Chapter 70: Confession of a Broken Girl

Percy was on his knees, exhausted and the fight beaten out of him. Barley unable to move he stumbled forward onto his hands. Blood dripped from his mouth as he had a menacing force tower over him. "This was how it was always going to end, you of all people know that—the traitor who defied Vanguard. You deserve nothing less. He will stand again in the wake of your death. This is how your truth ends Percy Misharp. Die, die like the so-called hero you claim to be."

Two hours earlier…

Drones blipped around the extensive worn down mine system. These were the coordinates for the Cult's hideout. Today was the day that would all end. The final moments were preparing as the stream was setting up, and Team Rhapsody was having their final meeting before it all began.

"So, this is it? The cult, Rodger and P4R4D0X all go down today." Zinnia whispered peering down at the base from the cliffside. "This good isn't it?"

"Well, it will get rid of this fog and the chance of any more mental overloads. So yes, this is good." Alton said.

Zinnia frowned scratching her head. "Then why do I feel so conflicted."

"It is only natural anyone starts getting cold feet when faced with death," Scarlett stated. "Are you having second thoughts?"

"No!" She claimed acting defensive. "I'm ready for this."

Alton could see the tense look in everyone but Scarlett's eyes. He took a deep breath holding his arms out. "Everyone in for one last group meeting."

Percy licked his lips as he kneeled. "We're saving these people, right? Saving them from the brainwashing Marcus pulled on them."

"As best as we can, Percy. I cannot guarantee anything. They will try and kill us. We cannot hold back."

He gulped nodding. "I understand. It's I didn't sign up for V.I.R.A.L to kill anyone."

Alton kneeled with him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Nobody is expecting you to. I'm hoping we can get through this without any casualties on both sides. They see us more than anyone as the bad guys. We are only here to help them. The idea of killing is horrible; I get it. No one should kill anyone, but with these circumstances, you might be given no choice. It will happen so fast you don't even realise you did it."

"I can't do this." He whimpered.

Zinnia kneeled next to him. "Those people out there Percy, they need you. You were the one to break free from the bubble Vanguard had you trapped in. It should be you who frees them too. Nobody has to die."

"I know. I'm not backing down. They need me now more than ever. I'm going to save them all."

"Whoa, settle down sport and leave some for the rest of us." Gale chuckled.

Zinnia stood up, wiping her eyes. "Everyone groups hug!"

"Eh, I don't know about that." Emil stuttered.

He wasn't given much choice as everyone was pulled in for a hug. Alton looked down sighing. "Stay safe, everyone. Watch each other's backs. Let's bring down the cult and save the day!"

Everyone cheered as they began to set off. Zinnia stopped Percy giving him one last hug. "You can do this; we took down Vanguard. We can do it again. Don't push yourself too hard. Ok?"

Percy smiled nodding. "You too."

Scarlett looked over the horizon flipping through their cards. "Giving them false hope like that isn't good Alton."


"You, Emil and Gale might be ready, but those two are still just kids. They aren't ready for the sort of battle we are about to get into."

Alton sighed. "I'm well aware of that. We might not even get through this. I have no idea what is down there. But we have to do this. To save Rhinefield."

"Rhinefield? Or is it just to save your own skin?" She asked, getting a muted response. "Forget it. Stupid question. You. You stay safe out there."

"You too. Scarlett, please keep Zinnia safe."

Scarlett smirked glancing at her. "You really care for her, don't you? I cannot help but feel jealous."

"It isn't like that." Alton shoved off. "There aren't enough good decent people out there. I don't want to admit it to her, but she has saved my life. A real hero cape and everything."

"Do you love her?" Scarlett questioned, staring at Alton.

Alton placed his hands in his pockets, laughing it off slightly. "What sort of question is that? I still can't quite work you out Scarlett, but I think you already know the answer to that."

"That I can confirm I do."

"Then why even ask such a question?"

Scarlett rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "You can be so naïve." She got her on tippytoes kissing Alton, this time only a quick peck and nothing more. She held her hands behind her back swaying left and right. "You better tell her after all this is over with. If you don't, I'll keep teasing you like that."

"Tease away, I say."

"You jerk. Don't go playing with my heart like that."

"Why did you fall in love with me for?"

Scarlett looked over her shoulder, sticking her tongue out in a playful tone. "Who said anything about falling in love, Brantley?"


"Go on get out of here. We all got our places to be. This Cult isn't going to take themselves down." She joked, waving her hand around. Alton gave up the battle turning off and walking away. Out of sight, Scarlett lowered her head, cursing herself. "You idiot, Scarlett. You played the part too well…"


"You quite done with your friendship is magic bullshit yet?" Monty barked resting from a tree. "You lot all act like some happy go lucky family, and it makes me sick."

"Family?" Alton whispered. "Yeah, I guess in a way we are family."

"Tch, what a joke. To think you lot are rivalling me…"

"If we are done checking dick sizes gentlemen shall we prepare for the important term of events?" Goro boldly yelled, looking through a set of binoculars. "We are just about ready."

Monty jumped down, snatching the binoculars watching the events about to turn out. "For the record, I'm not about to take orders from a boring old human like you."

Goro smirked lying on his back. "You must be really pathetic then, huh? Given special powers by your daddy and you still can't overtake a plain old human like myself."

"You little shit…" Before Monty could start a fight, the stream announced it starts as he was forced to pull back refusing to look immoral live. He snarled, looking into the binoculars. "I'll prove you all wrong. I'm better than Team Rhapsody."

Alton heard those words but wasn't quite sure on how to make of them. He wasn't sure if those were for show on stream or his true feelings. He wouldn't have time to dwell on the matter as the first line of the attack began—the distraction.

Jinx had climbed down the cliffside during the setup. She was step one to the plan. The Viral stream had begun, and this was step one.

Step one – Vociferous

Serval Cult members were caught off guard as Jinx was skipping towards them in her skimpy streamer outfit. She wore a school uniform with a very short skirt and belts of ammunition and grenades wrapped around her arms. She had a red bow tie and sunglasses with the words Jinx time written on each shade. She stopped chewing on bubble gum holding in her chaotic nature as best as she could. They each held guns up to her as one was fired in the heat of the moment. The bullet grazed her cheek. She seemed unfazed by the gunshot as she wiped her cheek, holding her hand up as she blew a bubble. "Cool guns. Want to see my babies?" Out of thin air, two jam-packed grenade launchers appeared in her hands. Each Cult members looked on in horror as Jinx began hopping up and down with a childish look on her face as she began to howl with laughter. "Boom."

The entire entrance to the hideout was obliterated, leaving nothing but chaos and destruction as Jinx didn't stop firing watching in awe the explosions she was creating.

Monty shook her head tutting. "That fucking bitch always gets too into it. Tch, whatever, that's the signal all ready for step two."

As the explosions set off both Scarlett's team and Iris' team rushed in taking down the heavy load distracting the hordes of Cult members back up.

Step two – Immaculate

 The large numbers of Cult members gave chase to the two streaming groups who fled into the canyon, leaving a large opening for an attack. Goro leaned over smirking. "I'll give those CEO bastards something they know how to make a plan."

"It isn't over yet. Wait for it." A short while went by as three more Cult members in long robes came out. "Step three is about to begin."

With the more important ranking members of the Cult appeared, Gale's team rushed in getting the jump on them.

Step three – Rampage

The Cult members were taken down almost instantly, leaving the entrance clean of defence and the start of step four.

Step four – Abyss

The cult members were tied up and hidden for no evidence of an attack. With the entrance secured, Gale's team headed around the edge of the base for another entrance keeping their presence unknown. "And now we act out the final step. Step five.

Step five – Lacerate

Monty threw away the binoculars. "Time to storm the base. Let's move."

Step one, Vociferous, a loud and alarming distraction to draw out the Cult. Step two, Immaculate, cleanly draw away any unnecessary target for the real mission and step three, Rampage, take down and destroy the higher up threats before they know what hits them. This would lead into step four, abyss, vanish leaving no traces for the real fight to begin. And finally, step five. Lacerate, tear the skin of the Cult as the final team rush in taking on the brink of the attack with the others sneak around taking the rest by surprise.

This was the plan behind the stream and it would be the downfall of the Cult. This plan was simply known as,

Operation Viral.

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