When I Bind the Plot Maintenance System

Chapter 14

Chapter 13:

There are only Zhu Fu Kongliang and Zhu Fu’s mother in the family recently.

When Brother Jing Guang was in junior high school and high school, he would basically come back on time after school. After college, due to the class schedule, the time is uncertain, but I will come back to live at least one day a week.

But now, because Brother Jingguang went to the police academy, he has less contact with his family. After all, in the first month of the police academy, it was even so strict that mobile phones were not allowed.

Brother Gao Ming has also had such a process, so Zhu Fukongliang is no stranger to it.

It doesn’t matter if my brother is not at home. Zhu Fukongliang is used to passing the time alone, and he can run to play with friends after sleeping, so it won’t be too boring.

Just to go to school… Zhu Fu Kongliang took out the schoolbag he hadn’t touched in two years from the closet after washing and eating breakfast.

It was the one-shoulder bag uniformly required by the school at that time. The basic color was brown, but many students would put a little thought on it. Keychains, schoolbag buckles, etc. were the most basic ones.

Zhu Fu Kongliang has such a small collocation, a royal guard who sews peace.

The imperial guard is not big, and the decoration of the schoolbag is not obtrusive, but it can become the only bright color. The middle of the imperial guard bulged slightly, and it was obvious that something was inside.

Zhu Fukongliang stretched out his hand and squeezed Yushou, and the uneven hard block was slightly stunned.

Generally speaking, the imperial guards are filled with paper scriptures or small wooden boards, but this imperial guard is self-made, it is just a simple psychological comfort, and it doesn’t matter what you put in it.

So—there is a piece of stone that seems to be seen everywhere, and it is not a very strange thing.

Zhu Fu Kongliang squeezed the small cloth bag containing the stones again. This was a stone fragment that was picked up by ghosts when he was passing by the door when he was taken to the shrine by his family for New Year’s Day a year before he started school.

Zhu Fukongliang’s memory ability is very good, so that even if he recalls his own mood and thoughts at a certain moment more than ten years ago, he can recall it perfectly.

But he couldn’t remember exactly why he had suddenly become interested in that little rock that could be seen everywhere.

Even put it in Yushou’s small cloth bag and carry it with him. Even if he dropped out of school later, the schoolbag with Yushou was always kept in the cabinet. It can be regarded as being with Zhu Fukongliang every day.

Zhu Fu Kongliang didn’t have to answer this question. He put down the guard and decided to answer his mother’s question about going to high school.

It was obviously the mother who brought this up, and when she got the exact answer, it was also the mother who was surprised.

“Is it really okay?” Zhu Fu’s mother touched her youngest son’s hair with a little worry on her face.

“It’s okay, I can pass the exam.”

“Mom is not worried about this…” Zhu Fu’s mother was silent for a few seconds, and finally showed a gentle smile, and said softly: “However, mother believes in Kongliang, it must be possible.”

There is still some time before next year’s high school registration, so there is no hurry in the formalities.

Zhufu’s mother touched her youngest son’s hair, calculated the time, and said with a smile, “After graduating from Jingguang Police Academy, I can still attend your entrance ceremony.”

Zhu Fukongliang blinked his eyes, but did not speak.

Zhu Fu Jingguang has always paid attention to the communication with his family members. When he can apply for the use of the phone, Zhu Fu Jingguang can meet Date Air at the place where he made the call every time.

Therefore, Zhu Fu Jingguang will receive a sweet crit from the couple every time.

“Squad leader, don’t call me next time you call.” Zhu Fu Jingguang sighed deeply in front of the same period: “Every time I have to listen to you and your girlfriend talking on the phone sweetly – this is not bullying person?”

Date Air laughed heartily: “Then I fight behind you next time?”

Zhufu Jingguang: “…Isn’t that still the same! We went back on the same road!”

Because it happened to be on the same road, Date Hang, who was habitually inviting friends, laughed even more heartily.

“The squad leader can understand, after all, it’s a girlfriend… Jingguang, do you have someone you must call every day?” Hagihara Kenji showed an interested expression.

“Although I don’t know where you thought of going, I can be sure that it is definitely different from what you think.” Zero Valley commented.

Matsuda Jinping raised his eyebrows: “It seems you know?”

Falling Valley Zero nodded: “Almost.”

Zhu Fu Jingguang explained with a smile: “Didn’t I say before that I have a younger brother? It’s inconvenient to go back now, so I want to at least keep in touch.”

Hagihara Kenji sighed: “You and your brother have such a good relationship, my sister and I will not contact so often.”

Matsuda Jinping: “I’m the only child, this question is beyond the scope for me.”

Gu Ling shrugged his shoulders, and Date Hang sighed: “The two of us who have brothers and sisters are just the two of you?”

“Brother and sister still feel different, right? My brother and I don’t actually do it that often.” Zhu Fu Jingguang said helplessly: “After all, Brother Gao Ming is very busy with work, so I won’t bother him specially.”

Hagihara Kenji noticed the blind spot: “In other words, if he is not busy, you will keep in touch?”

Zhu Fu Jingguang showed a gentle smile and did not answer the question.

Jiang Gu Ling complained: “Hiro’s family relationship has always been very good, which is enviable.”

Zhu Fu Jingguang rolled his eyes: “As an honorary relative of our family, may I ask classmate Jiang Gu, did you remember to include yourself?”

Drop to zero: “…”

“Ah! Zero blushed!” Matsuda Jinping pointed at Zero Furuya and said suddenly.

Hagihara Kenji blinked: “Xiaojinping, how did you see Xiaojianggu blushing through such a dark face!”

Valley Zero: “You two—!”


This topic was casually skipped, and Zhu Fu Jingguang smiled and concluded: “Maybe we can meet again later, but I really want to introduce you to Brother Gao Ming and Kong Liang.”

After all, after he met Zero, he was very happy to tell Brother Gao Ming for the first time, and then happily invited Zero home to play.

However, Zhu Fu Jingguang did not expect the opportunity to come so quickly.

After solving a sudden off-campus case at a time, Zhu Fu Jingguang looked at Zhu Fu Kongliang, who was standing on the other side of the road, holding a chocolate banana in his hand, and the two met their eyes.

Zhu Fu Kongliang thought for a while, raised his hand and said hello. After Zhufu Jingguang handed the prisoner to Date Air, he made sure that he had nothing to do with himself, and then trotted over: “Kongliang? Why did you come here?”

Zhu Fukongliang raised the chocolate banana in his hand: “Suddenly I wanted to eat it, so I came here.”

Zhu Fu Kongliang doesn’t pick desserts at all, so this is an obvious excuse.

However, Zhu Fu Jingguang didn’t pierce it, he just bent his eyes and smiled: “That’s just right, my brother still has some free time, is there anything Kong Liang wants to go to?”

Zhu Fukongliang did not answer directly, his eyes fell on the other four police academy students who were looking this way: “Brother’s classmates?”

“Well, it’s also a friend of my brother.” Zhu Fu Jingguang looked back at a few friends and asked his brother, “Kong Liang is curious about them?”

Because Zhu Fukong Ryo’s eyes are rarely not on his family, but in the direction of Matsuda Jinpei and Hagihara Kenji. It’s just that the other four people are gathered together, so Zhu Fu Jingguang did not distinguish between Zhu Fu Kongliang’s sight and who it was on.

This is a rare thing, and Zhu Fu Jingguang is happy to see it happen.

Since Kong Liang was not in conflict, Zhu Fu Jingguang simply led his younger brother to his friend and introduced him naturally: “I mentioned it to you, my brother, Kong Liang.”

“You really look alike! You brothers.” Date Hang was the first to sigh.

“Long time no see, Kongliang.” Jianggu Ling also responded.

“You can tell it’s a brother at a glance – Ryo Kosora, can I call you that?” Hagihara Kenji also greeted with a smile.

Matsuda Jinping nodded awkwardly: “Hello.”

Zhu Fukongliang opened his mouth and asked a very abrupt question: “Are you playing games?”

Zhu Fu Jingguang was stunned for a moment, and looked down at his younger brother suspiciously, while the three people on the opposite side were a bit baffled, but still answered the question of his friend’s younger brother.

“What game do you mean?”

If it were the two people he knew, when they heard the name Zhu Fukongliang, they should have been able to react, and they would not have asked what the game was, so they were not alone, and the answer was obvious.

Just because he heard the name from the introduction on his brother’s phone, Ryo Zhufu, who went out straight out of curiosity, calmly looked away from Matsuda Jinhei and Hagihara Kenji, and said to his brother, “It’s alright. , then I’ll go back first, brother.”

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