Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 38

Chapter 38: 1 Dozen 3

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“Blade Blade!”

When the hand flicked, the white wind blade was irritated by Tang Yi.卍.卍卍

The half-moon-shaped wind blade is silent, only a bright white light.

“Be careful!” Zhang Yuxi made a reminder.

It’s a pity to be late.

The wind blade is extremely fast, just a flash in the eyes of everyone, and it has reached Zhang Yuxi and others. Just listening to ‘ah’, a gray-robed warrior was hit by the wind blade.


A huge human head flew up, the incision was neat, and the headless body fell after a few seconds.

A war division with more than two stars died without warning under Tang Yi’s wind blade!

“Damn it!” Zhang Yuxi raised her eyebrows and glanced at the body of the headless gray-robed warrior, and then turned her eyes back.

He knew that Tang Yi was very powerful, but he didn’t expect such a powerful method. A two-star war division, died like this.

Whether it is Tang Yi’s palm, or the white light just now, it is extremely powerful and extremely powerful!

Zhang Yuxi did not dare to carelessly, who knows whether Tang Yi has any more strange and powerful means.

The only one left was a gray-robed warrior and Li Kuang, who were even more afraid of Tang Yi in their hearts. However, they did not dare to defy Zhang Yuxi’s order and could only attack Tang Yi with their scalp.

Attacking Tang Yi may die, but the escape will be even worse. Even if it is a lucky escape, the Wolf Sky Mercenary Corps will chase you down and even kill your Nine Clan, so they would rather die in the hands of Tang Yi And did not dare to defy Zhang Yuxi’s order. .

After the death of a gray-robed warrior, Zhang Yuxi left a total of three people.

Three hits and one, still better than Tang Yi.

However, when facing the five people, Tang Yi did not have any fear, let alone three people now?

Having just killed Hongya and the grey-robed warrior, he has gained another 200,000 experience, and his rank has been promoted again, reaching the level of an eight-star war division.

It can be said that the Vietnam War is getting stronger.

Killing people is really faster than killing monsters, but Tang Yi doesn’t dare to kill them, otherwise this is no different from the devil.

And these people in front of them, **** it!

Therefore, he did not have any burdens.

With respect to Zhang Yuxi of the Nine Star Warrior Division, the strength of the Tangyi Eight Star Warrior Division combined with the suppression of exercises, martial arts, and physical suppression has already steadily beat Zhang Yuxi.

“Okay, then I’ll play with you!” Tang Yi smiled slightly, his figure finally moved, running the phantom step, and quickly rushed to Zhang Yuxi and others.

“Star palm!”

Tang Yi hit it with one palm, it was no different from the previous palm, but…

Power is even better!

When Hongya was killed, he was only the strength of the Seven Star Warrior Division, but now, he has been promoted to the Eight Star Warrior Division. ap

The power of the star palm must be at least doubled!

Seeing Tang Yi take the initiative to attack, Zhang Yuxi and others hurriedly grasped the weapon in their hands and greeted them.

“Frightening sword!”

“Mad Dagger Chaos!”

“Bai Hong Irrigates the Sun!”

The three also played their martial arts and attacked Tang Yi.


The two sides were not in contact, and two meters away, but the two powerful forces had collided together and burst into a fierce wave.

The terrifying energy spattered, strong winds roared, and the nine-city mercenary regiment watching the battle was blown by the strong winds, causing a sore face and unopened eyes.

They quickly backed away, avoiding the aftermath of this energy vortex.


Just two seconds later, the grey robe warrior and Li Kuang flew out one after another, and Zhang Yuxi was also fighting, taking three steps back.

The three joined forces to fight against Tang Yi. Under Tang Yi’s powerful palm, he lost a little.

However, the three did not suffer any harm. The Grey Robes and Li Kuang were just swayed by the powerful air waves, and there was no big problem.


Seeing this scene, the people of the Ninetowns Mercenary Corps have opened their mouths in surprise.

I didn’t expect Tang Yi to be so powerful. One person fought hard for the three warlords, and even flew them two, and one person retreated three steps. This is unbelievable!

The war continues.

Grey robe warrior and Li Kuang did not suffer much after being shocked. They stood up and returned to the battlefield to stand together with Zhang Yuxi. The three attacked Tang Yi again.

The weapons on their hands were dazzled by them, and they were airtight. If they were ordinary people, under such a powerful attack and blockade, they might have been killed by chaos swords.

However, will Tang Yi, who possesses the Phantom Step, become dead under the chaos sword?

of course not!

His figure moved quickly, and every time a sword attacked, or a slash came, he could lean slightly and hid.

Moreover, the phantom step formed three phantoms, making it impossible to tell which one is true. Most of the attacks by Zhang Yuxi and the three attacked on the phantom, and they had no effect.

“Basic boxing, break!”

While Li Kuang was not prepared, Tang Yi threw a punch and hit him.

Li Kuang was hit with a punch, dizzy after landing, and he used too much force to lure the people of the Jiucheng mercenary regiment. At this time, he was exhausted. Fighting power.

“The wind of a frightening sword is extremely thorny!”

With the help of Tang Yi’s attack on Li Kuang’s neutral gear, Zhang Yuxi’s long sword turned and thrust straight out.

A rapid flow formed on the sword of his long sword, as if the wind was circling with joy and excitement on the sword.


Several leaves that fell from the air were close to the body of Zhang Yuxi’s long sword, which was instantly crushed by the rapids on the sword and turned into countless fine powders.

Tang Yi’s gaze lingered, and he did not dare to look down upon the power of this sword. In case he was stabbed by a sword, his body might be shattered like a leaf.

The body retreated slightly, and then twisted, it fell a few meters away, and withdrew from the attack range of Zhang Yuxi.


“Frightened sword cut in half moon!”

Zhang Yuxi’s sword fell empty, and did not stop, the sword quickly caught up with Tang Yi, changed to piercing, and hacked to Tang Yi.

The long sword crossed the sky, UU reading www.uukanshu.com for a month and a half, and the bright light on the sword was very dazzling.

Another powerful sword hit!


Seeing the attack coming one after another, Tang Yi was startled, his figure moved again, his legs struggled down, and he jumped back by the reaction force. After a hurry.

In a blink of an eye, he leaned on a large tree a few meters high behind him, with his legs sandwiched between them, looking down on Zhang Yuxi.

Being persecuted again and again and again and again, everyone will be angry, and Tang is angry now.

“Come and go, it’s impolite! Hum!”

“Rely on the landslide!”

Tang Yi snorted and jumped down directly on the big tree, elbows down, using powerful terrestrial martial arts, relying on the landslide!

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