Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 61: Only One Option

There was actually absolutely no one in the human-like creature vision and its Spirit Senses! Now the creature closed its eyes and entirely focused on finding any human signature nearby.

But its search only turned up negative. Somehow that group managed to run immensely fast enough to escape its Spirit Sense.

It wasn't even like the group was hiding since it would've been able to vaguely sense that as well.

With no other options, the human-like creature simply continued its trek down the dark red hallway. It only moved a few feet, but abruptly then the creature stopped dead in its tracks.

Like a hawk, the creature's head snapped to the left side of the dark red hall.

Now, this part of the wall looked utterly the same as all other parts of the walls. There wasn't even the slightest indication of a hidden room beyond these walls.

Yet, the creature tongue eerily swirled out of its mouth. A bright red glow enriched its tongue, causing bubbles of putrid red fluid to appear on its tongue.

With a simple flick of its tongue, the creature sprayed its horrid red fluid all over the wall.


The accompanying sound of its putrid fluids melting the wall slithered into the creature's ears.

What laid beyond the melted dark red wall was….merely more dark red stones.

However, this didn't discourage the human-like creature in the slightest.

More putrid red fluid flicked from its tongue, drilling continuously into this one spot of the wall.

And the creature continued its questionable descent into the barren wall.

Back on the outside, close to where Elder Fere fought the creature, it stayed utterly silent for several minutes. Undoubtedly if anyone were to pass by now, they would think nobody was here.

But it was suddenly then, a hand covered in a dark purple robe reached out of the wall!

From behind the hand, a whole portion of the dark red wall had enkindled in an enchanting blue glow.

"Finally…. it's gone." Out from the wall, Vice Principal Zelle pulled her full body! It was like she thoroughly blended into the dark red wall!

And Vice Principal Zelle wasn't alone.

"Fuuu….that thing can even take on monsters like you guys now. I don't think that creature has a limit on its terrifyingness!"

Aniela stated as herself, Darcel, and Hao Cao all stepped out from the wall behind Vice-Principal Zelle.

The trio now felt a bit better after hiding. Vice Principal Zelle's warm power stabilize some of their injuries to the point where they could at least walk a bit.

"It certainly has its spine-chilling moment, but I think we just witness a limit of the creature. Not even it could see through Vice-Principal powers." Darcel assuredly asserted, and the girls were inclined to believe that.

What Vice-Principal Zelle had just performed was the mysterious power of illusions. They had genuinely blended into the wall, becoming one with it and taking them out of sight and Spirit Senses.

This hiding method was far superior to any concealing talisman as even beings with extraordinarily special Spirit Senses can't even pick up on her illusion.

Although Vice-Principal Zelle wouldn't be able to hold this state for very long.

Before speaking to Darcel's team, Vice Principal Zelle ignited her hand in enchanting blue light. With a snap of her fingers, Vice Principal Zelle formed another blue illusion barrier around them. However, it wasn't as powerful as the previous illusion.

But it will do well enough to hide them from any Spirit Monster bears on this floor. Speaking of this floor, Vice Principal Zelle's attention had then quickly settled on Darcel's team.

"Well? Just how the hell you three manage to get here? I know for sure even the third floor would become too much for you and that's not even speaking of the previous floor before this one." Vice Principal Zelle swiftly questioned them.

Darcel, Aniela, and Hao Cao all traded a glance. An unspoken signal was formed between them as Darcel nodded his head.

He was the one to answer Vice-Principal Zelle, saying,

"Because of that damn creature, we somehow shot right up here. That thing sneaked up on us and was planning on killing us until Aniela got out our escaping talisman. Unfortunately, that thing damaged our talisman, making it go haywire and transported us here." Darcel gave her the general gist of the story.

Vice Principal Zelle leaked a small sigh. She shook her head a bit as neither she nor the Principal could've ever expected such a fearsome creature like that one.

Each group of students was only granted one escaping talisman.

To acquire these talismans doesn't come cheap at all. Even for their Zakira Academy, they had to pay quite a substantial heft sum just to supply each student's group with one escaping talisman.

Moreover, Vice Principal Zelle and the Principal knew there would be no Spirit Monster that could directly interrupt the students' escape.

At least, it was that way until now.

Looking at how lucky Darcel's team was to survive this far, Vice Principal Zelle could only hope the other students didn't run into that creature.

"Since it came to this point, I shall send you three out with my own escaping talisman then."

"Eh? Vice Principal? When did you get one?" Hao Cao confusedly asked.

Unmistakably, with Vice Principal Zelle's strength, she could enter and leave the Labyrinth if she really wanted to. Just having another escaping talisman seemed a bit redundant in Hao Cao's eyes.

"You don't have to concern yourself with that. Now-" Vice Principal Zelle's spatial ring flashed, and she had fished out a bright purple talisman.

But before she could finish her sentence,

'Rumble!! Rumble!!'

The whole dark red floor began to ferociously quake like several earthquakes were going off all at once! It was like the entire Labyrinth was shifting apart under this violent tremor.

"Wha-what's with this place?!" Aniela shouted as she reinforced her legs with Nascent Qi to not fall on her ass. On her, Darcel, and Hao Cao's faces, a sense of immediate crisis filled them.

They only had a faint, fleeting guess, but the trio think that creature had something to do with all this shaking!

And going off that creature horrifying feats, it wasn't out of the realm of possibility.

Vice Principal Zelle also follows a similar train of thought. It was especially odd as she recalled how that creature kept on digging into the wall.

Abruptly then, Vice Principal Zelle's eyes flashed as if she just realized something significant.

But first, Vice Principal Zelle had bigger priorities. Quickly she poured Innate Qi in her talisman and floated it to hover above Darcel's team head.

Surges of purple magical power wrapped around the trio like a vortex.

Yet, when the wisps of magical power appear, it immediately disperses into thin air.

Under the Labyrinth's shaking, the escaping talisman magical power was interfered with, rending it utterly useless now.

Great disappointment flashed on Vice Principal Zelle's face. She had to leak out another small sigh since, as of now, she was left with only one option.

And that is to trace back portals leading to the entrance of the Labyrinth.

"Wait….what happened? Did the talisman fail?" Aniela questioned Vice-Principal Zelle.

For the briefest of moments, she, Darcel, and Hao Cao felt the familiar swirls of magical power around them. Only for it to immediately disperse, not even a second later.

"Indeed, it must've been because of that revolting creature. Hao Cao sense out the portal that leads to the lower level aura floor. I can't precisely distinguish these portals, which would only make our escape longer. And you three need to get out of here now." Vice Principal Zelle stated to Hao Cao.

Hao Cao didn't speak but had poured immense soul power into her eyes. Streaks of radiant purple electricity sparked from her eyes in a dazzling sight.

Spreading her Sixth Sense out, Hao Cao was surprised by this floor.

Compared to the previous ones, this floor holds far more portals in the general vicinity. It surpassed what she could find in the general area of the earlier floors.

Plus, some portals held distinct weaker auras than others. Sweetly smiling, Hao Cao planned to answer until,


Multiple roars of ferocious, feral Spirit Monsters blared out throughout the whole Labyrinth floor. Along with the cries, the Spirit Monsters auras all chaotically erupted in violent wild storms.

The floor that had slowed down in its trembling began to quake again from the onslaught of sudden chaotic eruptions of power!

Vice Principal Zelle had even sensed several Spirit Monsters at the legendary Heavenly Transformation realm!

"Tch…." Vice Principal Zelle clicked her tongue since they were utterly surrounded.

In only a matter of seconds, all Spirit Monster went wild in their roaming, and some incredibly powerful ones were coming to their spot.

Now she was forced into only one other option. Vice Principal Zelle quickly shot out her blue hair and wrapped Darcel, Aniela, and Hao Cao up once again.

The trio naturally didn't resist and actually quite liked the feeling of Vice-Principal Zelle's hair. It was surprisingly soft and warm, providing the three with energy that somewhat alleviated their remaining pain.

"Surprisingly warm and comfortable..." Darcel quietly leaked out.

"Fuuu~, it's almost like a warm bed~." Hao Cao softly sighed.

"Mnnh...it's just so-Ah!" Aniela was also beginning to comment until her, Darcel, and Hao Cao felt their bodies get quickly pulled.

The trio didn't get a chance to bask in this warm, gentle energy at all. In tow with Darcel's team, Vice Principal Zelle sprang towards the man-made hole in the wall by that disgusting creature, unhesitatingly dashing right in it.

This was their only clear option left. Vice Principal Zelle couldn't go out and search for portals now with all the raging Spirit Monsters.

Any attempt to fight with these Spirit Monsters would only result in Darcel's team death. And with this entrapment of surrounding Spirit Monsters, they were all bound to attack, making fighting inevitable.

After a few minutes of running into the whole, all Vice-Principal Zelle and Darcel's team saw was an endless dark red stone.

But just then, a bright white silverish streak of light refracted into their eyes.

Taking the initiative, Vice Principal Zelle rushed further towards the light. Just behind her, she already sensed the swarms of Spirit Monsters all wildly rushing the halls.

Some were even venturing into the hole, causing Vice-Principal Zelle to speed up her dash.

Eventually, Vice Principal Zelle's group came up to the center of the silverish white light.

And of course, one familiar horrifying creature entered their sights.

The human-like creature was stabbing one of its claws into a silverish white large round object embedded into the wall. The object in question appeared to look like a Spirit Monster core, only this one was much larger.

Furthermore, this core-like object exuded an unfathomably powerful aura that managed to seep into even Vice-Principal Zelle's barrier.

And sensing this aura caused Darcel and Aniela to furrow their eyebrows.

It was strange. This aura carried an odd sense of familiarity. But no matter how hard the duo tried to align what was familiar about the aura, it felt like their minds were being blocked by something.

"Ah! This thing just never stops with its growth…." Hao Cao quietly breathed out next to Darcel and Aniela, forcing the duo to return to reality.

And indeed, their eyes narrow once sensing the overwhelming might of the human-like creature.

They didn't know what level the creature was at, but they could tell it certainly advanced in the True Soul Core realm.

But Vice-Principal Zelle was accurately able to tell this thing held the exact same aura prowess as a fifth level True Soul Core warrior!

And that was the only thing Vice-Principal Zelle could describe about the creature.

Other than its aura prowess, the creature held zero familiarity with their regular cultivation system. Hell, Vice Principal Zelle reckon this creature had a vastly different cultivation style never before seen.

The only silver lining news Vice-Principal Zelle did manage to pick up was how all Spirit Monsters seemed to be avoiding this one specific spot.

They all either stopped traveling in the hole or went off in different directions in the hole.

Yet, it made it all the clearer that this creature was manipulating the whole uprising here.

Before either side could make a move, Vice Principal Zelle's eyes matched with the human-like creature's bright red glowing eyes.

Killing intent bloomed in both of their eyes, each of them having a wild hint of cruel savagery.

Vice Principal Zelle prepared to act, but right then, a blindingly intense silverish white glow enriched the creature's whole body!

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