Apocalyptic Black Technology System

v4 Chapter 97 - caveat

   Chapter 97 Warning

  Triple star system, solar system, target galaxy.

   is silent.

   There seems to be no trace of civilization, and the dead is like a grave in the stars.

  However, how many eyes in the pale starry sky are cold and cool, and watching around alertly?

   The civilization that sent the message to the Xinjing Fleet has not been found, and it has not appeared for a long time. In the target galaxy, the Ranger has received another message.

   This news is not concealed, from beyond the infinite light years of deep space, and accurately transmitted to the Rangers through hyperspace.

   In fact, it is a device, a long strip of unknown memory, that reaches the target galaxy through hyperspace.

   contained a warning from the other side of the sky.

   And it is a warning written in human language.

  【Proximity Star Civilization is an ally of our civilization. 】

   [Please stop your attack. 】

  【Otherwise, we will treat you as an enemy. Once engaged, the consequences are at your own risk. 】

  Looking at these simple three sentences, Lin Yuandong’s face became extremely gloomy: “What does it mean for you to stop your attack? What does it mean to treat us as an enemy? What does it mean to be at your own risk?”

   He turned his head to look at Tong Miaoqiu on the other side.

  The woman is holding her lips tightly, her head hanging down slightly, and she is not speaking.

   This is not a warning.

   is not a notice.

   This is a threat.

   Proximity Star Civilization is our alliance, you attack them, you are enemies with our entire alliance.

   They even disdain to introduce themselves.

  This is not a notice at all.

   And Lin Yuandong knew that the “coward” once revealed only a few words, claiming that there was a terrifying high-dimensional civilization behind the Proximity civilization, and under the high dimension, there was a group of low-dimensional civilizations for its drive. Proximity civilization was just one of them.

   And now, the answer to the motionless Proximity civilization is here.

  Because they rely on it, they don’t need to run away or even fight. It can’t beat it. Naturally, a stronger civilization will stand out from the darkness behind it and issue warnings in a condescending tone.

  If you don’t believe them, attack.

   I have finished warning.

Lin Yuandong did not contact Su Ran for the first time, because from the two information before and after, they were completely exposed to the “eyes” of some civilizations in the target galaxy, and the homeland was silent. At this time, he could not take the initiative to contact, could not help looking at Tong Miaoqiu on the other side: “Captain Tong, what do you think?”

   Lin Yuandong only felt anger.

   and Tong Miaoqiu.

   She was slowly shaking her head: “I… don’t know.”

   This answer made Lin Yuandong slightly stunned. He never thought that this female captain, who was born as a mercenary and known for being decisive and resolute, would say something like this at this moment.

   At this juncture, I did not know to say such a sentence under the watchful eyes of the people on the bridge.

   “Are you all right?” Lin Yuandong froze for a moment, and then reacted slightly, “Are you uncomfortable, Captain Tong?”

  Tong Miaoqiu only shook her head slightly. She looked at the arrogant “warning” and her hands shaking on the armrest of the captain’s seat shivered slightly.

   She was a mercenary before the end of the world. It has been so long since she joined the fleet, went to the North and the South, and even crossed the stars. She knows the weight of these two sentences better than others.

  What does it mean to be a powerful civilization group?

   That means the possibility of ruining human civilization and the Xinjing fleet without any effort.

  Tong Miaoqiu’s eyes seemed to emerge that scene.

   She ejected from the Narcissus, and watched that horrible blow through the entire Narcissus, devouring her battle group.

   countless people.

   just died in space.

  She awakened from the nightmare countless times, as if she had seen that fiery flash shining in the darkness, destroying all that she finally had.

   Those friends, subordinates, family members.

  What the **** are these…

these people……

   These civilizations want to slaughter us and slaughter us, but if we can’t fight, don’t fight, don’t fight again…

   This is…

   What is it…

   Why does this starry sky look like this?

  Why is this world like this?

   “Captain Tong?” Lin Yuandong issued an inquiry again.

   At this moment, Tong Miaoqiu slowly recovered. She looked up and looked at Lin Yuandong, who was looking at her with some anxiety. At that moment, she almost blurted out: Why, why listen to them?

   But this sentence came to her lips again.

   The dazzling flash seemed to jump in front of her again, and the terrifying, burning temperature almost suffocated her.

   “I… don’t know… really… don’t know.”

   Lin Yuandong slightly stunned.

   In his impression, Tong Miaoqiu has always been the pillar of the fleet, but today how…

  Tong Miaoqiu finally seemed to realize that her condition was wrong, she shook her head and said: “I’m sorry, I’m a little uncomfortable, I…I…”

   said, she stood up from her position and turned her head to see the quiet bridge, many people looked at her.

“Sorry, I……”

   “Li Hexuan, take Captain Tong to the medical department.” Lin Yuandong spoke in time.

  Some stunned Li Hexuan ran up quickly, and took Tong Miaoqiu away from the bridge quickly.

   People looked at each other, and they all showed a little worried expression.

   But Tong Miaoqiu’s abnormal state actually made Lin Yuandong calm down a little. This matter can’t be dealt with by anger. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   He calmed down a little bit, still did not contact Su Ran, but placed it first.

  Anyway, this message is just a warning. The way to go is deep space, I don’t know how far, or even far back, which means that the other party has no intention of letting the Xinjing fleet respond.

   But what can be confirmed is that the source of this message is completely different from the previous one.

Although the previous message was simple, it marked the location of the suspected Proxima Star civilization in the Sanhexing system without saying a word. From this point of view, the civilization that sent the information seems to hope that the Xinjing Fleet can compete with Proximity. The Star Fleet is in full battle.

  If this is true, it means that there are two parties staring at them now. On one side, they hope that the Xinjing Fleet will compete with the neighboring star civilization; on the other side, they hope to keep the neighboring star civilization, and prevent the Xinjing Fleet from fighting with them. Although neither side has any kindness to humanity, they are in opposition to each other.

  Lin Yuandong wants to see, pretend to be bluffed, and continue to move, and the civilization that sends the space coordinates first will have no other moves.

  At the same time, he did not contact the Xinjing Fleet, but also worried that the other party would lock many warships such as the Homeland.

  In the starry sky, the most missing is time, and the most not missing is time.




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