Zombie King Opens a Restaurant in Her Last Days

Chapter 51

Fu Caoxin said nonsense, not blinking, even if so many people looked at her in disbelief, she did not feel embarrassed.

The tone is all honest and honest, it is better to just say so.

Moreover, saying that 666 is the devil did not wrong him. Is it a human task to destroy a base in this way? Fu Cao, who is a zombie, didn’t mean to say that she, a non-human, would dare to do such a thing.

“Fu Cao, are you kidding me?” Deng Wencong asked with an unstable breath, trying to calm himself down. But the corner of his mouth still revealed his strange mood.

“I don’t have time to laugh with you, this devil, will release the phoenix when the rain stops.” After a pause, Fu Caocai said: “The phoenix baths, the temperature can burn everyone in this base.”

“Pooh.” Xiao Bin couldn’t help laughing, his laughter caused those who wanted to laugh and tried hard to hold back, all laughed.

Xiao Bin looked at Fu Cao, all the original dignity on his face disappeared: “Phoenix was born from the flame, but the flame is the nemesis of all evil spirits. If you really are like you said, how can the devil move the Phoenix ? “

“…” Fu Cao blinked. She didn’t know if the flame of Phoenix was the incarnation of Xun Zuo, but the identity of 666 Devil was indeed fabricated by her.

“So, where did you get to know the Phoenix? Legend? Or various myths?” Fu Cao looked at Xiao Bin with guilty conscience: “Have you seen the Phoenix? Do you know the real Phoenix? Just dare to say The flame of Phoenix is ​​the embodiment of Xie Zuo? “

“Forget it, I won’t say much, whatever you want.” Fu Cao waved and prepared to leave.

“Wait!” Liu Guoan stopped Fu Cao: “If we hide on the first floor of the floor, then the flame of the Phoenix will still scorch here, the refrigerator and air conditioning computer here, all electronic products will explode, so …”

Liu Guoan said solemnly: “Even if we are hiding on the first floor, there is only one way to go.”

Fu Cao smiled: “Hiding on the first floor, there is a line of life, not hiding, only death. The life is yours, whatever you decide.”

Watching Fu Cao leave, the people who just laughed at Fu Cao were embarrassed.

The end is coming, the devil or something, does not necessarily seem to exist? Lu Xun followed Fu Cao and went out.

Fu Cao turned around and saw Lu Xun: “What are you doing with me?”

Lu Xun pursed his lips: “Are you talking about the truth? Yang Zicong summoned the demon in order to revenge the people in the base? However, everyone in the base did not do anything to harm him. Instead, he kept it. His life. “

“He was deceived by the devil.” Fu Cao looked at the landing and said, “When the rain stops, don’t come out. Do you know?”

Yang Zicong did not actively find 666, but was deceived by 666.

“I understand, what about you?” Lu Xun looked at Fu Cao worriedly.

Fu Cao was taken aback for a while, and suddenly a warm current slipped through his heart: “Don’t worry about me.”

“The legend is that the Phoenix rebirth, the flame and the Phoenix merge into one. The flame is beautiful but deadly. In fact, the life of the Phoenix is ​​to burn herself and keep burning.”

Lu Xun suddenly said, “This is a legend I remember. I don’t know if it is the same as the fact. I hope it will help you.”

Fu Cao looked at Landing with surprise.

“Sorry … I can’t help with anything.” Even if he had a gold ability, he couldn’t compare with Phoenix.

“No, you helped me. Thank you,” Fu Cao didn’t expect that Lu Xun still believed her so much at this time, after all, this matter is really more incredible than the end.

“I will restrain everyone in our class.” Lu Xun assured.

Fu Cao nodded before leaving.

In the small county town next to City D, 666 took a cup of Buddha from the backpack and jumped off the wall.

As a veteran foodie, in addition to the brutality, the last world of 666 is to let people go out to catch the cook every day. If they can make something that makes him feel delicious, then stay. The dish made didn’t taste good and it was killed.

In order not to be hungry, especially since he has experienced several apocalyptic worlds before, the food in those worlds can hardly make people eat.

So, after he found several cooks, he was asked to take turns to make it for himself. Many of them received the storage compartment of the backpack. Anything put in is forbidden.

If he was not called back by 001 in a hurry, he could put more things.

Like now, except for the Buddha jumping over the wall, there are only braised shark fin and Dongpo meat. He finally found a good chef, and as a result he took away three dishes, which was really stifling.

“Huh, hurry up and complete the task so that you can go to the next world …” He never wanted to go to the end of the world mission again.


The drizzle rain slowly stopped outside the window, and when the rain stopped, the weather suddenly became hot. Suddenly the heat made people unable to adapt for a while, and it was uncomfortable.

“The rain really stopped.” Xiao Bin looked at the window and gradually clenched his fists with his hands. It seemed that Fu Cao didn’t lie to them. Fortunately, they chose to believe Fu Cao.

I don’t know why. Although everyone hesitated, they vaguely felt that they believed in Fu Cao, and then Lu Xun’s firm belief in Fu Cao’s appearance moved everyone.

Now that the rain stopped, the water on the road quickly dispersed and dried up. It seemed that the endless rain before was just an illusion.

As long as Fu Cao let the rain concentrate on the first floor when they stopped, they let everyone concentrate on the first floor.

The crowded teachers are even more unpleasant, but the monitors of all classes are blocked from going out, and every classroom suddenly complains.

Noisy and unbearable, and finally turned on the air conditioner in desperation.

There are too many people, the weather is too hot, and the air conditioner will not work for a while.

In the crowd, Du Weiwei’s eyes kept blinking.

Xiao Bin’s attitude towards her was much colder at this time. Even if she was told that Zhang Zhongmin’s murder was under control, Xiao Bin was still not as good to her as before.

However, this time the strange behavior, Xiao Bin still told her.

Du Weiwei feels that this group of people is simply brainwashed, as if they were brainwashed by Fu Cao. Such a strange thing sounds like a fantasy.

There are still people who believe!

And there are still many people who believe, Du Weiwei feels that it seems that Fu Cao controlled their thoughts, otherwise how could they believe what devil, what phoenix?

Du Weiwei sneered at this, but had to obey the arrangement. At this time, it was so hot that it was unbearable, and the air conditioner was already surrounded by it.

If Xiao Bin is not here to guard, it is estimated that it is not necessarily possible to fight for the occupied position.

Du Weiwei held back for a while, holding his cheeks flushed, and then carefully squeezed out of the crowd, walked to the door and whispered, “Xiao Bin, I want to use the toilet …”

When Xiao Bin heard it, he immediately glared at Du Weiwei and said in a low voice, “Did I not make it clear to you before?”

“But, I’m really urinating …” Du Weiwei said aggrievedly.

She didn’t believe that Fu Cao trapped everyone here to protect everyone. There must be other purposes, no matter what. Du Weiwei felt that she should all take a look.

If the zombies came around, she could leave as soon as possible. If there is anything good for Fu Cao, she might be able to destroy it.

“Be careful and go back as soon as you go. If Phoenix does come, I won’t save you in the past.” Xiao Bin whispered seriously.

Even then, he wanted to save, there was no way. That’s why the warning is severe.

Du Weiwei nodded cleverly, but didn’t take it seriously.

Non-staple food shop.

666 Open the pet backpack, a reddish bird with long tail feathers and feathers, and the golden pattern of the red home.

When it was released, it seemed to be happily crying.

The sound is ethereal.

However, the moment it was released, it was surrounded by crimson flames. As the owner of Phoenix, 666 is not afraid of the flames around Phoenix at all.

“Go.” 666 said softly.

Just like the same fire, go straight to Jiuxiao.

666 glanced at a lot of things that had melted around, and suddenly felt helpless. No matter what, I went directly to the non-staple food shop on the next street, but when I went in, I saw nothing.

“Huh, like a bandit.” 666 shook his head.

The day after the end of the day was very hot, and now it is even more unbearable. There seemed to be a sense that even the zombies were hiding in dark corners.

The streets of City D are quiet and suffocating.

Looking at Fu Cao lying on the window outside, he could feel a dangerous breath, release his spiritual power, and successfully captured the phoenix far above the sky.

Even though it flies very high, it is undoubtedly the appearance of two suns on the ground.

When you look outside, you can see the steam that is evaporating on the ground. At the speed of Phoenix, the base of City D can be reached quickly.

And it will descend from the sky.

Fu Cao stretched out his waist, twisted his neck and jumped from the window. After landing on the ground steadily, he walked directly into the city D base.

Seeing the scene of a deserted base in City D, Fu Cao was very satisfied. As for the zombies surrounded by them, Fu Cao sniffed. There is her zombie king, unless she deliberately, otherwise that would not be the case.

Fu Cao walked up the stairs.

When Du Weiwei, who saw Fu Cao’s back, wiped the sweat from her forehead, her hair was completely wet with sweat. There was an unpleasant smell on his body.

Her eyes flickered slightly, and she secretly followed.

Fu Cao’s spiritual power is all used to pay attention to the phoenix, but also to affect the place where the phoenix falls. The phoenix is ​​a beast, even if she is a twelfth-order spiritual system, she can’t control this creature.

Behind a Du Weiwei was far behind, Fu Cao didn’t find it at all.

Coming to the rooftop, Fu Cao looked up at the sky.

Du Weiwei narrowed her eyes and looked at the sky along Fu Cao’s line of sight. The light was too dazzling, so that she couldn’t see clearly for a while and a half, and she narrowed her eyes for a while before seeing something falling down.

That red one, is it a treasure?

Fu Cao just wanted to get this thing, so he flicked everyone away? If it was really to destroy the Phoenix at the base, how could Fu Cao stand here to meet?

Yuck, I’m not afraid of being roasted.

Du Weiwei wiped the sweat from her forehead. It was so hot that it was indeed a treasure. If she grabs the treasure, will she become a power man?

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