Villain Is Bodyguard of Heroine’s Poisonous Stepmother

Chapter 64: White Rose Surrenders

In the Rose Bar, tension hung in the air as White Rose’s bodyguard readied herself for action, a cold glint flickering in White Rose’s eyes. Chen Luo observed her calmly, impressed by her restraint in not immediately turning hostile.

“Mr. Chen, jokes shouldn’t be made recklessly,” White Rose remarked.

Chen Luo smiled, “Do you think I’m joking?”

“If you’re not joking, Mr. Chen, could you show me the confidence behind your words?” White Rose maintained her composure, her well-cultivated demeanor preventing her from showing any anger.

But don’t be mistaken about White Rose’s character. To hold her ground in Magic City’s underworld, she had to possess ruthless tactics.

“Is this considered my confidence?” Chen Luo asked as he placed a Desert Eagle on the table.

“Mr. Chen, do you think a gun can intimidate me?” White Rose asked.

“No, no, I never thought a gun could threaten you,” Chen Luo replied.

Suddenly, the bodyguard standing next to White Rose collapsed to the ground, her gun falling unused. Chen Luo moved behind White Rose and placed his hands on her shoulders. A flash of anger sparked in White Rose’s eyes. Throughout her life, no man had dared to touch her, and now Chen Luo was the first to boldly do so.

“Your bodyguard was too nervous, I thought it best to let her rest for a bit,” Chen Luo whispered in White Rose’s ear.

“Take your hands off me, stay away,” White Rose demanded coldly.

“And what if I don’t? You wouldn’t kill me, would you?” Chen Luo challenged.

In an instant, White Rose reacted. She leaned back and swiftly aimed a kick at Chen Luo’s head. The slender leg that White Rose kicked out was swiftly caught by Chen Luo, who shook his head slightly as he held her ankle.

“Safety pants are undoubtedly humanity’s most disappointing invention,” he remarked, his interest visibly waning upon seeing them.

“Let go of me,” White Rose demanded furiously.

“I will,” Chen Luo replied, releasing her instantly. As soon as he let go, White Rose sprang up, aiming a punch directly at Chen Luo’s throat.

“Quite ruthless in your attack,” Chen Luo commented, acknowledging her skills. “You’re much stronger than the average person, but unfortunately, you’ve met me.”

A swift punch from Chen Luo landed on White Rose’s abdomen. Although he used only a fraction of his strength, it was still too much for her to bear. Coughing up blood, she fainted.

“This knocked you out?” Chen Luo remarked as he looked down at White Rose collapsed on the floor. He patted her face to ensure she wasn’t feigning unconsciousness. She truly had passed out from the pain.

Chen Luo wasn’t the type to be tender or pitying, at least not toward others. He doused her face with a cup of cold water to wake her up. When White Rose finally regained consciousness, she was in evident agony. Looking up at Chen Luo, she realized how ruthless he could be.

“Have you considered my offer?” Chen Luo asked. “Working for me, you won’t lose anything. On the contrary, you’ll gain a lot.”

Indeed, aligning with Chen Luo could bring her many benefits. If she pleased him, Chen Luo could grant her power, even longevity. The system traded life years for merely ten million a year. A steep price for the Chen Luo of the past but quite affordable for his current wealth, even cheap. Immortality, something even ancient emperors couldn’t achieve, was within reach if she chose to work with him. In theory, White Rose had everything to gain in this arrangement.

“You can give up on that idea, I will never work for anyone,” White Rose said firmly, her voice steady despite the lingering pain in her abdomen.

“Is that so?” Chen Luo’s hand gripped White Rose’s neck, lifting her off her feet as a suffocating pressure enveloped her. “Are you not even afraid of the threat of death?”

“If you kill me, you’ll pay the price,” White Rose retorted, struggling against Chen Luo’s iron-like grip, but to no avail. Her combat skills were superior to an ordinary person’s, but they paled in comparison to Chen Luo’s.

“Fine, let’s see if you truly fear death.” Chen Luo’s grip tightened further, cutting off White Rose’s air completely.

“Nod if you agree to submit, shake your head if you don’t,” he said coldly.

Despite her beauty, White Rose now faced a stark choice, submit or die at his hands. Chen Luo, with the system’s backing, could handle the complications of killing her.

Looking into Chen Luo’s merciless eyes, White Rose realized he was serious about killing her. As the suffocating sensation intensified, her fear grew. She might have faced a swift death bravely, but the agony of suffocation was unbearable. Terrified, she wanted to nod in submission, but Chen Luo’s tight hold made it impossible.

“I submit,” she managed to gasp out in her last bit of strength.

Chen Luo released his grip, and White Rose collapsed to the floor, coughing violently as she gulped in air, her brush with death making her appreciate life anew.

“Now we are allies,” Chen Luo said, his cold expression replaced by a warm smile.

White Rose looked into his eyes, briefly averting her gaze. She had to admit, she was afraid of Chen Luo.

This man, with his handsome appearance and sunny smile, was far from the harmless individual he appeared to be. In fact, he was even more ruthless than White Rose herself.

Sitting on the sofa, Chen Luo watched White Rose, who, still shaken, dared only to stand and not sit.

“Take a seat. After all, I’m not a bad person, don’t be too frightened of me,” he said, somewhat amused by her apprehension. He hadn’t expected a single threat of death to intimidate White Rose to such an extent.

“First, transfer one billion to this account,” he said, presenting a card to her. The amount shocked White Rose, who almost leaped in disbelief. Did he think she printed money? Though her total assets were around a hundred billion, her liquid assets were not that substantial.

“Is that a problem?” Chen Luo asked, frowning slightly.

“No,” White Rose replied quickly, perhaps still affected by the fear.

Satisfied, Chen Luo nodded, “Good. Don’t worry, this one billion will ultimately be spent on you.”

White Rose, however, found no comfort in his words. Scraping together all her liquid assets, she managed to transfer the one billion to Chen Luo.

Upon entering White Rose’s office lounge, Chen Luo traded with the system for two female androids.

“From now on, you will be called Qiuzhu, and you will be called Dongju,” he named them.

“Thank you for naming us, Master,” they responded.

“Don’t call me Master, call me Brother Luo instead.”

Chen Luo then walked out from the lounge with Qiuzhu and Dongju, leaving White Rose stunned. Her lounge had been empty, and Chen Luo hadn’t brought anyone in with him. Where did these two women come from?

Could Chen Luo also perform magic and conjure people from thin air? But magic relied on props, and her lounge had none. White Rose found Chen Luo even more mysterious now.

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