Becoming the Luna

Chapter 341

Hayden notices that as soon as Virgil hurries back in the bedroom without Mae who no doubt had a lot to deal with in the kitchen - come to think about it, had Shana really asked the two worst cooks ever to prepare something?

He notices that as soon as Virgil's scent of rich, ripe strawberries and dark chocolate hits him, his nausea waves immediately calm down - guess what his new craving is?

"Ready for the results?" Shana walks in from the bathroom, her expression level.

She doesn't even flinch when she comes in to find Hayden straddling Virgil, his head resting tiredly on his mate's chest, the Omega was definitely spending the rest of the day in bed, most likely with his mate.

"Yeah." Virgil gulps, trying to keep his heartbeat steady and his scent from spiking in his nervousness.

There was no need to stress Hayden more than he had had to endure all day.

"Good, cause I'm telling you anyway and I've got to say, anyday y'all need a babysitter, just call me, I'd make time for Hayden's baby…"

Virgil and Hayden try to make sense of Shana's endless rambling, Hayden's eyes going wide and flashing a soft amber.

"I'm pregnant." He beams up at Virgil and the quiet joy the Alpha sees on his mate's face is enough to put his mental demons to rest, for now.

Virgil reaches forward to cup Hayden's face in his hands, a reverent expression on his face as he leans forward, leaning his head slightly to the side to claim Hayden's lips.

A hand slips behind and upwards into Hayden's hair to tilt his head backwards slightly to have proper access to his mate's sweet mouth. The remaining tendrils of fear at the news they had just gotten dissipating in the slowly burning up kiss.

"Of course, forget I'm in the room." Shana throws her hands up as the kiss rapidly escalates, Virgil's hands starting to wander.

Hayden is mortified, a bright red blush crawling up to his face, the strip of skin showing off his middle from Virgil putting his hands up his oversized shirt was the same shade of red as well.

He squeaks at the reaction of Shana, easily forgetting that she had been in the room with them, hiding his burning face in Virgil's chest.

Virgil doesn't give any fucks though, mouthing at Hayden's mating mark, making goosebumps pop out on his skin, his small hands pressed against the bare skin of Virgil's shoulders.

"You can choose to go for tests if you want, it's a little early to do more than detect the pregnancy." Shana starts to say, ignoring Virgil who seems to be hell bent on making Hayden fall apart in his arms.

"And I doubt anything is wrong, morning sickness is a sign of a healthy pregnancy so I'll just yeah… I'll fucking get going." She ends in an exasperated tone, glaring pointedly at Virgil.

"Thanks, Shay." Virgil calls to her without taking his eyes off Hayden.

"I'll tell Mae and we'll leave, doubt Renee is going anywhere though… I'm so happy for you Hay." She pauses at the door to say, a wide smile enveloping his face. "This is the best news I've heard in a while, goodluck telling Yanis." She tosses over her shoulder with a cackle, leaving.

Hayden winces at this, relaxing into Virgil's hold, his eyes slipping shut, breaking the news to Yanis would be a different set of theatrics that he wasn't sure he was ready to deal with yet.

Right now what he wanted was a long ass bath, and a huge bowl of juicy strawberries covered in chocolate…

Renee comes in at this moment, an adorably serious expression as she comes in with the tray of crackers and ginger tea. "Mae and S hana helped me make this so just eat a little so…" She had been walking closer as she spoke, her intensity excessive for such a simple task as carrying a tray.

Hayden slaps a hand over his mouth as the scent of the ginger tea wafts over, his gag reflex acting up as he jumps down from Virgil's legs to make his way to the bathroom in a hurry.

Renee just stands in place, visibly confused. "W-what?"

"I don't think he likes the crackers." Virgil says in a desert dry voice, already getting up to go check up on Hayden.

Renee makes a face. "No kidding, V." She scoffs, taking the tray out. "Mind asking him what he wants, all that throwing up without eating anything isn't healthy."

"Yes, mom." He murmurs without putting too much thought into it but Renee swerves around at this, nearly spilling her tea.

Her grey eyes were wide, dark brown hair in some elaborate chignon then she beamed, the smile lighting up her beautiful face. "Want anything?"

Virgil looks skeptical. "You're going to cook?"

"What? No, I actually want you to eat something, I'll go down to the kitchens don't worry about it."

"I'll eat whatever Hayden will have." Virgil says, disappearing into the bathroom.

Renee narrows her eyes at this, her lips parted in shock, for some reason, she remembered the weird cravings she had while she was pregnant with Hayden.


She had the weirdest cravings for olives, worst still, she hadn't even liked olives to begin with but boom after she found out she was pregnant, they suddenly became her most eaten edible - it was ridiculous,

She turned around with the now cooling tray of tea and crackers, going to place it in the kitchens so she could come take their others, her mom would be so excited.

Renee had a feeling that she wouldn't even be stunned about the fact that Hayden was the one giving her a great-grandchild, she would handle that information better than Renee even did.

It still felt a little weird, sure she had managed to come to terms that her son was part wolf but this… this would take a little more time to get used to.

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