Apocalyptic Black Technology System

v4 Chapter 96 - who is it?

   Who is Chapter 96?

  Su Ran did not act rashly, nor did he take any measures in the first place, nor did he send a ship to the space coordinate location to search and explore, but still looking for who sent this message to them.

He could not try to confirm, because he took action on this side, if the space coordinate pointing to the triad star system is really the hiding place of the Proximity Star Fleet, then the battle between the Xinjing Fleet and Proximity Civilization must be Will start in an instant.

   If this was just a few minutes ago, it was still what Su Ran and Xinjing Fleet wanted.

   But now the situation has changed.

   This coordinate was not found by themselves, but from an unknown piece of information in the starry sky.

It’s like you are walking alone on a dark street, just feeling that the night is too dark, and the side suddenly lights up, someone handed a flashlight in your hand, but when you look back, you find that the empty behind is not at all There exists the same person.

   Of course, this is not a horror story.

On the other hand, Su Ran is more willing to believe that there is something that has been staring at them, and it has been for a long time, otherwise it is impossible to send a message to the target galaxy but point to the new fleet and human targets. Proxima Star civilization.

   This cannot be Song Boyi and Xu Youyang. They are members of the fleet. The order they received was to bring information. If it was the information they passed, why not do it?

   Of course, Su Ran also considered that perhaps they were also in danger and did not want to expose the reason why the Xinjing Fleet sent a piece of information in secret.

   But since coordinates can be sent, why don’t you say a few more words?

   And the encryption method of this information is not the technology of Xinjing Fleet and humans.

Who is   ?

  Instinctively look back at where the target galaxy is, as if he can penetrate more than thirty light years and see hidden under the starry sky, silently staring at the existence of the Beijing fleet.

   At the same time.

  The entire Xinjing Fleet was in operation, and while continuing to monitor the triad star system, they began to search in reverse.

   Lin Yuandong has even thrown a lot of space shuttles and started to patrol the surroundings.

One minute.

three minutes.

five minutes.

ten minutes.

fifteen minutes.

   has nothing to gain.

  In addition to this sudden message, whether it is the solar system or the target galaxy, the galaxy is silent, as if the person who sent the message has quietly left and disappeared into the starry sky.

   Who are they?

  What is their purpose?

  What are they going to do?

In the target galaxy, Tong Miaoqiu and Lin Yuandong have reached an agreement. In addition to exploring the shuttle, they will fully enter a contracted state, leaning on the third Samsung behind them, be alert to all directions of the starry sky, and if there is a danger, they will immediately jump into the starry sky. .

  In the bridge of the Ranger, a large number of technicians have begun to compare and calculate the starry sky route selected once they start to escape.

Among    Wanderer and the numerous warships of the Xinjing Fleet, countless people have taken up the spirit of 120,000 points and are alert to the starry sky.

   The activated battleship of spore life also moves slowly. The huge tentacles are accompanied by inertial swing in space, like a wild creature walking through space.

   It is slowly moving to the front of the entire fleet.

  ——Su Ran has already shared the information with the spore life.

   At this time, the life of the spores was still quite reliable, and it actively moved forward the battleship, and the faction wanted to be like a huge meat shield.

   And in fact, spore life is throwing a lot of living spores in space.

This is both their own natural individuals, but they are very different. At this moment, the individuals they throw out do not have their integrated advantages. They are more like a streamlined version of existence, such as biological radar in space. As densely spread as they are ejected from the body of a living warship, they quickly disperse in space, and they are extremely small, extremely difficult to detect, and have the ability to survive in space for a short time.

   This is a peculiar way of alerting to spore life.


  Despite the fact that the Xinjing Fleet opened up, nothing else happened.

   They failed to find the messenger of the message, and no other message came from deep space.

   There is stillness in the starry sky, just like Proxima Star, they are deeply hidden.

   And at this time, in the home number, Su Ran issued a new order.

   “Headquarters fleet, Home Line all entered a state of silence.” Su Ran said, “We will leave here first.”

The order is conveyed step by step. On the blue planet, under the cold stare of the moon, the dark fleet that has just shone in the starry sky is disappearing slowly as if driving into the dark. This is not only optical invisibility, but will also enter a full electronic invisibility state. , And turn on comprehensive anti-detection and anti-reconnaissance equipment. At the same time, the entire fleet left geosynchronous orbit, but did not accelerate, but instead traveled at a relatively slow speed, gliding along the gravitation between the planets in the starry sky, completely silent, moving Stay away from the current location.

  If the opponent comes to the Xinjing Fleet, the Xinjing Fleet will not hide at first, and this may cause the opponent to take the next step.

   Therefore, Su Ran wanted to make the main force of the Xinjing Fleet disappear. In case of risk.

It’s not now that they are overwhelming the Proximity Star civilization and seeking war. The emergence of another force in UU reading www.uukanshu.com makes Su Ran have to be vigilant, especially when the opponent is unknown and he is in a dark place, and since the opponent knows the goal The location of the galaxy knows better that the Xinjing Fleet is looking for the Proximity Star civilization, so the existence of the first line of Earth and Homeland cannot naturally run away.

   And in the starry sky, there are not many civilizations that come up with friendly thoughts.

   Su Ran must guard against this hand, and hide the fleet ahead of time in order to make a perfect plan.

Moreover, at the same time, the communication between the fleet on the front line of the Homeland and the battleship group on the frontline of the Ranger where the target galaxy is located has all been interrupted. It seems that the two have really been cut off from each other. Disappeared in the starry sky, while the other side still has warships like Lin, backed by a huge ice-blue planet, Lin stands in the starry sky and is extremely vigilant.

  However, in Samsung’s planetary factory, two strange communication equipment equipped with quantum transmission devices suddenly moved, quietly changing from the original point of view of monitoring the automated factory, and “seeing” toward the starry sky and the galaxy.

   These are the only two eyes left by Su Ran to pass the frontline information to the Xinjing Fleet.

   In the starry sky, by the Milky Way, the stars flow, the stars shine brightly, everything is silent, so quiet and beautiful, and the murderous potential contained therein seems to never exist.




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