Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 4 - Fragile life


The crimson sun slowly sinks into the mountains.

In the distance, there was very little cooking smoke, and the sound of barking came from afar.

Will walked out of the castle, crossed the moat, and came to Grandpa Barry’s little stone house.

In the stone house, Grandpa Barry with gray hair and wrinkled faces is packing up various “medicine” grass ores.

Far away, you can smell the pungent “medicine” grassy smell.

“Master Will, are you here again?” Grandpa Barry smiled at Will.

Will’s dream is to travel the world and explore the world.

In this process, injuries are inevitable, and siege in the deep mountain jungle is inevitable. At that time, if you do not have a little knowledge of “medicine” in grass, you will only meet Despair.

So, since sensible, Will has been playing with Grandpa Barry.

Ask Grandpa Barry to teach all kinds of herbal “medicine” plant knowledge.

In the process, Will met many strange plants and animals that were unheard of and unheard of.

“Are you training with Nissen again?” Grandpa Barry noticed Will’s bruise. “Nison always doesn’t know the severity. What if you get hurt? I’ve told you before, the kind of Nissen There is no benefit in training a brutal big man … “

Seeing Grandpa Barry is verbose again, Will quickly said, “Grandpa Barry, I’ll go in and get some medicine.”

After talking, Will got into the stone house, and skillfully took out several “medicines” to treat the bruises.

While Will was holding the “medicine” to prepare the “medicine”, he suddenly heard the wailing wailing from the stone house.

“What’s going on?” Will felt bad and rushed out immediately.

Beside the stone house, two swordsmen in leather armour carried a **** man and hurriedly asked Grandpa Barry for help.

“Grandpa Barry, Grandpa Barry, save Berg, he is almost done!” The two hurriedly begged Grandpa Barry.

“Captain Berger?”

Seeing the man’s face, Will’s eyes narrowed.

Noting Berg’s misfortune, Grandpa Barry rushed over.

“Come on, come in quickly!” Grandpa Barry’s face changed suddenly, “Will, take a knife and separate the breastplate … Hemostatic cloth … Hurry …”

At this point, Grandpa Barry could not care about his status.

But no matter how hard Grandpa Barry and Will worked, it was too late.

There are two huge holes in Berg’s chest, which cannot be saved at all based on the medical skills of this world.

Even the largest hospital on earth in the past life, the most sophisticated equipment, and the best surgeon doctor, I am afraid it is also hanging.

Captain Berg’s body gradually became cold.

Will’s heart sank gradually.

Captain Berger, the peak strength of the quasi-knight, Will has asked him several times for swordsmanship.

In the past few days it was the turn of Captain Berg to patrol the castle annex.

Unexpectedly, he died in front of Will.

Will couldn’t hide his anger.

“Who is it! Who killed Captain Berger!” Will growled in a low voice, “I must make them pay!”

Does anyone dare to kill the Albert family patrol in the territory?

This is rebellion!

This is challenging the face of the Albert family!

Under the intermittent explanations of the two patrol members, Will finally sorted out the context of the matter.

not long ago.


Captain Berg was on a patrol back to the castle, passing by a small wood, and found a wild horn bull.

Horn beef is delicious and expensive.

Captain Berg immediately decided to hunt the horned cow.

Captain Berg has the potential of the pinnacle of the Cavaliers, and there are two fully equipped patrol members to assist the side and kill a horned cow, which should be foolproof.

At the last minute, the Hornhorn rushed out of the siege and rushed towards the depths of the woods.

Once the horned bull rushed into the deep forest, a little effort would be wasted.

Excited, Captain Berger actually stood in front of the Horns.

A prospective knight wants to kill a horned cow, it is a very simple thing.

It’s like a bullfighter killing a cow.

But you let the matador block the bull’s collision head-on?

Captain Berge, “turned” by the momentary desire, actually planned to block the horned cow with his flesh.

The end is what it is now.

He was hit by a horned cow, and his chest was pierced with two holes by the horn.

After understanding what happened, Will was speechless for a moment.

“Human life is too fragile. Work harder and stronger, and a moment of carelessness is enough to make people lose their lives.” Will stretched his hand to cover the unwilling eyes of Captain Berg, “Go with peace of mind , I will take good care of your wife and children. “

Will picked up the “medicine” in a trance, and walked steadily towards the castle.

“What about prospective knights? What about knights? A collision of a weak horn bull is enough to kill people’s lives. What if you are careful? If you have been fighting, there will inevitably be negligence. Life is too fragile. “For the first time, Will deeply felt the fragility of life.

Will has not seen the dead.

But those were all injured and killed while fighting against the beasts.

Like Captain Berger, who had an overwhelming “sex” advantage, accidentally died, Will was the first to meet.

Will was “naked”, lying on the bed.

The maid, Tracy, rubbed the bruised part of Will’s body with the boiled ointment “medicine”.

In a trance, Will fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Will came to the training ground again.

“You, you, you!” Will even ordered three people, “You and me are sparring.”

Today, Will’s eyes are exceptionally divine.

Three people surrounded Will, and one of them held a wooden knife.

The three people all showed a hesitant expression on their faces, and kept expressing their eyes to each other, not knowing what to do.

This is also the first time Will will take the initiative to find them to practice with them.

“You don’t have to be merciless and attack heartily.”



The three of the sparrers were still hesitant to start.

“Every time you hit me, you get ten silver coins.”

There must be a brave man under reward.

“Then we’re welcome!” Facing the temptation of the gold coins, the three finally gathered their courage.

“Come again! Didn’t you eat? … Why didn’t that sword stab it just now? I’m afraid I can’t stop it ……… That’s it, you’re welcome …”

Now when the three people who are sparring are tired, they are replaced, and when they are tired, they are replaced.

Will’s physique of swordsmanship far surpasses everyone here except Nikon.

Originally, Will thought he faced a joint attack of three people, unless he was relaxed, otherwise the other party would not hit him.

But Will obviously overestimated himself.

In other words, in the previous competition, other people did not do their best.

One morning, Will was hit 97 times!

After dividing the money that should be given.

“Continue in the afternoon.”

Will’s physique is indeed the best among the reserve knights, and his sword skills are also very high, but Will’s actual combat experience is too little.

In the fierce sports battle, Will will often be confused and confused by some obvious pretense.

Theoretically, Will is impossible to catch the obvious trap.

“In a fierce battle, no one can maintain absolute” **** “, and the usual hard-working exercises are no longer practical, and more rely on instinct and muscle response.” Will concluded while resting.

“Actually, they were only hit ninety-seven times, or because they did not let go of their hands and feet. The training in the afternoon should be even more tragic.”

Every time Will breathes, he pulls the wound on his body.

But instead of retreating, Will became more excited.

“This is the battle!” Will clenched his hands tightly. “This feeling of continuous fighting and constant strengthening is really fascinating. I don’t know what it is like to break through between life and death in the legend. ? “

Time is up.

Will came to the training ground again.

On the training ground, more than a dozen teenagers had been waiting there, and a group of watching people surrounded them.

In the past, in order to prevent people from interfering with cultivation, Will generally drove the onlookers away, or to a relatively remote place with few people.

But this time is different.

Will’s mentality changed.

“The real battlefield changes a lot, and when will happen, it is impossible to calculate with the weak human brain alone. The only one who can truly trust is his own intricate body, and his extraordinary reaction will be disturbed by people onlookers , That only proves that his mentality is not strong enough. “

This afternoon, the training became more intense.

People rushed forward.

Later, not only the members of the junior group, but also those of the other guards also participated.

Among these people, swords are fast.

Use a feint to attack, and then use a quick call to sneak attack.

There are people who are kicking the dust.

There are sword throwers.

Various weapons, various technologies, and various styles are constantly displayed in front of Will.

Will can clearly feel that his strength is growing wildly.

The physique has not been enhanced, the swordsmanship is still at level 3, and no vitality has been stimulated, but Will’s combat power has actually become stronger.

After an afternoon, Will was hit another 130 times.

If the attacker is not using a wooden sword.

Of the 130 shots that Will was hit, 17 were fatal injuries, and 35 caused permanent “sexual” disability.

Inside the castle.

Baron Leo looked through the window and looked at Will’s figure, who was constantly fighting on the training ground, and smiled comfortably.

Nissen stood beside Baron Leo, also watching Will with a gentle eye.

“Leo, now Will makes me seem to see you back then, the same perseverance, the same fortitude, the same strength, within twenty years, and another badge knight.” Nissen sighed.

Between knights, there is also a huge gap in strength.

Because the cairo empire will grant knight badges that have made great achievements, gradually, particularly powerful knights will be called badge knights.

“No, you are wrong.” Under Nissen’s stunned eyes, Baron Leo smiled, “Will he will surpass me, he will lead the Albert family to a higher position.”

“It seems you are confident in Will.” Nissen smiled.

“Of course.” Baron Leo propped his chest proudly. “He is my son.”

Five days later.


After knocking down the three men who besieged him, he looked at the west-west sun.

“Seven times, I was hit seven times this afternoon.” Will was quite proud.

“Master Will, you are such a genius.” The people around him also gave Will’s words of praise without hesitation.

“First come here today, you can get money from Tracy,” Will ordered.

“Thank you Master!”

“Master, when is tomorrow?”

Facing the eyes that everyone expected, Will Yaoyao said, “The actual combat training is enough.”

“This is–“

After understanding Will’s meaning, the trainers all “revealed” a disappointed look.

Five gold coins, enough for a general family of three, well-off one year.

If you have fields in your home and save some money, you won’t spend a gold coin a year.

In the past three days, Will has produced a total of 37 gold coins. On average, each person received more than one gold coin, which is a small sum of money.

“Haha, thank you for your sparring these days. I will let the chef add meals tonight and eat horn beef!” Will Lang said.

As soon as Will’s words fell, a loud cheering sounded around him.

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