Chapter 69: The Calm Before the Storm

Most people were tense this night. It couldn't be helped with the day ahead, proving to be a difficult one for many of them. Although they agreed to such methods, it wasn't ideal for any streamer in the room, none of them was soldiers. Most were not heroes. The idea of risking one's life was a laughing stock to most, so the idea of fighting the Cult of Vanguard alongside P4R4D0X was nothing more than frightening, to say the least. Out of the streamers though it was Zinnia, of course, who was trying to lift the mood as the streamers had their final meal before the battle ahead.

"What should we do after our victory tomorrow? I was thinking of renting out a karaoke room for the whole day, and we just sing whatever problems we have away."

Emil scoffed scooping the last of his mash potato. "Not every problem in this world can be solved with cheesy singing Zinnia."

"For once, I have to agree with Emil." Gale sighed, looking down. "This suck."

Zinnia looked around lost at all the negativity. "Why is everyone so down? This is the first proper mission Team Rhapsody has been given. We're saving the whole city isn't that awesome."

"Guess I would be more pumped if we were all together for this one. Being split up makes me that bit more paranoid." Gale complained. "Can't help but feel sorry for you and Alton dude, teaming up with Monty."

"Something tells me he won't be watching our back." He grumbles glancing over his shoulder, seeing Monty and Goro sitting on a table together in silence.

"Hey, at least we all have someone on the team to watch our back. I've got you Scarlett and Emil you have Alton, Percy has got your back Gale, right Percy?"

Percy looked up from his plate, looking deflated. "Huh?"

"Are you alright?" She questioned.

Percy shrugged his shoulders blankly. "I don't really know how to feel. Tomorrow we are going to be taking down the Cult, but I can't help but feel bad for them all. Many of them were like me. Blindly following an idol refusing to accept any bad things about him. They are just as much of a victim as we are."

"You want to save them." Scarlett points out. "That is very bold of you, but I assume on the day they will not be thanking you for setting them free. They will try to kill you, try not to forget that."

"From how you make it sound, you are quite prepared to kill them," Emil said, giving her a dodgy look.

Scarlett gave a small smirk resting her hand on the table. "Don't worry about me, darling."

Alton walked in, sitting at the table next to Zinnia. He leaned forward, rubbing his eyes. "Where have you been?"


"Ice queen here snuck out just after the meeting." Jinx teased leaning on Alton's shoulder. "Not even your team know where you went. How suspicious."

Alton jerked his shoulder, knocking Jinx off. "Where I go is none of your business Montague."

Jinx pouted sitting next to Alton. "What you said there is mean. Comparing me to a Montague is very, very mean!"

"But you are a Montague."

Jinx began pulling facing trying to come up with an excuse. "Well yeah, suppose I am. Unlike Emil here I'm actually related to Monty. But I don't really like to associate myself with those lot. They want to all be powerful and the best streamers. All of that is just so much hard work."

"Why did you become a streamer then?" Zinnia asked, curious.

Jinx laughed nudging up closer to Zinnia. "Simple, I became a streamer because it seemed like fun."

"Fun? That can't be it." Gale added.

"Why not? I get to blow shit up and cause as much chaos as I want and people will tune in and watch. I see that as a win-win! The money and fame mean nothing to me. I just get to enjoy living in the moment and doing what I do best."

"I expected nothing less." Emil sighed.

Jinx began tapping her fingers on the table, staring Emil down. A smile formed as she flipped a knife around pretending to throw it at Emil. He flinched, ready to fight as she shook her head giggling to herself, leaning on the table. "You need to learn to relax brother. Always so tense. Take after the boy wonder back there."

Team Rhapsody turned, seeing both Goro and Monty looking. Both turned away the moment that happened. She took a bite from Alton's bread, talking with her mouth full. "Monty like really hates your guts. I've never seen that boy determined over proving he is better than you guys. It's a nice change of pace."

"You think that's going to affect tomorrow's raid?" Alton asked.

"Nah, he may hate you, but our daddy has him on a string. He pulls off another wrong move after Emil, and he'll be excommunicated from the family. That boy is on mighty thin ice, and he knows it."

"All because of the two fights we've got in with him?" Zinnia questioned. "Isn't that a little much?"

"As I said, my family is like super strict. Look bad in public, and it hurts them."

"Then what about you?"

"I told you I'm not like the other Montagues. What I do doesn't matter in their eyes. I make my own money and do what I want. No Montague is going to take that away from me."

"Then how in the hell have you not been kicked out," Gale argued.

Jinx smugly chuckled leaning in whispering. "You kidding me? Those fuckers wouldn't dare kick me out. We made an oath."

"An oath?"

"Yeah, that's right a motherfucking oath! Although kick me out or not don't make much difference to me. The family is falling apart anyway."

"They are?" Alton questioned. "I haven't heard anything about it."

"Of course, you hadn't its very hush, hush. Shh!" She ushered, holding a finger over her mouth. "I can't say much, there's even shit I can't speak of, but it has a lot to do with your bastard friend and me."

Emil nodded. "I expected much. My existence would only spell doom for the family."


"Well, I was born into the Montagues but not in the way most were. Our father had an affair with a maid, my mother; when I was born for some strange reason, he decided to take me in personally when she died. Letting the secret loose was a huge blow to the family. A bastard child like me is seen as a curse."

"And there's me, the bad luck charm. The two of us have really fucked things up for the family without even trying. How cool is that." She giggled. "Can I join you guys."

"You want to join Team Rhapsody?" Emil flinched. "Where the hell did this come from?"

"I don't know, sounds like fun." She howled before turning to Alton, who had a severe dead look. "Maybe not. I like you guys; I really do, but you'll probably cramp my style." Goro walked over, sitting at Team Rhapsody's table. "I was wondering when you were going to break and join the enemy side."

"What do you guys think of the CEOs?" He asked.

"The CEOs?" Alton asked. "I must admit, they do seem a bit off."

"Glad someone else agrees. I'd be more worried about them than this Cult."

"One of the CEOs, he said he knew my mother." Zinnia whispered.

Alton flinched looking shocked. "You serious? One hundred per cent sure?"

She nodded. "He approached me after the meeting, said his name was Kurt."

"Did he give a last name?" Goro asked. Zinnia shook her head. "Strange. I assume you lot have heard of the four legendary heroes yes?"

"Only recently," Gale said. "The Phantom, Geostruction, Timekeeper and The Gatekeeper."

"Bingo. Well, the funny thing is, the Phantom was found out to be called Kurt after his disappearance."

"You're not seriously suggesting this CEO is one of the legendary heroes?" Alton chuckled.

"Of course, not get a grip!" Goro barked. "It was just a coincidence I thought of."

"Maybe it isn't…" Zinnia whispered. "Gale, when the garden and Acceptance took me, he told me something. He also knew my parents. Said my last name was Trost. He told me they were the legendary heroes of old. This can't be a coincidence anymore."

"He was most likely lying. Trying to get into your head." Gale argued.

"No, every word that monster said was the truth. He only accepts the truth." Alton whispered.

"If your parents were actually the legendary heroes of old that would mean either this CEO knows the old heroes. Or…"

"He is one of them." Zinnia finished. "I don't want to jump to conclusions, but if all of this is true, he might be…"

Alton slammed the table. "I know how that sentence is going to end and I'm stopping it there. Are any of you hearing yourselves? Like seriously. The heroes of old died over 400 years ago fighting unspeakable evils. Even if somehow, they managed to survive no one can live for that long. You told me Zinnia that you accepted your parents weren't coming back. Just because one stranger claims he knew your mother doesn't mean anything."

Zinnia frowned nodding. "I suppose you're right…"

With all the commotion, no one noticed Monty had got up and sat on their table. It was only Scarlett who caught on as she eyed him down. "Who said you could sit with us?"

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know this seat was taken." He hissed.

"What are you doing here, brother?" Jinx questioned.

Monty turned to Alton, pointing at him. "Tomorrow. I don't care what happens, do not get in my way."

"I see this as a challenge. Are you challenging me?"

"See it however you like. I've got my eyes fixated on taking down the leader of the Cult. I don't need yours or anyone's help."

"You hate his guts don't you Monty." Goro insisted. "You need to learn when to turn it down a notch."

"That's a bit rich coming from you. If I recall you blew off the whole operation acting like a cocky bastard."

"And I apologise for that. I'm use to having a friend of mine keeping me in line. She kept me down to earth."

"You mean Gemini Fujisaki? Better known to us as P4R4D0X." Scarlett pointed out.

Everyone looked shocked as Goro chuckled to himself. "You are quite the observe one, figures you are apart of the Dawn family after all. Yes, I shall confirm Gemini Fujisaki was a good friend of mine at one point."

Scarlett looked down on him, interrogating him with a demonic look. "Figured as much. You mentioned the name during the first meeting and left. I did find it odd why you came back after all. But once the target's name was confirmed and the fact you were going on about being the one to take down P4R4D0X I easily put the pieces together."

"So, what, you going to turn against us now to save her?" Monty questioned, cracking his knuckles.

"If I may?" He spoke, holding his hands up. "All that I said back then was true. I was good friends with Gemini and her sister. I was a part of their group as we dreamed of becoming big streamers. When her sister died, we split ways. I haven't heard from her since. But now with what's happening, I intend to be the one to put her out of her misery."

"You intend on killing her? I must say even I wasn't expecting that." Scarlett muttered.

"I don't buy it." Monty snapped.

"See it as you will. If you intend of fighting me, I won't hold back. I can't let anything keep me from saving her." Goro threatened.

Monty gritted his teeth tutting. "Whatever. You better not get in my way tomorrow."

Goro watched him leave as he shook his head. "Always so reckless. I know it's rather selfish of me, but I do hope you can allow me to be the one to take care of her."

Alton stared idly at him before standing up. "It's late we should all be getting to bed. We have a busy day tomorrow."

"You should be the one to take her out," Percy spoke up. "Seeing someone you cared about fall to madness. I understand that. It can only be you who does it. I'm destroying this Cult for all the victims of Vanguard."

Goro nodded. "I appreciate that, Percy. Thank you."

Jinx raised her glass yelling. "Let's fuck shit up tomorrow!"

Everyone went their separate ways hitting the hay. Before Alton did, he was stopped by Zinnia. "What were you doing sneaking out of the HQ?"

"You want to know? Very well, I gave our good friend Vanguard a visit."

"Vanguard? Why?"

"I needed some answers."

"Did you get them?"

"No. Not one of them. Waste of time if you ask me. Any other questions you want to pry me with Zinnia?"

She shook her head, feeling the hostile aura coming off Alton. "No, sorry." Alton shook his head, walking off. "Alton, when this is all said and done. I'm going to talk to the CEO. If he knows anything about my mother, I need to know."

Alton turned to her. "I won't stop you. Suppose that is truly what you want. Just be aware. Somethings are better off not knowing about our parents. Night."

Zinnia stood lost as she spoke half-heartedly. "Good night…"

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