Becoming the Luna

Chapter 342

Dale tries hard to ignore the pounding in his heart as he jogged right into the woods, ignoring the questioning gazes of other Werewolves, his loose grey shirt easily goes off before he's even well in the woods, ignoring the reaction it garners behind him and he breaks out into an all out run under the cover of the trees, shifting on a leap.

There was a shortcut through the woods, it would be faster to get to Kieran's house that way than driving his car.

He runs with a one track mind, panic thrumming at the same time with his large paws, he couldn't even call Kieran because he didn't have his phone on him - he was truly miserable.

The trees and shrubs all blend into one endless blur of green, the woods flashing by at an incredible speed.

Something catches his attention from the corner of his eyes, making him glance in that direction to see a weird looking cottage that he hadn't noticed before but then again he didn't really come around this part of the woods, it was too close to the edge of the woods.

He slows down slightly, the panic burning through his mind not allowing him do much that give it a cursory glance too worried about Dream's wellbeing to give it any attention,

It looks mostly abandoned to him and as soon as that thought crosses his mind, he picks up the pace again, speeding up.

Dream stands frozen at the window, unmoving, his heart in his throat as he senses painfully familiar dark green eyes stare into his soul and his heart stops for a couple precious beats, his hands gripping the loose shirt he has on.


That single word brings back tumultuous emotions rolling into him, emotions that he thought were long gone, emotions which he hadn't done much but try to keep them at bay.

But, they didn't stay away, they never even went far from his mind, Dale never left his thoughts, he just got better at lying to himself and the people around him.

He silently watches the huge form of the pitch black wolf move stealthily through the woods, It's speed almost unrealistic for Its size, realizing that Dale hadn't seen him.

"If I'm guessing correctly, the Luna of Crimson Pack is also pregnant, he's probably going over to my place to drag information out of me."

Dream's gasps hit twice as hard…

Hayden was also pregnant…

Dale really still cared about him and it wasn't just Kieran trying to convince Dream to come back…

He stares up at Kiera who is standing behind him with a strained expression.

"Fine." Dream agrees to the unspoken question in Kieran's eyes, a request long hanging silently between the two of them. "I'll see Dale…" He trails off looking outside the window again,

Dale was long gone, now that he had a life growing inside of him, he couldn't just up and leave anymore, he owed it to the people that loved him to stay, also to Dale who was the sire of the new life.

His shoulders sags with the weight of his worries, a hand absently going to rub his belly. "Don't tell him yet." He is quick to say to Kieran who is already whipping out his phone to make a call to Dale - although thinking about it, the Alpha couldn't even have his phone on him if he had just run past in wolf form.

"W-what?" Kieran pauses, scared that Dream is already having seconds thoughts.

This makes Dream laugh out loud. "Don't look at me like that Kie, I'm not changing my mind, I would just like some time to get myself together." He walks away from the window. "Hayden and I will be going shopping in a couple days, I'll come over to the Pack House after that." He explains.

Kieran easily agrees to this. "No take backs." He says immediately, this was better than nothing, he knew that they would definitely resolve whatever was going on between them.

"I hear ya, for now I'm going to pay my mom a visit." Dream turns around to walk into his bedroom.

"Really?" Kieran swerves to follow his movement, worrying in his voice. "Is that safe?"He asks in a soft voice, Dream's pregnant state was pretty obvious now, anyone that came up close would easily tell.

"Yes." Dream pauses to say, nodding with a smile. "I still have my scent suppressants, I'll be fine." He explains. "You should get going, thanks Kieran."

Kieran shrugs. "You feed me, I'd say it's a fair deal." He mutters, averting his flaming face at Dream's kind expression.

"Whatever rocks your both." Dream chuckles going in his bedroom.

"I'll be back for dinner!" Kieran calls, Dream's response is a little muffled but it's enough for Kieran.

Good thing he had packed his car on the other side of the cottage, he had to hurry home before Dale broke into his house, he wouldn't put it past the Alpha to do just that.

Dream searches through his wardrobe for something decent to wear, sure his mom had invited all of her children for lunch - the 'with Heather' was silent, Dream didn't mind the pretty lady.

So although it's way too early, Dream was already getting ready to leave, he needed to get there early enough, atleast to talk to his mom with Darian's interference.

He pulled out a sweatshirt, a little on the loose side, it would be a bit of a pinch when his tummy started to grow but that was an issue for another day, he had too much on his plate at the moment.

Wearing sweatpants would just make him look tacky so he goes for jeans instead although his body protests, unhappy with the tight sleeve of the jean pants.

He frowns as he glances down at his stomach, wasn't it a little too early for his baby to start dictating things like that?

He facepalms, what was he saying? Emerald and Teal were currently on the back porch now because the little daydream growing inside him didn't like them apparently… making him hurl each time he so much as got the faintest whiff of them.

He couldn't even take them out and had to wait for Kieran to do it.

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