Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 58

Chapter 58

Song Shi, after signing the contract, Xing Zong walked out of the conference room. At this time, Fei Li’s footsteps were floating.

“I’m not dreaming, am I?” Feili asked the secretary in a fluttering tone.

The secretary reached out and pinched his face, causing Fili to scream out of pain.

“Does it hurt?” the secretary asked.

“It hurts.” Fei Li covered her red face.

“It hurts, right? Could it be so painful in a dream?” Before, the secretary and Feili had a bit of a dispute over the whereabouts of the project, but unfortunately the position was not comparable, and the strength was not enough. It was an opportunity to avenge a private revenge.

Now, putting aside the disgust and being able to sign Jingwei’s contract, even though the secretary is a veteran and has seen a lot of the world, he can’t help but be overjoyed.

However, the main lord Song Bai, who benefited the most, was at the end and paced slowly. Fei Li was waiting at the elevator door in front. He turned his head and saw Song Bai grinding foreign workers in the back, walking around behind him with wind, and pushed him into the elevator involuntarily, still talking.

“President, since you came here, our company has been getting better and better day by day. You just signed such a big contract, you can’t express it?”

“What does it mean?” Song Bai seemed to be thinking about something, but he didn’t understand what Feili meant.

Fei Li bumped into the secretary standing next to him and gave him a wink.

The secretary clutched his injured chest and said weakly: “The company has been busy with the project for so long, do you want to hold a celebration dinner?”

“Okay, just report it to me when you plan.” There is no credit or hard work. The employees in the company have been squeezed a lot by him these days, and Song Bai readily agrees.

However, he still had a question and asked, “You really don’t know anything about Jingwei this time?”

Fei Li shook his head vigorously: “I don’t know, I don’t know at all.” He just raised a word with the president’s lord, but he never thought that even Jingwei would be able to be so powerful.

The secretary frowned: “President, do you think something is wrong?”

Song Bai pondered for a while and said, “It’s okay, maybe I’m overthinking.”

Saying that, he got out of the elevator.

When Song Bai came home at noon, he did not let Sadin go to the company to deliver meals, but ate at home with him. At the dinner table, Song Bai talked to him about this, and asked him if he wanted to go to the evening celebration banquet.

“It’s done? That’s worth celebrating.” Sardin smiled, thinking of something, and quickly moved away.

Song Bai snorted and gave Sardin a dish. “No one expected that the partner suddenly changed from an online platform to Kyoto Satellite TV. Everyone was surprised.” look.

Sardin was a little absent-minded, and Song Baijia ate the food he gave him without knowing it.

Could it be that he was wrong, that Sardin was not involved in this company project at all?

You can’t blame Song Bai for thinking so. After all, everyone in the company, except himself, is very concerned about the contracting party of the project, but there is no better way. But a few days ago, Sardin, who had never been interested in company affairs, asked a few questions, and the contracting party was replaced by the one who was swarmed by many worms in the industry.

Song Bai never believed that a pie would fall from the sky, but he was afraid of Sadin’s temperament, so don’t toss himself out because of such a trivial matter.

Song Bai said, “You haven’t answered me yet, are you coming over at night?”

Sardin seemed to have just woken up, and said sadly, “I have a mission outside the stars in two days.”

Song Bai: “It’s a coincidence, I will start the exam in two days. Then, I won’t go, I will stay at home these two days.”

Hearing the words, Sardin blurted out: “This is too good… not too good, after all, the hero focuses on his career.” The language was suppressed, but the action was very enthusiastic, and he got up and left.

“I haven’t finished eating, what are you going to do?” Song Bai grabbed Sadin without much effort, and when he turned around, his eyes shone like stars.

“It’s rare for the hero to be at home, so of course you have to prepare something!” After saying that, he ran away without waiting for Song Bai to react.

Song Bai smiled helplessly. Sadin looked no different from usual. He must have thought too much.

On the other side, confirming that the hero can no longer see, Sardin covered his eyes with his hands, biting his lips tightly, restraining himself from whimpering.

Two days later, Song Bai, who had been drunk at home for two days, finally woke up under the merciless beating of the alarm clock.

The little assistant ran and turned off the alarm clock that sounded again, wondering, “My lord went out early in the morning, didn’t I tell you?”

It was only then that Song Bai remembered that Sardin was on a mission, and he couldn’t help but feel a little discouraged, “I said it.”

In the past two days, Song Bai had thoroughly enjoyed the exclusive treatment of a married male. Sadin’s intimate care almost melted Song Bai’s comfort. At this time yesterday, Sardin knocked on his door and whispered at the bedside to wake him up.

But there is nothing like the alarm clock, how rough it looks.

It’s really a pity that I can’t continue to be lazy at home. Song Bai couldn’t help complaining to the little assistant during dinner, and he was used to it by Sadin with reverent eyes and gentle listening in the past two days.

The assistant didn’t quite understand Song Bai’s routine, so he looked at the clock: “Master, if you delay any longer, you won’t be able to catch up with the make-up exam. There are also two female females who came from the in-laws just now. Look at where I will place them…”

“!” If he misses the make-up exam, then the torture he suffered these days will soon be in vain!

Song Bai only had time to hear the first half of the sentence, and the breakfast was swept away by the wind. In the shock of the little assistant’s mouth, he drove away at a lightning speed, leaving only the shock of the car’s strong wind. petals.

When he arrived at the school, the previous school opening reports were all carried out on the Internet. It was the first time for Song Bai to come to the university. Because he was not familiar with the terrain, it took a lot of trouble to find a classroom for make-up exams. The teacher in front of the podium was announcing precautions. .

Song Bai found a vacant seat and sat down. He didn’t think that there was an aisle across the aisle. Next to him was Huai Yu.

Before the curls, Huaiyu whispered to Song Bai: “Lao Sheng invigilator, you dare to come late and don’t want to live anymore?”

Song Bai was puzzled: “Why are you here? You’re not a grade higher than me”

Huaiyu exclaimed: “You are stupid for taking a break from school. Make-up exams are all based on subjects. I saw that the teacher has no cowhide bags, and each class has papers for each class.”

Chatting with Huaiyu was really speechless, Song Bai swept around the classmates, there were only two male students, he and Huaiyu, in the huge classroom, and the other females and females had to tell them both vaguely. Look here.

A test paper slammed onto the table, and a cold voice fell from the sky: “Student, this is the test, you can find the object after the test is finished.”

“Teacher, I’m just watching…” Look, before he could say anything, he looked straight into a pair of familiar eyes, as if emitting a freezing cold air, making Song Bai swallow the words.

The male is sitting in a wheelchair in front of him, but it does not affect his elegant and scholarly spirit in the slightest. It is that the student is so cold that the students who make up the exam are shivering, for fear that the highly respected customs teacher will pick up the male student and beat him. pause.

Both are male worms, and it will be a problem which side to help at that time!

The result was disappointing to them. The two males did not argue at all. The teacher continued to curl, and the students took out their pens and signed their names.

The test bell rang, and the students began to answer the questions, while Sheng An quietly invigilated the test behind the podium.

The moment he saw Song Bai, he was indeed angry. But he also knew from Ping that that Ping’s chief was Song Bai’s female monarch. Because of Ping’s company, the irritability of these days has been appeased a lot.

Since your lady sent Ping back, then our previous affairs will be written off.

He will also teach customs for two years, and between them, it will be a long time in Japan. Sheng An slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

In less than half an hour, the papers were all written. Song Bai looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window with nothing to do, looking at the two pale white tail lines that had not yet dissipated in the sky, thinking about where Sardin would fly at this time.

When they were together, they suddenly separated, and things about him silently came to mind.

The table was hit by a ball of paper, and when he raised his head, Sheng An’s voice was still cold: “Don’t look around during the exam.”

The papers were all finished, and he couldn’t go out or look around, so Song Bai had to turn his attention back to the full questionnaire.

Song Bai took out the useless scratch paper, and the tip of the pen wrote and drew aimlessly on it.

When he was young, Song’s mother followed suit and enrolled him in cram schools, even though he was among the best at the time. So Song Bai chose to sketch. His learning ability was fast, and when he finished drawing, he could sit in front of the drawing board in a daze all day. Later, I was too lazy to be more powerful, and gradually abandoned it.

He scraped a few drafts on paper, and finally found a little sense, a portrait sketched with the tip of the pen.

When it was finished, the bell rang for half an hour, and Song Bai was about to leave, but he stared at the painting in a daze.

This is what he drew according to his memory of yesterday’s Sardin. At that time, Sardin was wearing soft clothes and sleeping at the end of the sofa where the sun could not shine, like a well-fed cat.

However, his brows were lightly wrinkled, and even when he fell asleep, there was still a light worry that could not be concealed between his brows.

Put your hand on his brow, what are you worried about?

The anxiety in my heart became more and more intolerable. Sardin said that the departure time is now, and the airport is not far away. If you rush over now, you may be able to say goodbye.

After handing in the papers, he went out, followed by Huaiyu in a hurry, and asked him curiously if he had a holiday with Teacher Sheng, and asked him if he was afraid of failing the class if he answered so quickly. Song Bai ignored him, but when he stepped down the steps, he stepped in the air, and there was a sharp pain on his feet. Song Bai’s tall body fell down instantly, but Huaiyu hurriedly stepped forward, looked at him, and muttered: “Walking Don’t look ahead, it’s a sprain now.”

“No, I have to go…”

“It’s no use rushing for the exam! Teacher, I’ll go help you ask for leave, don’t worry about the male worm, there’s no one who can’t come down, not to mention that you’re still injured like this.”

Huai Yu sighed.

Song Bai wanted to say that I wasn’t that serious, but then he was forcibly put on a stretcher by four or five tall females in white coats.

Song Bai: “…”

When Song Bai looked at the extremely thick gauze wrapped around his feet, he couldn’t help being speechless again.

A little injury, do you want to exaggerate?

The doctor went out to get him the medicine in person, Song Bai only had time to look around.

The infirmary of Kyoto University was a bit small, but it was exceptionally clean and tidy. There were two beds, and a curtain was drawn between them. Song Bai stayed in the inner room.

Song Bai naturally didn’t know that this infirmary was specially prepared for male worms, and there were not many male worms on the campus, so the whole thing was not very big, and the doctor was very nervous. If the sprain is a female worm, after taking the medicine, spray it in the corridor twice and leave quickly without taking up space.

Suddenly the door opened, Song Bai thought it was the doctor coming back, but heard a familiar voice:

“Abo, I said no, just give me some medicine.” It was Sardin who Song Bai wanted to see off.

What’s wrong with him, is he injured, is it serious? Song Bai’s mind suddenly became confused.

“What’s not needed, disinfection is necessary, right? It’s a perfunctory thing when you go back, and you don’t even come to regularly fight with inhibin, what should you do if something goes wrong?!” An old voice said.

Song Bai glanced through the gap in the curtain. He read on the school’s web page that he was a retired military doctor from a scientific research institute. Now he is invited by Beijing University to be a special professor.

“I, didn’t I forget it?” Sardin’s rare guilty conscience.

The old man glared at him, “I think the males in your family don’t want you to come back to Beijing at all. Tell you, it’s not good to marry so many males in the capital. You have to marry someone with little knowledge in a small town outside Beijing.”

“Abo!” Sardin pleaded, and there was a sense of trust and dependence in his words, but Song Bai had never heard of it before.

“Okay, how did you get hurt this time?” The old man knew that Sadin didn’t like listening, so he bowed his head and pulled out the tools to disinfect and apply medicine.

“The aircraft suddenly lost control, and there was some trouble when it made a forced landing… Hiss!” Sadin inhaled in pain.

“I know it hurts, okay, that means you’re still alive.” The old man patted the back of Sadin’s hand, but glanced behind the curtain unintentionally.

When Sardin was taking his breath, the curtain moved suddenly, and the sound of friction was not obvious in the small room. He grew up watching Sardin, and he naturally remembered the name of the hero of Sardin. Thinking of the list on the registration book that he just saw when he took the medicine, his eyes narrowed slightly, it wouldn’t be so coincidental.

So he said to Sardin, “You are not temporarily transferred, why do you suddenly go to extraterrestrial?”

Sadin looked at his arm: “I tried to make a deal with my female father, but I failed.”

The tone was light, but the old man could hear the grief inside and touched his hair, “What did they ask you to do?”

For such a young child, I don’t know why the Xiao family always teases him.

Sadin: “It’s nothing, I just agreed to do a mission, and…” The words suddenly couldn’t come out.

He said again: “It’s related to your hero again, you do the math, what have you done in the past two years, let’s not talk about his falling out with your family, you have pushed the opportunity to go to the battlefield several times, you are the figure What is it?”

The old man glanced behind the motionless curtain. Although he didn’t like the male that Sardin married, the male had no reason to not know what Sardin had done.

Sardin shook his head, “These are what I am willing to do, it has nothing to do with the hero.”

“But I actually don’t want the male lord to marry another female servant, not even the Xiao family who carefully selects someone who won’t win my favor,” the voice couldn’t help choking: “Abo, am I being too jerk. ”

Before the old man could speak, the curtain was lifted by a hand, revealing the male worm sitting on the hospital bed behind the curtain. He saw all the gaffes that Sardin had never shown before him.

“When will I allow you to push me to someone else?” The male almost gritted his teeth.

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