When I Bind the Plot Maintenance System

Chapter 4

Chapter 3:

It’s only six o’clock now, which is not the time when Zhu Fukongliang usually gets up. After talking with his brother for a while, Zhu Fukongliang rubbed his eyes and looked sleepy again.

Zhu Fu Jingguang simply let Zhu Fu Kongliang lie on his bed, and gently coaxed the children to continue sleeping for a while.

Coaxing his younger brother to fall asleep again, Zhu Fu Jingguang watched his younger brother squeeze out a bit of flesh on the other side of the cheek because of his posture, and his mouth was slightly open, he couldn’t help reaching out and poking it brother’s cheek.

Because of the baby fat, it was very soft and comfortable to poke. Zhu Fu Jingguang carefully retracted his hand and straightened his brother’s bangs.

He stood up silently, picked up the materials and books on the side table, put them in the bag, and then carefully left the room.

After closing the door, Zhu Fu Jingguang breathed a sigh of relief silently, and then walked lightly to the first floor.

At this point, Zhufu’s mother was already awake. After going downstairs, Zhufu Jingguang, who noticed the movement in the kitchen, stuck his head out and shouted with a smile, “Morning, mother.”

“Good morning, Jingguang.” Zhu Fu’s mother is a very gentle lady with a pair of beautiful blue cat eyes, which makes it easy for people to realize who the three brothers’ eyes are inherited from.

“Did Kong Liang go back to sleep again?” Zhu Fu’s mother asked softly.

Apparently, the footsteps of Zhu Fukongliang’s “clackclack” in the morning also caught the attention of the mother who was sleeping on the first floor.

“Ah… I just wanted to tell you this.” Zhu Fu Jingguang rolled his eyes: “Kongliang fell asleep in my room, and if you wake up after that, just go to my room—ah yes, the one on the table You don’t need to help me organize things, mom, just leave them.”

“I see, are you going out? I remember that you don’t seem to have class today.” Zhu Fu’s mother asked again.

“Well, I’m going to the library, with zero!” Zhu Fu Jingguang said briskly.

“Is that so, are you coming back for lunch?”

“Well… I won’t be back at noon. It’s about half past four in the afternoon, right? I should be able to come back for dinner!” Zhu Fu Jingguang calculated today’s plan: “If I don’t come back, I will call ahead.”

“Okay.” Zhufu’s mother laughed, put the plate with fried egg bread and fried sausage on the table, and took out the milk from the refrigerator: “Eat breakfast before going out, you should not let Lingjun wait for you, right? ?”

“We have an appointment at seven o’clock, so don’t be in a hurry.” Zhu Fu Jingguang hung his bag aside, sat at the dining table, and put his hands together: “I’m starting.”

Zhufu’s mother looked at the second son who was eating deliciously, thought about it and asked, “Then do you want to prepare a copy for Lingjun?”

“If it’s zero… ah, I shouldn’t have eaten this point yet, so I’ll trouble mom, I’ll bring it to him later.”

So during the interval between Zhu Fu Jingguang’s meal, Zhu Fu’s mother made another breakfast that was easy to carry, and after it was packed, it was handed to Zhu Fu Jingguang, and when Zhu Fu Jingguang walked to the door, she said: ” If you come back for dinner, remember to call Rei-kun, I will do a little more.”

“I see!” Zhu Fu Jingguang waved his hand and left the house briskly.

By the time Zhu Fukongliang rubbed his eyes and walked out of the room, it was already around eight o’clock, and he stepped down the stairs step by step with his furry slippers.

When he saw his father sitting at the dining table with a newspaper, Zhu Fu Kongliang shouted vaguely, “Good morning, Dad.”

“Morning, Kongliang.” Zhufu’s father nodded, and then continued to focus on the newspaper.

And Zhu Fu’s mother stuck her head out of the kitchen: “Kong Liang, go wash your face and brush your teeth first, and then come over for breakfast.”

“Oh.” Zhu Fukongliang was so sleepy that his head twitched little by little.

Looking at his young son who was stupefied and went upstairs again, Zhu Fu’s father looked away from the newspaper and looked at his wife, his eyes full of intimacy and helplessness.

“This child always needs to be reminded.” Zhu Fu’s father shook his head.

“Obviously, I have a good memory, but I have always been confused about such trivial matters.” Zhu Fu’s mother also laughed.

But this is also cute.

When Zhu Fu Kongliang finished washing up and went downstairs again, Zhu Fu’s father had put down the newspaper and had three breakfasts in front of him.

Zhu Fu Kongliang sat in his seat, then glanced at the empty seat: “Did brother go out?”

“Well, I went to the library.” Zhu Fu’s mother first explained, and then asked gently, “Does Kong Liang also want to go?”

Zhu Fukongliang thought for a while and nodded his head.

So Zhufu’s mother bowed her eyes happily: “Then when your brother is out of class next time, I’ll take you with me, okay?”

Zhu Fukongliang agreed.

Zhu Fu’s father was an elementary school teacher, so he went out after eating breakfast, and Zhu Fu Kongliang dropped out of school, so now he and his mother are left at home.

When his mother started to do housework, Zhu Fukongliang ran to the study on the second floor, took out two thick books, put them on the coffee table in the living room, and slowly turned back page by page.

Because Zhu Fukongliang doesn’t have any special hobbies—or he hasn’t discovered any hobbies that he is particularly interested in other than his family for the time being—the only thing that can make him consume a little time is books other than being in a daze.

And because every time Kong Liang finishes reading a book, he will not flip it a second time, so there are more and more books on the bookcase at home, and even some inexplicable construction machinery manuals occupy a place.

Out of curiosity, Zhu Fu’s mother walked over to take a look at the cover during the process, and after seeing the name on it, Zhu Fu’s mother fell into silence.

Because Zhu Fukongliang has not read the book, “Postpartum Care of Sows” is written impressively.

Zhu Fu’s mother walked to the study with a smile, picked out a book that Zhu Fu Kongliang had not read yet, and took the nursing book away.

Then, in Zhu Fukongliang’s doubtful eyes, he said softly: “It should be your father who bought it wrong. I will ask him to return it later.”

Zhu Fukongliang tilted his head, didn’t care about this, and lowered his head again.

Zhu Fukongliang’s reading speed is very slow, but the interval between turning the book is almost the same. No matter whether the book contains a little more pictures or dense text, his speed of turning the book is not much different.

Compared with reading books, Zhu Fu Kongliang was more like being in a daze by reading books.

Moreover, Zhu Fukongliang never picked, even if it was a boring dictionary, he could read it page by page.

The most amazing thing is that even so, Zhu Fukongliang can remember what he has seen and can retell the above information.

At that time, the other members of Zhufu’s family realized that this child probably had an unforgettable talent.

So speaking in front of this child, they will also pay attention.

Only when Zhu Fukongliang and Zhufu’s mother are at home, the house is quiet most of the time. When Zhufukongliang looks tired, he will rest on his mother’s lap and close his eyes.

Because there is no need to go to school – or even if you want to go to school, Zhu Fukongliang’s daily life is very simple.

The only difference every day is…

Zhu Fukongliang stared at the blond boy who came back with his brother at the door, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, but the curvature was not large, and no one could notice it at all.

“Welcome home, Jingguang, Master Ling.” Zhu Fu’s mother stuck her head out of the kitchen: “You guys can play by yourself first, and dinner will be ready soon.”

Jiang Gu Ling bowed slightly at the entrance: “Excuse me!”

Jianggu Ling stiffened and changed his shoes from the entrance and walked into the living room, looking at Zhu Fu Kongliang, who had been sitting on the sofa but his eyes had been falling on him, almost had the urge to run away.

And Zhu Fukongliang noticed that the bag in Jiangguling’s hand belonged to Zhufu Jingguang, trot over and took the bag from Jiangguling’s hand, and then hid behind Zhufu Jingguang, pulling My brother’s shirt.

The expression on the face of the valley zero became more rigid.

—hiro, you are really surprised to say that your brother no longer treats me as a passerby, but now he treats me as an enemy at all! The hostility on the body will materialize! You should look back! Hiro!

Zhu Fu Jingguang just looked at the scene on the surface, and was even more moved: “The relationship has improved, the two of you.”

Falling Valley Zero: …then you should turn around! Your brother is full of black energy! !

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