Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 10 - Broken watermelon

Facing the powerful sword of knight Becky, Will didn’t hide.

Will chose to carry the knight sword.


Becky cut on Will’s back and collided with Will’s sword.

The huge force caused Will to fall forward and roll over, and after more than ten meters, Will could hardly climb up.

Will’s eyes were black, and the sight in his eyes was “fascinating” and “fascinating”.

Will’s speed at this time is almost the same as the running speed of ordinary adults.

Becky looked at Will’s back strangely.

Faced with his attack of knight-level strength, he did not choose to avoid it, but resisted hard?

After being knocked down and standing up, the first thing is not to warn the enemy in front of you, but to run away from the enemy?

Is this man crazy?

Becky walked towards Will, trying to make up a knife.



“Save, help!”

Suddenly, there were screams from behind.

“What’s going on?” As soon as Becky turned around, he noticed Charlie staring at him in horror.

“Uncle Becky, be careful!”

“Be careful?……”

Before Becky’s words were finished, a shadow fell from the sky and rushed towards Becky.


Becky lifted his sword with his backhand.


Becky felt cut on a steel plate, and the force of the anti-shock made Becky’s mouth hurt.

The shadow fell on Becky.

Two sturdy arms covered with “hair” tightly hug Becky’s waist, and the other arms hugged Becky’s head tightly.

The four-armed ghost ape held Becky’s head and smashed it down.

Raised the stone in the middle.


Becky’s head shattered like a watermelon, and the white “color” brains scattered all over the place.

The four-armed ghost ape leaned his head against Becky’s broken head.

Click, click …

The four-armed ghost ape “lu” sucked intoxicated.

The people around looked at the four-armed ape in horror.

“Run, run!”


“kill him!”

“Revenge for Lord Becky!”

The screams and shouts were mixed, and the place turned into **** on earth.

Will heard the voice behind him.

Will imagined what was going on behind him.

But Will’s footsteps did not stop.

Will’s eyes were black, his feet were faltering, and he was running slower and slower.

At the beginning, it was about the same speed as the average adult.

Gradually, it became the speed at which ordinary people walked.

Whether mental or physical, Will reached the limit.


The four-armed ghost ape came after it.

The roar of the four-armed ghost ape is so excited.

Will walked out of the forest and fell to the ground.

Will lay on the ground and continued to crawl, everything, just to live.

In the east, the sun’s shy “lu” made a splash.

The warm sunlight fell on Will’s body, but Will’s heart was still cold.

The roar of the four-armed ape was even louder.

The roar of the four-armed ghost ape became more and more angry.

Will thought he would be torn to pieces by the four-armed ghost ape in the next moment.

But after waiting and waiting, the roar of the four-armed ghost ape was still far away.

Will looked back.

It was discovered that the four-armed ghost ape was hiding in the shade of a tree at the outermost edge of the Red Moon Forest at this time, yelling at Will angrily, but dared not take a step.

“The sun is the power of the sun!”

The mysterious force from the East saved Will’s life.

The four-armed ghost ape is afraid of light, which Will already knew.

It’s just that Will didn’t expect that the four-armed ghost ape would be afraid of light to such a degree, which is almost as good as the legendary vampire.

Temporarily retrieved a life.

But Will did not dare to relax.

Now there is no cloud in the sky to block the sunlight, and the four-armed ghost ape dare not come out.

If a cloud suddenly appeared and blocked the sunlight, the consequences would not be imaginable.

This kind of thing that puts life on luck, Will is really annoying, but helpless.

Will rested on the ground for a few minutes.

After accumulating a little strength, he stood up and walked far away.

Will walked slowly, but his footsteps were extremely firm.


“Master Will?”

“It’s Master Will!”


The patrol team at Albert Castle discovered Will.

Will relaxed and fainted.

Sudden pain came from the body.

Feeling weak and dizzy, this was Will’s first impression after waking up.

Will opened his eyes hard.

What came into view was a beautiful face of pear blossoms with rain.

auzw.com “Master, you finally woke up … Woke up … Wow, wow … I thought Woo …” The maid Cuixi wept with joy.

The maid, Tracy, had dark circles in her eyes and her face was “white”, and she took care of Will, who was comatose, for a few days, making Tracy extremely tired.

Fortunately, the effort finally paid off.


“Master, are you hungry? Get food for you now.”


Tracy came to Will with a bowl of fresh porridge.

Tracy feeds Will a spoonful of porridge.

Noticed Will frowned.

“Is porridge not your appetite?” Tracy said worriedly.


Will snatched the porridge from Tracy and slurped it out.

Returning the bowl to Tracy, Will urged: “I’m giving ten copies!”

“… Okay, okay.” Tracy took the empty bowl and hurried out of the room.

Will’s body has become stronger all the time since Cavalier’s breathing method has been upgraded to level 4.

To get stronger, it takes energy.

Food is energy.

A few days of unconsciousness made Will hungry to the extreme.

Will’s physical trauma, under Will’s strong physique and doctor’s treatment, is almost all right.

The reason why Will is so weak now is hungry.

As long as you eat enough, you will naturally have strength.

“Survival.” Will sighed.

“I won’t have that good luck next time!” A strong man in a black “color” noble outfit walked in with anger.

“Father.” Will bowed his head guilty.

“Do you know what you did!” Baron Leo raised his hand but couldn’t take a picture for a long time, “Remember your identity, you are the heir of the Albert family, my son! Your life is not yours alone ! “

Upon seeing Will covered in blood, Baron Leo’s breathing stagnation.

Baron Leo almost thought he was going to lose Will.

“I’m sorry, I won’t be next time.” This time, Will really asked.

Feeling the guilt and apology in Will’s tone, Baron Leo’s anger subsided a lot, “Your eldest brother is no longer here, I can’t lose you anymore.”

Looking at Baron Leo’s sad face, Wilcha felt Baron Leo’s deep love for him.

“Actually, I am not without gain this time.”

Will held out his left hand towards Baron Leo, and the white light flashed away.

Baron Leo’s eyes lit up.

Baron Leo looked at Will in surprise, “Are you a prospective knight?”


“You will be my assistant next to me. It’s time for you to do some things in the family.” Knowing Will became a knight, Baron Leo’s tone softened. “You are not in good health now. Don’t “Chaos” uses the power of life to rest well, but you are the future of our family. “

Knowing that Will became a prospective knight, Baron Leo’s anger has disappeared.

If you want to gain strength, it is impossible without paying the corresponding price.

Leo himself, under the siege of eleven robbers, burst into life and death, becoming a prospective knight.

Nikon was poisoned by arrows and wandered between life and death for three days and three nights before activating vitality.

Every prospective knight is awakened at the juncture of life and death.

This is the reason that Riobi understands everyone.

Baron Leo already knew how to train Will.

Just like the first and second sons, Baron Leo had many ways to stimulate Will’s vitality.

But Baron Leo was afraid.

Seeing the excitement of Will by becoming a prospective knight, Baron Leo thought he was old.

It’s time to give Will the burden of the family.

After Baro Leo left, Tracy walked in with a large plate of porridge.

Will didn’t need a bowl. He picked up the spoon and drank it.

Will raised his eyes and looked at Tracy. “Why do you look so sad? I shouldn’t be happy when I wake up?”

I don’t know why, after Tracy went back, she looked like a god.

“Master is awake, of course I am happy, just …” Trish gritted her teeth, tears in her eyes.

“What happened?” Will lowered the spoon.

“Aunt Mi and Misha are dead.” Tracy left tears of sadness.

There are only a hundred people resident in Albert Castle.

Apart from the guards of the soldiers, there were only twenty or thirty servants, many of whom were temporary workers.

Among the many servants, Aunt Misha did quite a long time.

Aunt Misha’s mother went to Lent town and entered Albert Castle as a maid.

Aunt Misha married the maid in Albert Castle and took over the position of her mother as an adult, continuing to serve the Albert family.

Aunt Misha’s children are also working for the Albert family.

Three generations of a family are working for the Albert family.

It can be said that Aunt Misha is one of the oldest and most trustworthy people in the castle.

And Aunt Misha’s daughter is also Tracy’s good friend, no wonder Tracy is so sad.

“Aunt Misha will die like this?” Will asked.

“Early today, Aunt Misha got up very early. Before dawn, she went to the river to wash clothes alone. When the people behind arrived,” said Tracy, crying again. Damn the Evelyn family! “

“What did the Evelyn family do?”

The friction between the Albert family and the Evelyn family is becoming more and more intense, and it is possible to do this kind of thing.

“Master Baron will surely find out the **** of the Evelyn family! They are actually, aunt Misha, whine whine.” As he said, Trishie cried again.

Aunt Misha, as a woman, will know how Will will be treated by the enemy.

It’s just that Will remembered Aunt Misha’s fat body.

Those people really got down.

“Don’t say anything, I will avenge Aunt Misha.” Will comforted Tracy West Road.

Tracy looked at Will with confidence, “The devil of Evelyn, dare to tear Aunt Misha’s body into pieces and smash her head, they will be retaliated!”


Will had a bad hunch in his mind, “When did the people of the Evelyn family appear?”

“Two days ago.”

“How long have I been comatose?”

“Two days.”

“How many people died?”

“There are four patrol members, two surrounding hunters, and Aunt Misha, a total of seven people.”

“Everyone, like Aunt Misha’s death?”

“The people of the Evelyn family are simply demons!”

Will looked up at the lines on the ceiling, gritting his teeth.

“Four-armed ghost ape!”

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