When I Bind the Plot Maintenance System

Chapter 3

Chapter 2:

Zhu Fukongliang opened his eyes from the bed, the sun had not yet risen outside, but some light representing the arrival of the morning had already penetrated through the gaps in the curtains.

It was early spring, and the weather was a little cold in the morning. Zhu Fu Kongliang, wearing fluffy slippers, opened the door with a pat pat pat and walked out.

Although everyone in the family prefers the style of Japanese-style decoration, but at that time, I was in a hurry to move, and I didn’t have the heart to decorate. I just randomly chose a western-style house that met the requirements and moved in. I didn’t expect to live there for almost ten years. The process of living has also gradually affected the style of the house, but the decoration of the main body cannot be modified.

This is a two-story house with four rooms upstairs, a study room, and the rest for each of the three children, and the master bedroom downstairs is for the parents.

Zhu Fukongliang only needs to open the door and turn left. The position by the stairs is his second brother’s room, and the opposite door is the elder brother’s room.

A small window was also opened in the direction opposite the stairs, and the light from the outside could easily come in.

Zhu Fukongliang stretched out his hand wrapped in his sleeve and knocked lightly on the wooden door with the name [Jingguang] on the door.

“Huh? Wait a minute!” Zhu Fukongliang’s knock on the door was not very loud, but there was still a reply from inside.

Zhu Fu Kongliang waited for about half a minute, and Zhufu Jingguang, who was wearing pajamas, opened the door. His face was a little tired, but he still showed a gentle enough smile: “Kongliang? Do you have anything to do with your brother?”

Zhu Fukongliang stared at his brother’s cat eyes that were similar to himself, paused for two seconds, suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged his brother’s waist tightly, and buried his face in it without saying a word.

Zhu Fu Jingguang was a little surprised, but his expression was still very gentle: “Well… do you want to come in with your brother?”

Zhu Fukongliang nodded his head dully.

Zhu Fu Kongliang was led into the room by Zhu Fu Jingguang, who also turned on the light in the room by the way. Zhu Fu Jingguang asked Zhu Fu Kongliang to sit on the bed and pulled a stool by himself, intending to be with his younger brother. Chat face to face.

But he didn’t expect his brother to be completely uncooperative. Instead, he let his brother sit on the bed. Then he threw off his slippers and knelt on the bed and hugged his brother again, but this time he was hugging his neck.

Zhu Fu Jingguang almost fell on the bed because of inertia. Fortunately, he had been exercising all the time, so he held on and didn’t lose face. The half-aged young man with a pair of beautiful cat eyes gently touched the back of his brother’s head and stroked down like a hair: “Is it a nightmare, Kong Liang.”

Zhu Fukongliang nodded again.

Zhu Fu Jingguang drew the topic and asked, “Would you like to talk to my brother?”

Only then did Zhu Fukongliang say the first sentence of the day: “I saw my brother point the gun at himself.”

Zhufu Jingguang: …

Zhu Fu Jingguang: ? !

Zhu Fu Jingguang: No, I can’t answer this!

Zhu Fu Jingguang only swore to the sky that he had absolutely no psychological problems, but in front of his younger brother, he still stretched his good brother’s skin and coughed lightly: “Well, then what?”

“So I aimed the gun at the person who wanted to hurt my brother.” Zhu Fukongliang replied obediently.

Zhu Fu Jingguang: Huh? Didn’t I commit suicide just now, why is there another character? ! And why are you holding a gun too! You’re only 13 years old, kid Kong Liang! Where did you come into contact with these dangerous items?

Zhu Fu Jingguang worked hard to sort out the information revealed by his brother, so he was holding a gun at himself, and there was a bad guy—right?

Due to the special situation of the younger brother, the family treats him with a biased attitude towards guidance, and wants Zhu Fukongliang to express his own thoughts instead of others answering. After Zhu Fukongliang agrees, it ends.

Zhu Fu Kongliang is the third son of the family and the younger brother of Zhu Fu Jingguang who was born when he was seven years old.

It was only a few months after the birth that Zhufu’s mother, who had raised two children, noticed the problem. She felt that her third child was too quiet.

Zhu Fu’s mother is not a person who avoids medical treatment, and immediately took Zhu Fu Kongliang, who was still a baby, to see the doctor.

There is nothing wrong with the baby’s body, but Kong Liang, who is only a few months old, is indifferent to the surrounding things, does not smile at his parents, even his eyes are slack, and he does not move with the sound.

Although the doctor did not directly diagnose it, he gave the answer of “high probability of autism”, but because the mental illness was not perfect at that time, the doctor in Nagano asked Zhufu’s parents to go to Tokyo to compare A good hospital will look again.

Zhufu’s mother did not hesitate, and Zhufu’s father immediately asked for leave at school, asked the teacher next door to take the class, and rushed to Tokyo with Zhufu’s mother.

Unfortunately, he was finally diagnosed with autism.

The medical level in Nagano is not as good as that in Tokyo. After hesitating for a long time, Zhufu’s parents decided to give up their current jobs and move to Tokyo to settle temporarily for the sake of their children.

Zhu Fu Jingguang was only seven years old at the time, and he didn’t have much memory of what happened at that time. He only remembered that after the age of three, his younger brother, who was indifferent to the surrounding things, suddenly reacted to the outside world.

Just because of the lack of the most important studies in the first three years, Kong Liang is dull in many things, especially emotional.

Although the younger brother is now 13 years old, there is no problem in actually treating him as an eight or nine year old child.

However, contrary to his mental age, Kong Liang’s IQ is surprisingly high, and he can learn everything very quickly. He even chose to skip grades and then took a leave of absence because he didn’t want to go to school.

Zhu Fu Jingguang gently touched the back of his brother’s head: “Well… so is he a bad guy?”

Zhu Fukongliang nodded decisively.

Zhu Fu Jingguang waited patiently for his brother’s answer, and then heard Zhu Fu Kongliang say softly: “But when my brother pointed the gun at himself, I… felt very uncomfortable.”

Zhu Fukongliang tilted his head suspiciously: “I don’t quite understand this feeling, it’s just uncomfortable, so I came to find my brother.”

The child who doesn’t understand emotions expresses his doubts: “That’s false, I shouldn’t feel bad, right?”

Zhu Fu Jingguang thought for a while, but instead of perfunctory, he said seriously: “This represents… empathy.”


“Kong Liang will be uncomfortable because his brother is injured, because Kong Liang likes his brother.” Zhu Fu Jingguang rolled his eyes: “Just like if Kong Liang is injured, my brother will also feel uncomfortable.”

Zhu Fu Kongliang seemed to accept the answer, nodded his head, tightened the strength of his arms to hold Zhu Fu Jingguang again, and stopped talking.

In my brain, I have already thought of countless ways to explain it:…

You need to ask one more question, Kong Liang! Give your brother a chance, okay?

Zhu Fu Jingguang held back for a while, but in the end he didn’t hold back and decided to try it out.

“Kong Liang said just now that he aimed the gun at the person who hurt his brother, so did Kong Liang shoot?”


Zhu Fu Jingguang continued to ask: “So, what does Kong Liang feel?”

Zhu Fukongliang said calmly: “I don’t feel it.”

Zhu Fu Jingguang sighed in his heart, but didn’t put it on his face at all: “Kongliang will be injured because of his brother, but if someone is injured because of Kongliang, will that person’s family also suffer?”

Zhu Fukongliang nodded coldly: “Oh.”

Zhufu Jingguang: …

Seeing that Zhu Fu Jingguang seemed to be expecting what he had to say, Zhu Fu Kongliang thought about it and said, “What does it have to do with me.”

Zhufu Jingguang:  …

Forget it, he already knew the answer. My brother’s empathy has always been very low, and he is indifferent to the outside world.

But some things need to be guided, and some things must be made clear: “Gun is a dangerous thing, Kong Liang can’t hold a gun at others.”

“…Games, can’t you?” Zhu Fukongliang asked.

Zhu Fu Jingguang will not ignore the word “game”. He knows that the world in his brother’s eyes is different from his own. If this game represents reality, then if he nods his head, Kong Liang will really not be able to turn back.

Although his empathy is low and his character has a big problem, Kong Liang is very good, he will be obedient, and even if you say something you don’t even remember, Kong Liang will remember and obey the rules.

Once Kong Liang accepts a rule, it will take countless effort to turn it back.

“The scope of the game is very large, but now Kongliang is still small. If you are not an adult, it is best not to touch games related to firearms, okay?”

Zhu Fukongliang thought for a while, and in his mind equated not being able to play guns with age, and nodded.

After solving this, Zhu Fu Jingguang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his younger brother’s mood had almost recovered.

However, he was still a little curious, so he chose to ask: “If the injured one is Zero, will Kong Liang feel uncomfortable with that little tamer of my brother?”

Zhu Fukongliang shook his head decisively.

Before Zhu Fu Jingguang had time to be disappointed, he saw Zhu Fu Kongliang think seriously for a while, and said seriously: “But… I will be a little unhappy?”

Zhu Fu Jingguang’s eyes suddenly lit up, and countless little flowers blossomed in his heart.

zero! Six years! You and Kong Liang have known each other for six years! You have finally risen from the passer-by in the empty heart to the stage of friends! !

Brother is so impressed! !

My brother was moved, but he still sounded serious as if he was thinking of something, and emphasized: “But if someone takes the initiative to hurt Kong Liang, he will definitely beat him back—or call his brother for help!”

Zhu Fukongliang replied obediently, and then asked: “Then brother hurt himself, so I want to beat brother? Or brother beat himself?”

Zhufu Jingguang: …

Zhufu Jingguang:  …

Zhu Fu Jingguang: Well, how should I answer this question?

Help! Brother Gao Ming, I need you! I’m really not fit to reason!

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