Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 3 - Sword practice

Albert Castle is divided into two floors.

The outermost part is the moat. After passing the moat, there is a five-meter high wall.

After entering the fence, a castle standing in the middle of the open space is called the inner castle.

Will walked out of the inner castle and walked towards the reserve Cavaliers training place.

The reserve Cavaliers are all young people.

Some of them are teenagers in the annex village, some are the sons of the nobles in the Baron Territory, and some are wandering orphans.

As long as you are talented, can afford to pay, or sign a sale agreement, you can receive knight training in Albert Castle.

Those who are well trained can join the **** team.

If you have amazing talent and become a knight, you can jump into a knight and gain a territory.

Even if the talent is not enough, you can become a hunter after going out.

“One, two, three … one, two three …”

At this time, on the training ground, 17 teenagers were holding swords, waving one stroke at a time.

The moves are simple but powerful.

On the side, the idle boys and girls looked enviously at the teenagers in the training ground.

Man, admire admiration in his eyes.

Women, mostly admired in their eyes.

Among them, Nikon has the most attention and the hottest eyes.

Many girls have flushed cheeks and hot eyes looking at Nikon, their white legs are rubbing uncontrollably, and their eyes contain autumn waves.

Even the maids working in the castle stopped from time to time and cast a hot sight on Nikon.

In response, Nikon was unmoved and still devoted himself to training.

When Will came to the training ground, the sun just completely jumped out of the mountain.

The warm morning sun spread on everyone, as if putting a layer of golden “color” veil on people.

When Will appeared on the training ground.

All the sight around him focused on Will at once.

But these sights are mostly admired and admired, and only a few of them contain love.

Because everyone present knows that Will and Nikon are different.

They can express their love to Nikon indiscriminately, and they can summon the courage to pursue Nikon.

But when facing Will, he couldn’t do this.

I dare not do this.

How dare you express love to Will, the future owner of Albert and the heir to the baron? Dare to pursue?

What if Will angers Will?

What if I hate Will?

In case Baron Leo thinks your behavior is bad, think you will have a bad influence on Will?

Both Will and Barrio Leo can easily make them fall into hell.

However, this idea is limited to people who are too far apart.

A figure of platinum “color”, holding the skirt elegantly with both hands, ran towards Will.

A platinum “color” hair gleams in the light of the sunrise, a delicate face with a “fascinating” person’s smile, and eyes full of affection.

“Master Will.” Betty cradled Will’s right arm with both hands, and his voice screamed sweetly.

Betty wore a light “shoulder” strapless top and a white “color” princess skirt at the bottom. She wore silk high-heeled women’s boots and her white legs were more slender and beautiful.

The fully developed bulge on the chest pressed tightly against Will’s arm.

Qingyang’s double ponytails make Betty more youthful and pleasant.

“I still have to train.” Will gently pushed Betty close to him.

Betty’s excessive enthusiasm made Will a little overwhelmed.

Before starting training, Will felt warm all over.

“Master Will?” Betty coquettishly took Will’s hand and kept shaking, with a grievance expression on her face, eyes full of hot water.

Although he knew that Betty’s acting was mostly composed, Will could not help feeling soft when he saw such a pretty girl spoiling herself.

Will squeezed Betty’s nose. “After training, let me see if your massage technique has improved.”

Upon hearing Will’s words, Betty immediately smiled.

Betty was a distant relative of the Baron Leo after the family collapsed. In Albert Castle, the status was higher than that of ordinary slaves, but it was also limited.

Therefore, Betty always wanted to please Will, and expressed his dedication to Will many times.

Because Betty knew that there were only two people in Albert Castle.

One is Baron Leo.

One is Will.

Only by Will’s love will she live better.

The facts also proved that she was right. Will had promised Betty several requests before.

For Will, these requests were only trivial things, but they really made the life of Betty’s family greatly improved.

The other servants saw Betty deeply loved by Will and also gave Betty a three-pointer.

Will’s eyes stared at Betty fiercely, his right hand around Betty couldn’t help but twitch and rub.

Perceiving Will’s reaction, Betty instead hugged tighter and her face closer to Will. Betty’s warm breath was blowing on Will’s cheek, so moist.

“Should I find a chance to eat Betty?”

Will has not lost his mind.

Will pushed Betty away and took a handy two-handed knight sword on the weapon rack.

The boys preparing for the knights on the training ground stopped training, staring at Will with complex eyes, but none of them dared to come forward.

Finally, Nikon walked towards Will.

auzw.com “Master Will, do you need me to train with you?” Nikon was cautious and asked carefully.

Although Nikon is Will’s nominal brother, Nikon does not claim to be Will’s brother, even when he is called Will, he must use honorifics.

“No, I’m here for Captain Nissen.” Will said coldly.

Nissen is the best friend Baron Leo met in the army. Both of them saved each other’s “sex” lives, and the two had a life-long friendship.

After retiring, Nissen followed Baron Leo back to the Albert family and became the captain of the Cavaliers in Albert Castle.

Because Nissen was injured when he was a soldier, he lost his fertility and had no descendants.

So Will is like a son to Nissen.

Will is also very kind to Nissen.

“Will, you are here!”

A huge two-meter-tall man strode toward Will, and a bear hugged Will.

“Haha, hahaha, you haven’t been here for a few days, I feel like I’m missing something.” Captain Nisson picked Will up and turned around a few violently before putting Will down.

Will’s face turned blue.

Captain Nissen’s strength is too great, Captain Nissen’s passion is embraced, but not everyone can afford it.

“Uncle Nissen, I want you to train with me.” Looking at Nissen’s unfinished expression, Will said immediately.

“Actual training?”


“Then let’s change places.”

Under the envious eyes of the seventeen Cavaliers Reserve team members, Will and Uncle Nisen walked to another place.

In the Albert Castle, only Will will be able to get independent guidance from Uncle Nissen at any time.

Others can only have one-on-one guidance when Uncle Nissen is free only if he achieves excellent results during the monthly assessment.

A corner, after reaching a place with fewer people.

“Will, what do you want to practice?” Uncle Nissen’s expression “satisfied” disappeared.

“I want you to guide my swordsmanship.” Well, Will held the sword and posed.

“Hey, let me see if you haven’t practiced for so many days. Has your strength regressed?” After that, Uncle Nissen didn’t wait for Will’s reaction and cut the sword over.



Uncle Nissen did not inspire the power of life, but its power is still far above Will.

In terms of strength, Uncle Nissen is not as good as Baron Leo.

But when it comes to pure power, Uncle Nissen is much bigger than Baron Leo.

哐 哐 哐 ——

Uncle Leo’s merciless sword after sword continued to slash towards Will.

The knight sword reached Uncle Nissen’s hands, like a huge windmill, constantly spinning wildly.

Will’s smaller body was struggling under a stormy attack.


The knight’s sword in Will’s hand was shot.

Uncle Nissen slapped Will on the chest with his sword.


Will breathed stagnantly, and the whole person flew out suddenly, and landed heavily on the ground.

It took a while for Will to breathe.

Will’s fingers lightly touched the red mark on the lower chest that Uncle Nissen shot with his sword, and he took a breath.

“Uncle Nissen, why are you so heavy every time you start?” Will complained.

“Who told you that swordsmanship is so good? I’m not going to focus on it. In case I’m hit by you, I won’t be laughed at by the guy from Leo?” Uncle Nissen felt no guilt at all.

Will’s current swordsmanship is three levels, pure swordsmanship level, only Baron Leo can be compared with Will.

Since the age of thirteen, Will injured Uncle Nissen with his superb swordsmanship, and made Uncle Nissen mocked by Baron Leo for a few days. Nissen and Will never tried to show mercy on their hands.

Except not to die.

“Are you still here?” Nissen smiled.

“Of course!” Will clenched the knight’s sword, and Uncle Chaonisen rushed over again with a warlike spirit.

Once, twice, three times, rest, four times, five times, drink water, six times, seven times …

Will was knocked down again and again and stood up again and again.

Time passed slowly, without knowing the sword, a day passed.

Will was bruised and knelt tiredly on the training ground.

The training partner Nissen also “exposed” a tired look.

“Will, stop here today.” Uncle Nissen wiped his sweat. “Training is also exquisite. If you spend too much time, you will only hurt your body.”

“Then tomorrow we …”

“I have something to do in the next few days, so train yourself.” After that, Uncle Nissen ran away and left.

Will looked at Uncle Nissen’s back speechlessly.

“I’m really too anxious. This injury is estimated to take several days of rest to heal.” Will dragged his tired body towards Grandpa Barry.

Grandpa Barry is Albert Castle and the only “pharmacist” pharmacist in the entire town of Lent.

Grandpa Barry has been serving the Albert family for decades. Grandpa Barry watched Baron Leo grow up and Will grew up, and his status would be above Uncle Nissen.

The house where Grandpa Barry works is located in a small stone room outside the castle.

Because there are often people looking for Grandpa Barry to heal, there are trained injured knights, hunted injured villagers, and children with fever and colds.

People often come in and out.

Baron Leo couldn’t allow so many people to enter and leave the castle frequently, and Grandpa Barry was eager to treat people.

So Grandpa Barry made the studio outside the castle.

Work outside the castle during the day and return to the castle to rest at night.

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