Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 39 - Real eye

The Red Moon Forest is endless and the turquoise ocean stretches thousands of miles.

In a low-pitched “fuck” field, there are two people lying on the mud, covered with dead branches and leaves.

The two were holding a telescope, looking attentively into the distance.

After waiting for a long time, the vision finally changed.

A black monkey with four arms and a height of two meters, drilled out of the marsh mud.

The four-armed ghost ape looked around cautiously and found that there was no danger, the body sprang and the figure drowned in the jungle.

“For the thirty-first time.” Rep got up. “Go.”

“Where next?” Will asked behind Rep.



“Preparation is almost done. Three days later, we formally entered the four-armed ghost ape’s nest,” Rep said.


A whole month.

Did not change clothes, did not take a bath, ate raw meat, and became a savage for a month.

This life is finally over.

“Well, how many four-armed apes do you think?” Rep asked.

“About thirty?” Will said uncertainly.

“You guessed it right. The number of four-armed ghost apes is indeed about thirty. Can you tell me how you came to this conclusion?” Rep asked.

“Because in this month, we found a total of 31 traces of the four-armed ghost ape.” Will answered honestly.

Rep shook his head, and the “lu” of his face “disappeared” a disappointed expression.

“We observed lurking around Half Moon Peak for a month, and what we did was not useless work. We know that the four-armed ape’s nest” hole “is underground.

We observed that the four-armed ghost ape came to the ground from the ground and had three exits.

One, located at Half Moon Peak.

The four-armed ghost ape is rarely used for this exit. In the past month, we have only found that the four-armed ghost ape came out of this exit twice, and just turned around once and went back to the cave.

One, located in a drywood swamp.

This exit is the most frequently used. We found a four-armed ghost ape twenty-five times at this exit.

The last one is located 11 kilometers behind the Half Moon Peak.

This exit is the most secret. We have observed four-armed apes four times. Rep explained to Will one by one the information he had found in a month.

“We found thirty-one traces of the four-armed ape, among them, how many four-armed apes are there, do you know?” Rep asked.

Will shook his head.

In Will’s view, every four-armed ghost ape looks the same and cannot be observed at close range. Who can see which one is the only one?

“There are six four-armed ghost apes.”

“so little?”

“A lot, the four-armed ape mainly inhabits the ground, but only occasionally comes to the ground to prey.”

Walking and walking, Will and Rep came to a low cave.

The two stooped and walked in.

Open the package, take out the kettle and a few pieces of dried meat, and the two ate while talking.

“Uncle Rep, can’t we just go in directly? The four-armed ghost ape is just a knight rank, and the two of us are enough to match them.” Will was really fed up with a month of savages.

“Will, even me, if hundreds of four-armed ghost apes swarm up, they can only escape.” Rep explained, “And the monster is not as simple as you think, in case there is a power comparable to a wizard in it, We both have to die here. “

Will thought about it and thought so too.

Even if Will’s strength is now far beyond the average big knight, but if dozens of knights swarm up, Will can’t withstand it.

“From where did we enter the four-armed ape’s nest” hole “?”

There are three entrances in the underground cave “cave” of the four-armed ghost ape.

The one at Half Moon Peak is too tightly guarded and will be discovered if you are not careful.

In the dead wood swamp, the cave “cave” is located under the swamp mud and is extremely difficult to walk.

There is only one choice.

“Wouldn’t you like to go through those three entrances?” Rep said.


“Of course you dig yourself?”

“But, it should …”

Before Will’s words were finished, Rep picked up a dead branch and drew it on the ground, while murmuring some words that he didn’t understand.

What are the habits of the four-armed ghost ape, the distribution of soil quality, the growth of trees, the flow of underground rivers … and so on.

At first Will will understand a little bit.

At the back, Will looked stunned.

Under Rep’s hands, a three-dimensional picture slowly formed.

“This is a picture drawn from the intelligence we have collected over the past month.” Rep pointed a branch at one of the points. “Here, dig the underground nest” hole “that can lead to the four-armed ghost ape Secretly, it will never be discovered by the four-armed ghost ape. “

Will covered his head.

Will couldn’t figure out, how did Rep collect so much information this month?

Will Will stay with Rep?

At Will’s extreme depression, Rep took out two big bottles.

A bottle of red “color” “liquid” shape, a bottle of black “color” plaster “medicine”.

“This is an ointment made from the” hair “of the four-armed ghost ape. For the next three days, we will apply this ointment to our bodies every day.”

“Then this bottle?” Will pointed to another bottle of red “color” fluid.

“In the next three days, we can’t eat anything but drink this bottle of” liquid “diluted water,” Rep explained. “These two things can make us breathe the four-armed ape.”

In the dark night of a month.

Will and Rep are standing in a dark hole “hole” that can barely be drilled into.

Rep jumped first, and Will followed.

After sliding for a minute in the small cave “cavity”, the two finally landed.

Will and the two came to a dark “tide” wet hole **.

It was dark and silent.


Rep held two cold fluorites in his hand and tapped gently.

Each time the two cold fluorites collide, they will emit a hint of green “color” light, the light is fleeting.

It was in this faint light that Will and Rep moved forward in the cave.

Da da da……

In the cave, only the sound of footsteps echoed.

auzw.com In front, there is endless darkness.

Dilili, Dilili, Dilili …

In addition to the sound of footsteps, there was one more sound in the darkness.

That was the sound of gravel rolling.

Will walked quickly to Rep, his body next to Rep, and whispered, “There is a situation.”

“It’s okay.”

Rep responded and continued to move forward.

Will frowned and looked around uncomfortably.

Will also took out a pair of cold fluorite.


A slight touch.

Cold fluorite emits a faint light.

This ray of light is so weak, and the time of its appearance is so short that the eyesight is as strong as Will, and it can only barely see the scene one meter away in front of the moment the light appears.


Will knocked a few more stones in a row.

Will was surprised to find that several shadows were shaking under his feet, like trees swaying in the wind.

But there is no wind here, let alone trees.

“What the **** is that?”

Will looked up at the sky, and there was only darkness in his eyes.

“There must be something above!”

Will watched upward.

Will speeds up his steps, while tapping cold fluorite quickly.

At the beginning, in addition to his own shadow, there were several shadows swimming fast under Will’s feet.


Will discovered that he could no longer see his shadow.

A large, eight-legged shadow enveloped Will’s figure and appeared at Will’s feet.

The light dissipated, and Will’s body was cold.

A giant spider is just above Will.

Will stood still.

Will’s right hand reached the long sword in his waist, closed his eyes, and listened carefully with his ears, ready to burst the strongest blow at any time.

Rep suddenly pulled Will, “We are now four-armed apes, the overlord of this underground world!”

Will froze, contacted the alert movement, and lowered his head to follow behind Rep.

However, Will has not let his guard down.

Will has always been able to feel it, several cold eyes staring at him all around, and the shadow of a spider with eight claws under his feet.


The mud under my feet suddenly hardened.

The roadside changed from soft and rugged mud to a hard and flat roadside.

At the same time, Will felt that his sight on him had disappeared, and the shadow of his spider had been shrouded, and he was gone.

“Be careful, we have entered the city where the four-armed apes live.” Rep whispered in Will’s ear.

Yes, it is not a nest, but a city.

Will “touched” “touched” on both sides of the passageway, and found that the passageway was made of huge stones, and was never naturally formed.

“IQ comparable to humans?”

For the first time in Will’s heart, he had a clear understanding of the monster.

From this moment, Rep also became cautious.

Rep took off the blindfold in his left eye, and a golden “color” vertical pupil burst into the air.

Just being watched by the vertical pupil, Will felt an inexplicable pressure all over his body. Not only did the action response slow down, but also a feeling that all his thoughts were seen through.

“This is the real eye of the magic weapon, which encloses the ability to simulate the dragon. The real eye of witchcraft created can see the night as the day, and see the falsehood.

Rep’s left eye was actually metallic.

The gold “color” vertical pupil in the metal eye socket, as if not controlled by Rep, turned left and right up and down.

He walked carefully for ten minutes.

Rep stopped. Rep ears leaned against the wall.

Will follow suit.

Will heard a faint sound, but he didn’t know what caused it.

“There should be a four-armed ape room in front, we need to be careful.”

Rep’s left hand covered Will’s head.

Will’s eyes suddenly felt a tingling, and at the same time, his eyes could see clearly in the darkness.

“Is this?” Will rubbed his eyes in surprise.

“Go.” Rep didn’t explain.

Rep leads the way.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long before he came to a huge room.

Inside the room, there are piles of bones, mostly animals, and many are human.

咩咩 ——

Will didn’t expect that there were still sheep in the room.

The two four-armed ghost apes sat face to face, communicating in a language that Will didn’t understand.

One of the four-armed ghost apes pulled a sheep by the hand, “click” and unscrewed the sheep’s head, and put his mouth close to the neck fracture, slurping the blood of the sheep.

After drinking the sheep’s blood, four fingers “plugged” into the sheep’s head, lifted it, and skillfully opened the sheep’s celestial cover.

“Lu” out of the white and tender sheep brain like tofu flower.

Will’s eyes were cold, and there was a anger in his heart.

“When they kill people, do they kill like this?”

Will remembered that some of the people who had died tragically under the four-armed ghost ape were still known by Will.

“This creature shouldn’t exist in this world at all!” Will’s heart has already sentenced the four-armed ghost ape to death.

“One by one.” Rep whispered.

Will glanced at the left-handed four-armed ape that was sucking the sheep’s brain, and said with a murderous tone: “I am responsible for the left one, and you are responsible for the right one.”

“Fast battles and quick decisions can’t disturb the other four-armed ghost apes.” Rep squatted down. “After three sounds, start working together!”




Two muscular figures rushed out at the same time.

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