Apocalyptic Black Technology System

v4 Chapter 95 - Information from deep space

   Chapter 95 Information from Deep Space

  Li Yan is behind, and has a glimpse of the awkward conversation between Lin Yuandong and Tong Miaoqiu.

   His mouth twitched slightly, and of course he understood that his boss wanted to have a good relationship with the other party. After all, the dual captain system, good relationship and poor relationship between the two captains are completely two concepts.

   This practice of pulling relations is also the “tradition” of Lin Yuandong’s line.

   What Li Yan knew was that Lin Yuandong had invited Tong Miaoqiu to dinner before, but unfortunately it was also rejected.

Under such a cold attitude, Tong Miaoqiu himself was very polite to Lin Yuandong. In addition to this public occasion, in private, he was also called Lin Yuandong Dong Ge, like Lieutenant General Li and commander. This oil and salt The state of not advancing is the source of embarrassment for Lin Yuandong.

  Seeing this, Li Yan pouted and quietly stepped back half a step away from these two people.

   However, the embarrassing conversation between Lin Yuandong and Tong Miaoqiu did not last too long, so they went silent again.

The target galaxy is silent, quiet and terrible. The fleet has been debugged and has been in a state of preparation. As long as there is wind and grass, it can set sail. Monitor the situation in the triad star system and be alert to the surroundings of the target galaxy.

Lin Yuandong actually understands that Tong Miaoqiu does not give him a face, but does not intend to follow his tradition. This is also Su Ran’s meaning. Although Lin Yuandong’s style of school has a good side, he also has a bad side. Faction formation is not a good thing among any forces, especially modern forces.

  Su Geer was embarrassed to talk to him in person and sent Tong Miaoqiu over. For this reason, Lin Yuandong can see clearly. He is more clear that Su Geer specially promoted him again to become the captain of the target galaxy fleet and the Ranger, just telling him, When the family business is small, you may be able to control everyone, but once the family business grows bigger, the benefits of gang formation will become a disadvantage.

  Lin Yuandong also wants to make changes and try to contact Tong Miaoqiu, but he is so old, and his style of work has been difficult to change, which makes him embarrassed in his contact with Tong Miaoqiu.

   But he is also working hard.

  Maybe before New Year’s Day, Lin Yuandong had some time to live and pass, thinking of living in the Xinjing Fleet, but with the battles around New Year’s Day, his ideas have completely changed.

   Before he had a drink with Su Ran, he was persuading Su Ran, but Qiao Xiangchen’s death was also a part of his own heart disease.

In that battle, he himself knew that he would be far less helpful than Qiao Xiangchen in the future, so he made preparations for sacrificing his battle group. He was already in Suran and everyone here too. More than that, it’s time for him to return to these relationships, so he didn’t hesitate to want to die at that time. If he could exchange his entire fighting group’s life back to today, he would be worth it even if he died.

   But… it was Qiao Xiangchen who finally killed him.

   He will never forget what Qiao Xiangchen said that day.

With that sound, Brother Dong seemed to have a heavy hammer in his heart. He couldn’t get over and over again. He would continue to grow, help Su Geer, and take the copy of Qiao Xiangchen to become the strongest helper of the Xinjing Fleet. .

  Lin Yuandong asked himself that he was not a good person. He had done some rogues and robbers before the end of the world, but he had a line in his heart, and that line told him what to do and what to never do.

  In any case, he must be worthy of these people, worthy of Qiao Xiangchen, Su Ran they called him brother Dong.

   Therefore, he has been working hard in his own way.

   Although the effect is not great enough.

  However, this brief leisure did not last long.

   That was probably the third hour after the Xinjing Fleet defeated the Proximity Star Fleet in outer space and completely controlled the battlefield.

   “Two captains, we received a message from an unknown airspace! This is our unmarked and recorded message!”

   The report from a crew member responsible for monitoring the outer space of the outer space of the target galaxy immediately caught Lin Yuandong and Tong Miaoqiu’s attention.

   Lin Yuandong and Tong Miaoqiu looked at each other, their faces changed slightly.

   “Verify the source again. Put it into the database to compare the neighboring star, UFO, and swarm information database.”

  Tong Miaoqiu’s face was dull, and he gave orders as soon as possible, and Lin Yuandong immediately relayed the news to his homeland in outer space.

  Through quantum communication technology, they can achieve a certain degree of newsletter.

   However, it took about three minutes for the Homeland to hear back.

  Su Ran directly connected the factual communication: “We have done a comparison and confirmation on this side. This is not a naturally formed signal. This is an unknown civilization…consolation.”

   That message is being quickly deciphered.

The other party did not use human language, but an unknown, other civilized language, not only multi-layer encryption, but also hidden in cosmic radiation, if not directed to the Xinjing fleet anchored in the target galaxy, even very It’s hard to find.

   above the earth.

  Home number.

  Su Ran raised his head slightly, and the home computer and expert team were looking for its source in reverse through the message.

  Who will send information to them at this time?

   And in the target galaxy?

   They have been entrenched in the target galaxy for so long. If there are other civilizations around them, they should have discovered it already. If they can’t find it, there is no need to pop up at this knot.

   In the Rangers.

The relaxed atmosphere just now was swept away with the sudden unknown signal ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Without deciphering and finding the source of the signal, they can only rely on the third galaxy of the target galaxy to spread the battleship defense array. Lift the shield and enter a state of full vigilance.

   Time goes by a little bit.

  The Xinjing Fleet has not yet found the source of the signal, but first deciphered the content.

   That is a simple spatial coordinate.

   That’s all.

  Su Ran entered this space coordinate into the starry sky coordinate system established by the Xinjing Fleet. After three comparisons and calibrations, it was confirmed that this space coordinate pointed directly to the depth of the starry sky.

   That is a coordinate in the triad star system where Proxima is located.

this is……

   Su Ran’s complexion changed suddenly.

   Who is it?

   At this time, send them a piece of space coordinates in the triad system?

   What did the other party find their fleet in the target galaxy?

  Why did they send them a space coordinate in the tri-star system, and what does this space coordinate represent?

   Although not sure, Su Ran vaguely felt that this might be the coordinates of Proximity Star civilization!




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