Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 15 - Victory

On a window on the third floor of the castle, stood a majestic figure with a naked upper body. ——Baron Leo.

Baron Leo held a five-meter-wide, five-finger wide, forged steel sword.

This sword was the father of Baron Leo and the grandfather of Will. When Baron Leo joined the army at that time, he used up his wealth and built it for Baron Leo.

This great sword accompanied Baron Leo for thirty-one years.

Looking at Will who fell to the ground unconsciously not far away, Baron Leo was furious.

“Beast! Die!”

Baron Leo condenses the light of silver and white “color” as if a silver “color” meteor descended from the sky.

The four-armed ghost ape felt a deadly threat from Baron Leo.

He looked away from Will.

The four-armed ghost ape slammed into the baron Leo in the air with arms around him.

Baron Leo cut a sword on the trunk like a broken bamboo, and cut the whole tree along the trunk. The big sword in his hand was cut on the chest of the four-armed ghost ape.

A brutal wound with deep bones straddled the abdomen from the left shoulder and appeared on the four-armed ghost ape.

The four-armed ghost ape has lived for hundreds of years and has always been the forest overlord.

When have you suffered such a loss?

In the face of the four arms captured by the four-armed ghost ape, Baron Leo “exposed” the desperate “color”.

The sword just now is already the strongest sword that Baron Leo can cut. That sword consumes two-thirds of Baron Leo’s vitality.

Baron Leo was confident that the sword, even a knight, could not resist.

Although the strength of the four-armed ghost ape is comparable to that of a great knight, under that sword, he will be seriously injured without dying.

But Baron Leo forgot.

The strength of the four-armed ghost ape’s knight relies on a strong body and absolute strength.

It is completely different from the big knights who rely on skills and fight by using vitality.

Pure body defense, the four-armed ghost ape is far above the big knight.

Three streamers flew towards the left arm, right leg, and crotch of the four-armed ghost ape.

Although the arrow was blocked by the four-armed ghost ape, it also earned the escape time for Baron Leo.

An old man with silver hair but full of energy was holding a bow and arrow and came out.

One of the three knights under Baron Leo. —Bob.

That bow is the same as Will used.

But Bob Knight doesn’t need to explode his vitality at all.

It’s not because Bob Knight’s strength is stronger than Will, or because Bob Knight’s bow is stronger than Will.

It’s because that Bob Knight’s decades of “shooting” arrows have caused abnormal changes in the musculoskeletal of Bob Knight.

This change is harmful to the body.

But it makes it easier to draw the bow and more accurate.

After immersing his whole life in the bow, Bob Knight is really an admirable knight.

“Master Baron, I have called the guards.”

After Bob finished speaking, he immediately heard a low horn sound from the top of the castle.

This horn sound is not very loud, but it spreads very far, and can be clearly heard three kilometers away.

The members of the patrol outside heard the horn and immediately rushed towards the castle.

There are not so many four-armed ghost apes.

The four-armed ghost ape rushed straight toward Baron Leo. The four-armed ape instinctively felt that as long as Baron Leo was killed, no one around could threaten it.

When it comes, it will come as soon as it wants, and it will go when it wants.

“Master Baron, this is not the time to relax.” A man with a gloomy look helped Baron Leo to attack the four-armed ghost ape.

This person is the Grote Knight.

Behind the four-armed ghost ape, a middle-aged beautiful man dressed in exquisite armor and a handful of beards, took a two-finger wide sword and drew it on the back of the four-armed ape.

Warding Knight.

The thin sword of the Warding Knight was carved with a fine pattern.

The black “color” “liquid” body continuously flows from the hilt, and the black “color” “liquid” body flows along the lines.

This black “color” and “liquid” body is highly toxic, as long as it cuts the epidermis, it can cause a porcupine to faint.

But this poisonous poison was cut on the four-armed ghost ape, but it had no effect.

“It’s a terrifying physical strength.” Knight Knight exclaimed.

“This is a four-armed ghost ape, the legendary Warcraft.” Captain Nissen came out of the darkness, his expression cold.

Captain Nissen, Ward Knight, Bob Knight, Grote Knight, and Baron Leo, five knights gathered together to deal with Warcraft, the four-armed ghost ape!

Streams of light “shot” from the hands of Bob Knight, and enveloped towards the four-armed ghost ape in all directions.

Baron Leo, as the strongest player on the scene, is the absolute main force. Only Baron Leo can block the four-armed ghost ape.

Grote collaborated to assist Baron Leo, sharing the pressure for Baron Leo.

As the most powerful man among the five knights, Nissen alternated with Baron Leo as the main force, blocking the four-armed ghost ape in front.

Baron Vardin was in a haunt, and from time to time appeared a sword on the four-armed ghost ape.

As long as it is a toxin, it is inseparable from the dose.

Aside from the dose to talk about the “sex” of poison, all are hooligans.

The poison “drug” of Baron Warding’s swordsman was initially ineffective. However, as time went by, it gradually exerted an effect on the four-armed ape and affected the movement of the four-armed ape.

“Tangle it!” Bob Knight commanded while “shooting” arrows.

Around four weeks, more than a dozen guards have gathered.

The members of the guards held a rope with thick baby arms in their hands. This kind of rope can withstand tens of thousands of pounds of force. Even if it is a four-armed ghost ape, it is impossible to break.


A rope tied the four-armed ghost ape, with two ends of the rope, each with two guards pulling hard.

auzw.com But even if four people are pulling the rope, its strength is still too small for the four-armed ape.

The four-armed ghost ape grabbed a section of the rope with one hand, shaking it vigorously.

The people at both ends of the rope were dragged by the four-armed ghost apes and fell to the ground.

“Suppress it.” Baron Leo yelled and greeted the four-armed ghost ape.

Captain Nissen also followed with a howl, his muscles swelled up, his upper body clothes were broken by muscles, and he held the epee in both hands and slashed to the four-armed ape.

Grote, who has been supporting the attack, also stormed the four-armed ape.

The figure of Knight Warding was chaotic around the four-armed ape, and the thin sword in his hand left a mark on the four-armed ape.

The powerful and fierce four-armed ghost ape was suppressed.

But everyone knows that this is only temporary.

Can only suppress for half a minute.

The second, third, and fourth … a rope tied around the four-armed ape to restrict the movement of the four-armed ape.

“Let the arrow!” Bob Knight waved his hand, and an arrow of rain enveloped the four-armed ghost ape.

Baron Leo and their four knights withdrew from the four-armed ape, grabbing a rope in one hand.

Arrow Rain “shot” hit the four-armed ghost ape, but did not cause fatal injuries.

“” Shoot “an arrow!” Bob Knight waved again.

Another wave of arrows flew towards the four-armed ghost ape.

At the same time, Bob Knight himself “shot” an arrow with a bow, and a sharp arrow hidden in the arrow rain, “shot” hit the four-armed ape, and the arrow did not enter the eye of the four-armed ape.

The four-armed ghost ape howled.

Everyone in the room gave a sigh of relief, knowing that it was stable.

In the desperate situation, the four-armed ghost ape also erupted its most powerful force.

The four-armed ghost ape stomped on the ground, breaking out the most powerful force since its debut.

The body of the four-armed ape rushed towards Baron Leo like a shell, and the rope on his body could not hinder the movement of the four-armed ape.

Baron Leo’s eyes were cold, and the big sword pierced the chest of the four-armed ape.

The four-armed ghost ape did not avoid the sword stabbed by Baro Leo, and four hands grabbed Baron Leo’s sword.

“Huh, dare to grab my sword by hand?”

Baron Leo’s sword shook, and the arms of the four-armed ape suddenly broke.

Baron Leo ’s sword cut through the abdomen of the four-armed ape, and the intestines of the four-armed ape flowed from the wound.

“not good!”

The four-armed ghost ape bite Baron Leo’s right hand.


Baron Leo’s right hand broke off.


The four-armed ghost ape grabbed one end of a rope with the remaining two arms, pulling it vigorously and shaking it.

A man grasping the rope was swayed by the four-armed ghost ape towards the Bob Knight.


The body of the **** team members hit the ground and the body was broken into pieces.

Baron Bob escaped from the human attack of the four-armed ghost ape, but he had n’t reacted yet. A shadow came from the sky and stepped on the Bob Knight. .


The four-armed ghost apes slammed their chests, and with an angry look at Barrio Leo, they glanced at them as if to engrave their figures in their hearts.

Then he turned around and rushed out of the castle.

“Can’t let it escape!”

“Stop it!”


After several people blocking the front of the four-armed ape were torn into pieces, no one dared to block the front of the four-armed ape.

Even in the face of a severely injured four-armed ape, no one except the knight can block the four-armed ape from being angry.

“Into the castle and killed so many people, want to go away?”

A cold sword light pierced diagonally upward from the left waist side of the four-armed ape and penetrated the body of the four-armed ape.

Will frostyly held the sword.

The four-armed ghost ape glared at Will unwillingly, with blankness and anger in his eyes, and finally all his feelings turned into fear.

“Ao, ao, ao …”

The four-armed ghost ape barked three times in a row, and his body fell forward.

Until his death, his eyes looked tightly outside the castle, deep in the Red Moon Forest. -Its hometown.

Gain 30 soul power.

“Hoohoo …”

Will panted heavily.

Fortunately, he didn’t let the four-armed ghost ape escape, or **** waiting for Albert Castle.

Baron Leo also came to the body of the four-armed ghost ape, and the whole person looked so lonely.

“Father, your arm?” Will asked, looking sadly at Baron Leo’s broken arm.

“It’s just one arm, it doesn’t bother you.” As he said, Barrio Leo looked around.


There are too many people dying tonight.

Even Bob Knight is dead.

Baron Leo only lost one arm, much better than the one who lost his life.

Baron Leo looked at Will with a complicated look.

“At least, I still have you.”

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