Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 9 - Evelyn family

It was close to early morning.

The night slowly receded, and the fish belly was white in the east.

On the edge of the Red Moon Forest, in a sparse forest a few kilometers away from Albert Castle, a group of robbers are stationed.

It’s just that this group of people is very disciplined, wearing bright armor under the dirty and tattered leather armor.

Clear-sighted people knew at a glance that this group of robbers were posing.

Beside the fire, two people with higher standing sat chatting, and four strong men were waiting.

One of the two men is younger and handsome, and looks twenty-six or six years old.

The other is much older, with a sturdy body, dark skin, and thick hands covered with cocoons.

“Uncle Becky, aren’t we doing this well?” The young man frowned.

This middle-aged man is a strong enemy of the Albert family, Becky Evelyn, a knight of the Evelyn family.

“Charlie, your idea is too naive.” The middle-aged man looked at the young man in disappointment. “Those knights said it was just a trick to deceive children. This world is much cruel than you think.”

Charlie the young man frowned, apparently disagreeing with Becky’s statement.

“That’s just the weak man’s idea of ​​escaping from himself. Our current strength is still above the Albert family. We just need to beat them upright.” Charlie still wanted to stick to his knighthood.

Becky sighed, “So this time the owner will let me bring you along.”

“Where am I wrong?” Charlie questioned.

“In terms of overall strength, it is indeed our advantage now. Continue to fight, we can suppress the Albert family, maybe they can take their territory, but …” Becky voiced, “How about ten years from now? Twenty years later? “

Charlie frowned, “We have more territories, resources will naturally be more abundant, and the probability of cultivating talents will be greater. The gap between us and the Albert family will only grow larger and larger, right?”

“Charlie, you are the first genius of this generation of our family, future heirs.” Becky did not directly answer Charlie’s question, “How old are you, then, as a prospective knight?”

“Seventeen.” Charlie didn’t know why Becky asked.

“When I was nineteen, I became a prospective knight. You are much better than me. As long as you are given twenty years, you can achieve no less than Baron Leo, but—” Know whether to continue.


“However, Baron Leo has two sons, born of a mistress, named Nikon, and successfully stimulated vitality a year ago to become a prospective knight.” Becky struck Charlie.

“So what? I don’t think I will lose to that guy named Nikon.” Charlie was dissatisfied.

“But he is only sixteen years old this year.”

Charlie was startled, but his face “skin” quickly recovered.

“It’s just one year younger than me, which doesn’t mean much.” Charlie was still confident.

Charlie was a talent since childhood, and was taught by famous teachers. With his own efforts, his body reached the peak of the reserve knight at the age of fifteen.

It only takes a little opportunity to become a prospective knight.

At this opportunity, Charlie waited two years before he could.

If the luck is a little better, Charlie will have a chance to become a prospective knight at the age of fifteen.

And the age of becoming a quasi-knight is just a manifestation of talent. It does not mean how high and how strong it will be in the future.

“Yeah, we all believe that Nikon will never be your opponent.” Everyone in the Evelyn family is optimistic about Charlie. “But there is still one person in the Albert family.”


“The third son of Baron Leo, Will Albert, is one year younger than Nikon.

At the age of thirteen, he had reached the peak of the reserve knight, and his sword skills could already compete with Baron Leo. Until Nikon became a prospective knight, Will kept pressing Nikon to fight.

It is rumored that if Nikon does not use vitality in battle, it will not be Will’s opponent. “Becky sighed heartily.

“This is impossible!”

Until then, Charlie’s face “color” finally changed.

“I have been taught by three knights in turns since I was a child. From the age of five, I practiced more than 16 hours a day, but I was also 15 years old before I hit the peak of the reserve knight!

Moreover, the strength of the prospective knight is not only as simple as the vitality. The physical quality of the prospective knight is also much stronger than that of the reserve knight. Even if the prospective knight does not stimulate vitality in the battle, the reserve knight cannot be an opponent!

As for swordsman comparable to Baron Leo? Nonsense! “

Charlie didn’t believe this kind of thing at all.

Charlie has always felt that his talent has belonged to the most genius.

In terms of talent, among the people he knows, only Baron Leo can match him.

Even if he knew Nikon’s existence, Charlie didn’t think Nikon could threaten himself.

but now–

If Will is really as powerful as the rumor, wouldn’t the talent be far above him?

Maybe Will will “touch” the realm of the great knight in the future?


Becky saw that he was confused and tangled in Charlie’s heart.

So, just now Becky hesitated to tell Charlie the truth.

“Remember, a genius who hasn’t grown up is not a genius.” Becky patted Charlie’s shoulder and grinned.

“… How sure?” Charlie’s eyes changed.

Charlie is much stronger than Becky imagined.

Becky looked at Charlie’s changes with a smile and said: “According to the information we received, Baron Leo took Nissen to Dalu Island. A few days ago, the captain of the quasi-knight’s peak, Beg, also died for now. In Albert Castle, there is no one who can be called a strong man.

Thirty of us, I am a knight, four prospective knights including you, and 25 reserve knights, equivalent to one-third of the strength of the family. It is enough to make a big noise in Albert Castle. “

“Don’t you beat the castle down?”

“Although the defensive strength of Albert Castle is unprecedentedly weak, it is still quite powerful. Even if we captured Albert Castle with a great price, we could not keep it, so our goal for this trip …”

Becky cut with his right hand knife, “Weakened Baron Leo’s power and killed Will and Nikon!”

“Are we going straight into a baron’s castle and killing the heir to the baron, is there really no problem?” Charlie asked.

“It’s normal for the barons to attack and annex each other, and it’s not the hereditary baron that the king personally sealed.” Becky said carelessly.

There are two titles.

One is by the nobility, and the other is by the king.


A courtier’s courtier is not a king’s courtier.

The nobles enshrined by the nobility are directly responsible for the nobility, not the king.

Like Baron Leo, the title is given by the Quimper family in the city, as long as you are not afraid of the revenge of the Quimper family, you can deal with Baro Leo.


Charlie adapts quickly.

Charlie has always been like this, and once a decision is made, it will be executed without hesitation.

At the moment, Charlie also felt that this operation was not brilliant enough to violate his knighthood.

Now, Charlie is the one who wants to kill Will the most.

“Uncle Becky, tell me more about the details of this operation.”

Some time ago, Charlie was against the operation and refused to participate in the operation meeting, so the plan and details of the operation were very vague.

“Haha, good …” Becky was very pleased to see Charlie grow up.


“Has it happened there?”

“Why is it so noisy?”

“Go and see what happened? There should be no accidents in this operation!”

Upon Becky’s order, the four guards standing around Charlie and Becky immediately walked to the place where “Sauer” was moving.

The horizon is already shining.

The dawn is coming.

In Will’s mind, there was only despair.

The arrow was used up, the bow was broken, the dagger capital was thrown away, the “medicine” was gone, and even the knight sword was covered with cracks.

Behind Will, there are four deep claw marks.

The blood in the wound has stopped, but the wound has turned black and purulent, apparently infected, but Will has no time to deal with it.

Will’s left hand, twisted and fractured, was unconscious.

Will ran fast among the trees.

The night-long rapid combat attack made Will’s physical strength reach its limit.

But Will cannot stop,

Stop is death!

“Damn! Damn! Damn!”

The sound behind him did not pull away, and was still approaching.

“I don’t want to die!” Will was anxious. “I just knew how to use the Blue Spirit system. I still have a bright future. My future is bright. Can I die here?”

However, the reality is cruel.

The shadow of death enveloped Will.

In front of Will’s escape, several figures vaguely appeared.

“Flee! Get out! Get away—”

At first, Will wanted to remind those people to run away.

But the few people looked at Will who was approaching with vigilance and pulled out their weapons to threaten Will.


At the moment of life and death, Will shot.

Will’s sword turned into three rays of light attacking the three people in front.

On Will’s right hand, the light of white “color” flashed.

The superb swordsmanship and use of vitality caused Will to repel three celebrities at once.

Will stumbled, “Using vitality is too exhausting. Based on my current physical condition, I will definitely collapse again.”

After repelling the three men, someone surrounded them.

Will fights and advances.

Will became more and more angry during the Vietnam War.

At this time, a young man who appeared to be the leader came to Will.

The siege surrounding Will retreated to the side, blocking Will’s escape route.

“I am Charlie, you …”

“Go to hell!”

No more time is lost!

Will rushed towards Charlie like a lunatic, looking as if he would die with Charlie.

“What?” Charlie’s face changed.

Charlie didn’t want to die like this beggar.

Charlie blinked sideways while the sword in his hand blocked Will’s escape route.

Charlie’s move is extremely subtle, not only avoiding the opposite move that wants to die, but also blocking the other’s escape route.

Anyway, Will’s body was short, Jianguang flashed over Charlie’s left leg.


Charlie screamed and lost his balance.

Will took the opportunity to cross Charlie and rushed out of the Red Moon Forest.

“Where to escape!”

A sword light came after Will.

Becky Evelyn shot.

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