Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 60: From The Dead

What laid between Elder Fere and Vice-Principal Zelle was a gruesome, bloody corpse of a Spirit Monster bear.

It held bright bloody gaping holes filled with sickly red blood. And faint red hue spots covered its whole body like a horrid pox.

Elder Fere found the corpse incredibly odd. Never had he seen a Spirit Monster corpse killed in such a strange way.

Although Vice-Principal Zelle began to feel the slightest of chills seeing the same type of corpse literally thrown at them.

And yet the corpse itself wasn't the strangest thing for the seniors.

Obviously, for the bear corpse to be thrown here, somebody had to be somewhat nearby. However, neither Elder Fere nor Vice-Principal Zelle sensed anyone close.

It was only on Darcel, Aniela, and Hao Cao's faces that an incredible sense of dread filled them. The spine-chilling feeling of a crisis swelled in their chest like a chaotic storm.

That sickly putrid red fluid….it was an image forever imprinted in Darcel's team mind. Their pupils largely dilated, and one horrifying thought struck them like a bomb.

That grotesque creature, it's here!

Somehow again, it was like their destiny and fates was meant to be aligned with that disgusting creature!

No matter what now, Darcel, Aniela, and Hao Cao just have to warn the seniors.

However, right when Darcel proceeded to open his mouth, the corpse of the large bear eyes had suddenly regained clarity!

And in the same motion, the should be dead bear, shot right back up to its free, standing tall.

The suddenly alive bear tower over everyone there. And everyone simply couldn't believe what just happened.

Elder Feres stopped moving entirely. Vice Principal Zelle had endless confusion in her eyes, and Darcel's team was locked in astonishment.

For sure, when they all delved their Spirit Senses into the bear, it was absolutely dead! Zero signs of life came from it, and even its soul has dissipated.

So just how….just how is it still standing?!

What added to everyone's shock as well was the dynamic expression accompanying the bear face.

Despite being seemingly alive and standing, immense pain overfilled its face.

A berserk haze was apparent in its maddening blood-red eyes. Several red hue spots on its body began slowly glowing. Furthermore, an abrupt exertion of chaotic aura spewed out of the bear.

Elder Fere and Vice-Principal felt the unexpected danger increase since this monster was at the Innate Core realm's peak level!

Their state of sudden shock only lasted for a second, however.

Quickly clarity regained back on their faces, yet before they could attempt anything, the bear mouth started to spasm. Sickly pale blood foamed from its mouth as its aura became further chaotic.

Vice Principal Zelle saw the bear shifting its mouth in a process to open it.

And in a split second while it was doing so, her eyes snapped over to Elder Fere.

In his surprise and confusion, he momentarily let go of Darcel's team, getting rid of the wind bind on them.

Although when doing so, the trio already looked like they were going to immediately collapse. This bear sudden turbulent aura surge was far too chaotic to instantly kill them. Still, it was enough to heavily worsen their injuries.

And it was this split-second moment that Vice Principal Zelle used to her advantage.

Before the bear could snap open its mouth, Vice Principal Zelle's long blue hair had suddenly shot towards Darcel's team.

Her speed was nearly matching the velocity of actual lightning!

In one second, Darcel, Aniela, and Hao Cao had nearly passed out in excruciating pain from the bear aura.

Yet in the next split second, the three felt something firm but gentle wrap over their waists.

This gentle hold on their bodies provided Darcel's team with stability. Tender power flowed through the trio bodies, yet on instinct, none of them even attempted to resist it.

Elder Fere was, of course, unaware of this.

Precisely at the same time, Darcel's team was covered, the Spirit Monster bear mouth snapped fully open.

With wild surges of Innate Qi spewing into the wind, the bear unleashed a mighty roar!


The bear booming shout was filled to the brim with powerful peak Innate Qi energy! Frantic waves of Innate Qi stormed for miles, and the floor trembles from the sheer onslaught of power.

Promptly, Elder Fere was forced to set up a wind Qi barrier just to resist this mighty roar. Somehow, Elder Fere sensed, this used to be dead bear has power seemingly slightly surpass the peak prowess of Innate Qi!

A slight pressure had welcomed his body when taking on the bear power and put a bit of worry into his mind.

And it was then, Elder Fere suddenly remembered the three brats next to him. Surely his weak wind Qi bind wouldn't be able to fully protect them.

Yet, when Elder Fere glanced over to Darcel's team, immediate shock filled his eyes. What was so shocking was the fact none of the three brats were anywhere near close to him!

Elder Fere didn't see colossal blood puddles, indicating that the bear roar didn't explode them into bits.

So this would only mean….her!

Hastily, Elder Fere eyes snapped to Vice Principal Zelle in evident frustration.

Standing by Vice-Principal Zelle's side were Darcel, Aniela, and Hao Cao!

All of them were securely wrapped up in three blue strands of hair. Moreover, none of the three youths even felt any pressure from the bear anymore.

Although Vice-Principal Zelle had to give this bear some regard. A bit of pressure was brought on to her by this bear, mere chaotic aura.

She didn't really need to set up a barrier to resist like Elder Fere though it was still concerning.

After unleashing its mighty roar, the bear head then quickly snapped to Elder Fere. On instinct, it targeted the weakest one here since now it couldn't sense Darcel's team because of Vice-Principal Zelle powers.


Elder Fere was in a slight daze since the full brunt of the bear's chaotic aura locked on to him, but he didn't even get the chance to finish a single word.

Like the savage beast it is, the bear pounced at Elder Fere!

For such a large monster, the bear managed to gain a bit of height in the air as it swiped down its massive bright red claw at Elder Fere.

"Tch!" Elder Fere simply clicked his tongue at the incoming bear.

Mobilizing his Innate Qi, Elder Fere swiftly jumped back, spewing fierce wind from his feet and easily dodging the bear claw.


The bear's massive claw tore through the dark red stone floor. Spider web-like cracks quickly spread from the sheer overwhelming force of the bear attack.

Additionally, the bright red hue spots on its body began to glow at a higher intensity rate.

While Elder Fere dashed back, Vice Principal Zelle had also followed in a similar movement. In tow with Darcel's team, the four jumped back, and it was at this time Darcel decided to quickly speak up.

"We need to leave now! Something incomparably deadly is coming right at us!" Hearing Darcel, Vice Principal Zelle immediately became confused.

Though before she could question, the small familiar foreboding feeling from before had abruptly exploded!

Her mind was struck with a spine-chilling dreary presence that neared too close for comfort for her. Swiftly, Vice Principal Zelle's eyes snapped back to Elder Fere, only to see a hair-raising scene.

While backing away, Elder Fere was furious! His perfectly good plan was all ruined by this damn resurrected bear! Raging wind Qi gathered in both off Elder Fere's palms as he swiftly decided to split this beast apart.

Although this would've been a right course of action if Elder Fere didn't get his whole senses thrown into chaos!

Completely out of nowhere, Elder Fere felt overtaken by a horrendous nauseating sickness.

Typically, cultivators strong as Elder Fere would never naturally feel mortal sickness.

Yet at this moment, Elder Fere couldn't stop heaving his chest, feeling like wanting to throw up his intensities.

Landing for a second, Elder Fere had to clutch his stomach. Endless questions plagued his mind as he couldn't understand for a second where this random sickness came from.

And it was then, in Elder Fere's single moment of lapse in focus, an abrupt red mist clouded his whole vision!

Elder Fere spiked up like a hawk as this red mist literally came from thin air. But no matter how hyper-aware he was now, it couldn't stop the incoming daze.

Quickly, the red mist drilled into Elder Fere's bloodstream. The nauseation and daze trance only worsen for Elder Fere then.

Stinging pain tingles throughout his body, but he didn't completely shut down in pain like many others did before in the red mist.

He was only having an incomparably hard time focusing.

But his ears did manage to pick up the loud rustling of the bear pouncing towards him again. With his senses, all distorted, Elder Fere could only go on the defensive now.

Yet, when trying to stir his Innate Qi, he felt his flow of Qi get heavily disrupted! Plus, a slight burning pain jolted his body for even attempting to use his Qi.

"Damn it! What is-Damn!!" Elder Fere fiercely cursed as the bear decided to use his second of failing to gather Qi to attack him!

Just a few feet away from his face was the bear massive claw that now glowed in an intense bright red hue.

Elder Fere had no other option but for a haste counter attack now.

Hurriedly he pushed past the pain and stir a small portion of his Innate Qi into his right fist.

In a split second Elder Fere struck out his fist, violently clashing against the bear's massive red hue claw.


"AAHH!! YOU!!"

Elder Fere roared out in tremendous pain as he got sent flying backward.

Scorching pain drilled into his hand and arm, and on his hand, his skin was bursting off in gruesome, bloody fashion.

Waves of pain were then transferred throughout Elder Fere's entire body. Moreover, Elder Fere was feeling his body naturally becoming weaker and frail.

And this was all from merely one attack?!

Wild feral killing intent bloomed into Elder Fere's eyes. Gritting his teeth, he forced past the pain and forcefully skidded on the ground to stop himself.

This genuinely was like a sudden terrible nightmare!

Yet, before Elder Fere could make any judge of the situation, the bear pounced at him once again. Being pushed in a corner already flamed the severe hatred in Elder Fere's chest.

"Enough of this!!" Elder Fere shrieked in naked killing intent.

Uncaring about anything else, Elder Fere forcefully surged a tremendous amount of Innate Qi into his hand. His body broke down at an even quicker rate this way, but Elder Fere only wanted blood.

"Gale Reaper!!" Elder Fere thrust out his hand and roared at the top of his lungs.

Immense surges of Innate Qi spewed out of Elder Fere, slightly surpassing the bear peak prowess! And out from Elder Fere hands, blasted a short form of wind Qi in the shape of a scythe!


The Wind Qi scythe savagely tore through the bear's chest, creating a massively wide bloody gaping hole there. Chunks of blood, guts, and bones spewed into chaotic storms of winds.

Elder Fere had a smile in slight delight once seeing a direct killing hit.

Although that smile couldn't stay long as in the bear's massive hole, a terrifying intense red hue sparked there.

Elder Fere couldn't react at all when the spark of red hue suddenly burst into numerous droplets of putrid red fluids! The vile red fluids blitz straight at Elder Fere, who barely register what had just transpired.


"AH-KEAH-AHHH!!" A blood-curdling scream squealed out of Elder Fere.

With his defense at the lowest and his Innate Qi all out of control, the putrid red fluid easily drilled all over Elder Fere's body.

The rotten red fluid brought about overwhelming frenzy energy that crushed his organs and bones. Burning searing pain tore into his bloodstreams, further quickening the rate of his torture.

Bright red hue spots covered all over Elder Fere's body. And in a gruesome fashion, each red hue spot burst his skin in sickly red blood.

Although, even with all of this, Elder Fere was still hanging on strong.

But deep inside, Elder Fere was also feeling something poisonous trying to damage his soul. Elder Fere's soul was tremendously tough at his stage and can support even the worst of injuries on his body.

Even brutal injuries like his current one can Elder Fere keep going because of his soul.

And now, it was like this red mist was also trying to cause irreversible damage to his soul! Luckily for him, the attempt was unsuccessful as his soul could ward off the red mist.

But this process allowed for Elder Fere to be left wide open.

Unknown to Elder Fere, a bright red tongue sailed straight at his back, reaching breakneck speeds.

The tongue penetrated directly into the red mist, and brutally tore through Elder Fere's chest.


Gushes of blood poured from Elder Fere like a fountain as the bright red tongue savagely appeared right through his chest. Making his hell even worse, Elder Fere felt his blood getting sucked right out of him!

And it was then, Elder Fere finally called it quits. Amazingly, Elder Fere ignited his Spatial ring and brought out an escaping talisman.

He wasted no moment in crushing it, causing,


A bright purple flash to drown his body and teleport him directly out of this irreversible situation.

From behind, the terrifying human-like creature retracted its tongue. Clenching its claw, the creature made the mist go away and swiftly turned its sight on its next prey.

Only, the creature got surprised as he looked down the long hallway.

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