Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 39

Chapter 39: Decisive Battle

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Among the inferior martial arts of several grades in Tang Yi, the power of relying on landslides is undoubtedly the most powerful. ap

When Tang Yi used this skill to fall from the sky, the resulting power was unparalleled.

At this moment, he was like a high mountain, with a weight of ten thousand pounds, and fell abruptly, overwhelming.

The powerful blasting sound in the air all showed a dangerous signal.

Seeing Tang Yi falling backwards from the tree, Zhang Yuxi’s eyes were startled, and he couldn’t care about any face, and retreated with a very quick degree.

Of course, with the degree of Zhang Yuxi’s nine-star warrior, as long as he has long noticed, it is not a problem to retreat, but another gray-robed warrior is miserable. He is only a two-star warrior. There is no Zhang Yuxi’s ability to predict danger.

By the time the gray-robed warrior Tang Yi was unstoppable, it was too late.


Tang Yi’s elbow was heavily bombarded towards the ground, powerful air waves were tumbling, sand and rocks were flying, power exploded, and the ground was instantly smashed into a big pit.

The gray-robed warrior who failed to escape from the impact area of the aftermath of the landslide was lifted by the fierce air waves. The powerful shock wave broke his internal organs and his body and flesh were also hit by the flying sand and turbulence In the middle, the flesh and blood are blurred.


The body fell like a sandbag a few meters away, and suddenly lost his breath. ap;

Zhang Yuxi, who had escaped Tang Yi’s blow, was about to crack her teeth, her eyes widened, and she was a little unbelievable.

“How is it possible, how could he be so powerful, what kind of martial arts is this! Why is the power so powerful!” Zhang Yuxi couldn’t believe it, looking at Tang Yi’s eyes finally brought some terror.

It is also a war division, and its rank is still lower than his own. The power of the explosion is several times higher than his own, which makes Zhang Yuxi very uncomfortable.

In fact, the battle did not start long, nor did it last long. Except for Li Kuang, who had lost his fighting power, Zhang Yuxi was the only one left. Others were killed by Tang Yi.

The Jiucheng Mercenary Corps and others who watched from a distance, each opened their mouths, were shocked by Tang Yi’s strength and could not speak.

Unexpectedly, only the aftermath of a martial art can shock people. If it is hit by that martial art, how miserable will it end?

Liu Tian’s beautiful eyes also stared at Tang Yi, not knowing what she was thinking. From time to time, a charming arc would be drawn at the corner of her mouth, showing a smile.

“You’re left!” Tang Yi withdrew his fists, patted the dust on it, and smiled as he watched Zhang Yuxi.

“What about me? You can’t kill me!” Zhang Yuxi said quietly.

He knew that this time they hunted, they thought it was planted, but did not expect that the original smooth hunting, even encountered Tang Yi such a star killer. .

However, Zhang Yuxi believes that Tang Yi cannot kill him even if he is stronger.

After all, Zhang Yuxi is a nine-star warrior anyway, and his strength is above Tang Yi.

Moreover, he also has a hole card that has not yet been used.

“Really? Then let’s make a bet.” Tang Yi smiled slightly, his face showing great confidence.

“What bet?” Zhang Yuxi asked.

“Just bet I can kill you!” Tang Yi said hey.

As he said, his figure moved quickly.

The body turned into four figures, looming, and quickly approached Zhang Yuxi.

“Only you? Undeniably, you are really strong, and you are so young, you should be the core disciple of a certain family, otherwise you will not have such strong strength and such powerful martial skills. However, want to kill Me, you are still too tender.”

Zhang Yuxi said coldly, the long sword in his hand shook a sword flower, pinched the sword tightly, and pointed at Tang Yi.

“I also let you see what you know, what we have in the Wolf Sky Mercenary Corps! No matter who you are, no matter what family you are, has angered our Wolf Sky Mercenary Corps, there is only one way to die!”

“The world is astonishing as one sword!”


After Zhang Yuxi shouted out these words, there was a long chant on his long sword, as if he were alive.

I don’t know if it’s dazzling. Zhang Yuxi’s sword suddenly split into two and became two, then split into four and became four.

Zhang Yuxi murmured something in his mouth. Two fingers mentioned it, and four long swords floated into the air.

After the long sword ‘buzzed’ twice, as Zhang Yuxi’s hands merged, the four swords reunited.

However, this refused long sword was not the original one, but became long and wide, and became a giant sword.

This giant sword is about five meters long and half a meter wide. After successful fusion, it floats in the air.

The great sword looks extremely scary, and the sharp air from above can be felt from afar. It seems that no matter what, under this great sword, it must be cut into two sections.

Tang Yi, who was very close, was startled when he saw the giant sword, but he didn’t stop his figure, and he went forward bravely.

How can there be no difficulty on the way to the strong, and if you retreat when you encounter difficulties, how can you become a strong?

Therefore, his momentum remained unchanged and he kept moving forward.

However, he was not reckless. When he saw this terrifying giant sword, he knew that it must be a powerful killer tool used by Zhang Yuxi. If he didn’t prepare, he would move forward without hesitation.

Since you can’t retreat, what skills should you use to resist?

Tang Yi thought slightly.

Regardless of whether it is ‘by the landslide’ or ‘star palm’ or ‘blade of the wind’, Tang Yi has no idea in the face of this giant sword.

Although these ground-level martial arts are very strong, the giant sword is also quite impressive. Perhaps, it is also a powerful ground-level martial art, so Tang Yi cannot take risks.

“That’s it!”

After thinking for a while, Tang Yi finally decided to use the finishing technique. Although the waste is a little waste, but after all insurance.

Where there is life, there is hope.

Just waste 1o of God of War, and earn it later!

Can you kill the strong enemy in front of you, are you afraid that there will be no God of War?

“Since I made this bet with you, I must win this bet!”

Tang Yi’s fists tightened tightly~www.ltnovel.com~ His gaze was firm, and then, his five fingers were clenched, and he jumped into the air and jumped out.

This is a prelude to the use of finishing moves and must leap into the air.

“Crack the mountain!”


Jumping to a height of three meters, Tang Yi’s hand hit the ground heavily.

At the same time, Zhang Yuxi squeezed a handprint quickly with both hands, and then pointed Tang Yi slightly with one hand.

The giant sword in the air seemed to get some kind of instruction. The sword was raised high, and then a fierce slash. The five-meter-long giant sword was pressed towards Tang Yi like a mountain.

Then, another white sword-shaped air wave rolled out from the sword body, just like the long sword was put into the pot to cook, the steam coming out was very terrifying!

The cards of both sides are shot at the same time.

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