Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 38 - Extreme running

Rep shot and helped Mick end his painful life.

Watching Mick sink into the swamp, swallowed by the mud.

Will turned his head to look at Rep angrily, and said in a deep voice: “You already thought of this ending, right?”

Rep insisted on taking Mick again and again, and Will was puzzled at first.

Now, the mystery is solved.

“A poor man who failed to recognize his own strength and was devoured by greed.” Rep said with mercy.

“You bastard!” Will punched Rep with a fierce punch.

But Will’s fist was easily caught by Rep.

“That was the ending of Mick himself. When he agreed to my request, he had already realized his consciousness. Now, he is just gambling to lose.” Rep’s face “satisfied” had no trace of guilt.

“Are you still human?” Will’s body began to flash white. “Without you, Mick can still be a hunter, and live moisturizing for ten or twenty years, and you …”

“I gave him a choice.”

“You seduce him, you took him to the dead end!”

“Maybe, but this world is so cruel.”

“This is not your reason for evil!”

“Is what I did, in your eyes, evil?” Rep smiled sarcastically. “Then what are you? I was lured by me, a poor worm walking on the path of knowing that he would die?”

“I …” Will froze.

“What is the difference between you now and Mick?” Rep said tightly, “you have a strong strength, a beautiful fiancee, and a bright future, so why do you step into the demon hunter?” world?

Step into this ten-death world? Is it tight because of fun?

Have you thought about it?

You are dead, your family and friends, your beautiful fiancee, what should you do? “

“I, I, I …” Will was speechless for a long time.

“Do you want to go the same way as Mick? At least, Mick still knows what he wants, what he wants most, and why he died, do you?

Since we met, you have been clamoring to become stronger and stronger.

Become stronger at all costs.

Your talent is indeed beyond my expectations.

The fifteen-year-old big knight can learn Jero ’s primary forging method in five days by learning others for two or three months, and the black raw “liquid” that others can only refine in one year. You will succeed in five days.

You, a genius, can have countless choices, but why choose this thorny road? Rep looked at Will closely, waiting for Will’s answer.

Will remained silent for a long time.

“I want to explore this world, I want to understand this world, I want to know …” Will took a deep breath, “Who am I? Where am I? Where should I go?”

Will comes from a blue world.

But are those memories real?

Is this world real?

Am i really me

Will was terrified.

Fear yourself, fear the world.

Will wants to know, to understand, to explore this world, to uncover the mystery of this world, and to uncover the reasons why he came to this world.

And-go home.

Rep sighed, patting Will’s shoulder and said, “Mick is dead, but Mick has you missing him, you compensate him, and you will take care of his family.

But what if you die?

Remember, the wizarding world is extremely dangerous, and only if you survive will you be qualified to know the truth.

The first rule of the demon hunter: absolutely not willing to use things.

The second rule of the demon hunter: absolutely do not do things that are not sure.

Rule three of the demon hunter: Never put yourself in danger. “

Will felt Rep’s good intentions towards him.

Mick’s death really stimulated Will deeply, and Will also hated Rep for a moment.

But what Rep said, is it justified?

Is n’t Will another Mick now?

Mick is dead.

When Will returns, he will compensate Mick and take care of Mick’s family.

Mick can also rest in peace.

But Will is dead?

Friends and family, family wives, will be better?

“I’m just giving you a reminder now, don’t think too deeply.” Rep pointed to the front. “Our current goal is Half Moon Mountain, a four-armed ghost ape, isn’t it?”

“Haha, that’s right.” Will pulled an ugly smile.

“It’s getting dark, and we’ve only gone a quarter of the swamp crocodile pond.” Rep raised a finger. “Shall we compare the game? See who crosses the swamp crocodile pool first?”


“If you win, I will give you something, something that you will definitely be interested in, how?”

Will’s eyes lit up, “Are you sure?”

“Haha, you can’t win anyway.”

“No comparison, how do you know?”

If it’s an ordinary hurry, Will will definitely not compare with Rep.

But now it is on the swamp, crawling through trees and vines.

Will thinks it’s a bit of a win.

Anyway, it ’s okay to lose, why not try it?


Rep gave a thumbs up like Will, and then jumped off the tree.

In Will’s surprised eyes, Rep’s feet stepped on the swamp.


Will closed his eyes in horror, afraid that Mick’s scene would repeat itself.

But Rep is not Mick.

Since Rep dare to jump, he must be sure.

Sure enough, Rep was not engulfed in mud.


At the foot of Rep, a deep hole appeared, which was half a meter in diameter, much larger than the sole of Rep.

Rep walked up and down on the swamp, and turned back to look at Will, “lu” with a smug smile.

Will’s face froze.

Looking at the huge footprints under Rep’s feet, Will didn’t know how Rep did it.

Will had heard that it was possible to walk on the swamp by nailing wooden boards on the soles to increase the stress surface.

But like Rep, Will is the first time to see.

“Do you think you won?” Will thought, an idea came to mind.

In the past life, scientists have studied.

If a person’s running speed can reach 110 kilometers per hour, the force generated when the person’s foot comes into contact with the water surface is enough to support the person to walk on the water surface.

Will’s current strength, the limit burst can reach hundreds of speeds.

Because the time is too short, I want to run on the water for a long distance.

But walking on the swamps does not require hundreds of speeds at all.

Will squatted on a thick branch, his muscles began to swell, bursting his hunting suit.

Especially the legs, the muscles are like steel.

Will stands up to one and a half meters tall, with strong and beautiful muscles like a cheetah, exuding another kind of beauty.

Will bent over and hung his hands down to make a starting position for the 100-meter sprint.


Legs mana violently.


Branches with thick thighs suddenly broke and flew backwards.

Will’s body leaped forward, his feet resting on the mud.

Will’s feet turned into afterimages.

Every step of Will’s foot will cause a violent roar.

Flocks of birds were startled, and fluttered toward the sky, and the five faces and six colors covered the whole sky.

The loud noise awakened the sleeping crocodile in the swamp.

The crocodile floated from the depths of the mud and looked at Will with his big fists.

Behind Will, countless silt splashed.

“Hoohoo …”

Will exhales continuously, and his physical energy is quickly consumed, but the speed is tight and the walking speed of ordinary people is about the same.

“Is it too reluctant to walk in the marsh mud?”

Even running on the rough road, there were a lot of people injured and accident.

Not to mention that now Will is running in a swamp, in mud, which is more difficult to walk than mud roads, stone roads, and mountain roads.

“It’s so difficult to just walk on the swamp, what if it’s on the water?”

Will felt that he was still a bit overwhelmed.

“I will do my best.”

The distance is only one or two kilometers. If the speed is faster, it should be able to reach the destination before the physical exhaustion.

Will began to stimulate vitality.

The light of white “color” enveloped Will’s body.

Will began to accelerate.

From the walking speed of ordinary people, it accelerated to the running speed of ordinary people.

In fact, Will can run faster, but in that case, physical energy will be exhausted too much, maybe he will be exhausted before crossing the dead wood swamp.

When the time comes, let Rep see the joke.

Will surpassed Rep.

Will continued to move forward.

In front, a reef-like thing moved towards Will.

When there was still a hundred meters away from Will, the “reef” stopped.

A large mouth of blood was opened towards Will, and the greasy teeth radiated cold light.

It turned out to be a huge crocodile with a length of more than ten meters, and a huge mouth with a full floor.

The crocodile waited with open mouth.

Will looked as if he had walked into the crocodile’s mouth.


The white “color” ray of light is attached to Will’s right hand like substance.

Will put his fingers together, using his hands as a knife.

A knife was cut on the crocodile.


The ten-meter-long crocodile was cut in half by Will from beginning to end.

Will stood on the crocodile’s body and wiped the sweat from his face.

Will reluctantly looked at Rep who surpassed him and left him far behind.

“If you didn’t meet a crocodile …”

Will glanced around, and there were more than a dozen crocodiles attracted by the **** smell.

Although much smaller than the crocodile at the foot of Will, it is nearly ten meters long.

Although Will is strong, if he is bitten by a crocodile, with the horrible bite force of the crocodile, and the tumbling of death, Will will not be dead.

In desperation, Will gave up the idea of ​​continuing to run on the swamp.

Will grabbed a vine on the side, exerted his strength, and his body swayed, and his body shook to a tree more than ten meters away.

Without Will’s threat.

A dozen crocodiles immediately pounced on the dead crocodile carcass.

When Will came to the other side of the swamp crocodile breathlessly, Rep had been waiting there for a long time.

“Don’t be discouraged, you can actually walk on this silt, which is beyond my expectations. Rest assured, things are indispensable to you, and you will be given back when you return.” Rep laughed.

“This is what you said.”

It’s a fool not to take advantage of it.

After a short rest, Will raised his head and looked at the curved half-moon peak not far away.

“Is that the Half Moon Peak?”

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