Villain Is Bodyguard of Heroine’s Poisonous Stepmother

Chapter 139: A Dad Indeed

Li Qiwen finally arrived, and seeing the corpses on the ground, he was somewhat scared.

“Dad, you’re here too.”

Li Zhong thought his wayward son was calling him, but turning his head, he saw Li Qiwen wasn’t even looking at him. Instead, Li Qiwen was making a fawning expression at Chen Luo, leaving Li Zhong completely dumbfounded.

“What are you calling him ‘dad’ for?”

He nearly spat blood in frustration. Gu Wanyu’s betrayal was a stab in the back, but that betrayal was nothing compared to Li Qiwen’s.

Chen Luo was his sworn enemy, yet Li Qiwen was calling him ‘dad’.

“Old fool.” Li Qiwen kicked Li Zhong, showing his ‘filial piety’ in action.

The physical pain of that kick was nothing compared to the agony in Li Zhong’s heart.

“I have no son like you.”

Li Zhong was so enraged by Li Qiwen that he actually spat blood. Even if someone threatened your life, you shouldn’t acknowledge a thief as your father. He was unworthy of being his son. Li Qiwen simply did not deserve the title.

“You think I want to be your son? I’ve got a new dad now.”

Li Qiwen looked at Li Zhong smugly, as if recognizing Chen Luo as his father was the most glorious thing.

Chen Luo patted Li Qiwen’s shoulder, “You really are a devoted son, aren’t you?”

“Of course, dad. Don’t worry, I’ll definitely be good to you from now on. Could you possibly remove the gu worm from my body?”

Li Qiwen looked up at Chen Luo, ingratiatingly.

What was the reason for his eagerness to please Chen Luo? It was nothing more than to get rid of the ticking time bomb inside him. A terrifying swarm of Gu worms resided within his body, making even sleep restless for him.

Even if he couldn’t feel them most of the time, the fear was real. He feared the sudden rampage of the Gu worms inside him, which could kill him instantly.

“I don’t need your filial piety.”

Chen Luo unceremoniously kicked Li Qiwen aside.

Who would dare to accept such devotion? Comparable to the infamous traitor Lu Bu, Li Qiwen was a once-in-a-millennium piece of work.

Despite the pain from the kick, Li Qiwen still looked up at Chen Luo with utter submissiveness.

“Now that your son is here, let him accompany you on your last journey.”

“Dad, I’m not his son. You’re the only dad I have now.”

Li Qiwen faced Chen Luo with a respectful demeanor.

Li Zhong on the ground was nearly fainting from rage–such excessive filial piety. This son should have never been born, or if born, should have been strangled right away.

Gu Wanyu couldn’t help but frown at Li Qiwen’s behavior. Although she was inwardly pleased to hear Li Qiwen calling Chen Luo ‘dad’, his actions made it impossible for her to feel happy.

“After we achieve our goal, he must be eliminated.”

Such an overly devoted son could not be spared. Keeping him was inviting disaster.

“Enough talk, finish him off.”

“Dad, don’t worry. I have nine ways to kill him, nine.” Li Qiwen approached Li Zhong with a fierce look, grinning menacingly.

“Do you really intend to kill me?” Li Zhong coldly regarded his son.

“Old fool, do you know? I’ve wanted you dead for so long. Why should Li Ting, that eyesore, be so doted upon? Not only will you die, but Li Ting will die by my hands as well.” Li Qiwen’s long-standing grievances against Li Zhong burst forth at this moment.

Li Zhong had always been too harsh on Li Qiwen, treating him vastly differently from Li Ting, which had long bred jealousy in Li Qiwen.

This jealousy, hidden deep within him, never dared to surface in defiance of Li Zhong, so it was never vented. But now things were different. He finally had the chance to end the old man’s life.

Picking up a hammer from the ground—one of the torture tools previously brought out by Gu Wanyu—Li Qiwen raised it menacingly toward Li Zhong.

“Wait,” Li Zhong shouted loudly.

“What, you’re scared now?” Chen Luo looked indifferently at Li Zhong.

Li Zhong was indeed scared, but his call to wait was not a plea for mercy to Chen Luo, knowing well that it would be futile. Chen Luo, for his purposes, would never spare him; his only path was death.

However, Li Zhong did not wish to die at the hands of Li Qiwen, this failure.

“You may kill me, but let someone else do it. I refuse to die by this failure’s hand,” Li Zhong expressed his wish to Chen Luo.

“Heh, you think you have the right to choose how you die?” Chen Luo scoffed coldly, then ordered Li Qiwen to proceed.

With an unmerciful swing of the hammer, Li Qiwen struck Li Zhong’s chest. Although Li Qiwen wasn’t very strong, the blow left Li Zhong half-dead.

“Hahaha, die, old man.”

Seemingly unwilling to grant Li Zhong a swift death, Li Qiwen did not end it quickly. Had he wished for a quick end for Li Zhong, he wouldn’t have chosen a hammer. Choosing a hammer to finish off Li Zhong indicated that Li Qiwen had no intention of granting him a quick death.

After continuously hammering for five minutes, an out-of-breath Li Qiwen stopped, and Li Zhong took his last breath. His eyes were wide open in death, his gaze still brimming with endless resentment. Thankfully, this isn’t a world of supernatural hauntings; otherwise, Li Zhong might have become a vengeful ghost seeking revenge.

At his dying moment, the person Li Zhong resented the most must have been Li Qiwen.

“Dad, I’ve killed him.”

After killing Li Zhong, Li Qiwen showed no change in expression, revealing the ruthlessness of his heart.

“How shall we dispose of the body?”

Gu Wanyu looked at Li Zhong’s gruesomely disfigured corpse, asking Chen Luo for guidance.

Now, the challenging part was dealing with Li Zhong’s body. Killing Li Zhong was the easy part, but explaining the cause of his death was another matter.

“You should leave first,” Chen Luo calmly told Li Qiwen.

“Dad, Mom, I’ll be going then.”

Disappointment flashed in Li Qiwen’s eyes, his greatest hope being that Chen Luo would remove the lethal Gu worms from his body, freeing him from this deadly threat. But that was impossible. With Li Qiwen’s ruthlessness, especially in how he tormented Li Zhong, Chen Luo certainly wouldn’t remove the Gu worms from his body.

If it weren’t for this guy’s usefulness, Chen Luo might not have let him live.

After Li Qiwen left, Chen Luo asked Ah Wen to leave as well, leaving only himself and Gu Wanyu in the room. Gu Wanyu knew some of Chen Luo’s secrets, so he didn’t ask her to leave.

“System, transport these bodies to the bottom of a cliff, letting them fall from a high place. Deduct whatever amount is needed directly from my bank account. Then, erase the evidence of Li Zhong coming to Gu Wanyu’s place and fabricate evidence that he encountered an attack and was kidnapped.”

The follow-up handling, of course, was left to the system.

This was the convenience of the system. As long as Chen Luo paid the price, the system could handle anything for him.

The bodies on the ground disappeared without a trace, and even the bloodstains were cleaned up so thoroughly that even blood tests would reveal nothing.

“Li Zhong’s case has been taken care of, rest assured there will be no evidence of his death. Next, we should figure out how to take control of the Li family.”

Chen Luo embraced Gu Wanyu as they sat down.

“Now there’s nothing standing between us,” Gu Wanyu said with a joyful smile on her face.

With Li Zhong dead, no one could be happier than Gu Wanyu.

“Taking control of the Li family isn’t urgent, I think we should celebrate for now.”

Gu Wanyu got up and fetched two bottles of red wine.

“Celebrating immediately after Li Zhong’s death, don’t you think I’m too wicked?”

“I’m not a good person to begin with; we’re a perfect match.”

Chen Luo picked up the wine Gu Wanyu poured for him, clinked glasses with her, and thought that with Li Zhong dead, they could proceed to deal with Ye Chen, the protagonist.

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