around him, smiling just a little when he feels Virgil rests his jaw on his head.

"Want your favourite pajama bottoms?" Virgil guesses, knowing that that was the clothing his mate went for when he needed comfort.

Hayden nods, taking the pajama bottoms from Virgil and stepping back to wrap the towel around his chest so he could pull them up.

He tugs the towel off after this and raises his hands up for Virgil to help him out on the shirt.

Virgil tries his hardest to keep a serious expression similar to the one Hayden was wearing because there was no telling if he laughed that his cute, little, pregnant mate wouldn't burst into tears again.

Renee makes an appearance just as they both get settled on the bed again, apprehension on her face.

She settled the tray which had a big glass bowl of cut up strawberries with chocolate just like Hayden had asked for on the bed, Hayden watching it with wide eyes as he scooted over to dig in.

Renee tugged Virgil to the side to whisper to him. "Um, apparently someone put Yanis on the Pack list of emails." She explained to Virgil, glancing over at Hayden who was getting ready to dig in.

"I'm betting it's your adorable husband over there but now he's asking questions because an announcement was put out so I'll have to deal with him before he goes into cardiac arrest, take care of my baby, I'll be back in a couple hours." She said in a rush, tugging down Virgil's messy hair to kiss his forehead and pat his hair.

"Oh and you might have to refrigerate the rest of that big bowl of…" She trails off as they both turned to Hayden, she had been about to say that she was pretty sure her son wouldn't be able to even make a dent in the bowl.

Hayden was sitting crossed legged in front of the tray, absorbed in his meal so much that he discarded the cutleries brought for him and was digging in with his hands, already halfway through, chocolate smeared across his face.

"Or on second thoughts, I'll have Jaxie bring up another bowl." Renee corrects herself.

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