Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

The words came out through gritted teeth.

Song Bai remembered. Before going out in the morning, the assistant told him who sent two females. He was in a hurry to take the exam, so he didn’t take it to heart.

Song Bai was really angry, with anger in his tone: “If I hadn’t heard this from behind the curtain, when you came back, would you have to see me hug and hug by default?”

He stood up without even thinking. Sadin noticed the injury on his foot, and subconsciously stepped forward to support him: “Master, be careful!”

It was only then that Song Bai felt a piercing pain in his feet. He leaned on the cabinet beside him, and coldly lifted Sadin’s hand away, without his help.

For the first time, Sardin was rejected by the hero, at a loss, his hands froze in the air.

The wound just treated was aching from the pulling, and Sardin couldn’t help frowning.

Song Bai saw that his lips were pale, and his neat military uniform was still stained with dust. He must have suffered a lot from the forced landing.

Pointing to the bed, “Sit down.” The tone was still cold, but there was still some looseness inside.

Sadin breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly glanced at Song Bai’s expression as he sat down.

Song Bai had a panoramic view of all of Sadin’s actions, especially the last one. Every time Song Bai felt that Sadin was so cute.

But this time, how to see how dazzling.

Song Bai leaned against the cabinet and stood on one leg, the distance between them was very close.

“I thought my actions were obvious enough, but it doesn’t seem so.”

Song Bai’s tall body formed a sense of oppression at this time, and the pressure was so overwhelming that Sardin couldn’t breathe.

The old man stood directly opposite them. At this moment, he held his breath and did not dare to make any noise. He has been a doctor for many years and has seen many military females who have been punished by the hero, but he never thought that one day he would see Sardin suffer all this with his own eyes.

Holding his breath, he quietly touched the alarm in the pocket outside the white coat, and as long as he pressed it lightly, he could unconsciously notify the security guard.

Just as the old man was preparing, the male’s eyes suddenly met his.

“Doctor, I have some private words to tell my lady, please retreat.” Although the words were respectful, there was not a trace of ups and downs in the voice.

How does this work! If he went out, wouldn’t Sardin be—however, the old man received Sardin’s pleading gaze.

He grew up watching Sardin, and in the memory of the old man, I hadn’t seen him begging a few times.

Thousands of words merged into a silent sigh, the old man let go of the alarm and nodded reservedly to Song Bai, and the moment he turned to go out, his soft eyes swept over Sardin.

God bless him.

Before leaving, he quietly left a narrow gap in the door.

Song Bai didn’t seem to see it, he turned to Sardin and said, “The next conversation is only between the two of us. I will only say it once, are you ready?”

Sadin nodded. He was affected by Song Bai’s calmness. The initial panic faded, and there was a lot of confusion and confusion in his eyes.

“I don’t care what other people think, or what the law says, or what society says about males, I don’t care.”

“Sardin, you are my queen and my only companion.”

Song Bai’s words were like a thunderclap, completely ripping apart Sardin’s world.

Thunder hummed in his ears.

The only partner, the only… the only one, is that what he thinks it means?

Sadin’s calm mood suddenly surged, the wind was blowing, and the lightning and thunder rumbled.

At the core, Sardin felt dizzy, unable to find the other side.

He felt flustered for a while, and trembled: “But, Lord, I’m not qualified at all. I can neither let you have no worries, nor can I share the worries for your career, and I still, I still…”

Sadin closed his eyes and said in pain: “I will be jealous, want to monopolize, and—”

“Shh—” Song Bai put his index finger on Sardin’s lips.

Sardin opened his eyes, his body was still trembling with pain, but he heard the hero in front of him say:

“I don’t care, I don’t care. You are my only companion, and there won’t be any maids. So,” Song Bai paused, he sat down and stroked Sardin’s hair: “Even if you let the horse come, it doesn’t matter. .”

Very gentle.

This tenderness is like a candy wrapped in poison placed in front of him, **** sweet, but extremely deadly.

This is a kind of fear, a brand new fear, and Sardin couldn’t help raising his head and asked, “Master, why, why me?”

Song Bai met Sardin’s gaze and said slowly, “Why can’t it be you.”

“But, but I can’t do anything well, I can’t even make the hero happy.”

“I’m so bad, why does the hero want to…” Sardin gradually choked up.

But there were no tears, just shoulders shaking with choking.

The palm of his hand smoothed his soft and fluffy hair, which was so dull and fragile that it seemed to fall to the ground in the next second.

Obviously a strong military female, but here and now, she was trapped by guilt because she couldn’t make the hero happy.

Sadin felt his palm suddenly being scratched twice, raised his head, and saw Song Bai clasped his hand and turned it over.

“Master?” Sardin asked suspiciously.

Song Bai’s fingers drew a pattern on his palm, like a strange… peach?

“You’re very good, always have been. But because you put me here,” Xiongzhu nodded at the strange peach and said softly, “So, you will worry about gains and losses.”

Sadin realized later, that peach, it seems that Ping always whispered in his ear the “heart” in the Blue Star movie.

All the doubts were like a needle puncturing a balloon, and with a bang, they vanished.

Sadin held Song Bai’s hand instead, his back was straight, but Song Bai felt the cold and wet temperature of his fingertips.

“Master, I…” The stars twinkled in his eyes, he inhaled, and was about to speak.

“Hey! Don’t squeeze the old man, I can’t see it!” A young voice suddenly came from outside the door.

“Why do you disrespect old people…shh, keep your voice down, don’t disturb them.” It was also from outside the door, and the voice was even older.

“…Old man, I guess they’ve already discovered it. You see, Song Shao has all come here—” Outside the door, the young man burst into tears.

Song Bai’s face sank, and he moved quickly. He pulled the curtain with a swipe, and completely blocked Sardin, who was sitting beside him.

“Outside the door, don’t hide.”

The door was pushed open, and Huaiyu and the old man walked in one after the other.

Huaiyu’s round face was full of embarrassment. He was still holding the medicine and had nothing to say: “Hehe, what a coincidence, we meet again.”

The old man at the back had a calm expression on his face, and nodded to Song Bai with a frankness.

“No one else?” Song Bai’s voice was still a bit low, with oppression.

Huaiyu didn’t react, but the old man replied, “Don’t worry, there are only two in the corridor, and they are all in this room now.”

The old man swept behind the curtain where Sardin was hiding, and the worries before going out had long since vanished. He turned to look at the male worm beside him.

So he took the medicine from Huaiyu’s arms, quickly wrapped it in a paper bag, and carefully wrote down the number of times the medicine was taken on the paper with a pen, wrapped it carefully, put it in the bag and handed it to Song Bai, instructing: : “You can take this medicine on time and according to the amount. You must not be lazy. If it is careless, the injury will continue to drag on, and it will not heal.”

It seems to be telling Song Bai, but his eyes are aimed at the curtain.

Seeing that the curtain trembled in a panic, the old man was satisfied, said goodbye to Song Bai, and left directly.

Huaiyu looked around, only to realize that the disrespectful old man had run away! Ran!

Leaving him a minor in this embarrassing place.

So he also learned from the old man, and talked to Song Bai about what he had already asked for leave, and where to take the make-up exam.

“Is it better?” Song Bai smiled in his throat.

“Yeah.” Sardin hugged Song Bai’s arm and nodded embarrassedly now.

“They’re not malicious.” Song Bai patted him on the back.

“I know.” Sardin adjusted his uniform with a blushing face.

Song Bai swallowed his smile.

How could Sardin, who dared to compete for favor in front of outsiders, would be embarrassed to be like this in front of acquaintances.

“Master, what’s wrong with your feet?”

“I stepped on the empty steps, and I got sprained.” Song Bai was calm and looked at Sadin: “I have pushed all the make-up exams, send me home?”

Sadin is embarrassed: “But, I still have tasks… Hey, I got a text message from the notification center saying that the schedule has been changed.”

“Then this time?”

“go home together!”

“Where’s the maid?”

“Of course it’s to see the hero…”


“Go back, go back!”


Sardin supported Song Bai and walked farther and farther.

Huaiyu, who was hiding in the other infirmary around the corner, finally broke free from the old man’s shackles and fluttered his teeth: “Hey, old man, why are you covering my mouth, don’t you know there’s a disgusting smell of disinfectant in your hand! Bah, bah, bah.”

The old man glanced at him in disgust, “Otherwise, let you run over to be a light bulb?”

“They came out, you won’t tell me in advance?” Huaiyu shook the three-layer swimming ring on his body and bared his teeth: “Leave the elevator and don’t take the stairs, only a fool would do such a thing.”

The old man who walks the stairs all the year round for his health: “…”

The old man lifted his ear, “Be respectful, little brat, you don’t look like your mother-in-law at all.”

Huaiyu waved his fist and said proudly, “I’m a male!”

The old man slapped him on the back of the head mercilessly: “Looking at your potential, you are all males, so you can’t learn from Little Sardin, his hero?”

Huaiyu was instantly discouraged and waved his hand: “His kind of pervert can’t be learned if he can’t learn it.”

As long as he thinks that there is only one female companion in the future, Huaiyu feels dark.

The old man almost slapped him again. He suppressed his temper, comforted himself, and held back. This little **** was the one who entrusted him to take care of him.

Reluctantly calm: “They are all the same age, why don’t you learn from other people’s attitudes?”

Huaiyu Barbara said something again, and before he got into the elevator, the old man was so noisy that the old man gave him another shot, and then he calmed down.


The author has something to say:

I put the text box and fell asleep without clicking on the post, bald

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