X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 158: He Stole My First Love

"Anyway, are we going to kill her?" Ben who was just about to leave suddenly remembered something as he asked.

Ever since before, he really wanted to kill Janine to avenge himself for harming him for such a petty reason. He didn't even do anything serious against that brute so why did she beat him up to death? Every time Ben thought about it could only make him grit his teeth.

That said, Ben really wanted to kill her. But later, he realized that it was not that easy. Even with his full strength, he couldn't do any significant damage to Janine at all.

But then, it was not because he wasn't able to harm Janine, but it was just that before, the full strength that he executed against her was being reflected. And that occurrence made Ben suffered a huge blow making him think that he was no match against her.

But when he learned that it was only because his attack was being reflected, his hope to win against her had ignited. He was certain that as long as he managed to hit her accurately and without his attack being reflected, he could defeat her easily with his full strength.

And besides, he was only talking about his full strength with his other weapon here. He still hadn't used his strongest weapon that could increase his strength exponentially. If he used it against her, then surely, his chance of winning would definitely shot up.

And also, among his 24 weapons made by his ribs, each of them could deal significant damage if used against Janine. And it had to be known that he couldn't just use his weapon one at a time. As long as his Weapon Energy was enough, he could use his more than two weapons simultaneously.

And as for now, he could use the twelve least strong weapons he had at the same time. While on the other hand, he could use his three strongest weapons at the same time. And they were, Bone Spear (I), Bone Axe (I), and the third strongest, Bone Sword (I). This weapon was the one he used against Janine.

But now, Bone Sword (I) was still recovering since he just got destroyed. That said, Ben was not able to use him at the moment. So the choice would be his fourth strongest weapon which was Bone Rod (I).

But of course, he would not underestimate Janine with just what he had. If he had his own tricks under his sleeve, it was highly likely that Janine had also had her own. After all, no matter what, she was still a monster that Ben should not take lightly with.

So if he used these three weapons simultaneously against her, and he still wasn't able to defeat her, he would be forced to use his last resort. And Ben knew full well that once he used this, the chance of causing death was very high.

That being said, Ben asked Jim if they would kill Janine for real. Because if so, he would surely use his last resort to defeat her that might cause her death.

On the other hand, Jim stared at Ben after hearing his words. To think that this kid was still dreaming of killing Janine. But well, it couldn't be helped. After all, he just suffered badly from Janine. And his desire for revenge might be still pretty high now.

Jim was just happy that though they had just met, this Ben was actually still asking his opinion regarding such a matter. Was this a friend be like? Jim felt that it wasn't that bad to have a friend.

So after a moment of pause, Jim opened his mouth and asked, "Can you not kill her?"

"Huh? Why?" Ben suddenly frowned slightly as he was a bit surprised. He knew that both Janine and Jim had also had some grudge against each other. After all, Ben could tell that Janine was a trouble maker who was suited for a member of the Kastel Family. So why in all of a sudden would Jim say such astonishing words? Was this person really that forgiving?

But wait... It couldn't be... Ben took a step backward as his eyes widened in shock. "Don't tell me you fall in love with her after you..."

"Shut up!" Ben was still yet to finish his words when Jim immediately interrupted him.

What was this fool trying to say? Jim found his veins popping out on his head uncontrollably upon hearing such claims. Who would dare to fall in love with such a brute?!

"Anyway, try your best not to kill her," Jim said. After which, he waved his hand to shoo Ben away as he added, "And don't think about any wild thoughts. It feels creepy."

Jim never thought that despite Ben's cold personality, he still knew how to joke around.

"A-alright," Ben responded as he scratched the back of his head with a bitter smile upon seeing the reaction of Jim. It appeared that Jim also didn't like Janine.

So after a moment of small talk, Ben shifted his gaze back to Janine as he immediately became serious. He took a deep breath before he disappeared then again.

Every time Jim saw Ben disappearing like that, he was always being surprised. He could tell that it wasn't teleportation but only a pure speed. Just how fast was he for real? Even with his hearing ability, he wasn't able to detect accurately the speed of Ben.

Jim watched Ben making a move against Janine. He thought that Ben was going to have another sneak attack. But who would have thought that he would just appear in front of the angered Janine?

On the other hand, Janine who had seen Ben appeared so suddenly right in front of her, had her anger immediately shot up. But of course, she didn't make a move hurriedly for she was afraid that this prey would run away again.

"Where's the other brat?!" Janine asked. Her voice was icy making Ben feel a chill.

"Don't know," Ben replied as he tried to stay calm. After a moment, he added with a serious expression, "Why are you so fierce? What did we even do to you anyway?"

Hearing him, Janine laughed coldly. After a moment, her expression turned fierce as she responded indignantly, "As for you, you didn't do anything to me. But that Jim something has a serious offense against me!" No matter how hard she gritted her teeth, it was just too frustrating.

"Serious offense?" Ben frowned. "What did he do to you?"

"He...he..." Janine paused for a good while, hesitant to speak any more words. But in the end, her indignation overwhelmed her as she continued, "He stole my first love!" Tears were even surfacing on her puppy eyes as she said those words.

"Huh?" Ben widened his eyes for a moment there. He even failed to understand what did that even mean. Stole her first love? What first love? Could it even be possible for a guy to steal the first love of a lady? If the first love she was talking about was a guy, then why in the world would Jim steal him from her? Was Jim a gay? Ben shook his head as he realized that his thoughts were going wild again.

But then, after he shook his head, his thoughts had automatically went wild again.

Perhaps, this brute was really a lesbian as she fell in love with another girl. But Jim stole her from this Janine making her so much angry.

But that was impossible. Ben couldn't even see any other person who was with Jim. Just what first love was this brute talking about?

Could it be...

Ben widened his eyes in shock as he suddenly thought of something. Could it be that what Jim had stolen was not a person, but the actual love of this brute?? Ben began to sweat as he gulped a mouthful of saliva from that wild thought of his. It shouldn't be possible, right? If Jim really stole her first love, then that would really be troublesome!

"What do you mean by that?" Ben still asked to clear up his confusion. He didn't want to jump to a baseless conclusion without hearing the whole thing.

"I don't want to explain anything to you!" Janine couldn't hold her anger any longer as she rushed towards Ben to give him a beating. "Just hurry up and tell me where is that brat hiding!"

But before Janine could even touch him, Ben suddenly disappeared and appeared several steps away from her.

"Do you only know how to run away? Huh?! Coward!" Janine was getting more and more frustrated as she tried to catch any of these brats who love to cause trouble on her. But she was helpless. No matter how strong she was, the other party was just too good at escaping.

But then, amidst Janine's frustration, a cold voice sounded.

"I tried to talk things out, but you just keep resorting to a fight." Ben then unleashed his Weapon Energy as three bone ribs shot out from his chest. As the three bone ribs floated in the midair, Ben continued, "Since that's the case, let me grant your wish."

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