When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 380

Chapter 372: Catch That What?

Chapter 372 Catch that what?

The girl with white hair and red eyes pretended to be vicious and pressed the young man on the blackboard, questioning angrily.

Then she found that there was no sense of panic on the other side, she just looked at herself calmly, and there was even a slight smile in her clear eyes.

Naturally, she was even more angry and annoyed by this, but she had no way to actually do it. She had to carefully suppress her own flame and strength so as not to really hurt the other party. He shouted: “What are you laughing at! What’s so funny!!”

This despicable foreigner, she has been observing for a long time these days, and she couldn’t help but come to question directly.

The main reason is that I really can’t think of any other good ways. After all, she only knows how to solve problems directly, and she is not very good at thinking about too many twists and turns. However, this situation is more difficult than simply encountering the enemy, and she has no way to solve the problem simply by fighting.


Gu Mo slightly restrained the smile in his eyes, and replied seriously.

“I don’t have any bad intentions towards Kaine-sensei, Miss Fujiwara, you must have misunderstood.”

He recognized this girl with white hair and red eyes, whose name was Fujiwara Meihong, and seemed to have a very deep bond with Kasabazawa Huiyin, so it was no wonder that he was so nervous. Moreover, he also had a little impression of this girl, not after coming to work in the temple, but a long time ago.

Fujiwara sister red.

The daughter of a noble family in the Nara period.

His father was Fujiwara Bubi, who was a minister in the early Nara period, and served as Danayan and Minister of the Right… He also appeared in “The Story of Bamboo” and made a cameo in the role called “Prince Chachi”. .

When she was young at the time, she had always been hostile to Kaguya because of her father’s embarrassment, and wanted to take revenge for this arrow. It’s a pity that she couldn’t get close to Hui Ye at that time with all her efforts, and Gu Mo had heard a little about these things at the time, so even if she didn’t have any contact, she was somewhat impressed.

I just didn’t expect to see this girl again after so long.

Moreover, Fujiwara Meihong has also changed from a daughter of a noble family who has no worries about food and clothing to the appearance of this bad girl… But she has also become a Penglai person. The realm of life and death has disappeared, except for becoming white. Mao and Hongtong, nothing else has changed.

For a while, Gu Mo didn’t know, should he feel that “time is a butcher’s knife”.

“You said no!”

Fujiwara Meihong didn’t notice what the young man on the other side was thinking, but stared at him even more angrily, as if she wanted to kill him with her eyes——

“It’s clear that Tianyou and Huiyin are so close these days! How do you explain this?! I saw it with my own eyes! Do you still want to deny it?!”



“I can’t explain that, Miss Fujiwara.”

Gu Mo pretended to sigh, as if very helpless: “If you look closely, you should be able to find it, isn’t it all Teacher Huiyin who came to me these days? And we are just a very simple academic. Communication, nothing else…”

“Damn…you bastard!”

Fujiwara-san was furious, but she didn’t know what to say.

It seems that this is the case. During these days, Huiyin took the initiative to find this outsider with great interest. But it was because of this that she felt an urgent sense of crisis. It would be fine if this little white face was just unilaterally whimsical…

——It is now Huiyin who took the initiative!

——It was the first time ever!

Who knows if they are simply conducting academic exchanges? And even if it is just discussing academic issues and sharing educational experience, who can guarantee that it will always be like this in the future… Fujiwara Meihong is somewhat panicked and worried, and at the same time is somewhat resistant to this matter.

It’s not only that she doesn’t want Huiyin to leave her, but her many years of feelings have made her bond with Huiyin very deeply. The latter means a lot to her. It can be said that she is like a teacher, mother and sister…

Also, she really didn’t want Kaine to be hurt – after all, Gensokyo is not without some examples of human and non-human beings finally coming together, even though it was a very small number of very few. However, certain situations are often unavoidable.

Perhaps in their short career, the two sides did have a short dreamlike happy time.

But there is a problem that follows, but it is unavoidable…

is the inevitable grief of one party watching the other party die first, and then endure the loneliness and pain for the rest of his life.

Thinking through those examples, Fujiwara Meihong took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down as much as possible, but she couldn’t help but glared at the hateful little white face in front of her.

She felt that the situation these days was not quite right, but it was still within the acceptable range. Until this morning, when she rarely wanted to go back to the temple for a meal, Huiyin not only did not cook for her as kindly and considerately as before, by the way, she started chatting and preaching similar to the mother mode, and told her that today she is temporarily No time–

Because it’s already booked.

Shang Bai Zehuiyin should continue to seize the time to learn the advanced teaching experience brought by Mr. Gu Mo from the outside world.

It is really easy to use. Miss Bai Ze feels that her classroom efficiency is improving every day. She has been teaching and educating people all her life. , which is also her lifelong career pursuit.

But for Fujiwara Meihong, it was a bolt from the blue.

That’s why she breaks defenses like this now.

It was clear that he didn’t want to trouble Huiyin before, but he still couldn’t resist the latter’s kindness. He would be called back to Siziwu every three days to accompany her for dinner… Now he took the initiative to come back for dinner, and the result was Huiyin doesn’t have time to spend with him?

If I don’t do anything, Huiyin will definitely be taken away. The more the girl with white hair and red eyes thinks about it, the more angry she becomes, and she becomes more vigilant at the same time. Those bright red eyes stare at the young man in front of her. He and Huiyin had a good life, so why did such a guy suddenly come in?

“Don’t worry, I’m not here to break up your Sizi group, I’m here to join… Oh, no, I’m just here to teach, I can’t say how long I can teach, and Teacher Huiyin is an ordinary colleague. ”

Gu Mo disagreed with this and explained it casually.

“Join what? And how can I trust you?!”

Fujiwara Meihong’s thoughts were filled with anger, unaware that the young man opposite seemed to have mastered his own psychological activities, but continued to ask in a vicious voice, not believing this guy’s statement at all.

“This… Whether you believe this kind of thing can only depend on you, right?” Gu Mo pondered for a while, and said uncertainly, “I can’t write you a guarantee, right?”

This sounds very unreliable.

Fujiwara Meihong is not so naive either. She gritted her teeth and felt more and more anxious… What should I do in this situation? Even she wouldn’t think it’s a good idea to write a letter of guarantee, and now it’s best to prevent sparks from really sparking between the two.

Although there is no such sign yet…

But it is always necessary to prevent micro-duplication…

After all, Huiyin’s rare initiative, and the first time she showed admiration for the knowledge of ordinary people, even a faint sense of admiration, made Fujiwara Meihong feel vigilant. At this moment, it was like a role reversal. She was like a vigilant mother, for fear that her little cabbage would be stolen.

“You…you don’t want to be alone with Huiyin recently.”

gritted his teeth, the white-haired girl said so.

“Okay, I’ll never say a word to Teacher Huiyin in the future…” Gu Mo nodded politely and seemed to be very cooperative.

“You…Are you stupid?!” Fujiwara Meihong suddenly became annoyed, “It’s too obvious, Kaine will definitely doubt it!”

When the time comes, you will be mentally prepared for the headbutt!

Although it is said that if this problem can be solved with a few headbutts, it is indeed quite cost-effective. But the most fearful thing is that Huiyin did not change her mind when she was hit with the headbutt…

“Then what should I do?” Gu Mo played the ball very skillfully, and then kicked the question back, looking at the distressed look of the white-haired girl in front of him with interest.

“Wait, I’ll think about it first…”

Fujiwara-san is upset, why is this so troublesome!

And before she could come up with a perfect plan, she heard a startled voice from outside the door——


At this moment, Fujiwara Meihong was also startled, she turned her head subconsciously, and found a blond girl as delicate as a doll standing at the door of the classroom, looking at it in astonishment.

If it weren’t for the appearance of the girl, the afterglow of the sunset slantingly shone in from the door was blocked, and the light changed, making it almost impossible to notice her approach.

Seeing who is coming, the white-haired girl breathed a sigh of relief.

I was really startled, I thought Huiyin had come back from Ah Qiu so soon! But how could this puppet appear here at this time?

Just as such doubts popped up in her mind, Fujiwara Meihong saw Miss Alice standing outside the door with a shocked expression on her face. She seemed to have reacted. I don’t know if it was an illusion. Spread quickly on her delicate face.

Alice asked in her usual cold tone, but with a colder feeling, “You…what are you doing?!”

The setting sun shines diagonally…

Afterglow against the classroom…

In such a lonely and unspeakable, empty background, the white-haired girl forced the young man to the wall, leaned against the wall with one hand, and made a very classic movement, leaving him with nowhere to escape…

The picture of this scene has an indescribable feeling, and the reversed height difference has an indescribable taste.

However, the blond girl standing at the door of the classroom at this moment, looking at the scene inside, does not know why, but there is a faint blooming of tic tac toe on her forehead.

She probably also noticed that Miss Alice’s cold gaze was a bit wrong, so Fujiwara-san subconsciously looked at herself. When she was angry and anxious just now, it was inevitable that she had disconnected her senses. She didn’t even think about what was wrong with this posture. Feel the reaction…

The next second——

Her cheeks also burned directly.

The kind in the physical sense, which quickly turned red visible to the naked eye, and there seemed to be a mass of high-temperature steam erupting from the head.

(end of this chapter)

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