When I Bind the Plot Maintenance System

Chapter 13

Chapter 12:

Over time, this small park has been completely abandoned, and even the edge of the sand pit has grown a lot of weeds, and there is rust on the iron rope of the swing, and no one has dealt with it.

It’s just that the meaning of this small park is not the same, so generally, as long as there is no special place to say, they will gather here when they come out to play. When Matsuda Jinhei and Hagihara Kenji were about to go home, Zhu Fukong Ryo was used to walking to this position together, and then separated from the two.

Today is the weekend, Matsuda Jinhei and Hagihara Kenji don’t have to go to class, so they have a lot of free time. After staying in the small park for a while, Ryo Zhufu and Kenji Hagihara pulled Matsuda Jinpei, who looked reluctant, and came to a dessert shop with a pink and tender atmosphere.

Hagihara Kenji has no obvious interest in desserts, but he likes to see Matsuda Jinping frowning and looking depressed, but he still can’t refuse the two of them, sitting in the dessert shop with a stinky face.

Although Sora didn’t say it, Hagihara Kenji believed that the other party had the same idea as his own.

After all, Zhu Fukongliang doesn’t pick desserts, it’s the same wherever he goes, but it can be proved that he chooses this kind of dessert shop that looks very girlish.

If the three of them went out to places like the game hall, they would come to the dessert shop, which was entirely for the sake of Zhu Fukongliang.

“I don’t like desserts in general.” Zhu Fukongliang commented: “As long as you can add sugar, it’s fine.”

Hagihara Kenji asked a little, and Zhu Fukong Ryo replied, “This is the trouble of smart people.”

And this time, Zhu Fukongliang put his fork on the cream layer of the strawberry cake and scratched it casually twice, as if he had no appetite.

“What’s wrong, Ryo Kosora.” Hagihara Kenji and Matsuda Jinpei didn’t order cakes, they only ordered two drinks with different flavors.

The half-long-haired boy had a youthful feeling unique to his age, and his smile was refreshing and clean, easily attracting the attention of other girls of the same age.

– To be precise, the appearance of the three attractive Chi-Mee (handsome guys) in such a girly dessert shop is enough to attract attention in itself.

That is to say, these three people don’t care much about other people’s eyes, and they don’t think there is any problem. Matsuda Jinpei doesn’t look very happy, and it’s not because of other people’s attention, it’s just that he doesn’t like such a girlish atmosphere.

“If you have any troubles, you can tell your dear Kenji-chan?”

“Well, if you are unhappy, you can say it to make us happy.” Matsuda Jinping twitched the corners of his mouth.

Zhu Fukongliang didn’t pay much attention to the latter’s slightly poisonous sarcastic lines, but lowered his eyes and whispered, “My mother wants me to go back to school.”

Hagihara Kenji was startled: “Huh?”

Matsuda Jinping: “So… I remember you said you were suspended from school?”

“Well.” Zhu Fukong brightened his head: “I just can go to high school.”

He originally took a break from school after skipping grades, and he was only 13 years old when he was in the third grade. And now I’m 15 years old, I’ve been out of school for two years, and I’ve known two good friends for two years.

In general, if you read normally, you should be 16 years old when you are in the first year of high school. In other words, he still has half a year to a year to consider.

“…Sora, you have been suspended from school, and it is difficult to integrate into the existing small groups in the class.” Hagihara Kenji habitually made an analysis: “If you start directly from the first year of high school, the students around you are also unfamiliar with the surrounding area. ”

“New environment, new interpersonal relationships, there is no existing group, you can easily integrate into it.” Hagihara Kenji asked: “That’s what your mother thinks, right?”

This is an obvious truth, and Zhu Fukongliang did not deny it.

“Then go to study.” Matsuda Jinping said lazily: “I don’t like it anyway and continue to suspend school.”

“As long as you can pass the exam, will you be able to go to university later?”

After two years of acquaintance, Matsuda Jinping is very aware of Zhu Fukongliang’s talent, and Zhu Fukongliang can easily learn any skills other than manual aspects (such as cooking) (except mechanical disassembly and installation).

Especially those subjects that require rote memorization, Zhu Fukongliang can memorize them with just a glance.

Sometimes they couldn’t play because of their homework, and Zhu Fukongliang would be bored and dazed, but when they were having a headache for a long time because of homework, he could draw a few strokes at will to point out the key points.

Zhu Fukongliang is a genius, no one can deny this.

“Speaking of which, I have always thought that you are very talented in blasting.” Matsuda Jinping complained: “When Hagi and I go to repair alone, there will be no problems.”

“But every time I work with you, if you’re not careful, the result is a blast.”

At first they thought it was a coincidence, but after more times, Hagihara Kenji realized that the first time the microwave oven was blown up, the reason why he was beaten by his mother was actually because of this cute and innocent looking Zhufukong Ryo.

“Instead of blasting, I want to complain about empty dishes!” Hagihara Kenji’s eyes were empty: “Really, I just missed it, and the kitchen almost exploded!”

“…It’s also a blast in a sense, Hagi.”

“You’re right, Xiao Zhenping.”

Zhu Fukongliang accepted the topic of such a sudden jump well, and said: “I explained it.”

“Yeah, you explained it.” Hagihara Kenji covered his face: “It’s just the simplest fried potatoes, the previous is still normal, but you said that because you suddenly remembered that the recipe said that the potatoes should be boiled first, so you steam them in a pot. .”

This step is okay, the big deal is to steam potatoes and eat mashed potatoes, but no water was added during the process of steaming potatoes, and the bottom pot was directly burned out. Then, with brute force, the still hard potatoes were crushed and cheese was added, and they were placed in the oven.

So far, I have reluctantly accepted it, but why do you add pizza with cheese? This has completely lost its original purpose!

It doesn’t matter if potatoes become pizza, why do you add fruit to it!

“Because I want to make fruit pizza.” Zhu Fukongliang replied calmly.

“Forget the fruit pizza…why do you add grapes!” Hagihara Kenji was extremely sad: “Because of this, I was deducted from my mother’s pocket money for a month.”

Although it didn’t really cause an explosion, the fact that the microwave oven caught fire and the pot burned out is already a big problem.

“…This is the reason why you pitted my pocket money that month?” Matsuda Jinping turned his head.

Hagihara Kenji’s expression changed: “Cough, skip this topic.”

Matsuda Jinping: “…”

Zhu Fukongliang poked the strawberry cake, and the corner of his mouth lowered slightly.

He really didn’t mean it… well, he admits, a few times it did.

But most of the time, he’s just a little distracted.

His memory is too good, so the information in his brain is too complicated, and his associative ability is too strong, resulting in a lot of interference items, which is very difficult to call.

For example, he just looked at a very common sentence in the book, and then he would inexplicably recall which book he had read a similar sentence in, and then he remembered the title of that book, on which day he read it, and what happened at that time What, I can even remember what clothes he wore that day, what he ate, what time he saw the sentence.

There is too much information in his brain, and when he concentrates, he can indeed eliminate distractions. Like when it comes to dismantling things with these two, he never drags his feet and hardly ever goes wrong.

But it’s just cooking, he doesn’t really want to waste his brain, and he doesn’t want to be too serious.

This also leads to the recall of potato-related recipes, such as pizza, French fries, ketchup, fried chicken, when making fried potatoes, and then unknowingly, even the recipes are confused.

The main reason is because he is more relaxed and does not want to be too serious.


“It’s Hagihara’s fault.” Zhufu Kongliang blinked and said.

Hagihara Kenji: “Huh? Why is it my fault again!”

Matsuda Jinping: “Yes, it’s this guy’s fault!”

“Xiaojinping—” Hagihara Kenji showed a look like he was betrayed.

“Unless you contract my snacks for the next month.” Matsuda Jinping said leisurely.

And Hagihara Kenji changed his face on the spot: “Okay, it’s my fault.”


The topic jumps between the three people are always very fast, and the next topic is naturally received before the last topic is finished.

After jumping so many times, the topic returned to the original question: “So, Xiao Kongliang, do you want to go to school?”

“…Mom will be worried.” Zhu Fukongliang cut a small piece of the cake with a fork, stuffed it into his mouth, and said vaguely, “So it doesn’t matter.”

“Then which high school are you going to study? Maybe Xiao Zhenping and I can be at the same school with you after next year!”

Zhu Fukong Liang reported the name of the school, and Hagihara Kenji and Matsuda Jinping both showed confused eyes.

“Xiao Zhenping, have you heard of it?”

“No, there are only those two high schools nearby, right? I’ve never heard of this name.”

“What a pity—it looks like I can’t be an alumni with Xiao Kongliang!”

Zhu Fukongliang didn’t care about it.

As usual, after the night was approaching, the three naturally split into two groups and left.

Matsuda Jinpei and Hagihara Kenji walked side by side on the road where the evening light fell. The half-long-haired boy raised his head slightly and looked at the direction of the setting sun: “It’s a school I haven’t heard of.”

“This kind of thing doesn’t matter a long time ago?” Matsuda Jinping glanced at Hagihara Kenji: “Or, do you still think he is a ghost?”

“Don’t make fun of me about your childhood!” Hagihara Kenji exhaled: “But it’s too difficult for me to take the initiative to ignore the problems that I passively discover – next time I have to ask Xiaokong Ryo to treat me! ”

“Okay, take me one.” Matsuda Jinping glanced at him: “What if it is really a ghost anyway, can you deny that he is a friend now?”

“—So, I said it! Don’t make fun of me about your childhood!” Hagihara Kenji muttered, “I’ll be angry!”

Matsuda Jinping snorted coldly: “Then get angry.”

The afterglow of the setting sun stretched the shadows of the two people very long. In another world, Zhu Fu Kongliang opened his eyes from the bed, looked at the morning sunlight outside the window, and slowly stretched.

It’s a new day.

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