Villain Is Bodyguard of Heroine’s Poisonous Stepmother

Chapter 138: The Deal for a Villains Destiny Aura

Li Zhong was certain that the one behind the previous kidnapping of Gu Wanyu and Li Qiwen was Chen Luo. After demanding a total of twenty billion yuan last time, Li Zhong speculated that Chen Luo was greedy for money and wanted more.

“I can use fifty billion to buy my life.” Li Zhong looked up at Chen Luo: “Do you want to make this deal with me?”

“Fifty billion, that’s no small sum.”

Indeed, Chen Luo was almost tempted by this offer. It was a lot of money. If Chen Luo could get his hands on fifty billion, he could afford to buy the initial Villain’s Destiny Aura he wanted.

“Alright, if you can transfer fifty billion to this account, I might consider sparing you.”

“Don’t play word games with me. I don’t want consideration, I want a guarantee you will let me go.” Li Zhong squinted at Chen Luo. The more dangerous the situation, the calmer he became. “Only if you let me go will you get the money, otherwise, you won’t get the fifty billion.”

Chen Luo couldn’t help but reveal a radiant smile, then lifted his foot and stomped on Li Zhong’s face, forcing a close encounter between his face and the floor.

“Are you trying to bargain with me?”

Although he was smiling, there was no emotion to be seen in Chen Luo’s eyes.

“To tell you the truth, even if you die, the money from your Li family will still end up mine. It’ll just be slightly delayed.”

Chen Luo’s foot on Li Zhong’s face pressed down slightly, making Li Zhong feel as if his head was about to burst.

“I can force him to hand over the money if you want.”

At this moment, Gu Wanyu instructed Ah Wen to bring out some torture devices, some of which Chen Luo had never seen before.

“You have these things here?” Chen Luo was more surprised than he had ever been upon seeing these devices.

“These were specially prepared for Li Zhong.”

The torture devices brought out were specifically prepared for Li Zhong, hoping to give him a proper “enjoyment.”

“If you can’t produce the fifty billion, I can let you experience these devices one by one. I’ve specially researched how to use these devices.”

Gu Wanyu stared emotionlessly at Li Zhong.

“I think you and Zhao Yingxuan would have a lot to talk about.” Chen Luo examined the torture devices, wondering if they could truly intimidate Li Zhong.

“Since I’ve already ruined that part of you, how about I find a few men for you to truly enjoy?” Gu Wanyu’s face was filled with malice.

Li Zhong’s face changed dramatically, realizing some fates might be worse than death. They intended to violate him, a fate he considered worse than death itself.

“Fifty billion, even if I don’t spare you, I can at least spare you from these tortures. You’re making a huge profit,” said Chen Luo as he stepped off Li Zhong.

“This clamp is specifically for pulling out nails, right? Want to give it a try?”

Picking up a pair of pliers, Chen Luo fiddled with it in front of Li Zhong.

“Fine, the money is yours.” Li Zhong’s face was grave, fearing the torture ahead.

“Fifty billion is not a small amount, I can give you half an hour.”

“Half an hour isn’t enough,” Li Zhong spoke up.

His agreement, apart from avoiding the torment from Chen Luo and Gu Wanyu, the detestable pair, was also to buy time.

“I’ll only give you half an hour. If that’s not enough, then it must be your fate to endure this calamity.”

Chen Luo placed the pliers on one of Li Zhong’s fingernails. Under Li Zhong’s trembling gaze, he suddenly exerted force, followed by a scream like that of a slaughtered pig. Fortunately, the soundproofing here was effective, otherwise, people hundreds of meters away could hear Li Zhong’s screams.

“I believe you absolutely wouldn’t want to experience this a second time.”

Chen Luo casually threw the blood-stained pliers aside.

He was far from a good person now. He was well-practiced in the art of tormenting others, a skill honed on Wang Fei, making it second nature to him now.

As time ticked away, Li Zhong sent one message after another. He wanted to make a call, but Chen Luo wouldn’t allow it. Even the messages he sent were closely monitored by Gu Wanyu.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed. In the final second, the fifty billion was transferred to the overseas account Chen Luo provided.

“A wise man submits to fate.” Chen Luo looked at Li Zhong approvingly.

“System, I want to trade for the Beginner’s Destiny Villain Aura.”

【Ding, trade successful!】


Chen Luo didn’t feel any change at all. Had he really traded for the Beginner’s Destiny Villain Aura?

Spending a hundred billion and not even a slight stir, with no noticeable change within himself, Chen Luo found himself in doubt.

【Please don’t doubt, host. The halo’s effect is subtle and gradual, it’s normal not to feel it immediately】

It was akin to gaining a passive skill. At this moment, Chen Luo’s luck had improved, increasing the chances of encountering opportunities. The negative effects brought by his antagonist status were directly cleared away.

Moreover, it could weaken some effects of the beginner hero’s halo, similarly possessing the ability to turn danger into safety. Of course, this halo was mainly targeted at heroes.

“Thank you, Li Zhong. Otherwise, I would have had to wait a bit longer. To thank you, I won’t torment you anymore.”

Chen Luo looked down at Li Zhong.

“Did you never consider sparing me? What benefit does killing me bring you? You can’t hide my death, the Li family will surely find out.”

Li Zhong tried to stay rational.

“What benefit? Killing you brings great benefits. How can I control the Li family with you alive?” Chen Luo chuckled coldly.

Even if Li Zhong made all the arguments in the world, Chen Luo wouldn’t spare him.

“Such ambition you have, aiming to control the Li family.”

It was unclear if Li Zhong’s face bore mockery upon hearing Chen Luo’s ambition, but after a sneer, his expression froze as he glanced at Gu Wanyu next to Chen Luo and then thought of a certain traitor, realizing Chen Luo might indeed be able to accomplish that.

As long as he died, who would the people of the Li family listen to? Who would the Li family fall into the hands of?

Li Qiwen was the rightful heir, and even if others in the Li family have ambitions, they would be taken care of by Chen Luo. As long as Chen Luo controlled Li Qiwen , it was as if he had the Li family under his control.

After giving it some thought, it seemed Chen Luo really could control the Li family.

“I want to know, why would Li Qiwen obey you?” Li Zhong took a deep breath and asked them.

“Of course, because he fears death as much as you do. Aren’t you also afraid of dying?”

To be honest, Li Zhong wasn’t much better than Li Qiwen. He too feared death, otherwise, he wouldn’t have proposed a deal with Chen Luo, giving away fifty billion for nothing.

Without the fifty billion freely given by Li Zhong, Chen Luo would have had to wait longer to trade for the Beginner’s Destiny Villain Aura.

“Greedy for life and afraid of death.”

Li Zhong fell silent. He indeed feared death and didn’t wish to die. Who would choose death when they could live? Especially someone like him, with power and wealth, he cherished his life even more, much like how ancient emperors sought immortality, wishing for a long and healthy life.

However, Li Zhong also knew that Chen Luo wouldn’t spare him. After understanding Chen Luo’s ambitions, Li Zhong knew that Chen Luo would definitely not let him go. Only with his death could Chen Luo’s plan proceed smoothly. If he were alive, would he allow the Li family to fall into the hands of others?

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