Zombie King Opens a Restaurant in Her Last Days

Chapter 50

666 raised his eyebrows and looked at him casually: “Master chef in a star-rated restaurant? It’s just this kind of thing, feed dogs, don’t eat dogs!”

After all, throw away the chopsticks and kick the table.


The pedal on the table made a crisp sound as the table fell to the ground.

“Nuo, eat them, maybe I can take your life.” 666 put his hands on the back of his head, his muscles were relaxed, and he didn’t seem to be prepared.

Cheng Hai shook his whole body. He opened his mouth and knelt on the ground with a puff. He grabbed the ground food and stuffed it into his mouth.

“Delicious?” 666 looked at Cheng Hai as if eating gluttonously, narrowed his eyes and asked dangerously.

“Okay, delicious.” Cheng Hai nodded, his hands trembling, but he slammed into his mouth quickly.

“Oh.” 666 was a little uncomfortable. He looked at Cheng Hai on the ground kneeling and eating: “How can I forget that this is the end time.”

It ’s good to be able to eat, not to mention that he throws his food on the ground, it is estimated that he is stepping on his feet, and someone will eat it.

Suddenly looked sad.

The cold light flashed, and Cheng Hai kneeling on the ground suddenly stopped. His mouth was full of vegetables picked up on the ground, his eyes widened.

After a few seconds, the body split in half from the middle.

“Looking at the fact that you are still aware of the current affairs, I will give you a happy heart.” A long sword in 666’s hand shone with cold light on it, and the blood was not dripping.


Qin Long was a little stunned. He absorbed the crystal nucleus given to him by Fu Cao, and the pure power inside made him enchanted. There is no such kind of violent interference.

After being affirmed by Qin Long, Fu Kuai guessed it was good. The black spots are the infected virus and the source of violent breath.

“Fu Cao, how did you do it?” With this thing, the ability can quickly improve the ability. And don’t worry about side effects.

Fu Cao touched his chin, if she helped clean up the black spots inside the crystal nucleus, it was used by humans. This is bound to put humans and zombies under unequal conditions.

Because of this, there is no obstacle for humans to advance, and the advancement speed is fast. Now the zombies have not appeared a power zombie, this shows that …

Zombies are very likely to be extinct quickly, and human beings have come into the new century quickly.

By that time … what should she do?

Fu Cao is a zombie. Even if he does not eat humans and only eats crystal nuclei, it is also closely related to other zombies. Because once the zombie is extinct, it means that she has no crystal nuclei.

Without the crystal nucleus, she would have no food unless she ate humans or other animal meat.

When he was just born again, Fu Cao also ate animal meat for a while. But the taste is indescribable. Even if she dislikes the first-order crystal nucleus now, she doesn’t want to go back to eating raw meat.

“I don’t know.” Fu Cao blinked.

“…” Is such a serious lie really good? Qin Long was a little tired.

“Brother Long, you and they will have something to eat for breakfast. I will bring you dinner at noon.” Fu Cao waved his hand and turned to leave.

Fu Cao has something to do with something very important.

She summoned all the school captains except Zhang Zhongmin.

Of course, she did not call. Instead, let Liu Guoan go.

“Fu Cao, what the **** happened? Is he the squad leader …” Liu Guoan was worried and nervous. But Fu Cao said nothing, and he had to wait for the people to get together before he said it.

Liu Guoan informed everyone that he was the first to come over and want something from Fu Cao’s mouth.

Fu Cao looked at his nervous look: “Don’t worry, it’s not Zhang Zhongmin’s business.”

With that in mind, she thought for a while: “No, it still has something to do with him.”

After all, it is related to the entire base.

“…” His emotions were adjusted by Fu Kuai, just like riding a roller coaster. The stimulating Liu Guoan didn’t want to say a word.

Suddenly I really don’t want to talk to Fu Cao, wondering if the squad leader is in trouble? But looking at Fu Cao’s appearance, it seems that it should have little relationship with the squad leader?

He stood next to Fu Cao, motionless, seemingly turned into a wooden pile.

When Liu Guoan gathered everyone for a meeting, he did not say Fu Cao, so Xiao Bin came quickly. But when he walked in and saw Fu Cao, he was stunned.

“Is the squad leader in trouble?” Xiao Bin frowned when he saw Fu Cao.

Fu Cao raised her eyebrows, if she felt that Xiao Bin really cared about Zhang Zhongmin, she thought Xiao Bin wanted Zhang Zhongmin to have an accident. Rolled his eyes and said nothing.

At this time, people came one after another.

Sixteen classes, absent Zhang Zhongmin, and the leader of fifteen classes.

Fu Cao glanced: “It’s all here? Now everyone introduce themselves, I don’t recognize you all.”

Suddenly, everyone looked at each other, what is the situation?

Liu Guo’an was ignorant. How did it happen, as if Fu Cao wanted to take over the position of monitor? Suddenly looked at Fu Cao with some doubt.

“Fu Cao, what the **** do you want to do?” Xiao Bin froze his face, and more and more he didn’t want to see Fu Cao.

Fu Cao innocently looked at Liu Guoan: “I just want to know and know everyone, can’t it? Besides, everyone knows me, but I don’t know everyone, is it not fair?”

What does this have to do with public injustice? Liu Guoan glanced at Fu Cao sideways.

“Let everyone introduce themselves,” paused: “Even between friends, it starts with knowing each other, isn’t it?”

Liu Guoan spoke, but these people were still a bit unclear about the situation. They all said that it was a meeting, but Fu Ke was here. Fu Cao will not say anything here, as if he still holds sovereignty?

“Lu Xun, the squad leader of Class 16.” At this moment, Lu Xun spoke first.

As soon as Lu Xun’s voice sounded, others looked at it one after another. However, Lu Xun looked seriously, and he didn’t feel anything wrong.

“Liu Guoan, the squad leader of the second shift.” Liu Guoan only Lu Xun also happened.

Fu Cao knew both. They deliberately gave Fu Cao a place to support, and suddenly everyone had some vague guesses in their hearts. Was Fu Cao taking over this base?

Suddenly, his eyes looked strange. Yes, Fu Cao has a lot of food, as if he ca n’t eat it all.

If Fu Cao took over the base, no one would have to worry about eating without food and getting hungry. But Fu Cao really has the ability to manage a base?

“Squad leader of the fourth shift, Deng Wencong.”

“Liu Rong, the monitor of the fifth shift.”

Although the minds were different, some people took the lead. Everyone did not have a scrupulous brief introduction, just the name and the monitor of several classes.

Fourteen people introduced themselves one after another, and Fu Cao nodded.

“Okay, I know. Thank you for your cooperation.” Xiao Bin did not introduce himself, and Fu Cao directly ignored the past.

“This rain will stop soon. But now I want to tell you a very serious matter.” If before, Fu Cao felt that she didn’t want to control these people.

But since 707 was exchanged for gold, she came to talk about it.

Mental energy was used to convince these people as much as possible. But Fu Cao doesn’t know how much effect this will have, because she can only use her mental power to influence others, she can’t directly control others?

Although it is not difficult for Fu Cao to control a few people, she is unwilling to do so.

Controlling other people’s consumption is comparable to most of them.

When I heard it, it would stop soon. Liu Guoan was a little excited: “When will it stop?”

“Two days later.” Fu Cao said: “But I hope that after the rain stops, you will all be concentrated on the first floor of all floors, and no one will go out. Even the gatekeepers cannot guard at the base gate.”

The air seemed to be condensed the same.

“No one guarded the door, when the zombies came. We all stayed in the base and knew nothing about it. When we knew it, were we all late?” Xiao Bin said with a sneer.

He became more and more suspicious of Fu Cao, and now he almost feels that Fu Cao is not good at doing anything.

Fu Cao ignored him at all, and looked directly at everyone, looking at everyone.

Lu Xun did not understand why Fu Cao did this. Looking at the silent crowd, he asked: “I can ask, why?”

“It’s about the safety of everyone in the base. I don’t know how to explain this to you. It is estimated that you won’t believe it even if you explain it to you.” Fu Ke said seriously: “But please believe that I did this for everyone . “

“Of course, I have brought it. As for you, believe it or not, or do what I say, I don’t care.” Fu Cao spread his hand.

“Fu Cao, I believe you, but can you tell us what the **** is this?” Lu Xun made the first prudent opening.

Fu Cao said it was about the safety of everyone at the base. Obviously, this matter was serious. But … light said this with Fu Cao, and did not make it clear. It is obviously impossible for everyone to do what Fu Cao said.

“Lu Xun is right. If it is really dangerous, I believe that everyone in our base can fight.” Liu Guoan said.

Everyone is a phoenix. If you pass directly at low altitude, the people in the base will be scorched. Will they fight? resistance?

“Huh, I said, even if you don’t believe it.” Fu Cao was helpless.

“The end is coming, what else can we not believe?” Xiao Bin said with a sneer. “I see, it’s not something we don’t believe, but there is no danger at all?”

Xiao Bin’s tone, with a dignity he didn’t know, deliberately said in a loud tone.

He is not used to Fu Cao, and feels that Fu Cao doesn’t seem to be joking. Contradictions in my heart for a while.

Fu Cao finally looked up at Xiao Bin.

“Remember Yang Zicong?”

For a time, everyone looked at Liu roughly. Yang Zicong was not well-known before, but since the last time he pushed his partner to the zombies and angered Zhang Zhongmin, he became famous at the base.

Of course, those who came to the base later did not know. However, all the squad leaders in this room are naturally clear.

Liu was roughly seen inexplicably: “What to see? To see what I do, Yang Zicong has been cast out long ago.”

“Yes, he was indeed kicked out. But I don’t know where to find the evil summoning formation, and summoned a devil.” Fu Cao nodded.

devil? Not to mention Xiao Bin, even the expressions of Lu Xun and Liu Guoan are weird, and they still summon? Is this **** reading a fantasy novel? ?

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