Wonderful Life After Exchanging Fate

Chapter 120

Chapter 119

Everyone saw this scene, but they didn’t know what was in the bottle.

At this time, Wu Yixian opened the bottle, and a scent of medicine wafted out instantly, and the spirits of those who smelled it were shocked. Everyone still doesn’t know that what is contained in this medicine bottle is a life-saving panacea.

But why is this elixir in Jiang Yunzhu’s hands.

Everyone had doubts in their hearts, and they didn’t dare to ask at this juncture, they all looked at Wu Yixian.

Wu Yixian poured a purple-black pill from the bottle, put it in water, and let the empress dowager take it.

Then he asked someone to help the empress dowager to the bed.

The Empress Dowager’s complexion was originally dark red and purple, but after taking this medicine, her complexion obviously improved a lot.

At this time, Wu Yixian gave her another needle.

After half an hour, Wu Yixian pulled out the last needle, heaved a sigh of relief, his face and body were covered with beads of sweat, and his clothes were already soaked.

“How is it?” Emperor Qinglong asked.

“A few more needles, nothing serious.” Doctor Wu said.

Only then did everyone let go of their hearts, and only then did everyone realize that they were also covered in sweat.

In mid-July, the weather was hot, everyone was tense and naturally sweated profusely.

Well now, it’s raining and sunny.

At this time someone came outside, it was Princess Danyang, she was outside the city, when she heard that the Empress Dowager was seriously ill, she rushed back immediately, and only entered the palace at this moment.

She came in to check the situation of the empress dowager first, and she was very happy when she heard that she was fine, and then she noticed Jiang Yunzhu and Wu Yixian on the side.

“Brother Huang, what’s the matter?” she asked.

Emperor Qinglong also wondered why Wu Yixian came to the palace just by chance. In today’s situation, if it weren’t for him, the empress dowager would have been in trouble. By the way, there is also the elixir.

All eyes were on Wu Yixian.

Wu Yixian snorted, and emptied the medicine bottle in front of everyone. There is only one medicine in it, and it has already been used, so no one needs to use this medicine anymore. As for why he is here, “Someone invited me here.” Otherwise, he wouldn’t come to this place to wade through the muddy waters. When he said this, he glanced at Jiang Yunzhu.

Everyone followed his gaze.

Jiang Yunzhu knew that there were some things that had to be made clear. She blessed her with a gift, and said, “Report to the emperor, it is the daughter of the people who is bold enough to invite Immortal Wu to come.”

What’s going on, she didn’t say anything about her relationship with Shen Fengming, she only said that the last time she came to cook for the Empress Dowager, she didn’t seem to be in good health. It happened that she knew Wu Yixian, so she wanted to invite him to treat the Empress Dowager , Who would have thought that it happened to happen today.

As for the medicine, it was originally given to her by Wu Yixian, and it was also the empress dowager who was blessed with great blessings. Wu Yixian happened to get the Jiuqu Lingshen when he went to Huashan this time.

What she said was impeccable.

After hearing this, Emperor Qinglong praised and was overjoyed. He praised that Jiang Yunzhu had a heart. Everyone in the palace knew that the empress dowager was in poor health, but who would have thought of helping the empress dowager to seek medical advice? Even he was slack, but Jiang Yunzhu remembered this when he entered the palace for the first time.

He looked at Jiang Yunzhu again and nodded slightly.

Princess Danyang’s heart was twitching. After the incident last time, she deliberately put Jiang Yunzhu aside. Unexpectedly, she kept thinking about the empress dowager’s illness.

Nanny Qi feels similar to Emperor Qinglong, the more she looks at Jiang Yunzhu, the more she likes her. If it wasn’t for her today, she wouldn’t dare to think about what would happen to the empress dowager.

If something happened to the empress dowager… Nanny Qi felt that there was no meaning for her to live.

Thinking of this, she felt that she should seek justice for Jiang Yunzhu.

So she said, “My Majesty, Miss Jiang is very kind, but when the servants went to invite Wu Yixian just now, someone prevented them from coming to treat the Empress Dowager.”

“Oh?” Emperor Qinglong was annoyed when he heard it, who is so bold!

At this time Xiao Liyu was entering the palace with Concubine Wu Gui, when she heard this, she turned pale with fright, and quickly knelt down to apologize. She didn’t know that Wu Yixian was here to treat the Empress Dowager, otherwise she wouldn’t dare to stop her if she had some courage.

Concubine Wu Gui didn’t know that this happened before, and secretly scolded her daughter for being so confused, but at this time, she could only kneel down quickly and intercede for Xiao Liyu.

Emperor Qinglong reprimanded Concubine Wu and Concubine Xiao Liyu a lot, I don’t know if it was because of today’s incident, or he used the topic to play, reprimanded Concubine Wu for being arrogant and rude, and Concubine Wu for being incapable of raising children.

In the end, he punished Xiao Liyu for three months as a punishment.

Where there is punishment, there is reward. Jiang Yunzhu invited doctors and donated medicines for the empress dowager, which saved her life. Sincerely, she was named the head of Yunrong County, and she was given five hundred shi.

The county head, the daughter of the county king of the Xia Dynasty can generally be named the county head. The Xia Dynasty implemented a feudal system of vassal kings. The royal family members of the Xia Dynasty were all feudal vassals, but the land was not divided. Therefore, there were many vassal kings and clans in the Xia Dynasty. Jiang Yunzhu was only named a small county head. This capital city where princes gather is nothing at all.

All the people in the field were extremely noble figures from Xia Dynasty. If they saw a county magistrate, they would probably not give her a look. But now, everyone looked at Jiang Yunzhu, thinking in their hearts.

Jiang Yunzhu was a little worried, she didn’t think about being the county head, she just thought about whether the empress dowager could avoid the bad luck in her dream.

At this time, she noticed a gaze, it was Shen Fengming, he was looking at her.

Although he didn’t say anything, Jiang Yunzhu seemed to feel his heart, and his heart gradually settled down.

After returning from the palace, Xue Jing opened his mouth wide in surprise when he knew that Jiang Yunzhu had been made the head of Yunrong County. He found that his boss always had something unexpected.

Jiang Yunzhu laughed, he was just a county lord, except that the five hundred stone township was real, but he had no power or influence.

Of course, one thing is good, when she sees all the nobles in the future, she doesn’t need to kneel down, all she needs is a blessing.

Jiang Yunzhu didn’t pay too much attention to the county lord’s affairs, and continued to build a fleet, which was a big money-making business.

Soon, interested people found out about it and had mixed reactions to it.

The four bosses, Luo and Du, feel more and more that it is right to follow Jiang Yunzhu. A few days ago, Jiang Yunzhu was just like them, an ordinary citizen. Now, she is the county lord of Yunrong.

Although this position is not high, it is of great significance.

After thinking for a long time, they offered to reduce the price of the goods sold to Jiang Yunzhu by 10%.

Jiang Yunzhu didn’t agree, she knew that the price was already very low, and she didn’t want Luo and Du to lose money. We can make money together for a long time.

Boss Luo and the others were convinced, and they became more determined to follow her.

Lin Ting’an also found out about this very quickly. Jiang Yunzhu knew Wu Yixian, and he knew it, so today’s matter was nothing.

Just a small county head.

Jiang Yunxiu’s reaction was relatively big. The note in Xiao Liyu’s carriage was actually thrown in by her. That day, seeing Jiang Yunzhu’s radiant face like in a dream, and Xiao Liyu’s superiority, she was always resentful in her heart.

Later she thought, if Xiao Liyu knew that Shen Fengming liked Jiang Yunzhu… there would definitely be a good show.

According to her guess, Jiang Yunzhu was just a commoner girl, but Xiao Liyu was the most honorable princess in the Xia Dynasty, so Jiang Yunzhu would definitely end up miserable. Then she can still smile.

It’s just that the result was beyond her imagination, Jiang Yunzhu was named the county head, but Xiao Liyu was grounded?

Impossible, Jiang Yunxiu couldn’t believe it at all, but it was true.

She stood there blankly, not knowing how to react for a long time.

In Chonghua Palace, Imperial Concubine Wu wanted to slap Xiao Liyu as soon as she came back, but luckily the palace people next to her stopped her.

“Kneel down.” Concubine Wu said with a livid face.

Xiao Liyu knelt down, still very unconvinced. Today is just Jiang Yunzhu’s luck.

“What’s going on?” Wu Guifei asked.

Xiao Liyu didn’t talk about it at first, but later she told about Shen Fengming’s liking for Jiang Yunzhu.

After hearing this, Concubine Wu Gui was also amazed.

Shen Fengming, would he like women? She is different from Xiao Liyu, she thinks more. For example, since Shen Fengming likes women, why does he keep rejecting Xiao Liyu? Is it because he really doesn’t like Xiao Liyu, or is Xiao Liyu’s identity…

If it was the latter, her heart sank.

At the same time, she was even more annoyed at Xiao Liyu’s presumptuous assertion. This matter, of course, needs to be considered and planned carefully, but now she has ruined it all.

“I used to spoil you too much. From now on, you should stay in the palace well and learn to manage palace affairs from me.” Concubine Wu said.

Xiao Liyu felt aggrieved, Shen Fengming liked girls, isn’t that… She wanted to argue, but seeing Concubine Wu’s expression, she swallowed her words back.

From this day on, no matter what Concubine Wu does, she always brings Xiao Liyu with her, so that she can know that it is not so easy to survive in this harem.

On the first day, Concubine Wu just said a few words, trying to find out that a new maid in the palace was actually sent by the empress.

The next day, the court lady slipped and fell into the well, and died.

Day three, day four, day five…

On the eighth day, Concubine Wu had a charming appearance. When she was young, she was so beautiful that Emperor Qinglong loved her so much.

Even now, she gave birth to a pair of sons and daughters, who are still dazzlingly beautiful.

It’s just that she is getting older, no matter how much she takes care of her eyes, fine lines begin to appear at the corners of her eyes.

There is a new Sumerian in the palace, who looks very similar to her when she was young, and she is also extremely beautiful. As soon as she entered the palace, Emperor Qinglong was attracted by her and often stayed with her.

It didn’t take long for Su Meiren to be promoted to Su Jieyu.

This Su Jieyu was actually arranged by the queen to enter the palace. She is younger than Concubine Wu, more beautiful than Concubine Wu, and more understanding than Concubine Wu, of course she is in Emperor Qinglong’s favor.

This is also a thorn in Concubine Wu Gui’s heart.

However, on this day, Emperor Qinglong saw a picture of lotus flowers on the wall, and thought that the lotus flowers in Su Jieyu’s palace were the best. disheveled, **** with a guard…

Emperor Qinglong was furious, and directly killed the two of them.

Regarding this, Concubine Wu’s original words were, “No man can accept that his woman has someone else.”

After everyone dispersed, Xiao Liyu took out a small box. It was precisely because of the contents of this small box that Su Jieyu was so presumptuous.

Xiao Liyu looked at the small box for a long time, then put it in her sleeve.

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