Wonderful Life After Exchanging Fate

Chapter 121

Chapter 120

At the end of July, after half a month of treatment, the empress dowager’s stroke was healed, and even the disease of forgetting things before was relieved a lot. She even remembered that it was Jiang Yunzhu who asked the doctor to offer her medicine for her, and also remembered that Jiang Yunzhu was special in cooking. tasty.

Therefore, Jiang Yunzhu often went to the palace to help the empress dowager cook.

Every time she enters the palace, Shen Fengming will definitely accompany her, fearing that she will encounter any embarrassing things in the palace.

The imperial palace is divided into the outer palace and the inner palace. The inner palace is the place where the harem concubines live. Ordinary people and even some unfavored princes are not allowed to enter for nothing. Of course, the Empress Dowager loves Shen Fengming, and Shen Fengming can walk freely.

It’s just sixteen but he is not allowed to enter the inner palace, and can only wait in the outer palace every time.

It was already the beginning of August, and the empress dowager’s body became stronger and stronger. Jiang Yunzhu knew that she had avoided the bad luck in her dream, and felt relieved.

On this day, Shen Fengming gave Jiang Yunzhu a bracelet. This bracelet looks like an ordinary silver bracelet, but it is actually a delicate hidden weapon. As long as you press the yellow gemstone on the bracelet, a flying needle will be shot out of the bracelet. The flying needle is coated with anesthetics. Those who are hit by the flying needle will faint within a few breaths.

And if you press the blue gemstone, the flying needle shot out is highly poisonous, and those who fall into it will soon die of poison.

Having experienced being **** that night, Jiang Yunzhu didn’t refuse his kindness and put the bracelet on her hand.

Not to mention, this bracelet is actually quite beautiful, she likes it.

Two or three days later, the empress dowager wanted to eat Taibai duck made by Jiang Yunzhu, so Jiang Yunzhu entered the palace early.

Shen Fengming rode a horse and accompanied him.

When the two arrived at the gate of the palace, they happened to meet Lin Ting’an.

Xiao Liyu was grounded and could not leave the Chonghua Palace. Now Lin Ting’an could only enter the palace to see her.

“Shen Dudu.” Lin Ting’an saluted Shen Fengming.

Shen Fengming just nodded, not paying attention to his meaning.

Lin Ting’an lowered his long eyelashes to hide the emotion in his eyes.

Jiang Yunzhu and Shen Fengming went to the Empress Dowager’s Cining Palace, while Lin Ting’an went to the Chonghua Palace.

An hour later, Jiang Yunzhu had finished the meal, and Nanny Qi came over and said, “The emperor is here today, and he is having dinner with the queen mother, Dudu Shen is with him, and the county magistrate…”

Every time Jiang Yunzhu came, Shen Fengming would follow, and both of them came and walked together, Nanny Qi and even the empress dowager could vaguely see something, the empress dowager became more and more kind to Jiang Yunzhu, and sometimes even let her eat together.

But when the emperor is here, it is different.

Jiang Yunzhu understood that she was hesitating whether to leave first by herself, or to wait here and wait for Shen Fengming to join her.

“The county lord is hungry too, why don’t you take a rest first, I’ll ask them to prepare some food for you, and we’ll talk after you finish eating.” Nanny Qi thought about it.

One, Jiang Yunzhu has been cooking for so long, the weather is hot in summer, she is sweating all over her body, she really should take a break and have some food, otherwise even if it is already evening, the sun is still shining, it is too hard for her to go back like this.

Second, maybe after the emperor leaves, the empress dowager still wants to see Jiang Yunzhu.

After she said that, Jiang Yunzhu nodded in agreement.

Nanny Qi asked a young **** to come over and lead Jiang Yunzhu to rest in the side hall, while she was going to serve the Empress Dowager.

Jiang Yunzhu followed the little **** to the side hall, where ice was placed, and as soon as he entered, there was a cold air, Jiang Yunzhu sighed comfortably.

The little **** was very good at doing things, first brought Jiang Yunzhu a pot of hot water, then brought her towels and other things, and finally brought her hot tea, and then stepped back.

Jiang Yunzhu put the towel into hot water, soaked it, then wrung it dry, and wiped the sweat off his face.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door, it was a court lady, who came to deliver food to Jiang Yunzhu.

So fast? It was estimated that it was the meal time, and the imperial dining room had prepared meals, Jiang Yunzhu didn’t think much about it, and let the maid in.

The palace maid held a tray with four dishes and one soup on it.

“Put it there.” Jiang Yunzhu said before she finished wiping her face.

“Yes.” The maid agreed, put the tray on the table, and quietly looked at Jiang Yunzhu while laying the food on the table.

Seeing Jiang Yunzhu bow her head and twist the towel, she took out a handkerchief from her sleeve and shook it lightly.

Jiang Yunzhu smelled a sweet fragrance, that fragrance… no, this fragrance is good… she lost consciousness before she could think of anything more.

Seeing that she had fainted, the palace lady hurried over to pick her up and went outside.

Jiang Yunzhu only felt hot, so hot, so uncomfortable, she opened her eyes impatiently, but saw a bunch of flowers, and a man?

The man looked very ordinary. He was wearing the clothes of a guard, but he was taking off his clothes at this time.

Jiang Yunzhu turned pale with shock, her heart was much clearer, looking carefully, it seemed to be behind a bush of flowers, it seemed to be still inside the palace, but she didn’t know where it was.

Seeing that she was awake, the man on the opposite side looked guilty at first, then gritted his teeth, took off his shirt, and walked towards Jiang Yunzhu.

“Who are you?” Jiang Yunzhu wanted to stand up, but felt that her body was very soft, and with all her strength, she just stepped back a little.

The man didn’t speak, and grabbed her arm.

Jiang Yunzhu hurriedly said, “Shen Fengming, Governor Shen, do you know that I belong to him, if you hurt me, you know the result.” The situation is urgent, she knows that talking about it is nonsense, so she can only talk about Shen Fengming , I hope his vicious name can deter the opponent for a while.

Sure enough, fear flashed across the man’s face.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Yunzhu seemed to be struggling to stand up again. In fact, she had adjusted the direction of the bracelet. If the other party still refused to let her go…

Of course the man would not let Jiang Yunzhu go, he came here with the determination to die.

Jiang Yunzhu wanted to press the gemstone button on the bracelet, but at this moment, a rush of enthusiasm surged up, and she felt her head was dizzy, her hands had no strength, and she didn’t know if she pressed the button, or which button she pressed.

The man was already close at hand, and Jiang Yunzhu felt sick and flustered, and couldn’t even call for help.

Seeing that the man had reached out to tear her clothes off, she used up her last bit of strength to press the button on the bracelet again.

The man suddenly widened his eyes and fell to the side.

If Jiang Yunzhu was conscious, she should know that the flying needle she shot before had already worked, but now her mind seemed to be in a mess, subconsciously, pressing the button on the bracelet until she saw the man fall to the ground.

She was limp there, her mind was blank.

Suddenly, there was a tingling pain in her arm, and she regained consciousness for a short time. It turned out that her arm touched the flowers next to her just now. There were thorns on those roses, and the thorns scratched her skin.

Jiang Yunzhu seized this opportunity and reached out to hold the rose thorn.

More tingling sensations came, and she became more awake. She knew that her condition was not right, and she should have been given some kind of medicine.

She has to leave here quickly and find Shen Fengming or Shiliu, only then will she be safe.

She tore a branch from the rose, held it in her hand, barely stood up, and looked around.

This is a garden, it doesn’t seem to be an imperial garden, I don’t know where it is.

There was no one around.

While she was anxious, she caught sight of the sparkling lake in the south, and hurriedly staggered towards it.

At this time, in Chonghua Palace, Lin Ting’an and Xiao Liyu were admiring the flowers together, but their minds were not here, so neither of them spoke.

Suddenly, a court lady came in a hurry, seeming to be in a hurry.

“I’m not feeling well, I want to rest.” Xiao Liyu said to Lin Tingan.

“Okay.” Lin Ting’an said empathetically.

Xiao Liyu left quickly, but Lin Tingan did not.

After eating with the Empress Dowager, Emperor Qinglong got up and left.

The empress dowager was getting old, and she wanted to tilt her head after eating.

Seeing this, Shen Fengming got up and said goodbye.

“County Master Yunrong is in the side hall.” Nanny Qi waited for the Empress Dowager to lie down, and said to Shen Fengming in a low voice.

“Thank you.” Shen Fengming left, went to the side hall to find Jiang Yunzhu, and wanted to go back with her.

Who knows, the side hall is empty. There are still meals on the table, but no one has eaten the meals at all.

Shen Fengming’s face immediately changed, “Where’s Yunrong county master?” His voice was as sharp as a cold knife.

No one answered, and no one saw Jiang Yunzhu.

Shen Fengming was about to go to Nanny Qi, at this moment, a **** said tremblingly, “The slave saw that County Master Yunrong was in the house, and after a while, a guard knocked on the door.

The head of Yunrong County asked, ‘Who is it? ‘

The guard said, ‘It’s me. ‘

County Lord Yunrong opened the door and left with the guard. “

Anyone could hear what he said. He meant that the guard had something to do with Jiang Yunzhu, and Jiang Yunzhu followed him and left.

Shen Fengming grabbed his neck and almost strangled him to death, “Where did she go?” He didn’t believe that Jiang Yunzhu would go with others, but he knew that Jiang Yunzhu must be in danger.

Extremely angry, it took him a lot of effort to control it, and he didn’t break the eunuch’s neck immediately.

The **** was so frightened that he peed on his pants, unable to speak, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the west.

Shen Fengming squeezed him a little harder, and he passed out, “Watch him, don’t allow him to commit suicide, otherwise you are all accomplices.” After leaving this sentence, he jumped westward.

The look in his eyes before he left scared everyone into silence. In the summer, everyone actually felt cold.

After he left for quite a while, all the people hurriedly bound the eunuch’s hands and feet, and removed his chin, for fear that he would commit suicide, Shen Fengming came back and let them enter the Zhenfu Division.

In that place, few people who went in came out whole.

The place where Jiang Yunzhu was located was Xiyuan, not too far from the Palace of Compassion and Peace.

It seemed that there was no one in Xiyuan, but in fact someone was watching from a distance, waiting for Shen Fengming to find out that Jiang Yunzhu had left with someone, so he came to look for someone, and came across that glamorous scene.

It’s just that there was no movement behind the flowers for a long time, logically speaking, it should be…

Someone went to check, but only saw the man’s eyes wide open, falling to the ground. Jiang Yunzhu disappeared.

“Where’s the person?” “Look for him!” Several people immediately looked around for him, but they didn’t find any trace of Jiang Yunzhu.

“Don’t look for it, Dudu Shen is coming soon, then…” The speaker shuddered.

A few people didn’t dare to stay any longer and left quickly.

After they left, a person came out from behind the big tree, it was Lin Ting’an. He looked at the back of the flowers thoughtfully, suddenly, he picked up a piece of fabric from a rose next to him, his pupils shrank slightly, if he remembered correctly, Jiang Yunzhu was wearing this Qibaolian blue dress when he entered the palace today.

He took the cloth, looked around, saw the lake in the south, and immediately remembered the last time Jiang Yunzhu escaped under his nose, she walked by the waterway at that time.

Unexpectedly, she fell into his hands again.

Lin Ting’an’s heart skipped a beat, he held back his excitement, and looked at the lake. Immediately, he quickly headed towards the southwest corner of the lake, and he concluded that if Jiang Yunzhu was really in the lake, he would definitely come ashore from there.

Not long after he left, Shen Fengming came to Xiyuan and saw the dead body.

He immediately recognized that this person died from the poisonous flying needle on Jiang Yunzhu’s wrist.

Jiang Yunzhu has been here before, and the situation must be bad.

There were a few drops of bright red blood on the nearby flowers, and the blood color stimulated Shen Fengming’s nerves.

He stood up and looked around. Soon, his eyes also fell on that lake, and then jumped towards the southwest corner of the lake.

Jiang Yunzhu was indeed in the lake, and she knew that she must have been drugged with a love potion or something, and getting into the water would keep her awake for a while. Moreover, following the water, she can also leave this dangerous place first.

In midsummer, even the lake water seemed to become warmer. After Jiang Yunzhu entered the water, she felt comfortable for a while, and the suppressed heat surged up again.

Not daring to delay any longer, she swam towards the southwest corner of the lake.

Seeing that it was about to arrive, suddenly, she saw someone on the shore, and hurriedly dived into the water.

Lin Ting’an has already seen Jiang Yunzhu, she is like a fish swimming in the water, agile and beautiful.

And he was about to catch this fish!

He stopped and stood on the shore, waiting for Jiang Yunzhu to show up.

Jiang Yunzhu also vaguely saw that the person on the shore was Lin Ting’an. She was anxious, and the heat in her body became more and more intense. The strength in her body also disappeared, and she was unable to support her to swim elsewhere.

The more anxious I became, the more I couldn’t hold back the breath in my belly.

She had no choice but to surface.

As the sun sets, the warm sunlight shines on the lake, and the lake sparkles like gold.

Jiang Yunzhu slowly emerged from the water, her delicate face was flushed with blush, her eyes were watery and her skin was crisp.

A head of beautiful hair stuck to her body, outlining her graceful figure.

Today she was wearing a long skirt embroidered with Seven Treasure Lotuses in blue and blue, and now that the long skirt was attached to her body, the alluring peaks and waist were undoubtedly revealed as she moved out of the water.

And because her body was covered with water droplets, when the sun shone on her, her whole body seemed to be covered with a layer of broken golden light.

Gorgeous and holy, Luoshen came out of the water, which is not enough to describe the beautiful scenery in front of him. Lin Ting’an only felt that his blood was throbbing, and only the person in the lake was left in his eyes.

And Shen Fengming who rushed over from there also happened to see this scene, he lost his mind for a moment, then fixed his eyes on Lin Ting’an, his eyes were full of killing intent.

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