When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 379

Chapter 371: Vile Outlander!

Chapter 371 Despicable strangers!

He came out of the Hidden Residence and stood on the street in the world.

Alice looked at the young man in front of her, and found that the other party was holding the letter of appointment, looking at it seriously.

She said, “It’s not bad to go to work in Temple House, it’s a very suitable place for outsiders to settle down, but ordinary outsiders don’t have the ability to do this… You’re fine now, and you can stay here in the future. Don’t run around in the village.”

The blond girl also agreed that this person went to teach at the Temple House, which was originally the safest place in the village.

In addition, Kaizawa Huiyin is really very easy to deal with. Fujiwara Meihong, who often goes to Terakoya, seems to have a carefree personality, but under the atmosphere and background of the entire Gensokyo, it is also a rare sense of integrity and conscience. …

“This is really good, there are five insurances and one housing fund…” Gu Mo looked at the letter of appointment in his hand, and nodded in agreement.

The   Hada family is really generous. The salary and treatment offered are not low. What he did was to simply conduct an interview and answer a few very simple questions. When Ah Qiu threw out the prepared interview questions and answered them all by himself, this was considered a pass.

Looking at her appearance, she didn’t seem to expect Gu Mo to answer all of them correctly.

It’s just that Barn Tian Aqiu probably didn’t realize that if she consciously took advantage of this interview opportunity, she might actually be able to get a glimpse of the truth of this world, because any question she asks may get casual job seekers. Reply……

“What five insurances and one housing fund?”

Alice was slightly puzzled, but she quickly understood what this person meant, and then she frowned slightly: “This is a good treatment, isn’t it the most basic treatment? I remember that in the human world, this It’s almost the most basic working conditions, right?”

“Just the most basic working conditions?”

Gu Mo was sighing with emotion about Corporal Li Xian of the Jitian family, when he heard such a thing, he was stunned for a moment.

Then he glanced suspiciously at the letter of appointment in his hand, then looked around again, and had a panoramic view of the world. It is obvious that the houses are generally low, and the ancient style is either made of wood or stone, fully showing the original and ancient style of ancient villages.

but why–

Suddenly felt that this place didn’t look like an old society, but the outside world…

shook his head and put these subtle associations aside, Gu Mo looked at the blond girl with a serious face: “Miss Alice, thank you so much for helping me so much yesterday and today…”

“It’s just… just happened to meet twice.” The blond girl turned her face away, and replied somewhat unnaturally, “I have always helped ordinary people who are trapped in the magic forest, and I am not a specialist. I’m helping you, you, don’t think too much.”

I don’t know why, she subconsciously wanted to emphasize this matter.

Although her current behavior is indeed a bit of concern, she still doesn’t want this person to have any inappropriate thoughts.

“I know… I have seen such a record in “Qiu Wen Shi Ji”.”

Gu Mo smiled. Of course, he also inquired a little about Miss Alice, and found that she did exactly that, about the kind-hearted magician in the magic forest who always helped the lost out of the forest. It was also recorded in the “Qiu Wen Shi Ji” written by that Miss Ah Qiu.

Such deeds can be recorded in the “Qiuwen Shiji”, which indeed shows that Miss Alice is a very kind girl.

“”The History of Qiuwen”?”

The blond girl was stunned for a moment, and she also remembered the same thing.

That is a book about recording the monsters, gods, ghosts, etc. of Gensokyo, which can help people better understand the inhuman world and master the means of coping.

Although the meaning is not too big, especially after the development of the spell card rules, the practical value of this book is far lower than the collection value.

After the advent of the spell card rules developed by the contemporary Hakurei Miko, Gensokyo has entered a new era. Some monsters that still need human fear to survive only need to play a game of cards when the target is locked, and the outcome will be divided. It’s enough to simulate the results of “yokai attacking humans” and “humans retreating from monsters”.

However, the gold content of the book is still very high, and Hida Aqiu is indeed a very ethical person.

Although there will also be some conjectural information, they are all normal guesses, not the tengu’s chasing the wind and making things out of nothing, and more of them are based on textual research, and even specially interviewed the parties, and got the first hand information.

Speaking of this, it also reminded Alice, she said earnestly: “The “Qiu Wen Shi Ji” is really good, you can read it carefully, after reading this book, you will basically know the situation of Gensokyo…”

At that time, this guy was basically able to understand where he could go and where he could not go.

What happened today should never happen again, it makes me mad to think about it.

“Understood, right, Miss Alice is going back to the enchanted forest now, right?”

The young man in white clothes and black hair disapproved. He said with a smile, “Just let me express my gratitude. Now, shall I send you back?”

“No thanks.”

The    blond girl faintly refused, while looking at him with a strange look.

This person is really too thick…

If he sent himself home, how would he come out of the depths of the magic forest by himself? At that time, I didn’t have to send him back by myself, so what’s the point of doing this?


Gu Mo thus became a glorious teacher of Temple House.

He didn’t have a hard time accepting this. He quickly started the new job. After a few days of observation, even Teacher Bai Zehuiyin was very happy and relieved. At the same time, he felt a little complicated. stand up.

In addition to her, there are several other teachers in Terakoya, all of whom are local residents from the world, so their ability and teaching level are quite satisfactory. And this outsider teacher was the first person to be built by Temple House, so he was somewhat uneasy.

——Yes, the inspection period was very short, and it was over in just a few days.

The results of the inspection made Teacher Huiyin feel a lot of heartbreak. It’s not that this outsider is bad, but it’s really good… In just a few days, the effect is immediate and powerful. Those naughty children who are troublesome, whether they are Discipline or motivation to learn, or seriousness, all skyrocketed exponentially.

Classroom discipline gets better at a palpable rate.

Completion of homework is almost the same every day.

After just a few days, Mrs. Huiyin actually found that in the classroom, she had not encountered a situation that caused her blood pressure to soar, and when she was grading homework in the middle of the night, she would no longer grab her hair with both hands, and she worked very hard. Suppress that frantic roar.

Because this outsider teacher is not only able to make the group of students behave in his own classroom, but also really let them burst out with enthusiasm, interest and motivation to learn, and bring these changes to other students. Go to the teacher’s class.

This is the most amazing change.

After all, he is the spiritual master who is most proficient in changing people’s hearts. Even if Gu Mo doesn’t deliberately study this aspect, his control of human nature and psychology is already the pinnacle. What’s more, the object he faced was a group of little devils, and he didn’t need to use the means of mental power interference at all.

is simple language and hints, which can easily arouse students’ interest, make them more enthusiastic and motivated, and gradually solidify these into instinct.

He didn’t think there was anything wrong with this either—

People cannot be completely free and unaffected. The so-called education is also a process of shaping people’s minds in a positive way, which itself is a process of actively influencing the spiritual direction of the educated object.

Others have to try their best to invent various tools and theories through various methods to achieve the desired effect.

But just because the effect is so good, it also makes other teachers feel ashamed, and the same is true for Shangbai Zehui. In particular, I found that although the students have become more positive and self-disciplined in learning, they are still ineffective in their own classes. When it’s too good, it’s even more of a blow to her.

I was able to comfort myself at first, but as time passed another week, in the quiz of the new week, the results clearly explained the problem——

In the subjects in charge of Huiyin Shangbai Ze, the improvement in grades was the weakest, and the contrast was very obvious.

It is obvious that the students study hard with the same attitude, but such a situation occurs, doesn’t it explain the problem? This made Miss Bai Ze a big blow. Many people said that her teaching method was very boring, but she didn’t pay much attention to it in the past.

She felt that education was a serious matter, of course it would not be fun.

But now, it seems that someone has taught her a lesson.

It’s just that Teacher Kaizawa Huiyin is indeed a rare sense of integrity and conscience in Gensokyo. Although he is disappointed and frustrated by such a situation, he will not become angry because of it. Instead, he will soon get back on his feet and take the initiative to express himself to the new one. The teacher who came to ask questions about the teaching experience.

And Gu Mo had the heart to have a good relationship with her, so naturally he knew everything, and he was very willing to pass on a set of efficient experiences he had summarized.

Anyway, it’s not a valuable cheat book or something, and there’s nothing that can’t be shared.

Do what you like and let it be.

With such a two-pronged approach, he soon became closer to this Miss Bai Ze.

The main reason is that Huiyin Shangbai Ze was also in the conversation, and gradually found that the knowledge reserve of this outsider is extremely amazing. It seems that he can understand everything, not only limited to teaching experience, but also not only limited to the subjects he teaches—and He is a master-level figure who is really well-known and remembered, and seems to be an all-round genius.

Learning is endless, and even she was amazed by this profound wisdom.

In several conversations, she was not able to fully discover the wisdom of the other party. Instead, she felt more and more unfathomable. While she couldn’t help being a little curious and doubtful, she couldn’t help it. , talk to each other almost as soon as you have time.

The plan is progressing smoothly, but everything has advantages and disadvantages——

is like this day.

“goodbye teacher……”

“The exercise booklet is on page 45, the three papers just sent to you are also to be done, and there is also an essay. By the way, remember to review the knowledge points learned today, and at the same time preview the content to be taught tomorrow… That’s all. After-school homework, I will check it tomorrow.”

Gu Mo Shiran ended today’s lecture. After the smooth progress of this small half month, he not only shortened the relationship with Miss Bai Ze as scheduled, but also made rapid progress in his career.

He has successfully expanded his teaching subjects to all subjects. He is no longer just a subject of arithmetic, and his position in the temple is now on an equal footing with Miss Bai Ze… This is also the quality of teaching that has been tested by the latter, so I can rest assured. Give him the other subjects as well.

Although it took up some time, Gu Mo didn’t care too much.

watched the students leave one after another, and the young man calmly packed up the things on the podium in the afterglow of the sunset slantingly reflected in the door.

At this moment, the light shining in from outside the door was suddenly blocked. He looked up and saw a pair of bright red eyes.

was furious and extremely vigilant.

next moment.

The white-haired girl who suddenly entered has stepped forward viciously, and with a very strong movement, pressed him against the wall and blackboard behind.

“You despicable stranger! Did you have any bad intentions for Huiyin!”

Looking at the hateful little white face in front of her, Fujiwara-san suppressed her anger and asked in a low voice.


at the same time.

In another place in the human world, the blond girl who had just walked out of the library sighed softly. She came to return the book today…

is just—

After that day, I have been forcibly suppressing that inexplicable concern, no longer paying attention to the situation of the strange outsider, and now I don’t know how he is now.

There should be no problem?

Miss Alice, who felt that she had returned to normal, subconsciously looked in the direction of Terikoya.

(end of this chapter)

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