X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 159: Ben Vs Janine

"Since that's the case, let me grant your wish."

The three bone ribs floating in the midair near Ben had unleashed their might excitedly. Each of them displayed an incredibly strong Weapon Energy causing tremor on the surroundings as if the surroundings were getting slashed countless times in just a mere presence of those bone ribs.

After a little while, the three bone ribs floated a little more higher as they finally started to change their form. As they changed, the Weapon Energy they released was just getting stronger. And when they finally took their form, the weather was as if angered as the dark red clouds above started forming shape accompanied by a cold and strong wind that as if a wind blade ready to cut down anything on its path.

Spear, Axe, Rod, all the three of them was way too huge for a person to wield. But it wasn't a problem for Ben at all. He didn't need to hold them with his hands just to use these weapons. He just needed to wave his hand here and there and those three weapons floating in the midair would follow his every command.

"Master, why did you summon us just now?" The giant axe had spoken with the voice of a middle-aged man. And from the tone of his voice, he wanted to be summoned already even before.

"..." The giant spear didn't speak but from the aura she released, it appeared that she too wanted to be summoned already. The same went for the giant rod that looked like a pillar. He didn't speak but from the looks of it, he too wanted to fight already and test his strength.

In the first place, they were already jealous enough when Bone Sword (I) was the only one who was being summoned by their master and was given a chance to fight. It could be said that they treated him as lucky.

But when they saw their brother being crashed into many pieces by a brute girl, their jealousy had immediately turned into wrath. That being said, they wanted to come out and fight already. But of course, it was not because they were jealous of Bone Sword (I), but to avenge him.

However, their master just didn't want to let them be. No matter how hard they talked things out, their master just kept ignoring their plea. And not only that, their master had even used a short sword made by his ordinary bone to avenge Bone Sword (I) that only resulted in it being broken into two when their master attacked the brute girl from behind.

Not only that, their master was even being beaten to a pulp making all the 22 bone ribs be filled with cries. Just why was their master too stubborn? They even thought that their master would be dead at that time. But thankfully, a savior had come. They were all really thankful to that little boy who saved their master.

In any case, after that occurrence, the 22 bone ribs had all made a fuss to come out already so that they could fight. But what response they had only got was, "Wait!"

As helpless as they were, they could only obey their master.

On the other hand, Ben wanted to cry. These weapons of his must be joking. Did he even have enough Weapon Energy to summon them all? Did he even have a World Energy to spare? Yes, Ben could understand their feelings but couldn't they understand his feelings as well? Couldn't they see his situation?

It had to be known that summoning Bone Sword (I) had already taken him a fifth of his World Energy. So how could he still have the ability to summon them all?

But of course, the 22 other weapons of Ben knew that their master had only enough World Energy and Weapon Energy to summon and wield some of them. But what they were hoping was for them to be one of the chosen that would be summoned to fight the brute. But since their master told them to wait, they could only wait patiently.

In the end, after waiting patiently for a good while, the three strongest weapons were the ones that were chosen. The other weapons could only feel pity for themselves seeing that they weren't chosen. Nevertheless, they were just hoping that this time, they could defeat this brute girl.

On the other hand, the three weapons that were chosen felt excitement. They were really itching to fight now and teach the brute a good lesson. Although they really couldn't fight with their own will since their action was still dependent on their master, being used as a weapon to fight had no difference at all.

No matter what, they should do their all to support their master.

Seeing that his three weapons were now all ready, Ben couldn't help but smile. He then gazed at Janine as he said, "Prepare yourself, brute."

After which was said, Ben raised his hand forward and commanded, "Go!"

The spear, Bone Spear (I), was the fastest. She rushed like a bolt of lightning as it didn't take long for her to reach the target's distance.


But then, when she thought that she could destroy Janine with that piercing power of her, she found herself being completely stuck on the other party's two little arms.

What in the world was with this absurdly strong physical power? Bone Spear (I) was utterly shocked. She had already seen the strength of this brute but never she thought that experiencing it first hand was far different than what she had seen.

"Damn, this is too exciting?" Amidst Bone Spear (I)'s astonishment, she heard the brute girl exclaiming loudly in excitement. In her lips was a wide grin as there was even two canine teeth that were starting to appear. Claws had sprouted on her hands and feet as the black pupil of her eyes changed and turned into a slit. Her silver hair was being swayed by the wind and by the strong shockwaves made by the collision.

"Body Transformation: Nether Beast."

This time, Janine felt that she needed to be a little more serious seeing the other party was going all out to face her. She should at least respect his strength, right? After all, he was still a worthy opponent.



But then, just after Janine caught the spear, the force had just become stronger. Even with her current strength, and even with clenched teeth, she was still forced to be sent backward as her feet lined on the ground trying her hardest to halt her movements.

Just what in the world had just happened? Janine was shocked by the sudden event. But when she turned her gaze in front of her, she could only smile and said, "So that's how it is."

"If there is a nail," Ben, on the other hand, muttered silently with his eyes flashing with a cold glint. After a moment of pause, he continued, "There is a hammer."

Ben had already expected that despite the strength of his strongest weapon which was the spear, it was highly likely that his opponent could still block her using the other party's absurdly strong physical power. But Ben didn't only have a spear. After Bone Spear (I) was caught by Janine, the huge pillar, no, the huge rod collided on the other end of the spear serving as a hammer.

The momentum was just too strong as it caused the other party to be pushed away. But of course, Ben wouldn't be happy with just this, he had guessed that this was still not enough to defeat Janine.

That being said, while Janine was still trying her hardest to forcefully stop the spear, she suddenly felt a chilling sensation on her back as she instinctively turned her gaze upwards. To her shock, she found a huge axe ready to slam at her at any moment.

Janine gritted her teeth even more. But as if it wasn't enough, she even bellowed in her loudest as she grabbed the edge of the giant spear and swung its body against the giant axe.

The two weapons then collided against each other as a deafening collision sounded. The nearby space was as if shattered as something like a bolt of black lightning was even formed through sheer force.

"What the heck..." Ben gasped in yet another astonishment. This brute was way too overbearing. How could she forcefully use his weapons against his other weapons? It had to be known that without enough Weapon Energy, it was hard to lift a certain weapon.

But this brute had actually managed to lift his spear, his strongest weapon, and swung it against his axe through sheer force to defend herself just like that? This girl really gave him a lot of surprises!

Not only him, Jim who was watching the show found his eyes widened in shock too. And Jim felt that it wasn't the last time that he would feel this kind of feeling. He had guessed that sooner or later, as the battle went on, there were a lot more surprises waiting for him.

At that moment, Jim took a deep breath as he prepared himself for whatever might happen next.

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