Villain Is Bodyguard of Heroine’s Poisonous Stepmother

Chapter 63: Ye Chen Gathers Reinforcements

In a minor nation within Heizhou*, a foreigner, as burly as a gorilla, answered his incessantly ringing phone, “Oh, BOSS, you’ve finally reached out. We were starting to think you’d cut off contact with us.”

“Cut the small talk, Mu’er. I’m calling you for an important matter,” came Ye Chen’s icy voice through the phone. “I need you and your team to come to Xia Country to help me.”

“BOSS, did I hear you correctly? You’re asking for our help? With your capabilities, what can’t you handle?” Mu’er responded in disbelief. In his view, Ye Chen was a near-mythical figure. Was there really a situation beyond Ye Chen’s control?

“Just come when I tell you to. How many members do we still have in the Blood Wolf Mercenary Corps?”

As the leader of the Blood Wolf Mercenary Corps, Ye Chen had commanded a group that, while not at the top, was the third most powerful mercenary corps. Their ranking was due to their limited numbers, but in terms of combat effectiveness, they were unrivaled.

Apart from Ye Chen, a non-human being, each member was exceptionally strong, matching the elite special forces of various nations. These were soldiers forged in the heat of countless battles.

“BOSS, after you stepped back, our group was ambushed by enemies. We lost three brothers, and seven others have since left the business. Currently, only twelve of us are active,” Mu’er reported.

Their group had been small, just over twenty members, but they had earned a formidable reputation. Even the top two mercenary groups were cautious not to cross them.

“Bring them to me in Magic City,” Ye Chen directed.

“But BOSS, entering Xia Country won’t be easy. Your nation is notoriously strict with its border control.”

“I’ll arrange support for you. Just get in touch when you arrive, and remember, no weapons. We can’t risk you getting caught,” Ye Chen directed over the phone. It was safer to source weapons in Magic City through Xiao Yongqiang than to attempt smuggling them into the country.

“Xia Country is like a fortress, and frankly, I’m not keen on going there. But if you, BOSS, are calling, we’ll be there in two days,” Mu’er replied promptly, acknowledging Ye Chen’s command.

“Brothers, time to depart this war-torn land. Our BOSS has called us to Xia Country.”

“That’s fantastic! Fighting alongside BOSS once more.”

“Is Xia Country dangerous?”

“We’ve survived gunfire and battlefields, there’s nothing to fear.”


“Chen Luo, once my men reach Magic City your end is near,” Ye Chen muttered, his eyes red with vengeful determination.

Repeatedly bested by Chen Luo and his allies, the proud Ye Chen found these setbacks unbearable. To save Xiao Qingxue, he had to deal with Chen Luo, there was no other way.


Upon reaching the Rose Bar, Chen Luo exited his car and entered the venue.

“I’m sorry, sir, but we’re not open yet. The bar operates from 6 PM,” a staff member informed Chen Luo. The Rose Bar wasn’t a round-the-clock establishment, focusing only on evening operations.

“I’m here to meet your boss,” Chen Luo responded with a casual smile.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t authorize that,” the staff member hesitated.

“Then find someone who can,” Chen Luo stated calmly but assertively.

Shortly, the bar manager arrived, examining Chen Luo carefully before asking in a serious tone, “You’re here to see our boss?”

“Correct, I need to discuss something important with your boss,” Chen Luo confirmed.

He was at the bar owned by Bai Meigui*. Faced with the choice between Jin Sanye and Bai Meigui, Chen Luo had opted for the latter. If she proved uncooperative, his only alternative would be Jin Sanye. However, this posed a challenge since Jin Sanye was backed by the Wang family, one of the four major families of Magic City.

Chen Luo thought, ‘If Bai Meigui won’t ally with me, I’ll end up provoking the Wang family. It’s not wise to create enemies on all fronts, so approaching Bai Meigui seemed like the only option.’

“What exactly do you wish to discuss with our boss?” the bar manager asked, regarding Chen Luo with caution.

“There are some things you don’t need to know,” Chen Luo responded, his demeanor calm yet commanding, conveying an air of authority that intimidated the manager. His refined appearance belied a complex and formidable character.

“I’m sorry, but our boss isn’t here,” the manager quickly said.

Chen Luo’s expression turned sharp. “If she wasn’t here, why would I bother coming? Don’t play games with me.”

His intense gaze made the manager break into a nervous sweat. Chen Luo’s confidence in Bai Meigui’s presence was founded on reliable intelligence obtained through his system, leaving no margin for error.

“Let him come up,” Bai Meigui’s voice sounded in the manager’s earpiece.

“Please follow me,” the manager said, leading Chen Luo to the sixth floor of the Rose Bar.

At the door of a room, he knocked lightly. The door opened with a click, and an impassive woman stepped aside, allowing Chen Luo to enter.

As for the bar manager who had guided Chen Luo, he lacked the clearance to enter.

Chen Luo’s attention was immediately captured by Bai Meigui, seated with poise on the sofa. She was dressed in an exquisite white gown, contrasted with black tights, creating an eye-catching black-and-white ensemble. Her figure and looks were impeccable, her elegant brows and bright eyes exuding a beauty that matched Zhao Yingxuan’s.

No wonder Zhao Yingxuan had referred to Bai Meigui as a great beauty, despite never having seen her in person. True encounters with Bai Meigui were rare.

“Your unfettered gaze seems a bit inappropriate,” Bai Meigui remarked, signaling Chen Luo to sit down.

Chen Luo cleared his throat, acknowledging his involuntary appraisal. Bai Meigui appeared even more luxurious than Zhao Yingxuan, arguably the most mesmerizing woman he had met. Her allure was on par with the captivating Zhao Yingxuan.

“Would you like to introduce yourself?” Bai Meigui asked.

“I’m Chen Luo, likely a nobody to you,” he replied with a smile, accepting a cup of tea from what seemed to be Bai Meigui’s bodyguard.

Bai Meigui observed Chen Luo. She was unfamiliar with his name, but she doubted he was a mere nobody. How else could he have pinpointed her location amidst the myriad of Rose Bars in Magic City? She was convinced he must have reliable information sources.

“And what is the purpose of your visit?” Bai Meigui asked.

At this, the stoic female bodyguard who had let Chen Luo in tensed up. A visitor like him could pose a threat, and her vigilance for Bai Meigui’s safety was understandable.

“I’ll be direct. I want you to work for me in the future,” Chen Luo said candidly, getting straight to the point.

Bai Meigui’s expression remained stoic, but she felt a surge of irritation. She gazed intently at the composed Chen Luo, wondering about the source of his confidence to presume he could persuade her to join his cause.

Note: Heizhou (黑州) means black province or black state. I can only assume it refers to the African continent. Also, Bai Meigui means White Rose

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