Becoming the Luna

Chapter 340

For some reason, Dream's comfort plants turn against him, their scents instantly triggering his gag reflex and making him dash back into his bedroom, all plans for a run scrapped up when he leans over the toilet bowl for the first.

It cements his earlier fears, it was set in stone now… he was pregnant…

And for no other person than the Alpha of the next door Pack… Darian was going to lose his shit, if he didn't make his mom go into cardiac arrest first.

When the initial wave of nausea and dread fades away, Dream finds himself absently rubbing a palm over his stomach ever so gently, cradling the budding life in him.

A bittersweet smile paints across his face, this was the last thing he ever wanted, he didn't want his child to face the exact same things he did while growing up.

Pressing his lips tightly against each other, he makes up his mind, if fate willed it and he birthed a male Omega, he would teach him to kick ass.

A drop of tears falls on his right cheek and he lifts a hand curiously to wipe at it, coming away with the salty liquid that smelled like dew with undertones of jasmines… why the fuck was he crying?

Angrily he swiped at it, bloody pregnancy hormones, making him fucking emotional.

With an eye roll he stomped across the room, reaching for his phone.

Kieran would scold his ear off if he didn't tell him immediately he found out about his conception.

"Fucking annoying, Head Beta." He grumbled, putting on the device with a baseless anger rolling around in his small frame. "Tainting my cottage with cigarette smoke." He kept on complaining, uncaring that Kieran's phone was already ringing and the Head Beta could pick anytime and listen in on his monologue.

"Hi, Dream." Kieran picks immediately, rustling sounding from his end. "I was just about to start coming down, need anything?"

Dream takes a deep breath, the change in his scent very obvious now but he still had to do the practical thing and check. "Yeah, a pregnancy test kit…" He says bluntly, casually enjoying the way Kieran chokes on what he had been drinking.

"Kie? Is that alcohol?" He latches on immediately, frowning.

Kieran instinctively hides his glass of vodka behind his back like Dream could reach through the phone and snatch it out of his hands. "You're not my mom." He grumbles.

"It's fucking nine am in the goddamned morning Kieran, you don't wake up and start your day off with vodka…"

Kieran expels out a puff of smoke, vodka quickly discarded, he didn't understand why he couldn't go against Dream. "I didn't…"

"Is that a cigarette?" Dream cuts him off and Kieran silently panics.

How the fuck did the Omega know that he had been smoking…

"How did you…" he starts to ask.

"Put it away…" Dream is already saying.

Kieran blinks, his brain finally booting long enough to remember Dream's request. "Wait, Dream, you wanted a pregnancy test kit?" He asks in mild horror that was rapidly escalating.

Dream mellows down at this, unexplainably shy. "Well, yeah, I know it's not something you'd have at home but…"

"Yeah I got one." Kieran cuts him off, putting out his cigarette in an ashtray and dropping his half empty cup of vodka in the sink as he goes to grab the seeming useless pregnancy kit he had stocked up.

Well, when one didn't have to worry about money, it was easy to have a lot of things that seemed unnecessary till they became very important.

"Oh…" Dream mumbles, deflating, anxiety thrumming in his veins.

"Sit tight, I'll be there in a bit." Kieran says to him, waiting for Dream to hang up before hurrying out of the house.

Hopefully, he would be able to get Dream to listen to him or at least listen to Dale with the pregnancy on the line, it could actually open up a pathway to save their relationship.


By the time Shana and Mae made it to the bedroom, Renee was just rousing but Virgil and Hayden and worked themselves up into a fine panic.

"Good lord, Virgil, can you and Renee go get crackers and make some ginger tea? Might want to have some too, you both don't look so hot." Shana is quick to say as soon as she gets in and takes in the situation.

First, they had to verify that Hayden was pregnant… Shana and Mae twitch their noses at the same time, they could tell the change in scent but why was it so subtle.

It was supposed to be strong enough to alert others that said Werewolf was pregnant but it was so vague, Shana shares a knowing glance with her girlfriend.

This was expected but they didn't know much about part male Omega Werewolves so they were taking it slowly, step by step, taking in each new development in stride.

Mae is quick to soothe Hayden who looks lost at Virgil's absence and Shana is quick to explain to him how to use the test kit, letting him have his privacy in the bathroom.

Virgil and Renee are still gone and in less than a couple minutes they hear the sound of hurling again which makes the girls rush into the bathroom.

"I got the t-test done…" Hayden manages to say, gagging a little… he felt uncomfortable in his skin, where was his mate?

"Just as I figured." Shana said hurrying over to help him up from the toilet bowl, knees too weak to hold him up. "You're going to need Virgil around, Mae please help me get him…"

Mae blinks in confusion, Hayden equally experiencing the same difficulty. "Huh?"

Shana smiles a little, explaining carefully even as she waited for the test to be ready, she could already say what the result would be anyway.

"Did you throw up after Virgil came in?" She asks.

Hayden's eyes went wide in realization, he had been so worried about whether or not he was pregnant or something was seeing to remember that. "No…"

"Exactly, his scent helps keep the nausea down but the crackers and tea are still advised because you look awfully pale right now."

Mae goes off to get Virgil after this, Hayden deciding to wait for his mate's arrival before getting the news.

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