Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 16 - Let\\\'s marry

On the training ground of Albert Castle.

Nissen held the sword in both hands and slashed towards Will.

Nissen’s arms were covered with white “color” light.

This sword is full of power and speed.

Will was enveloped by a two-meter-tall body from Nissen. Under Nisson’s sword, Will felt like Foshan Yue fell from the sky and hit him.

In the face of Nissen’s swift sword, Will hides and hides.

Will’s hands and feet also exploded in vitality, and his limbs were covered with white light.

The two swords intersect.

The force transmitted through the sword made Will’s body slip back.

Nissen just flicked and chased Will quickly.

Facing the stormy attack of Nissen, Will kept blocking and retreating.

Will felt his arms numb.

Nisson “swinged” to open Will’s defense, and another sword pierced Will’s chest, fast, accurate and ruthless, the timing was very good.

Will’s defense was broken and he could not defend his chest for a short time.


A white light ignited on Will’s chest, and Will obscured Nissen’s straight stab with his flesh and blood.

Although blocked, Will’s face suddenly turned pale.

The attack is not over yet.

Nissen broke into Will’s arms with a single arrow, and knocked Will away.

Nissen slashed towards Will who couldn’t get help in mid-air. The strong momentum seemed to cut Will.

Will was startled and angry.

It was difficult to block Nissen’s attack with a sword, but his body was like a ball, and was shot by Nissen with a sword and hung on the castle wall.

Nissen squatted slightly, accumulating strength.

Ready for a thunder blow at any time.

Only this blow, after all, still did not send out.

Will’s body slipped from the wall, and Will felt the skeleton of the whole body scattered and weak.

Will lay on the ground and took a few breaths before slowing down.

“Captain Nissen, are you too ruthless?” Will smiled bitterly.

“Your strength is too strong, the progress is too fast, I can’t keep my hand, otherwise I lose.” Nissen looked at Will with a monster-like look, “I couldn’t help but burst out in the last three Killing intentions, I can no longer practice combat training with you in the future. “

Will heard what Nissen said.

Actual combat training is good if it is conducted between two people with great differences in strength.

If the strength is similar, it is easy to immerse yourself in the battle.

Unexpected outbursts broke out.

After several days of actual combat training with Nissen, Will has a general understanding of his own strength level.

5th-level swordsmanship, skills really dominate the crowd.

Pure swordsmanship, nobody in Albert Castle can look at it.

However, during Will’s battle, swordsmanship did not have a crushing effect on others.

First, this is probably because Nissen, who was actually training with Will, is much stronger than Will.

The second reason is that after the sword skill has been upgraded to level 5, it is no longer a pure sword skill. More is to use the environment, psychology and props to fight.

If it were not in the open and flat ground of the training ground, but in a more complex environment, such as forests, rivers, and “chaotic” rock piles, none of the three Nissens would be Will’s opponent.

“Master, Lord Baron has something to find you.” Tracey panted from the castle to the training ground.

Will took the “hair” towel passed by the servant next to him and wiped the sweat off his face.

“Is there anything wrong with my father?” Will asked.

“I don’t know.” Tracy shook her head. “Master Baron has been waiting for you in the study for a long time.”

Will threw the “hair” scarf to his servant.

Will came to the study and pushed open the heavy door.

In the study, gentle sunlight “shot” through the window.

Under the sunlight, Will could clearly see the tiny dust flying in the air.

Baron Leo sat with his back on the window, the sun shining on Baron Leo’s back, and Will felt a warmth from Baron Leo.

This has never been seen before.

Baron Leo has always been a strong, self-contained person.

Will’s eyes looked at Baron Leo, a man who was once very powerful, now so lonely and lonely.

The battle with the four-armed ghost ape was already ten days ago.

At that stop, seven soldiers and one knight were lost.

And Baron Leo ’s right arm.

After that battle, Baron Leo gradually became decadent.

Once looking at Baron Leo, he could feel the ambition surging from Baron Leo’s body.

Today, Baron Leo looks like an old man who wants to retire and retire, no longer domineering before.

In ten days, Baron Leo ’s thick linen “color” hair has appeared sparse white “color” hair, I am afraid that it will not be long before all the hair of Baron Leo will turn gray.

Is this the end of Leo Albert?

Seeing Will come in, Baron Leo “exposed” a gentle smile.

This smile was so dazzling to Will.


Will sat down next to Baron Leo, “Father, what are you doing with me?”

“Will, have you been training with Nissen these days?” Baron Leo asked.

“Yes.” Will answered honestly.

“I saw your battle yesterday. You already have the strength of a knight. I am afraid that it will be able to surpass Nissen in less than a year. Within three years, even I am not an opponent …. I used to be.” Baron Leo looked It was a bit sad at first, but after looking at Will, the sadness turned into relief.

“Accurately, one month.” Will murmured in his heart.

“Will, what are you going to do in the future?” Baron Leo’s style changed, and his tone rose sharply.

Without waiting for Will to answer, Baron Leo said again, “Your talent and strength are far above me. I know that the little Albert master can’t trap you, can’t satisfy you, your future. , Destined to be the sea of ​​stars. “

Baron Leo looked at Will ’s eyes, both gratified and proud, but more worried.

“Father, are you going to stop me?” Will’s eyes snapped.

Will has made a decision before, and when his strength reaches the level of a knight, he will leave the territory and go on an adventure tour.

Now Will’s decision has not changed, but instead waited for the strength to reach the Cavaliers, and then went on an adventure tour.

This period of time is as short as three months and long for half a year.

“I know, because you, me, Bell, and Lien are all the same person.” Baron Leo’s eyes were deep, “Your mother also knows, so until the end, Delia did not resent me.”

Bell, Will’s eldest brother.

Ryan, Will’s second brother.

Brother Bell, determined to become an adventurer, ten years away from home, no news.

Everyone knows that Brother Bell is dead.

Brother Ryan, determined to imitate Baron Leo and enter the army to sharpen himself.

It is a pity that he died in the battle against the orcs, silently and anonymously, and even a martyr’s medal was not available.

Will’s mother, Delia, had a weak body because she couldn’t bear the blow of the death of her two sons. She was depressed and seriously ill, and died when Will was ten years old.

Delia, Will’s favorite.

What Will confessed in his heart was the only relative in the world.

It is a pity that no matter how Will cries and how to pray, he cannot save Delia’s life.

“I only have one son left, I can’t lose you anymore, and Delia will not want you to set foot on the end of the two brothers.” In Baron Leo’s heart, only Delia’s children are his real ones. Children.

“Don’t compare me to them!” Will said in a deep voice.

It was because of the two **** that Delia died.

“Yes, you are much stronger than your two elder brothers.” Baron Leo nodded in agreement, “But are you sure? The danger of this world is far beyond your cognition, is the four-armed ghost ape? But That’s just the edge of the unknown world. “

Will was silent.

The existence of the four-armed ghost ape, Will used to be skeptical.

Because if the four-armed ghost apes exist, what about the legends of the four-armed ghost apes or the four-armed ghost apes?

Will those legends actually exist?

If so.

That human being is too small.

Like dust.

“I will not change my mind.” Even so, Will’s determination will not be shaken.

“I know.” Baron Leo looked at Will seriously. “So, get married.”

“Huh?” Will’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Get married and have children, and leave descendants for the family.” Baron Leo repeated one more time. “As long as you leave descendants and leave heirs for the Albert family, you can do whatever you want.”

Will leaves the study in a trance.

Will is only fifteen years old.

Will actually let him get married and let him have children?

How can a child have a baby?

If you think about it, this is normal.

In this world, marriage at the age of fourteen or five is the norm, and marriage at the age of eleven or twelve is not without it. Marriage at the age of eighteen is considered a late marriage and childbirth.

On the way back to the bedroom, Nikon greeted us.

Nikon was wearing leather armor and was full of energy.

“Master Will, I’m here to say goodbye to you.” Nikon said.

Nikon has already known about Nikon.

In the battle of the four-armed ghost ape, the Albert family lost a knight.

A knight collar has no one to control, that is not enough.

But in a short time, no new knight was willing to loyal to the Albert family.

Moreover, commanding a knight leader does not necessarily require a knight.

Nikon is also a leader among the quasi-knights, with good talent, hard work, and son of Baron Leo. It is also appropriate to rule a knight collar.

“Work hard, don’t fall into the reputation of the Albert family.” Will patted Nikon’s shoulder and encouraged.

“Yes.” Nikon responded loudly.

There are already three carriages under the castle.

Next to the carriage, a beautiful middle-aged woman and Nikon talked intimately. That was Nikon’s mother, the mistress of Baron Leo. -Saiya

This time to the territory, Nikon’s mother, Saiya also went with them.

After all, Saiya is already old, and his “color” has dropped a lot, and he has not been favored by Baron Leo.

If it weren’t for having a good son, Nikon, Saiya had long been neglected by Baron Leo and reduced to a slightly better position than a normal slave.

After Nikon packed it up, it carried servants and supplies.

Three carriages walked out of the castle, carrying Nikon and Saiya, and drove towards the distance.

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